So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 263 Stream of Consciousness Literature: Generally refers to literary works that focus on des

Chapter 263 Stream of Consciousness Literature: Generally refers to literary works that focus on describing the flow of consciousness of characters.

Blue sky and white clouds, rising sun and wind.

In the dream world, Hei Yang was lying comfortably on the big bed with the wheels installed, and the imaginary Mou Li was pulling the bed cart in front of him with a sad and angry face.

"Hurry up, Fake Li, don't be lazy, oh ho ho ho ho!"

Hei Yang couldn't help laughing triumphantly.

"Pull me a seventy-mile car, my husband will hear the wind whistling in my ears, oh ho ho ho!"

"Grass, dog, you wait..."

Falsely gritted his teeth while pulling the bed cart, and said viciously: "My phantom has marked you, just wait, wait until you wake up to see if I don't beat you to death!"

"Hey, that's right, that's the smell. As expected of a certain glass that I imagined myself, even the threatening tone is so consistent."

Hei Yang showed a funny expression.

"This sense of substitution is rising. Doesn't the family status show itself?"

"Tch, can a certain useless dog only play prestige in dreams?"

False snorted coldly: "Don't beep in your dreams, touch it in reality if you have the ability, and see if I don't poke holes for you."

"Oh ho ho ho ho, yell, yell, even if you yell out your throat, Zhenli won't know."

Hei Yang still had a funny face: "As for the phantom, my phantom has never reacted to Hongli, do you think your phantom will react to me?"

Hei Yang, he just wanted to bully Hongli, he didn't have the slightest malice, Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!

"Tch, you are really hopeless."

Jiali rolled her eyes and said speechlessly: "No matter how much you deceive yourself, I'm just a fake. If you have the ability, you wake up and bully Zhenli like this! Bullying is so cool!"

"Don't make trouble, I'm sleeping with Zhenli in my arms."

Heiyang curled his lips, waved his hands, squinted his eyes, his arms were full of soft touch, and the breeze blew the familiar smell of the girl.

I don't know if it's because Hongli drank milk all day to pickle the taste or something, but Heiyang has been smelling the special milk fragrance on this girl.

Well, it smells good, as expected of his wife!

"How to say?"

Hei Yang yawned in his dream.

"Li, this is the life we've always wanted, do you like it?"

"Grass, what are you talking about?"

Fake Rishi, who was pulling the bed cart, couldn't hold back any longer. His hand fell and he groaned softly.

"Sister, I'm quitting. Do whatever you like. Anyway, I'm a fake. Let me see what you can do?"

"Ah, don't..."

The corner of Heiyang's mouth twitched: "Is your restoration so high?"

"I think the degree of reduction is still a bit low."

Fake Li snorted and said, "If it were me, I should have dragged you off the bed from the very beginning, and then crazily crushed your head with a wheel or something."

"What hatred, what hatred..."

Heiyang sat up, helplessly supporting his forehead.

"Really quit?"


False Li rolled his eyes at Heiyang, with a displeased expression on his face.

"If you don't do it, don't do it!"

"Not negotiable?"



Heiyang hesitated, gritted his teeth, and a resolute look flashed across his face.

"As long as you continue, I'll help you beat your back, shoulders and legs, um, for a week! Is this all right?!"

"My good brother, was my head kicked by the donkey or your head caught by the door?"

Fake Glass has a question mark.

"You promised me a lot in your dream, let alone a week, even a year, I don't know when I wake up.

Aw, you put it here and give me an empty glove, white wolf, right? It's a pretty tricky trick! "

"Ah this..."

Heiyang sneered and said, "Participation is the most important thing. Participation is the most important thing. Now we are thinking about how to wake up. Isn't it a little too far away?"

Fake glass: "..."

Hei Yang: "..."

"Tch, actually..."

Fake Glass sighed and looked at Heiyang.

"It's not impossible for me to continue, but I have one condition."


"Well, that..."

Fake glass thought about it seriously, then walked slowly to the bed and sat down, hooking his hands.

"Come closer, I'll tell you quietly."


Heiyang raised his brows and moved closer to Jiali.

"That's fine, really, what conditions do you need to say quietly?"

"Because I'm a little embarrassed, hehe."

"Let's talk, don't be embarrassed in front of me."

"Okay, let me tell you..."

Maori lowered her voice quietly.

"The condition is..."


Hei Yang frowned: "What is it?"

"that is……"

"What are you talking about!"


Hei Yang, who was about to listen to the whisper, hadn't reacted yet, a small white and tender foot zoomed in before his eyes, zoomed in... Then his chin suffered a heavy blow that it shouldn't have suffered!


Hei Yang's eyes widened, and a huge impact came from his chin, kicking him into the sky on the spot, with the whistling wind in his ears, blue sky and white clouds approaching him... no, he was approaching the blue sky and white clouds!

"Li! Just wait for me!!!"

"Heiyang! Fly high!"

Xiaoli laughed so hard that her stomach ached, and while laughing, she waved to the black sun that gradually turned into stars in the sky: "I'll see you when you wake up!"

"Hongli! Just wait for me!!! Bang! Click!"

While talking harshly, Heiyang continued to rise until he hit the air wall of the dream map, with a "click", his head poked a hole in the white cloud and blue sky.

Hei Yang: "..."


Heiyang looked at the darkness in front of him, speechless.

His head flew out of the world, and got stuck on the roof of the world. From the neck down, it seemed that he was still in a dream of blue sky and white clouds...

"The touch of this chin is so real..."

Heiyang realized that it was Hongli who really kicked him on the bed, kicking him out of his dream...

"Dog, you can't sleep well, right?"

Heiyang's forehead was densely packed with wells. Heiyang sighed, stretched out his hands for support, and climbed up from the big hole he knocked out, and the gap healed automatically.


Heiyang patted the dust on his body, looked at the healing gap, and suddenly reacted.

"Am I, I should shrink back just now..."

Hei Yang: "..."

Now he is just a wisp of subconscious mind, most of his mind is in "baby-like healthy sleep", it is reasonable to turn his head slowly!
"never mind."

Hei Yang sighed, turned his head to look at the black and red "Golden" Dan next to him, blinked, and a bunch of question marks appeared on his head.

Next to the black and red pill, streamers of the seven magical powers danced.

"Is this kicking the bottleneck for me? What kind of evolutionary foot?!"


【Your contract partner (Heiyang) has broken through the bottleneck, the realm is being promoted, and the supernatural power is being merged. 】


Dream space, sunny beach, blue sky and ocean.

Hongli sat up from the "bed boat", took off her sunglasses with a dazed expression, looked at the pop-up message, and tilted her head.

"What's the situation? Isn't Heiyang in my arms right now? Where can I break the bottleneck?"

Hongli shook her shoulders first, and could clearly feel the warm and firm black sun in her arms, and then looked forward at the fake sun dragging the "bed boat" on the sea surface, with a question mark on her head.

"what happened?"

False Yang turned his head and looked at Hongli with dead fish eyes.

"What's the question mark over your head?"

"Uh, obviously Zhenyang was held in my arms, but I found that he seemed to have broken through the realm?"

Hong Li scratched her head, looked at the black sun she imagined, and asked curiously: "Fake Yang, do you have any clues?"

"What's so strange about that."

Jiyang spread his hands and said to himself: "I am so witty and quick-witted, is it not normal for me to realize the Tao in my dream?
Don't forget, you also broke through in your dream at the Huxin Pavilion, right? "

"Well, that's right..."

Hongli nodded slightly, thoughtfully.

"The energy feedback from the phantom devouring accident has been continuous, and it is indeed time to break through, just like me...wait a minute!"

Hong Li suddenly reacted, her eyes widened.

"If you want to be promoted, you need to integrate a magical power, right?!"


False Yang turned towards Hongli, suddenly showing a funny expression.

"Also, have you forgotten that you integrated your supernatural powers into my pills to make me a transparent person?"

"Ah, of course I remember this..."

Hongli laughed twice, realizing that something was wrong.

"Speaking of which, Heiyang probably won't try to integrate supernatural powers into my part, let me also experience the feeling of supernatural powers running wild...

Hahaha, impossible, definitely impossible, how could a boy as good as Heiyang have the heart to bully his lovely and beautiful fiancée..."

"Do you believe this kind of saying?"

The fake yang showed dead fish eyes, and the corners of the mouth were slightly raised.

"It should be said, I will definitely do that, right?
The so-called feng shui turns, and sooner or later you have to pay back when you come out to play.

If you have this time to comfort yourself, why not think about what kind of supernatural power you will be integrated into, and how you should survive the supernatural power and go berserk..."

"do not!"

Hongli mourned: "Don't do that kind of thing! Fake Yang, help me find a way!"

"Hey, what an outrageous idea to let a character you imagined help you out!"

Fake Yang couldn't help complaining, raised his hand again, shook the rope he was holding, and rolled his eyes.

"Besides, you treated me like this in your dream and asked me to pull a bed and boat for you. Are you getting retribution now? Well, all I can say is, it's terrible!"

"Bah! What a death! Necrosis! No, no, I don't want to die!"

Hongli said with grief and indignation: "As a boyfriend, what's wrong with being my cow or horse in my dream?
Besides, I don't believe that Heiyang wouldn't dream of me, and then do whatever he wants to me in the dream!

Maybe he'll tie me up or put me in a vault, and do this and that and that!

Hey, just thinking about it makes me feel exciting, bah, I mean, just thinking about it is scary! "

Fake Yang: "..."

Hongli: "..."


Fake Yang looked at Hongli warily.

"So, have you ever thought about tying me up and locking me up? Be honest!"

"What's the use!!!"

Hongli curled her lips aggrievedly.


False Yang raised his eyebrows.

"How do you let me imagine a picture I haven't seen before, damn it!"

Hongli couldn't help but a bunch of wells jumped out of her head, pointing viciously at the dildo.

"Under your clothes, there is nothing but a chaotic mosaic!

Because I've never seen you without clothes on!So I can't imagine it!Damn it! "

Fake Yang: "..."

Hongli: "..."

"Ahem, I know what you want to say, if I can't imagine it, Hei Yang can't imagine it either, hehe..."

Hongli laughed twice and beeped softly.

"But isn't that, there is still a face..."

"Good sister, please don't say these words that I don't understand!"

The dildo clasped his hands together and put them on his chest, with a holy face.

"The illusory me doesn't have that kind of worldly desire."

"You bullshit!"

"I do not have!"

"You were imagined by me. I, Hongli, am full of worldly desires. Do you think you might not have them?"

Hong Li looked at the fake Yang with a look of contempt: "Who are you lying to? Who are you lying to? Let's pretend, right? Clean Hei Yang?"

"The benefactor has taken pictures."

Fake Yang has a serious face: "As the saying goes, emptiness is..."

"Dildo shut up!"




Hongli suddenly showed a guilty look, and whispered softly: "Well, tell me, I'm holding him right now!

I wake up secretly now, while he is sleeping, the tree world descends, and then take a few glances quietly, isn't it too much? "

"No... not too much... right?"

Fake Yang muttered in a low voice: "After all, they are unmarried couples..."


The faces of Hongli and Jiyang turned red at the same time, and the latter disappeared with a "boo".

Well, from the beginning to the end, it was Hongli's consciousness talking to herself...

The young couple has a dream that they can get together a table of mahjong...

"Hmm, uh..."

Hongli took a deep breath, a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes, the wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the strong man will never return once he is gone!
"do my best!!!"


It was as if the sound of cloth being torn suddenly rang in my ears.

Hongli: "???"

No, she hasn't acted yet. Where did this voice come from?
Hey, could it be that Heiyang strikes first?

Is it that exciting? !
However, Hongli soon discovered the source of the sound, she raised her head, and found that her blue sky had been cut open.

The big gap widened rapidly, and a familiar figure flew out of the gap grabbing a beam of light, leaving a series of screams of "ahhhhhhhhhhh" in the air.


Hongli tilted her head: "Heiyang???"


Holding the streamer tail tightly with both hands, Heiyang flew fancy in the air.

"Why is this supernatural power so irritable! Calm down!!!"

Heiyang took a deep breath, grabbed Liu Guang and climbed up for a while, hugging him tightly, then he stabilized his figure and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Hei Yang, the master of how to train your dragon, deserves to be me!"

With a boast, Hei Yang had the time to look around.Looking at the blue sky that was torn apart by him not far away, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching a few times.

"Speaking of which, where have I been taken? It seems to be someone's...dream world?"

Heiyang fell silent suddenly, looked down, and saw a familiar figure as expected.

"Hei Yang! What the hell are you!"

Hongli's face turned red, she stomped her feet suddenly, stepped off the boat into the sea, and flew up by herself, rushing towards the black sun.

"What are you messing with! Why do you suddenly break into other people's dreams! Are you free to enter a girl's dream? What should you do if you see something you shouldn't see!"

"Ah this..."

Hearing Hongli's words, Heiyang turned his head and shouted at her with a displeased face: "Although I know it's not good to do so, I won't admit my mistake!

What happened in your dream?What should I see or not!You can guard against others, but you still guard against the black sun?Don't guard against me!
Just go in and go in!Just watch and watch!what can you do ! "

"Ah this..."

Hongli's breath stagnated, and she soon came back to her senses, and rushed towards Heiyang with a grumpy face: "You have a reason to bully people, right! I'll die!"

"Don't come here!"


Under Heiyang's horrified gaze, Hong Li quickly approached Heiyang and grabbed Heiyang's trouser leg!

Heiyang's two ankles were grabbed by Hongli with one hand, and he was so startled that he couldn't help screaming, kicking his feet wildly.

Hei Yang: "Damn girl, let go! I can't hold it steady, and you want to make me fall, right?"

Hongli: "Nonsense! Sister, I am so light, how could I fall!"

Hei Yang: "Do you know the straw that broke the camel's back!"

Hongli: "I am lighter than straw!"

Hei Yang: "Climb!"

Hongli: "That's what you said!"

Hei Yang: "Huh???"


Hongli gritted her teeth, and the two hands holding Heiyang's wrist kept climbing up, calves, thighs, waist, back...

Under Heiyang's shocked gaze, Hongli slowly crawled behind him, then wrapped her arms around Heiyang's neck, and locked her tightly.

"Ha! Got caught by me!"

Hongli blushed, hugging Heiyang with pride.

"I'll see where you're going!"

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang showed dead fish eyes, looking at the supernatural power streamer he was holding: "It depends on when I can control it.

If I can't control it, I can't decide where to run. "


Hong Li tilted her head, and also looked at Liu Guang with curious eyes.

"So, aren't we snoring in bed?
Why did you fly in with a supernatural power, and broke through the realm inexplicably, could it be that..."

Hongli's eyes lit up, she tilted her head and put her cheek on Heiyang's back, and said with a smile: "I understand, you definitely don't want my girlfriend to suffer, so you secretly practiced hard without telling me, and carried all the pressure It's up to me!
Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo "

"Climb, climb, don't twist my spirit and my will here!"

Heiyang replied angrily, gritted his teeth and said, "I was kicked into the next level by you!"


Hongli looked unhappy: "What is something out of nothing, when did I kick you, I have been sleeping, okay, don't spread rumors!"

"You kicked in your sleep!"

"Nonsense, lies, I don't admit it."

"Ah yes yes yes."

Hei Yang sighed, his eyes froze, and he slapped Liu Guang's supernatural powers with a slap. With force on his body, he swung the direction of Liu Guang's progress upwards and flew straight up!

"Tsk tsk, it's hard to finally control this supernatural power."

"According to the control variable method, you can't control it without me before."

Hongli snorted softly: "Now that I'm here, you can control it, proving that it's all due to me."

"Ah yes yes yes."

Hei Yang listened to the whistling wind in his ear, looked at the blue sky above his head, and felt something in his heart: "Pay attention, we are about to hit the edge of the dream map!"


Before Hongli could react, she subconsciously hugged Heiyang tightly and buried her head under her arms.

"Boom! Crack!"

Like when Liu Guang came, he violently tore open a huge gap in the sky, leading the two of them out of the dream world!


The surroundings became gray, Heiyang and Hongli looked around, and soon found their black red pill, which was wrapped with two supernatural powers, surrounded by six streamers of light.

And the streamer controlled by the two is called Instant Kill!Well, I'm getting grumpy!

"see it?!"

Hei Yang said loudly: "As long as you integrate this supernatural power into it, you will be able to reach the third level of the Golden Core!"

"Don't be so loud, I'm not deaf yet!"

Hongli also dragged out a long voice, her voice was loud and clear: "Breakthrough the realm, right now!"

But... there is one more problem!
"Black Sun!"


"Where are you going to integrate this magical power into?"

Hong Li suddenly showed a funny smile: "You see, this is your breakthrough realm, shall we integrate it into your black core?"

"Haha, Xiaoli, you really know how to tell jokes!"

Hei Yang smiled slightly: "Didn't you just say everything, control variables, your credit, of course it will be integrated into your red pill!"

Hongli: "..."

Hei Yang: "..."

The two fell silent at the same time, they knew that the real battle had only just begun from now on!
"Look at me!"

Hong Li suddenly exerted strength in her limbs, her arms tightly strangled Hei Yang's neck, twisted her body violently, turned the direction of the streamer, and rushed towards Hei Dan.

"Hahaha, strike first, if you hesitate, you will give it for nothing, Hei Yang, I won this game! Hahaha!"

"It's too early for you to be happy!"

Heiyang stretched his neck violently, and bit off the arm strangling his neck.

"Non-toxic and not a husband! Xiaoli, I'm sorry!"


As soon as Hongli's arm hurt suddenly, she subconsciously let go of the restraint, and then reacted quickly, grabbed Heiyang's skirt again, and couldn't help cursing out loud.

"Dog Heiyang, you are a real dog, look at the teeth marks you gave me, woo woo, bullying people!"

"Hmph, this is war, don't believe in tears!"

Heiyang raised the corners of his mouth proudly.

"This is in a dream, you won't get hurt at all, so don't fool me!"

"What the hell, you can still feel pain in your dreams, right?"

Hongli's face was full of grief and indignation: "You dog, you really bit me in reality, I can feel hungry!"

"Ah, anyway, you are at the golden core stage, with this kind of skin trauma, half a shot can restore it to its original state, and it will become smooth and tender again..."

Heiyang turned his head away guiltily: "You kicked me before, so let's count it as even!"

"Be equal to your head, we are endless! Look at the elbow!"

"Grass, that's the kidney, you're crazy!"

"Golden Core Stage, what are you afraid of, this is a pre-marital quality inspection!"

"In this case, don't blame me for being rude! The elephant kicks!"

"Do you want to beat me like this?! The cat hits the ground! The cat shakes the water! The cat turns around!"

"It's not over yet! The raven takes off! Next, the crow takes the plane!"

"Forget it! Hamsters on wheels! Tornado destroys parking lot!"

Reality, in the room, on the bed.

"Hey! Ha!"

"Huh! Ya!"

The boys and girls tightly closed their eyes, wrestled together with ferocious expressions, their spiritual power was boiling, and the strong wind was blowing!
Heiyang Tianzun grabbed Hongli's ear and pulled it, and Hongli Emperor grabbed Heiyang's hair and pulled it.

The two started viciously and viciously, you come and go, it's hard to tell who is superior!

The turbulent terrifying aura enveloped the two of them, and the realm charged towards a higher place!

At some point, Hong Li and Hei Yang hugged Liu Guang at the same height, staring at each other vigilantly, waiting for the key to victory to appear!

"Xiao Li!"

Heiyang suddenly made a sound.


Hong Li tilted her head, her eyes widened suddenly, and before she could react, Hei Yang's face instantly moved closer to her, and kissed her fiercely on the cheek!
"mua! Surrender or not!"

"You special..."

"mua! Surrender or not!"


"mua! Surrender or not!"

"Black Sun—"

"mua! Surrender or not!"



Suddenly, Hongli on the bed opened her eyes suddenly, sat up, and touched her cheeks and neck with both hands, her face was flushed, and her ears were hot.

"Old thief Heiyang! I can't stop talking to you!"

"Hahahaha! After all, I am slightly better!"

Heiyang's face was red, his ears were red, he reversed the streamer, facing the red inner alchemy, and merged his supernatural powers!
[Your contract object (Black Sun) has successfully pulled the supernatural power to instantly kill you (purple), and the supernatural power is transforming and merging...]

[Reminder: During the transformation of supernatural powers, it is a normal phenomenon for supernatural powers to run wild. There is no need to worry, and worrying is useless. You can speed up the transformation by working hard to comprehend! 】

Hongli: "..."

"Cough, that..."

Heiyang quietly opened his eyes, and said with a sneer: "Dream behavior, please don't rise to reality, haha, hahaha..."

"Black... Yang..."

"Xiaoli, I was wrong! Next time... bah, I won't dare next time! Forgive me!"

"You die first and then talk! Watch me kill instantly!"


 The number of words in this chapter: 6666, needles are not poked.

(End of this chapter)

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