So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 215 The guests who come to the house always have to say several times that they are ready to

Chapter 215 The guests who come to the house always have to say several times that they are ready to leave before they really leave
"Xiaoyun, I really have to leave this time..."

Hongli and Xingyun hugged each other and smiled slightly: "Take care."

"Sister Hongli..."

Xingyun lowered her head and whispered: "I will miss you, and Quack, say goodbye to Auntie Xiaoli."


Gaga looked at Hongli and waved her wings: "Yi... Aunt... Don't..."


Hongli nodded, seeing her aunt smiling at her, pursed her lower lip, and threw herself into the other's arms: "Thank you for taking care of me these days, for taking me through the most difficult days."

"Life is used to live, not to suffer."

Auntie smiled, leaned close to Hongli's ear and whispered: "When you get married, I will definitely go to the wedding, don't make me wait too long."


A blush flashed across Hongli's face, and she whispered: "I will tell you in advance when the time comes."


Hongling smiled, but didn't say much.

"Well, there is also Miss Xiaoqi..."

Hongli separated from her aunt, looked at Hei Xiaoqi, took two steps closer, and asked in a low voice.

"Uncle and aunt asked Heiyang to ask me to ask you, are you and Xiaolong coming back this year for Chinese New Year?
Because the mountain was closed before, their letters have not been sent in. "

"For Chinese New Year..."

Hei Xiaoqi looked at Hongli and was silent for a few seconds. The hesitation on her face gradually became firm. She shook her head and said with a smile: "No, Xiaolong won't be able to go back this year either, so I will stay with him Here it is."


Hong Li furtively took out a token: "I can take you back in an airship, and send you back after the Chinese New Year. It won't be too much trouble."

"Ah this..."

Hei Xiaoqi was stunned for a moment, but she still refused with a smile, showing a bit of helplessness on her face.

"Maybe it's because of my competitive spirit, as an older sister, I always want to set a good example for my younger siblings.

As a result, I fell far behind, and I always felt a little humiliated. "

Hei Xiaoqi stretched out her fist and clenched it tightly: "From today onwards, after you leave, I will directly retreat!
I will not sleep, go shopping, fall in love, or be lazy... I will practice hard, day and night!

That's right!I will work hard to practice, and if I can't set a good example, I won't set a bad example for my younger siblings! "

"Ah, this... that, sister Xiaoqi, come on!"

Hongli sneered a few times, why did this start to mess up, no matter how good Xiaoqi's example is, Mouli will only be good and not imitate the bad...

Well, the representative of the bad role model, name Mou Yang!

"in addition……"

Hongli suddenly thought of something, turned out a storage bag from her body, grabbed Hei Xiaoqi's hand, and put it in her hand: "Spirit stones, medicine pills, although I don't know if you are short of these, Miss Xiaoqi, but this It's the support from my sister!"

"Thank you."

Hei Xiaoqi smiled, did not refuse, waved her hand and watched Hongli turn and leave.

"Hey, Elder Huo~~"

Hong Li strode to Elder Huo Le, with a funny smile on her face: "I still escaped, right? Are you angry? Are you angry?"

Elder Huo Le: "..."

As an elder, you can't swear, and you can't be as knowledgeable as a child...

"Puff haha, sorry for making a joke!"

Hongli couldn't help laughing out loud, and said helplessly, "But you tried your best to prevent me from leaving. It's really too much for you to be in the arena and shake people!"

"Okay, okay, I got it! The elder should apologize too."

Elder Huo Le naturally wouldn't be angry, but was amused by Hong Li's childish temper.

"Well, that's right."

Elder Huo Le patted his head, suddenly thought of something, handed Hong Li a storage bag, and explained under the other party's puzzled eyes.

"There are more than a dozen communication spirit stones in it, and it is a model that has just been perfected, and it will not explode easily again.

It's just that for the sake of stability, each of these spirit stones can only correspond to the corresponding spirit stone. That is to say, if you want to contact us, you need to change the spirit stones one by one.

I have already marked it, and I will give the corresponding spirit stones to your relatives and friends in a while, and the corresponding spirit stones of our elders are also in it! "

"Understood! One last question."

Hongli held out a finger.

"You give me the Zongmen's airship, so what about this year's enrollment expansion?
Could it be that the brothers and sisters are going to solicit customers by riding Li Huo He? "

Elder Huo Le: "..."

"You don't have to worry about that."

Elder Huo Le helped his forehead helplessly: "The Zongmen still has two spare ships, and after we are promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage, the Zongmen will also develop better. There is no need to worry about airships."

"Oh, I understand, I understand."

Hongli suddenly realized: "Oh, yes, the matter of my brother Hong Butian..."

"You are the suzerain, you ask me? You are directly qualified to recruit sect disciples!"


Elder Huo waved his hands, pretending to be disgusted: "Okay, don't be right or wrong.

If you want to leave, hurry up, Elder, I am very busy and waste everyone's time. "

"Hey hey..."

Hongli chuckled, and turned back on the spot: "Okay! Let's go!"


Jin Xiu suddenly jumped out of nowhere, with an embarrassed expression on her face, she waved her hands quickly.

"No, I mean, wait a minute, I'm not here to stop you, it's just..."

Jin Xiu took a deep breath and showed a sincere expression: "That's right, I still owe you a favor and haven't paid it back, is there anything I can do?
As long as I can do it!Just mention it! "

"Damn, don't pay back any favors..."

Hongli was stunned for a moment, showing an indifferent expression, and whispered: "If you want to say that, then there will be many people who owe me favors. Do I still want to repay the favor? Gratitude is a big revenge!"


Hongli pointed at herself, raised her head and said, "I'm the suzerain now, do I need to pay back for saving my elders?"

"But I must return it... don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you!"

Jin Xiu quickly waved her hand to add, hesitated for a moment, and she whispered: "Well, even if you can't repay everything, at least let me do something..."

"For example..."

Jin Xiu's eyes lit up suddenly: "When you get married, I can help you make arrangements in advance, and I can also help prepare things for entertaining guests..."


Hong Li frowned: "You want to come to eat?!"

"Ah, no, I'm not..."

"Ha, I know I know."

Seeing Jin Xiu's nervous appearance, Hong Li felt that the "big revenge" had to be avenged, she smiled slightly, turned her head and walked towards the airship, just like when she was on the sea, she waved her hands with her back.

"I'll let you know the date then..."


With her back turned to everyone, Hongli muttered in a voice only she could hear: "Do you really need to invite many guests?"

In her imagination, when the time comes, six people from the two families will get together, and everyone will have a meal laughing and laughing, and the parents of the two families will come up with one or two representatives to stand up and make a speech.

"Look at me, look at me, let me announce something. Starting today, our two families will become one family!"

"Good! Well said!"


She and Hei Yang sat below and clapped their hands.

Then even if you get married...

How great that is!

Simple and efficient, no need to work hard, and you will not be restrained by your own family...

Hongli doesn't really like the so-called grand wedding scene, does it have to be like that?

Let's talk about it then!

"Take care! Everyone!"

Leaving behind her voice, Hongli walked into the cabin and the cabin door was closed under the watchful eyes of relatives and friends.

"Speaking of which, this thing seems to consume a lot of spirit stones. It's better to fly by yourself when you usually travel, it's more economical...

No, why am I traveling? I can’t just lie at home all day?Well, problem solved! "


The airship flew into the sky, the suzerain's token flicked lightly, the barriers of the sect were separated, and the airship flew out of the Five Elements Sect.

"Although it is a fool's operation, it still needs to be pressed twice!

Well, let me see, this way... okay! "

Hongli turned her head and looked down, the figure was already covered by the building, feeling a little sad in her heart.

Supernatural powers, don't be confused!

Everyone's figures reappeared in front of their eyes, they were still looking up at the direction the airship was leaving, they couldn't help but smile, and they never gave up.


[Hongli: Are you ready? 】

[Hei Yang: I've been waiting for you for a long time, it's been a while! 】

[Hong Li: Don't bark!Here we go. 】

The corners of Hongli's mouth curled up.

The polite Hongli goes offline, facing the black sun who doesn't need to hide anything, the unqualified...cough cough, the free and easy Hongli is resurrected!
[Hongli: Heiyang, your mother, I'm here! 】

【Black Sun: ... 】

[Hei Yang: You want to say that you are Xiao Huo's mother, right? 】

[Hong Li: No, I mean you, the one who rolls names! 】

【Black Sun: ... 】

[Hei Yang: Want to fight? 】

[Hong Li: Afraid of you? 】

(End of this chapter)

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