So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 185 Your username and password do not match, please check if you have entered a mistake...Su

Chapter 185 Your username and password do not match, please check if you have entered a mistake...Successful login!
"I don't know what's going on with Xiaoli, whether the competition in the group arena is going well, have you encountered any difficult disciples..."

The copper snake held its head high, and behind it were the disciples of the Tianmen and the skeletons lined up neatly. The gray mist filled the air and the wind howled.

Hei Yang sat on the head of the copper snake, with his legs hanging down and shaking naturally, while searching Lu Jiu's soul memory, he muttered in a low voice.

"I don't know if she has encountered any strong enemies, but if I send her a message now, I am afraid of disturbing her.

Well, I don't know if Xiaoli has been bullied. Although she doesn't like to be hurt, what if she meets a very bad person...

After all, society is different from my family, not everyone can treat her as tenderly as her family, Heiyang, alas..."


The copper snake spat out the letter, echoing Hei Yang, yes yes yes, what the master said was right.

"But then again..."

Heiyang turned around and looked down with dead fish eyes: "Why are the dead souls and demons standing behind me, and why is this gray mist floating around me all the time? What a special effect!
Really, this kind of environment makes me look like a big villain, or the kind of villain that the protagonist can only brush up after reaching a certain level, am I not a good person..."

"Well, well, I probably understand..."

He casually threw Lu Jiu's soul body into the mouth of the copper snake and put it away, Heiyang stroked his chin and thought about Lu Jiu's impression of Duanmu Qiaofeng and Ding Bu.

"Duanmu Qiaofeng, she looks kind and amiable, but she is actually selfish, with high eyes and low hands, eh..."

Ding Bu, seems to be quite a city man, moody, in fact, he is a psychopath, often having brain twitches and being stupid...

Wait, Lu Jiu's impression of the two of them is definitely subjective, tsk tsk, I can't believe it. "

Heiyang shook his head, counting behind him.

There are four Tianmen disciples: four foundation-builders, twenty-one qi-refinement-periods, and ten qi-refinement-periods in the opponent's lair, all of whom are controlled by Heiyang's inner demons and loyal to Heiyang.

The dead include: seven hundred and twenty-four skeletons, desperately waiting for the black sun to take them back to the sun.

While paying for Heiyang without asking for anything in return, until the moment it burns out, it will be turned into energy to supply Heiyang.

On the other side, Guikulanghao didn't listen to people's words. It was finally assembled for them, and they had to be taken out for a walk before they were willing to work.

It is clear at a glance which is a relative and which is an enemy.

It's a pity that Hu Tiantu and Hu Tianen's two base-building stage armored trumpets were destroyed by Lu Jiu, so they can only retreat to the environment regrettably, and can't continue to shine.

Duanmu Qiaofeng would be very sad if she knew that her two queen poison chefs would never come back!
Thinking of this, Hei Yang couldn't help laughing out loud.


"Junior Sister, Junior Sister, the latest news!"

Ding Bu slammed the door open and said loudly: "There is a problem with the ruins. Now the Juanlang Sect and the Five Elements Sect will continue to send more people. It is certain that they will send reinforcement airships in about a month.

When the time comes, we just need to take advantage of the airship to leave the Five Elements Sect and set up an ambush along the way..."

"Yawn... What is it? It's a mess. You are a Jindan stage, and you don't do business all day long, so you just come back and work as a newspaper boy for me, right..."

Duanmu Qiaofeng yawned and walked out of the room, the dark circles under her eyes were particularly obvious, which shocked Ding Bu: "Junior Sister...what are you doing, you are so tired?"

"Phew, who knows, maybe I've reached the age of growing my body again."

Duanmu Qiaofeng covered her mouth, and said in an indistinct voice: "Yawn, uh, that's right, lack of nutrition, need to replenish luck... Has that kid Lu Jiu come back yet?"

"Uh... no!"

Dazed for a moment, Ding Bu shook his head and said, "Oh, don't worry about the old road, let me tell you, as long as we succeed in this attack, we can..."

"I haven't come back yet, it's a pity..."

Duanmu Qiaofeng brushed past Ding Bu indifferently, and yawned, "I'll go to the prison to find some luck, and we'll talk about everything else later..."

"Didn't you say that you can't look down on those low-quality luck who have been exploited once?"

"One moment and another, isn't this the time to be poor..."

"Ah this?"

Seeing Duanmu Qiaofeng brushing past him, Ding Bu was full of question marks, what happened recently, a junior who doesn't work hard can just leave it there to fish, but this junior sister who is usually in good spirits is yawning all over the place lazy dog?

Ding Bu frowned, and walked into the room. If he didn't understand, then he didn't think about it: "If you don't cooperate with me, if you don't cooperate, then I will swallow the luck of that boat of disciples alone... um ?”

Before he finished speaking, Ding Bu suddenly turned his head to look at the disciples in the Qi refining period, frowned and said, "What are you doing here?"

"Report to the elder, the disciple saw the elder frowning, and felt that there must be something that the disciple needs to do!"

The Tianmen disciple said with a serious expression: "I also ask the elders to give instructions!"

"Ah, your disciple is quite self-conscious..."

Ding Bu was stunned for a moment, and waved away: "But your cultivation base is too low, go and go, don't bother me."


The disciple nodded and left, his eyes flickering.

"I have to say, even Tianmen is good at inquiring about news."

Hei Yang shook his head: "But you are my solo task, so you are not allowed to go to the next studio.

If Xiaoli finds out that I let you go, wouldn't I be ashamed..."

Calm down, Heiyang closed his eyes again.

In front of the prisoner's gate, two disciples shouted loudly, "Hello, Elder!"

"Ah, fine."

Duanmu Qiaofeng waved her hand, opened the door and entered the house, opened a certain floor, and a series of steps leading to the underground were exposed, and she staggered down.

In a dark and damp prison, a disheveled monk was imprisoned, and several disciples who had just got up from the Qi Refining Period ran into Duanmu Qiaofeng head-on, pretending to be patrolling around.

"Hello elder!"

"Ah, good good..."

Duanmu Qiaofeng shook his head, then pointed to a prison that looked pleasing to the eye: "It's him, give me his specific information."


A Qi refining period disciple nodded and handed over a note corresponding to the prison number.

"Well, Huo Dejiu, what a name!"

Duanmu Qiaofeng coughed twice, and pinched his hands to make a decision: "Seize the luck!"

"Cough cough..."

Huo Dejiu opened his eyes with difficulty, and saw that the captor was casting a spell on him again, and couldn't help cursing: "Evil cultivator, you will die!"

"Heh, he has a backbone, this luck tastes okay..."

Duanmu Qiaofeng shook her head: "It's just that the amount is a bit small, not enough...

Say, you guys, did you steal it! "

"It's wrong, elder!"

"Yeah, without your permission, how dare we move."

"Oh, sorry you don't dare!"

Duanmu Qiaofeng sneered, got up and walked to another prison, and at the same time, a disciple handed over the other party's specific information with a wink: "Well, Li Feng, I have an impression that the Five Elements School is right, hehe, when I arrested you I also used some tricks, but I won because of your luck of the Five Elements Sect!"

Li Feng's luck was plundered again, and the remaining part was hanging on the opponent's life. Duanmu Qiaofeng continued to absorb them one by one.

"Li Gou, it's a pity, you have the same surname as that of the Five Elements Sect, but you don't have the same fate. You are a disciple of the Immortal Sect, you are just a casual cultivator, but now you are fine, and you are all prisoners, hehe..."

"Lu Dou Niu, good name, hand over your luck..."


"Heiyang, uh..."

Looking at the note in his hand, Duanmu Qiaofeng scratched his head in a daze: "Is this person called by that name? I remember it seems to be, what is his name...?"

"Oh, don't worry, elder, it's absolutely right!"

"Well, he's always had that name!"

"Oh, maybe I remember wrong..."

Duanmu Qiaofeng grinned, looked at the comatose monk in the prison, and said cheerfully: "Can you escape the catastrophe if you are unconscious? It's a good idea! Good luck, Heiyang!"

"Oh hoo."

On the copper snake, Hei Yang suddenly opened his eyes: "Come on!"

(End of this chapter)

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