So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 206 There are 4 boys on the TV walking on the railway tracks... I should hurry up too.

Chapter 206 There are four boys on the TV walking on the railway tracks... I should hurry up too.

"Elder, run! Keep running!"

Hong Li showed dead fish eyes, and looked at Elder Huo with a smirk on his face: "Don't do anything wrong, don't be afraid of Li knocking on the door, what else do you have to say?"

"Ah this..."

The corner of Elder Huo's mouth twitched: "Xiao Li, why did you catch up to Elder me so quickly, isn't that right?"

In Elder Huo's imagination, even if Hongli was able to find him, he would have to deal with Hongli for hundreds of rounds, fighting all kinds of wits and courage.

In the end, he saw Hongli's perseverance, repeated defeats and repeated battles, and then he sighed and made a decision that violated the ancestors of the Five Elements Sect, showing the image of a conflicted but kind-hearted elder...

As a result, as soon as his front foot stepped out of the alchemy room, his back foot was forced into a corner. Think about it carefully...

Sure enough, the two elders of pills betrayed themselves!hateful! (fog)
"Don't think about it, it must be the result of my persistence and hard work this month."

Hongli said confidently, she just detected the target's position without confusion first, then quickly approached the target with a ghost, and finally jumped behind the target with an instant kill!
Small revealing is not considered hanging, and small opening is not considered open! (?)
"Ah this..."

Elder Huo's eyelids were twitching, and he looked at Hongli helplessly: "Well, the elder didn't hide it from you on purpose... well, the elder did it on purpose, but the elder also has his own reasons!"

"Ah, I understand I understand."

Hongli spread her hands, shook her head and sighed: "It's nothing more than: ah, it's too dangerous, the situation there is very complicated, you will have a better future in the future, there is no need to take this risk, I believe that the fighting elders will be able to solve it as soon as possible Question blah blah..."


Elder Huo hesitated to speak: "Well, you've said it all, what else do you want me to say?"

"Ah, I just wanted to ask..."

Hongli frowned and asked: "How can I go to the Northwest Sea alone if I don't have the Golden Core Stage and can't fly?"

"Uh, alone?"

Elder Huo was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened: "You have already missed it, and you still want to catch up?!"

"Hmm, didn't it mean that the two elders have been gone for nearly a month?"

Hong Li said calmly: "If the problem can be solved, it can be solved within a few days at most, if it can't be solved, it can't be solved no matter how long it takes.

Obviously, the elders and the others have encountered some troubles, right? "


Elder Huo said with an unnatural expression: "You also said that even the elders will be in trouble, where do you go..."

"If something goes wrong, I'll run away."

Hongli was straightforward: "If I don't go for a while, I will always worry about it."

"only you?"

Elder Huo frowned and asked, "That child, Xiao Huo..."

"Under the mountain, Heiyang is taking care of her."


Elder Huo looked puzzled: "Your little boyfriend doesn't worry about where you go? Aren't you afraid that you will be in danger?"

Elder Huo didn't forget that the boy named Hei Yang was able to snatch people from the Shuan Tianmen, and he was probably another genius.

Are good people attracted to each other?

Elder Huo secretly sighed in his heart.

"It's because I'm afraid that I'll be in danger, that's why I stay here."

Hongli waved her hand, and said casually: "But I won't talk about the specific reasons, anyway, just tell me, how should I get there?"

"Is it really decided?"

Elder Huo looked at Hong Li seriously: "If you want to go home with your boyfriend and get married, Elder, I won't stop you any longer.

Think about it seriously, even if you need to wait for some time, so what, as long as you are still alive and healthy, you can always come together, you are still young, you can afford to wait!
But if something happens to you, what do you ask them to do?At that time, all expectations and future will be turned into nothingness. "

Sighing, Elder Huo looked at Hong Li sincerely: "The experience of the older generation is that haste makes waste. The more impatient, the more likely things will go wrong."

"Cut the mess with a sharp knife."

Hongli's expression remained calm: "The older generation is also human, if you think about it carefully, you can find the opposite meaning of those words...

If you succeed, everyone will praise you for sticking to your original intention and not being shaken by the outside world.

If you fail, everyone will complain that you don’t listen to the old man’s words. The loss is in front of you, and you have been told why you can’t do it, but if you don’t listen to it, it’s human-made. "

"Forget it, you've already talked about it."

Elder Huo waved his hand, but still let go helplessly: "Do you still remember the airship that brought you to the sect?"


Hongli showed a somewhat surprised expression: "You mean..."

"That airship can support a long distance, and it can carry a lot of people."

Elder Huo sighed: "Before the sect closed the mountain, it has always played a big role.

In the original plan, your group of reinforcements will also take the airship to the ruins, and it is also very durable, stable and without bumps, fool-like operation, spiritual traction and automatic pathfinding...

In short, its only disadvantage may be that it consumes a lot of energy, and each flight needs to consume a lot of spirit stones, so in most cases, it is used for large-scale movement of people. "

"However, if you insist, Xiaoli..."

Elder Huo looked at Hong Li and said seriously, "I'll just start it once for you. It has a record of the specific map of the northwest sea area, and you can reach the ruins by riding it."

"Ah this..."

Changing to Hongli this time will not fix it: "Well, elder... Is there such a thing as a small airship, the kind that doesn't feel bad even if it is smashed."


"my words……"

Hongli beeped in a low voice: "If you accidentally break it, you have to pay for it... Maybe it will account for our pension expenses..."

"It's worth it if you come back safely."

Elder Huo sighed: "The airship is a dead thing after all. If it is not repaired or rebuilt, it will be irreparable forever...

Really, I should find a way to keep you here, why did I give you advice on your adventure..."

"Well, I suddenly feel..."

Hong Li smiled: "The Zongmen also feels like home."

"So stay?"

"That's still unnecessary!"


"Boom rumble!!!"

The sound of the airship launching was much bigger than Hongli had imagined. It is estimated that one-third of the entire Five Elements Sect heard the movement in just this moment, which is amazing.


Hong Li turned her head to look aside, and said doubtfully, "Elders..."

Elder Yao led many disciples, and Elder Dan came to the airship with a smile.

"Injured disciples should receive timely assistance."

Elder Yao said with a smile: "I also have arrangements for the Zongmen. I just have a few days to spare, so let's take a stroll on this airship."

"Elder Medicine..."

Hong Li stared blankly at the old man, unable to speak for a moment.

"The elixir is enough."

Elder Dan laughed, opened the outer robe, and hung a dense storage bag: "We are not afraid of the tug-of-war of consumption!"


Hong Li's heart trembled: "Then just give us the storage bag, Elder Dan, what are you doing there?"

Elder Dan: "???"

"just kidding."

Hongli smiled, turned her head to look at the other side, her eyes were slightly red: "And... aunt..."

"Ha! You call me aunt, why don't I go?"

Aunt Hongling smiled and said, "You know, I have been to the ruins and have experience!"


Hongli's eyes were full of emotion: "It's great to have you here."


Hong Ling patted her chest, and said with a confident smile: "How can I say that I am also your elder!"



"Hey! Smelly Hongli! Come back to me!"

Hong Ling gritted her teeth and looked at the airship flying far away in the sky, and couldn't help roaring.

"Please tell me clearly, what do you mean by "Auntie is the best here, so I won't take her with you, is that a human term?" ", Smelly Hongli, come down for me!"

Hong Ling turned her head abruptly, and looked at Li Huohe, her family: "Xiao Li, let's fly up and shoot down the airship to that damn girl!"

Li Huohe: "..."

"Cough, that..."

Elder Huo said with a sneer, "Xiaoling is not going to be..."

"Ahhhhh, I'm so mad! Damn girl! Smelly Hongli!"

"Ahem, calm down, calm down!"


Standing behind the guardrail on the platforms protruding from both sides of the spaceship, Hongli watched the Wuxing Mountain in the distance getting smaller and smaller until it completely disappeared and disappeared into the clouds.

There was a strong wind in the sky, blowing Hongli's long hair flying wildly.

Sighing, Hongli stretched her hands behind her head, and awkwardly tied her long hair into a single ponytail.

Looking up at the blue sky, the clouds seem to be within reach.

Hongli took out her sunglasses and put them on with a calm expression.

[Hongli: Let's go. 】

[Red Glass: [Picture] [Picture] [Picture]]

[Hongli: People are in the sky, it feels okay. 】

[Heiyang sent a video communication request]


"Ah, Xiao Huo, don't be sad, dad will play games with you, okay? Or tell stories? Or take you out to eat delicious food..."

"Woooooo, Xiao Huo is fine, don't worry, Dad, Xiao Huo will be fine after crying for a while."

"Ah this..."

There was a noisy sound from the other end of the video, the camera shook for a while, and Hei Yang appeared on the screen in a hurry.

"You also saw..."

Hei Yang pointed the camera at Xiao Huo who was wiping tears on the bed, and said helplessly, "Your daughter is here crying looking for her mother."

"Did you secretly bully Xiaohuo?"

Hongli snorted softly: "It's because you are still a father!"

"How can I!"

Hei Yang rubbed the center of his brows: "Usually in such a situation, how do you coax this child?"


Hongli tilted her head: "You won't cry if you faint?"

Hei Yang: "???"

"Heh, just kidding, where did Xiao Huo cry when he was with me?"

"Ah yes yes, you are the best."

Heiyang smiled helplessly: "Changed the look? Single ponytail!"

"Oh, my sister is handsome."

Hongli pushed the sunglasses, the circles under her eyes were a little red and said, "What do you think?"

"Huh? A handsome one?"

"Bah! You should say, Hongli! How can I live without you!"

"Ah this..."

"come back earlier."


Hongli raised her head, and the words of Elder Huo appeared in her mind.

"You are still young, haste makes waste, and you can wait a few years at most..."

"Ah, but I don't want to wait anymore, I've been waiting for twelve years..."

Hongli smiled slightly: "Besides, I don't want him to wait any longer, I don't want to be the one who is holding back."

"How come, you don't know how good you are..."

"But when I was young, I was always chasing after him and calling him brother, ha..."

"now what?"

"I'm too embarrassed to shout when I grow up, and I'm only three days older than me. Hmph, what's the air!"

The girl laughed happily: "I want to call him husband in the future! Or, the child's father?"

(End of this chapter)

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