So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 230 I have no place to sleep, so I can only be a 5-star good citizen in a 6-color city

Chapter 230 About the matter that if I have no place to sleep, I can only be a six-star good citizen of the five-color city

"Well, after going out for a year, I always feel that my family has changed a lot..."

Hongli and Heiyang walked down the street hand in hand, but some doubts flashed in their eyes, but she always felt that there was something different, but she couldn't tell what the difference was...

Most of the pedestrians on the street are still familiar faces, and the layout of the building has not been altered.

Even passing by a certain alley, the big yellow dog lying on its stomach is still in memory.

Everything is as it was in the past, and memories gradually become fresh.

"So? What's wrong?"

Hongli was thinking seriously.

"There are fewer young people of the same age..."

Heiyang's voice came faintly from her side, making Hongli suddenly realize: "Indeed, I always feel that something is missing..."

In the middle of speaking, Hongli suddenly remained silent.

Most of those peers who disappeared died in the previous weasel incident, and many of them were people they knew or were related to.

A group of sixteen and seventeen children, how much painstaking effort it takes to raise them so big, but in the end, they are gone...

"It's obviously just a weasel in the parallel gas refining period..."

Hongli muttered softly, feeling a little depressed.

"Animals like that can kill so many people."

"We are just lucky, otherwise we would be gone now."

Heiyang glanced at Hongli, and couldn't help but said: "And maybe buy two get two free, and Hei Huihongqiao and those girls..."

"Then shall we avenge them?"

"It should count..."


Hongli nodded, feeling a little comforted.

In fact, if you really want to study it carefully, Hongli Heiyang belongs to the hero of the five-color city, who exposed and eliminated the weasel, so that the other party could not continue to harm the young people in the city...

With a little publicity and packaging, she and Hei Yang will probably be able to debut directly.

Mix up a nickname or something, such as a certain son, a certain fairy, who is sought after by thousands of people and has a reputation far and wide, and then heroes and heroes who have committed crimes from all walks of life in the world come to vote, and they get together one hundred and eight...

Heck, that's what it means anyway.

But Hongli's heart was bright, not to mention that this would make their peaceful life go forever, from other perspectives, it would still cause a lot of trouble.

For example, entering into the calculations of people with ulterior motives, or a bunch of challengers who want to step on them to become famous, and so on.

These troubles from the outside world are second to none. The most frightening thing is what do parents who have lost their children think of them?
Why did you find out so late?

Why is my child dead but you are famous by stepping on his blood?

If she and Hei Yang simply disappeared or simply died, they might still be sung as heroes.

But if they are alive, they are destined not to become so-called heroes...

Shaking her head, Hong Li didn't want to think about so many messy things, she just wanted a happy and stable life, being a lazy girl, blushing, relying on acting like a baby, being happy is enough.

If you take it too seriously, you will be sad...

When Heiyang was a child, she longed to blend into the world, but Hongli was the opposite. She tried to draw a boundary between the world and herself.

It’s good that the troublesome things are there, and the happy things are also there, don’t go to her, and when you interact with people, you will either be sad yourself or make others sad...

She cut off the world, because the world cannot contain her.

The boy around her can tolerate everything about her, so he becomes her world.

After careful investigation, Heiyang's plan to integrate into the world failed, and Hongli's plan to escape from reality also failed... The two losers finally found their own homes.

"Hey! Hey! Resurrected!"

Hei Yang poked Hong Li's face with his index finger: "What are you doing, what are you thinking?"

"Ah? Ah!"

Hongli's eyes became focused again, she patted Heiyang's paw aside, and curled her lips: "Can't you be distracted?"

Heiyang looked into Hongli's eyes, who blinked: "Huh?"


Heiyang laughed and said, "Don't you always remember the past like an old man, Hongli?"

"Tsk, tsk."

Hongli turned her head away unhappily, and muttered in a low voice: "Who recalled the past, as if you know me better..."

She would like to add to what she said just now, there is a guy who knows everything about you and can see through what you are thinking at a glance, sometimes it is really annoying!
"Remember what we came out for?"

Heiyang asked a question.


Hong Li curled her lips: "It's not us who came out, but we were kicked out..."

"Bold Hongli, dare to tear down my platform!"

Heiyang snorted softly: "Anyway, since we are not allowed to stay at home, we should find another place to sleep."

"So we're back at the Chapter 1 location?"

Hongli turned her head to look at the restaurant in front of her, raised her brows, "I have to say, is this restaurant much newer?"

"Who knows?"

Hei Yang waved his hand: "Go in and have a look?"


The layout of the restaurant did not change much from before. The two of them habitually went up to the second floor, walked to the window seat, and then...


Heiyang and Hongli looked at the places where they were used to sitting with question marks. The table was still the same table, and the stool was still the same stool, but why is the side surrounded by railings!

"This, what is it?"

Heiyang scratched his head: "Is it because someone fell from the window on the second floor when we were away, so safety arrangements were made?"

"Hey, Hei Yang, look!"

Hongli tugged at Heiyang's sleeve, pulled him back two steps, and saw clearly the wooden sign hanging on the wall next to the window.

[Famous attractions in Five Colors City, Demon Slaying Tower! 】

[Youth and girl serve chicken soup, and the evildoer shows up in his original form! 】

[Opening hours for visits: when the restaurant is open. 】

[Only five people are allowed to visit and pay homage at a time, and the visit is free. 】

[Resident business: touch the table for ten taels of silver, touch the stool for five taels of silver, please consciously keep your palms clean. 】

[Special business: pay fifty taels of gold, one person can be allowed to sit in the seat for five minutes, renewal fees add money, and additional people add money. 】

[Those who weigh more than [-] catties will be counted separately, no crossed legs, no lying on the table, no...]

Hongli: "..."

Hei Yang: "..."

"Eh? Two guest officers, don't get too close to the Demon Slaying Tower!"

A figure rushed over: "This is a special scenic spot, you want to apply for... huh?"

Before the visitor could finish his sentence, after seeing Heiyang Hongli's appearance clearly, he froze in place for an instant: "Ah, ah, ah?"

Hei Yang: "Hehe."

Hongli: "Hehe."

"This little guy looks familiar!"

Heiyang showed dead fish eyes.

"That's right, the first line in this book was said by someone else!"

Hongli showed dead fish eyes.


The little brother took a deep breath, he was not sure just now, but seeing these two pairs of dead fish eyes...

"Why are you two back..."

The little brother showed a guilty expression, and said with a sneer: "Haha, haha, why didn't you inform everyone, otherwise there must be a big feast to clean up the dust for the young lady!"

"That's not important..."

Heiyang squinted his eyes, and saw the sign sewn on the little brother's clothes: Shopkeeper.

"Good guy, the usurper succeeded, right?"

Hong Li raised her eyebrows: "The shopkeeper failed to fire you, so you killed him instead?"

"Ahaha, this, how can this..."

Boss Rongsheng's second brother laughed repeatedly.

"Well, the old shopkeeper is old, and he was stimulated, so he sold this restaurant to me and went home to enjoy the happiness..."

"Oh roar?"

Hei Yang was surprised and said: "Good guy, you can't judge people by their appearance. It turns out that the little brother is here to experience life. If you buy a restaurant, you can buy a restaurant, bull!"

"It's really awesome!"

Hongli echoed earnestly: "The sum of our pocket money in the past year may not be able to win this restaurant!"

"Hey, you two, don't bully me..."

The little brother smiled wryly: "How can I experience life? The money to buy this restaurant was given by someone else!"

After a pause, the little brother smiled embarrassedly.

"Back when I killed that monstrous evildoer, thanks to the two of you, because I cooperated with you, I was treated as your accomplice... er lackey...

Oh, that's not important, in short, I made a contribution back then, and the City Lord's Mansion rewarded me with a lot of money, so..."

Hongli and Heiyang: "!!!"

"Is there any money left?!"

Heiyang widened his eyes.

"It's bad, it's bad, it's bad, it's bad..."

Hongli shook her head and sighed.

"Ah this..."

The little brother often feels inferior because he can't catch up with the thinking of these two, he was stunned for a while, and he pointed to the seat: "Well, do you still need to eat here?"

"Ah, of course!"

The little brother quickly added: "You two definitely don't need to pay, you can eat as much food as you want! It's all free!"

Hongli: "..."

Hei Yang: "..."

"Forget it, anyway, it can be regarded as poverty alleviation..."

Heiyang sighed, turned his head and walked towards the stairs.

"Don't be unkind for the rich, remember to do more good deeds..."

Hong Li waved her hand, and followed Hei Yang, leaving behind the shopkeeper with a confused face.


"We are the remnants of the old days."

Hong Li sighed again and again: "There is no place to lie down in such a huge city of five colors?"

"No problem!"

Heiyang snorted softly: "Let's go to the next stop!"

"Where is the next stop?"

"Huxin Pavilion."

"good idea!"


Inside the pavilion in the middle of the lake, Hongli Heiyang looked at the two in front of him expressionlessly.

Yao Wangzong's current grand elder, Yao, and the suzerain sit in the same wheelchair as the castellan.


Great Elder Yao Yang looked at the two with some embarrassment: "The scenery here is pleasant, and it is a good place to recuperate..."

"I met two fellow Taoists in the lower stone walk!"

Shi Xing nodded to the two of them, showing respect: "I haven't formally thanked you two for saving your life, and the Great Elder and I are very grateful!"


Hei Yang looked at Shi Xing's broken limbs, frowned and said, "You guys can't heal this injury? Do you want me to help?"

"Thank you fellow daoist for your concern. I have already taken the healing elixir, and I just need to wait for my recovery."

Shi Xing explained: "However, I used supernatural powers to detonate my limbs, and the damage was too great. It will take some time to recover. I am really sorry for rushing into the boundary of the two fellow Taoists!"

"Don't, don't, we're not kings of the mountain, the land boundary is okay..."

Hei Yang waved his hands speechlessly: "Forget it, you guys can rest here, we...uh, we are just passing by, passing by."

What else can he say?
People are so miserable, how can he still say: "Go cool off and make room for me to sleep!"

"We've already contacted our brothers and sisters..."

Yao Yang looked at Hongli and explained: "Once the dog died, the monsters it covered up with its supernatural powers were quickly found by fellow Taoists of the Wuliangjian Sect and the Five Elements Sect.

In addition to the tengu, there are two Nascent Soul monsters who broke into our human territory, and they have all been executed now.

Now the sect is counting the number of casualties, and at the same time sorting out the suzerain's notes with the help of the former elder.

When things settle down, they'll come over with the ransom... er, I mean, with the compensation, and then we'll leave on our own. "

"The specific time?"

Hongli looked serious, she was not so easy to fool.

"Maximum deadline?"

"Uh, I'll definitely come before the end of the year!"

After a pause, Yao Yang added: "I guarantee that there will be no less than two spirit stones!"

"It's almost..."

Hong Li sighed, and turned to Shi Xing who was at the side, this guy almost killed her father and Heiyang's father, if it wasn't because he didn't mean it, she would have been chopped up by this person by now...

Now she and Heiyang just want some compensation, which is really interesting enough!

When Hei Yang told about the scene at that time, she was terrified and full of fear.

For this reason, they also sent a special letter to thank Elder Huo Le, if he hadn't reminded him in time...

At the beginning, Hongli went to the sea with a gun to save the elders, and now the elders helped them save their family members.

Cultivation is to keep one's heart unmoved, not to be indifferent and ruthless. Don't the immortals in mythology also pay attention to human feelings and sophistication?

"What should we do now?"

Leaving the Huxin Pavilion, Hongli looked at Heiyang helplessly: "Are you really going to sleep on the street now?"

"Ah, it's not that it's not..."

The corner of Heiyang's mouth twitched, and he suddenly thought of something: "Well, what about our airship? Can't we rest in it?"


Hongli opened her palm and showed the miniature airship in front of Hei Yang: "If you drive an airship in the city, do you want to be an outlaw?"

"Ah this..."

Heiyang's eyes moved upwards, imagining driving an airship and rampaging through the city...



Hongli rolled her eyes: "Speaking is nothing but brains!

Besides, the operation of the airship consumes spirit stones, which is more expensive than any rent, you prodigal man! "

"at this point……"

Hei Yang sighed, and pulled out a folded map from his arms: "Do you still remember what parents told us, let us move out and live in our own new home."


Hongli suddenly realized: "So what about our new home? They promised it!"

Hei Yang: "Uh, I haven't started building yet!"

Hongli: "???"

"Because they don't know where we like to live or what kind of house we want..."

Heiyang unfolded the map, which was exactly the map of Five Colors City, except that green vacant land was marked on it.

High places, flat land, riverside, forest, suburban, city center...

"The five-color family's land, let us pick a random piece."

Heiyang fully unfolded the map on the ground, and pointed to the gray mark: "This is an unused space of someone else's house, but we can also negotiate terms."

"What about the red area?"

Hongli frowned: "Is this a place where people live or use?"

"See for yourself!"

Hei Yang pointed speechlessly: "Your house, my house, the city lord's mansion, someone else's house..."

After a pause, Hei Yang glanced left and right, lowered his voice and said in a low voice, "But Mom and Dad said that if you really like the red land, you can spend money on it..."


Hong Li gasped, "Damn rich!"

Hei Yang nodded: "Indeed, the hateful privileged class!"

"Luckily we are the beneficiaries."



Hongli pointed to the location of her home, and raised her eyebrows: "If I choose my home, will my parents move out to make room for us?"

"I'm dying of filial piety, Miss Hongli."

"I'm just curious."

Hongli rolled her eyes and pointed to a green space with a green sign.

"Look how it looks here, it covers an area of ​​about two acres.

The terrain is high, the view is wide, the stream passes by, the vegetation is dense, and it is far away from the busy city, so it is relatively quiet. "


Heiyang rubbed his chin, frowned and said: "It's good to stay away from the busy city, but it's quite far from our parents' house, so it's inconvenient to visit each other..."

"Please, brother, we are Jindan stage monks, we can fly!"

"Oh ho, it's all right!"


Hongli tilted her head: "When can we move in with our bags?"

"Don't ask me, I have no experience."

Hei Yang spread his hands: "My house is older than my age."

"It's a coincidence, isn't it?"

Hongli said helplessly: "Then what should we do, we have chosen a land without a house, we can't just open our eyes and see the sky full of stars, right?"

"It seems quite romantic!"

"Romantic about your size!"

Hongli frowned: "By the way, the admission team of the Five Elements Sect will be here in less than half a month?"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Heiyang said puzzledly: "Don't tell me you want to follow the past again, we finally came back."

"Hey, who wants to go back!"

Hongli waved her hand: "I'm going to send a message to the elder of the Tulou, asking him to send a few senior brothers from the Tubu to help. In this way, the work of eating can be done, right?"

"good idea!"

Heiyang's eyes lit up: "Smart, Xiaoli!"

"Hey, of course!"

Hongli showed a funny expression: "As the suzerain, it's not too much for the disciples to help me?"

"It's not too much at all!"

Heiyang hugged Hongli and kissed him directly: "I love you so much, Xiaoli!"

"Cough cough..."

Hongli blushed slightly, pretending to be calm: "Well, the credit must be due to the senior brothers Tube, if you want to thank them, thank them."

"Uh...then I love them to death?"


Hongli rolled her eyes: "Don't make me swear!"

"Just kidding, kidding, hehe."

"You said, do you want to find some senior sisters from Kibe?"

"Good idea! Turn that face around, I'll love it again!"



Hongli blushed and pushed Heiyang away, coughing twice: "In this way, there is only one last question left!"

"what is the problem?"

"During these half a month..."

Hong Li asked solemnly, "Where do we live?"

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang's expression froze: "Under the bridge?"

Hongli: "..."

"I think I'd better go back and beg my parents for mercy..."

Hong Li curled her lips: "You can live in the bridge hole by yourself!"

"Wow! Xiaoli, how can you do this!"

Hei Yang's eyes widened: "Do you want to compromise with the evil patriarchal class?
Do you want to lose the fight?Don't you want to maintain your personal dignity? "

"Do you still need to think about this in front of your parents?"

"Uh, also..."

Heiyang froze for a moment, gritted his teeth, and showed a determined expression: "Actually, there is another way!"


Hongli tugged at the collar, and turned to Heiyang: "What way?"

"The way is..."

A gray mist filled the air, enveloping the two of them. On the other side, Hei Yang looked at Hongli.

"That's right! It's just sleeping on the other side, except us, no one can enter without permission!"

Hongli: "..."

"elder brother……"

"What's wrong sister?"

"I beg you to find a place in the sun to sleep!"

Hongli gritted her teeth and said, "Is this any different from sleeping in a mass grave?!"

"Of course there is!"


"The mass graves are still in the Yangjian after all..."

Heiyang made a serious comparison: "Our other side is even more hellish!"

(Grandma Meng shows a gratified smile)
Hongli: "..."

"Hehe, goodbye, I'm going home."

Hong Li slapped Heiyang's gray mist away with a slap, and led Heiyang towards the house: "Come with me, go cry with your parents and pretend to be pitiful, as soon as your parents soften their hearts, they will definitely let us in! "

"No, stop!"

Hei Yang struggled ferociously: "Don't take me to see them, I won't bow my head and admit defeat!"

"But I didn't try hard..."

Hongli let go of her hand, and looked at Heiyang speechlessly while "struggling" and moving towards home: "Hey, hey, it's almost done, don't add drama to yourself!"

"Cough cough..."

Heiyang blushed slightly, stood up straight and walked towards home: "Well, if you think about it again, I think I still have to take into account the feelings of my family Xiaoli, so I made this decision that goes against my heart."

"Ah yes yes yes."

"Have you figured out how to apologize?"

"No, I suddenly lost confidence..."

"How about we sneak in?"


(Grandma Meng showed a disappointed expression)
(End of this chapter)

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