So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 255 Even if there is only 3 minutes of enthusiasm, youth has been burned... Probably?

Chapter 255 Even if there is only three minutes of enthusiasm, youth has been burned... Probably?
"Black Sun!"

Hongli rubbed her neck, looked at the shadows in the clouds with bright eyes, and shouted excitedly.

"Here we come! Construction team!"

"Oh hoo!"

Heiyang's spirit was shaken, and he stepped over to Hongli's side.

Under Hei Huihongqiao's ignorant gaze, Heiyang Hongli raised her hand and made a gesture of pulling a banner above her head. The aura turned into flames and water, and spelled four large characters in the sky.

【Warm (Fire Red) Welcome (Water Blue)】

"Ah this..."

Hong Qiao Heihui looked up at the banner of intertwined flames and water, and blinked.

Obviously it is a very profound method of using spiritual power, and it is obvious that the blending of water and fire is beautiful and spectacular...

For the two little girls who failed to enter the Tao, it was even more like a fairy...

But Hong Qiao Heihui, apart from her speechless face, was left with black lines all over her head.

Is this a bit... ahem, I'm used to it, my brothers and sisters have always been like this, so there's nothing to make a fuss about!

Well, yes, just a small scene!


Time passed by every minute and every second, under Heiyang Hongli's nervous and expectant gaze, a cheer suddenly came from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a small blue head quickly grew from a black spot, approaching the four people on the ground.

"Oh ho ho ho ho!"

Xingyun directly hugged the terrified Quack, laughed and jumped off the airship, waving as he fell.

"Sister Hongli! Brother Heiyang! I miss you all!"


Xingyun's cheers were mixed with cries for help, and they fell from the sky.

Hei Hui: "!!!"

Red Joe: "!!!"

Hei Hui: "What is this person doing? He will fall to his death!"

Hong Qiao: "Wait, wait a minute, why try to save, save..."

The two little girls panicked and lost their minds.

Hei Yang: "..."

Hongli: "..."

Hong Li: "Ha, I'm willing to bet and admit defeat. I said she will definitely be the first to jump off, right?"

Hei Yang: "Tch, I'll leave it to you... I know, I know, I just beat my back for an hour, as for plotting against me like that!"

Heiyang Hongli looked calm, and even wanted to yawn a little.

"Hi! Hey!"

Under the gaze of the four people, Xing Yun's body surged with spiritual power, propped up the shield, and an invincible frame rolled and landed smoothly.

"Sister Hongli!!!"

Xingyun rushed towards Hongli with a "shua", hugged the latter like a koala, and cried loudly.

"I miss you so much, every day when you're not here, I can't eat or sleep well, nothing is fine, woo woo woo..."

Choked up, Xingyun continued to cry.

"I didn't even pay any attention to boys approaching me, woo woo woo, do you know how much I miss you?"

"Ah, you really touched me when you said that..."

The corners of Hongli's mouth twitched, she tilted her head back, and said in an embarrassing way.

"However, what I'm more curious about is how could a boy strike up a conversation with you...

I think this kind of person...well, either stupid or bad! "

Xingyun: "???"


Hongli pulled Xingyun off her body, and said speechlessly, "What did he say?"


Xingyun scratched her head: "He just said, junior sister, do you want to take a look at our newly opened herbal medicine store? There is a discount for membership now, and people in the circle say that you are a big sponsor or something..."

"Ah this..."

Hongli showed half-moon eyes.

Big benefactor (×)

big wrong species ()
To be honest, after leaving, this was what she worried about Xingyun the most. She was afraid that one day she would hold a bunch of membership cards and the mother and son would starve to death at home.


That scene was so cruel and terrifying, just thinking about it makes the kind-hearted little Hongli tremble in her heart!

No, I have to find an opportunity to correct the other party's wrong and bad habits, or I will suffer a big loss sooner or later!

"Oh, by the way, let me introduce to you..."

There were many thoughts in Hongli's mind, and she helped the two sides get to know each other: "Two cousins, Hei Hui and Hong Qiao.

Well, this is Xingyun, my good friend in Five Elements Sect. "


Xingyun's eyes lit up: "Sister Hongli's family has two cute little girls! Good job!"


Hong Qiao and Hei Hui looked at each other, turned their heads, and showed a polite smile.

"Hello, Sister Xingyun!"


"Scum, slag, scum..."


Hei Yang glanced at the girls next to him, sighed, and looked up at the sky, where a little crane was still slowly floating down.


Quack fluttered his wings, looking puzzled, where is he, what happened, wasn't he in his mother's arms just now? !
"So, Hongli and I have really taken good care of Xiaohuo."

Heiyang couldn't help complaining, wrapped in spiritual power, opened his palm, and caught Little Quack.

Quack shook his head, jumped from Heiyang's hands to his shoulders, and heaved a sigh of relief: "Ga! Thank you! Uncle!"

"Ah, you're welcome."

Hei Yang waved his hands, and asked curiously, "I'm already four months old, why are you still hesitating?"

"Quack, you're still young!"


After a long time, Xingyun, who found that Gaga was missing, ran over quickly, apologized with guilt, and was able to hug Gaga back after promising that there would be no next time.

Xingyun's early jump out of the cabin only made her land two or three minutes earlier than other friends.

Under the control of the old captain Hong Ling, the airship landed steadily in the suburban open space, and the civil engineering... cough cough Tube and Kibe disciples filed out, looking around curiously.

"Is this the City of Five Colors? It's really different from our cities. There aren't even houses here!"

"Grass, this is the outskirts!"

"Uh, although... this place is not quite what I imagined, or rather, it is more ordinary than I imagined!"

"Huh? What are you imagining?"

"The magma flows, the raging waves roll, and the light and dark alternate, dividing the city.

On the throne made of flames and water, sits a pair of fairy couples.

The young girl and boy looked at each other expressionlessly, hot and cold mixed together.

The billowing steam stained the world of mortals, revealing this magnificent and epic love drama! "

"Uh, nothing to say."

"Start work! Start work! I can't wait to build a house for Senior Sister Hongli, oh oh oh!"

"Try to complete it within half a day and set a record for the fastest legend in Five Color City!"

"Half a day? Who do you look down on? I said three hours!"

"One hour!"

"ten minutes!"

"Three seconds!"

"This one is even more heavyweight!"


Seeing the high spirits of the disciples, Hongli couldn't help showing half-moon eyes.

"Although I really want to start as soon as possible, it would be too embarrassing to ask you to work when I first arrived..."

Sighing, Hongli turned to Hongling who was slowly walking to the side, and seeing the latter's displeased expression, Hongli walked over to Heiyang in small steps, grabbed his arm, and hummed softly , showing a proud look.

Hongli: "Huh~"

Hongling: "..."

"Smelly Xiaoli! You are going to die!"

Hongling thought that she had adjusted her mentality, and she could show her elder demeanor to Hongli's previous impolite behavior, she smiled lightly and didn't care much.

But as soon as this guy saw her, he immediately hugged her boyfriend's arm, and rubbed his face against his arm with a comfortable face, looking... I really need a fight!Go f*cking elder demeanor!

"Damn girl! I think your skin is itchy!"

Hongling rushed forward with all her teeth and claws, pinched Hongli's face with gritted teeth and rubbed her face.

"I let you show off in front of me! I let you laugh at me! I let you rely on a small shop!"

"Ah!!! Help, someone is in a hurry, someone is hitting someone!"

Hong Li shouted for help: "Is there anyone, please help, Hei Yang, my lovely girlfriend was bullied, didn't you see it?!"


Heiyang blinked, then looked at Hongli who was tightly hugging her arms, coughed twice, and said with a sneer.

"Auntie, you can do whatever you want, you're welcome, hahaha!"

Hongli: "!!!"

"Heiyang, you don't talk about loyalty! No more love! Feeling faded!"

Hongli rubbed her face with a look of lovelessness: "Auntie and you, I'm still a child!"

"It is forbidden to rely on small businesses!"

"Then you can also rely on the old to sell the old!"

"You are old!"

A bunch of wells popped out of Hongling's head: "Your aunt, I am young and beautiful, just when girls are romantic! How dare you call me old?!"

"Is not it?!"

Hong Li blurted out: "I asked my dad, and he said you are ten years older than him, uh uh..."

Hong Li's eyes widened, and she saw Hong Ling covering her mouth with one hand, and the latter looked at her with a murderous expression and a smile on her face.

"Xiao Li, this kind of thing..."

Hongling smiled lightly: "Don't mention it anymore! Otherwise, my aunt and I will tell your parents everything about your sect!"

"No no no no no!!!"

Hong Li's eyes widened and she shook her head frantically.

"You don't want me to tell you?"

"Ugh! Uh! Uh! Uh!"

Hongli nodded sharply.

"It's okay if I don't say it, and you'd better forget about that just now."

Hongling smiled and said, "Do you know?"


Hong Li looked puzzled, what did you forget?She doesn't know anything!Can't remember what happened!

"Huh, that's about the same."

Hong Ling let go of her hand, revealing dead fish eyes, and sighed: "I haven't seen each other for more than a month, but you didn't say you missed me, and once you meet, your blood pressure will go up!"

"Hey, that, that..."

Hongli laughed twice, let go of Heiyang's arm, and stood beside him.

"It's just a special way to enhance our family relationship, don't you think?"

"It's your head!"

Hongling sighed helplessly: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you, but then again..."


Hongli tilted her head.

"That, that's the one..."

Hongling looked around, then lowered her head furtively, and whispered, "I've finished reading all the novels you left me before."


Hong Li's eyes lit up: "How is it, how is it, is it not bad?"

"Uh, let me tell you something..."

Hong Ling nodded and showed her thumbs up: "It is indeed possible!"

"Hey, of course."

Hongli looked proud: "I can send it out, how could it be so bad, hahaha!"

"Awesome and awesome."

Hongling hurriedly complimented it, and beeped softly: "Do you have anything else? I haven't watched it enough, but I still want to watch it!"


Hong Li was stunned for a moment, then scratched her head and said, "Then let's go and see, there are bookstores in Wuxing City and Wuse City, so go buy it yourself, you can't say you don't have money, can you?"

"Oh, it's different!"

Hongling shook her head, with a disgusted look on her face: "There are a lot of books there, how do I know which is good and which is not? The one you recommend is more to my liking, okay?"

"Uh, you go to the bookstore to see what is the most popular book."

Hongli spread her hands: "Or panning for gold in the book sea, finding the books you like one by one is also a kind of fun, isn't it?"

"Wow, I'll just read whatever books are popular, then won't I become a follower without self-thinking?"

Hongling retorted: "Besides, let's not talk about being tired from panning for gold in the sea of ​​books, and you may be spoiled by bad books...

I believe in you, that's why I'm looking for you! "

"Tch, after all, I'm still a follower of my blind obedience."

Hongli waved her hand helplessly: "Okay, okay, when I'm free, I'll take you to my little study and pick a few for you, okay?"

"Hey! Xiaoli, you are the best! Sure enough, my aunt did not hurt you for nothing!"

"Ha ha……"

The Five Elements Sect has already greeted the City Lord's Mansion. After all, the Five Colors City is originally a city within the protection of the Five Elements Sect, and the relationship is relatively close.

Therefore, a mighty group of people entered the city, which did not cause any disturbance.

Moreover, there are quite a few of the disciples who are simply locals.

After learning that Senior Sister Hongli didn't need them to start work immediately, and after making an appointment, the "local snakes" directly summoned their friends to form a team and went to the city to play, so that the entertainment plan prepared by Hongli Heiyang was useless. superior.

As for whether those disciples will be in danger or not, let’s not say that the security of Five Colors City has always been relatively good. If a group of disciples who are guaranteed to refine Qi and are accompanied by local people, it would be outrageous if they could still encounter danger. .

On Heiyang Hongli's side, Xingyun and Heihuihongqiao got along unexpectedly, and after a while, they hooked their shoulders together and laughed, and in the blink of an eye, they didn't know where they went.

"Huh, they can play, but I still have to suffer."

Hongling sighed, and waved the small notebook in her hand.

"I'm going to the Qing's house. I'll first get in touch with the little girl who has a quota of disciples, and I have to emphasize the precautions to her. It's so troublesome!"

"What's so good about this, it's not that, who is that!"

Hei Yang looked at the name on it, raised his eyebrows, and waved his hands indifferently.

"Xiaosu, right? I don't know her very well, but she called my mother, and my mother is quite familiar with this little girl. Just ask her to help."

"Tsk tsk, that's fine."

Hongling smacked her lips and sighed, "It's true that in this city, there are almost a few relatives and stories. It really feels different from the king."


Hong Li nodded, took out two pictures from her body, and unfolded them in front of her face: "Auntie, please take a look, this is the land we have chosen for building a house.

Then this is a rough drawing of the new home that was drawn blindly, and it should be fine if it is roughly done in this way. "

"Well, let me see..."

Hong Ling raised her eyebrows and looked at the design drawing, showing a bit of surprise.

"This this……"

"How is it? Not bad!"

Hongli laughed and said: "We moved here directly according to the layout of our original home.

There are just a few points that need special attention. It looks like a great new home, right? "

"Uh, actually, I mainly didn't understand..."

The corner of Hongling's mouth twitched: "What did you draw?"

"Ah this..."

Hongli stretched her neck and glanced at her design drawing, looking at those distorted lines, showing a guilty expression.

"That, hahaha, or rather, it's just a concept map, just give you a general idea..."

"Ah this..."

Hongling blinked her eyes, and looked at Heiyang beside her: "Can it still be like this?"

"Hmm, I said let me do the design, but she said that her aesthetics should be higher than mine."

Hei Yang showed dead fish eyes: "Then let her paint, and I'll watch from the side.

How should I put it, Xiaoli is surprisingly active in matters that are of great significance to us. "

"Hey, Hei Yang, don't stand and talk, it doesn't hurt your back!"

"Then shall I find a place to sit?"

"Climb, climb!"

Hongli gritted her teeth viciously and said: "I don't care, others can say that my paintings are ugly, but you can't!

Even if my painting is really ugly, you should think of your conscience as being eaten by me, and you should find a way to praise me! "

"Hey, hey, let's not talk about the use of deceiving yourself and others. What the hell is your conscience eaten by you? Did you hurt yourself like this?"

Heiyang said speechlessly: "It's all right now, everyone can't understand your design drawings, so you should follow what I said?"

"No need at all!"

Hong Li raised her chest and looked up confidently: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, I'll just dictate it to you."

"I feel like I can't understand the dictation."

"Hei Yang shut up!"

Hongli skillfully silenced her boyfriend, revealing an impossibly energetic look.

"Now, let's go to the location of our new home in the future, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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