So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 268 Actually, the more the guy pays attention to the ceremony before the lottery draw, the d

Chapter 268 Actually, the more the guy pays attention to the ceremony before the lottery draw, the darker his face will be...

"Heiyang, I feel like my waist is broken, really!"

Hongli beeped softly: "I guess it's broken into several pieces. It's a serious injury. I'll be paralyzed in bed and unable to work in the future. You have to work hard to support me."

"Go aside..."

Hei Yang spread the bed sheet again, and said casually: "Where does the child have a waist?!"

Hongli: "???"

"Good guy, it's a classic line from my parents, right?"

Hongli snorted softly, raised her chest and raised her head, stood up straight, and said unconvinced: "But that was before, now I am not a little girl, but a big girl.

Look at this perfect figure, look at this charming curve, look at this small waist that can be grasped, do you still have the nerve to say that I have no waist? ! "

"Ah yes yes yes."

Heiyang stretched, threw the pillow and quilt back on the bed, and turned towards Hongli.

"The bed is ready, you can lie down."

"Okay, Black Sun is the best!"

Hongli buried her face in the quilt, rubbing against it comfortably.

"Welcome back, my love bed!"


Heiyang carefully looked at the corner of the bed, frowned and patted it lightly with his hands, then took a few steps back, measuring the angle with his fingers, his face full of doubts.

"It's so weird. How did we do it just now? No matter how you think about it, the bed shouldn't be knocked over from this angle, right?"

"Oh, what do you care about those who have them?"

Hongli turned sideways against the wall, and patted the empty space beside her.

"Come on, come on, don't just stand there!"

"But, if I don't understand, I feel uncomfortable..."

"Oh, what's the big deal!"

Hongli turned sideways, resting her chin with one hand, and looked at Heiyang helplessly.

"If you don't come here again, I will ignore you."

"As if you could really resist ignoring me."

Hei Yang was confident and didn't take it seriously, he still supported his chin and analyzed the strength of the angle.

"One thing to say, today it can turn over the first time when we are making trouble, maybe one day it can turn over the second time when we are doing bad things."

"Ah this..."

Hongli froze for a moment, curled her lips.

"Experience and knowledge, a lot of theoretical preparation, talking about one thing, but in fact, it's just a king of mouth, what are you pretending to be an expert in!"

"Aren't you the same?"

The serious expression on Heiyang's face disappeared, and he looked at Hongli with dead fish eyes, sighed, crawled to her side, and hugged her.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to think about it, let's talk about it later."

"Tch, it should have been like this long ago."

Hongli snorted softly, moved her waist, moved a little closer to Heiyang, then shrank her head down, got out from under the other's arm, and lay her pillow on the latter's arm, looking comfortable.

"So what are we doing now?"

"You can do anything, or you can do nothing."

Heiyang narrowed his eyes, and hugged some girls tightly.

"So when will your supernatural power fusion..."

[Your contract object (Hong Li) has been promoted to the third level of the Jindan stage, and his cultivation is in sync. 】


The corners of Hongli's mouth slightly raised.

"Is there a problem, brother?"

"Ah, it's good, the waist is really good."

"Grass, wake me up."

Hongli showed her dead fish eyes, and her cheeks were blushing.

"I told you that I made a breakthrough, praise me!"

"Aren't I complimenting you?"

"It seems... also?"


Heiyang opened his eyes, looked at the solid ceiling, and suddenly thought of something.

"Do you still remember how many gift boxes we have now with this addition?"

"I am eight."

"I'm seven."

"Fifteen in total."


Hongli opened her eyes, looked at her boyfriend, and nodded.

"Let's drive together to see if there is anything interesting!"

"Let's get together first."

Hei Yang turned over, and turned Hong Li over with his arms around his waist. The two changed from lying down to lying down, and put up the big pillow to make room for it.

Hong Li at the side hummed softly, took out the gift boxes one by one and put them in front of their heads, and stacked them together with Hei Yang at the side.

Fifteen of them, five at the bottom and one at the top, piled up to form a small five-story pagoda.


Looking at the pyramid in front of her, Hong Li couldn't help sighing.

"It looks very rich, fifteen, I wonder if I can pay for the future pension."

"Don't you know if you try it?"

Heiyang stretched out half of his hand, and suddenly looked at Hongli.

"You first or me first?"

"Oh, it must be me first!"

Hongli confidently waved her white right hand.

"Look at my little red hand giving you a good start!"

"Is there a possibility..."

Hei Yang couldn't help complaining: "Isn't Xiao Hong's hand the hand of a guy named Hong?"

"Hei Yang shut up, watch my show and it's over."

Hongli snorted softly, and stretched out her hand to open the gift box on top.

"Come on, let's open the door!"


Heiyang cursed beside him.

"Send you a big head ghost."

Hong Li looked at the purple light in the gift box, raised her eyebrows, and brows were beaming with joy.

"Look, let's see, the first one came out purple, so I'll say I'm a little red hand!"

Hongli checks the item information.

Item: Open the coffin to see joy

Quality: purple

Effect: A moisture-proof, moth-proof, decay-resistant and hard coffin, as long as you lie in it and cover it, even a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage will have nothing to do with you!
Note: Once the coffin is closed, it can only be opened from the inside, so make sure you are lying in it before closing it.

Introduction: Even if I am dead and nailed into a coffin, I still have to shout out with a decayed voice: Who the hell stuffed a coffin into the gift box!Stand up for me!

Ahem, in fact, coffins are a symbol of auspiciousness in many worlds in the heavens and myriad worlds. Really, believe me, I am the profile, and I will not lie!

Hei Yang: "..."

Hongli: "..."


Hong Li opened her hands expressionlessly, and a ball of Nirvana Fire stretched out to burn the coffin, but the latter was bathed in the Nirvana Fire without any damage, which was extremely provocative.

"Ha, hoo..."

Hong Li took a deep breath and continued to burn the coffin.

"Ahem, that, Xiaoli..."

Hei Yang cautiously reminded: "This person can prevent the Nascent Soul Stage, we should not be able to burn it."

"I know, so what, I don't like it."

Hongli's voice was calm: "If I can't burn it for a while, I will burn it for hundreds of years...

Even if I can't burn it, we will let our children burn it, and if the children can't burn it, let our grandchildren burn it, the coffin will not recover, and my children and grandchildren will be endless..."

"Sister Li will not be able to..."

Heiyang was sweating on his forehead, and the corner of his mouth twitched and grabbed Hongli's shoulder.

"There's no need to lose our family tree because of this thing, right?"


Hongli froze for a moment, turned her expressionless face to Heiyang, quietly watched her boyfriend's helpless expression, the mist in her eyes quickly gathered, and then cried out loudly, wrapping her arms around Heiyang's neck.

"But it bullies me, it bullies me! Heiyang!

I want pension funds, not coffin books!

Damn, hate, hate!Woohoo, I'm so mad! "

"Okay, okay, just open a box, there is no need to break the defense."

Hei Yang patted his girlfriend on the back and comforted him, "Let's not drive it if we don't want to drive it. We will drive it when we are happy..."



A question mark appeared on Heiyang's head, watching Hongli wipe her tears on her chest, and pulled her head out of Heiyang's arms, with a displeased expression on her face.

"If you can't talk about it like this, then don't open it. Doesn't that prove that I am afraid, have I confessed to it?!"

Hongli snorted coldly: "Don't even think about it! Let me do another one! This time, I will definitely get rid of my shame!"

"Hey hey..."

Heiyang showed dead fish eyes and looked at Hongli suspiciously.

"I said, is it my turn? You don't want to have a chance to open the box for nothing, do you?"

"Oh, what's yours is mine, and even you are mine. Do we still have to distinguish it so clearly?"

Hongli waved her hand confidently: "That time just now doesn't count, it doesn't count, I'll open another one!"

"Refused to pretend to be a fool and play a rogue."

Heiyang grabbed Hongli's back neckline, speechless.

"Didn't you count it, the fifteen gift boxes let you open first is one more than me.

Even if you switch positions twice in a row, you still drive so much, why worry. "

"Ha, isn't that right?"

Hongli counted for Heiyang with her fingers.

"My eight gift boxes are one more than yours. Isn't it reasonable for me to open one more in the end?"

"Oh roar?"

Heiyang raised his eyebrows, supported Hongli's arms with both hands and turned her to sit on him.

"The one that didn't return to you just now is mine, so are you mine too?

In the end, within half a minute, you started to settle accounts for me again, right?
How should I put it, Hong Li, you have a set of double-standard behaviors! "


Hongli felt itchy from being held on her arm, moved her body slightly, looked up at Heiyang, and beeped softly.

"You are three days older than me, you are an older brother, so you can't let me go!"

"It's only three days, there is no difference."

Hei Yang raised his eyebrows and said, "It's fine if you want to be a sister, I don't care."

"Wow, Heiyang, why are you like this!"

"You first met me?"


Hongli straightened up, pressed Heiyang's shoulders with both hands, stared into his eyes with a solemn expression.

"Ask you again, answer or not!"


Heiyang raised his brows, and replied unceremoniously.

"Why, you still want to...huh?!"

The touch from his lips made Heiyang's eyes widen, and he looked at the girl who was close at hand. His breath blew on his face, causing a bunch of question marks to appear on his head.


Hongli moved her little head away, her face was slightly red but she looked at Heiyang with vigor, put her hands on his shoulders, and smiled.

"How? Now promise?"

"you you you……"

Hei Yang's eyes widened: "How dare you, you think I..."

"mua! Promise or not!"

"You think this way you can..."

"mua! Promise or not!"

"One size fits all, I am..."

"mua! Promise or not!"


"mua! mua! mua!"

Hong Li raised her head, shook her long messy hair, and looked at Hei Yang in front of her, who was blushing all over his face, with a sluggish look whose soul had been transcended.

"How about it!"

Hongli grabbed Heiyang's head with both hands, her eyes flickering.

"Agree or disagree!"


Heiyang's eyes were dull, smoke was coming out of his head, and he made an incomprehensible sound.

"It's not enough, come on again..."

"Tongtongtong, agree, I agree!"

Hei Yang blurted out subconsciously with a blank face.

"I'll listen to you...Xiaoli, can drive as many as you problem..."

"Ha! I knew Hei Yang, you are the best to me!"

Hongli was overjoyed, hugging Heiyang was an output.

"mua! mua! mua! Suck... mua!"

Hong Li let go of her hands, and Hei Yang, who was limp into a pool, threw her head up on the quilt behind her, staring at the ceiling in a daze, with love in her eyes, and a faint...uh, smirk!
Well, this is obviously the performance of his soul sublimation and enlightenment, great kindness!

After successfully convincing Hei Yang with her mouth, Hong Li made a comeback, looked confidently at the remaining gift boxes, rubbed her hands together, and opened the box!
"come on!"

Hong Li muttered a wonderful spell in her mouth.

"Come out, my invincible, peerless, and most powerful baby! Wow! Another purple epic!"

Hongli's eyes lit up, she was about to reach out to check the information, when she suddenly thought of something, her face was serious.

"Wait a minute, it must be the couple's model of the coffin just now..."

The corner of Hongli's mouth twitched, she shook her head quickly, and shook off the strange thoughts in her head.

"How come, lovers live in the same coffin, there is no such thing as couple models!

Bah bah, what am I talking about, the two of us must die, okay!hateful!Who wants to lie in a coffin!Neither does the urn! "

Item: True Keel Wine

Quality: purple

Efficacy: Calms the mind, strengthens the kidney and invigorates qi, warms and invigorates the kidney yang, enhances the strength of the soul, and perfects the source of spiritual power...

Introduction: Back then, real dragons were not a rare species. Later, dragons gave birth to nine sons, beautiful in color and fragrance...

"Ah this..."

Hongli looked at the small wine bottle in her hand, the corners of her mouth twitched, revealing half-moon eyes.

In a sense, this is considered a big baby...

However, as for medicinal wine...

It seems that you can't drink too much at one time, and it's not good to drink on an empty stomach...

Moreover, the purple medicinal wine, based on how much the two of them can drink...

Hong Li rubbed the center of her brows, glanced at Hei Yang lying beside her corpse, then turned her head to look at her hands, and suddenly showed a funny expression.

Hong Li quietly crawled to the head of the bed, opened the bedside table, took out a small clean cup, opened the medicinal wine bottle, held her breath, and poured some carefully.

Putting away the medicinal wine, Hong Li gently crawled to Hei Yang's side with the small cup in hand, and patted him lightly.

"Black Sun~"


Heiyang opened his eyes in a daze.

"Ah, Xiaoli, what's the matter?"

Hong Li: "Open your mouth, ah—"

Hei Yang: "Ah..."

Hongli: "It's time to drink medicine~~"

Hei Yang: "???"

"Ugh, ahem..."

Heiyang only felt a strong pressure on the tip of his nose, and he choked up tears.

"Xiao Li, ugh, what is this?"

"Oh, nothing, good stuff!"

Hong Liyan smiled and poured Heiyang's mouth into it.

"It's just a drop of medicinal wine."


Hei Yang's eyes widened: "Wine!"

"Oh! Why are you talking so much!"

Hongli gritted her teeth and poured it clean, covered Heiyang's mouth, and pressed it hard.

"Just drink it, can I still hurt you?"


Heiyang's eyes widened suddenly, his hands and feet trembled, and then he rolled his eyes, his limbs drooped weakly.

"Ah this..."

The corner of Hongli's mouth twitched, she moved her palm away, and carefully placed her fingers under Heiyang's nose, feeling a weak breath, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ahem, it looks like I'm drunk."

Hongli laughed, dragged Heiyang's body (crossed out) and dragged Heiyang to lie upright on the bed, covered him with a quilt, looking at Heiyang's flushed cheeks after drunkenness, Hongli's eyes were a little faint.


Hongli whispered a little guilty.

"When he wakes up, he won't beat me up...

Bah, bah, why beat me up!

I haven't done anything bad, I'm not even willing to drink good things!

But then again..."

Hongli lay on her stomach and approached Heiyang, poked his face with her finger, and couldn't help smiling.

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen Heiyang's appearance after being drunk. It looks like, hehe, how should I put it, sucking, coughing...hehehe!"

Thinking of something suddenly, Hong Li lowered her voice and cautiously probed.

"Hei Yang, Hei Yang? Are you awake? Are you asleep? Talk!"

Black Sun: "Zzzzzzzzzzzz"


Seeing that Heiyang was sleeping soundly, Hongli opened the storage bag, rummaged a few times, and took out the picture stone left by her aunt, and looked at Heiyang again, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"Drunk [-]-year-old innocent boy and took cute photos" (strike out)

"Take a selfie of my fiancé who is shy and embarrassed to open his eyes" (Correct)


Hongli first took pictures of Heiyang's face from all angles with the photo stone, and then used her spiritual power to hold up the Lingshi, put her head next to Heiyang and took a photo with scissors hands...



Feeling about the same, Hong Li sat up, poured spiritual power into the photo stone, and admired her own work with anticipation.

"Well, it looks really good-looking, and this group photo is the perfect of perfection, it looks like a good match!

It's just that I always feel that it's almost so meaningless..."

Hongli sneaked towards the still sleeping Heiyang child, and her fingers crept forward, crawled to the edge of the quilt, raised the corners, and gently opened...

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka..."




Hong Li gently rolled out of the bed, her face was ruddy, she was holding the photo stone tightly in her hands, she was filled with spiritual power, her eyes widened and she looked at each one, her face became redder as she watched, but the corners of her mouth couldn't stop rising.

"Oh my god, my god, my god, is this something I can watch without paying?
Wow, wow, Heiyang can hide quite well, I didn't see it, it's so slick, Siha...

If you make a lot of money, if you make a lot of money, Sihasha who sees good things will live longer..."

It wasn't until Hongli's eyeballs almost touched the photo stone that she realized, coughed twice, and wiped the saliva from the corners of her mouth without any trace.

I saw that Mou Li first looked around a few times furtively, then quietly put the photo stone in the most hidden place in the storage bag, and then pretended to be as if nothing had happened, trimmed the corners of the bed, and put the black sun back into place. straighten.

"Well, what happened just now, I don't know anything, and I haven't done anything."

Hongli nodded affirmatively.

"Yes, that's it. I suddenly lost my mind just now. Heiyang fell asleep next to me at some point, and then I kindly covered him with the quilt. Well, that's right!"

Guiltyly taking a sneak peek at Hei Yang, and finding that there was nothing unusual about him, Hong Li breathed a sigh of relief, and stretched out her sinful little hand towards the remaining gift boxes.

"Well, since Hei Yang accidentally fell asleep, let Miss Hongli, who is his fiancée and close friend, continue to drive it for him!
Well, don't worry, I will only open a little bit, and leave the rest to Heiyang! "

Hongli snorted triumphantly, sure enough, ignoring the first thing, she made two purples in a row, sure enough she is the little red hand!


Wow, blue is rare!

Hongli frowned.

Item: Li Fire Crystal

Quality: blue

Effects: Nanming Lihuo essence, alchemy materials, refining materials, formation materials, gem inlays, enchanting specialization, equipment enhancement, breakthrough materials, summoning materials, auxiliary cultivation, Lihuo purification...

Introduction: Advertisement space for rent (to be rented out)
"In the end, it seems that something strange has been mixed in..."

Hongli showed dead fish eyes, and couldn't help complaining: "It's broken, the quality has begun to decline, can the luck accumulated for so long be so unstoppable, damn it!"

"This thing, no matter how hard it is for me and Heiyang to use it, I can't bite it with my teeth..."

Hongli looked up, as if she saw a little redhead calling her mother with a smile.

"Well, when you find time to throw it for Xiao Huo to play with..."

Hongli put away the crystals and curled her lips.

"But having said that, Xiaohuo was very clingy to me back then, but now I haven't seen her for almost two days, doesn't she miss me...

That's right, after all, the two old mothers spoiled that girl to heaven, and obviously I don't have this kind of treatment..."

Hong Li felt a little sour all of a sudden, whether it was her parents or Xiao Huo, she was the first to come. Parents and Xiao Huo should have doubled the affection, but why...

Xiaohuo took her parents away, and her parents took away her Xiaohuo, woo woo woo...

In this materialistic society, people's hearts are cold and ruthless, only this black sun still has some warmth.

Hong Li pulled Hei Yang's arm over and hugged her in her arms, gradually recovering her mood.

Harmful!open the box!
Wow!Excellent green!

Item: Throwing a Cup for Number 2.0
quality: green

Effect: One-time props, breaking the cup, summoning [-] heroic spirits of swordsman and axemen in the foundation establishment period to wait for orders, and the summoning lasts for six hours.

Introduction: Regarding the 1.0 version, we have received many complaints from customers, saying that our cups are too good to break, so we have upgraded the user experience, and now the cups can be broken more easily.

"Well, so how did the people who didn't break live to complain..."

Hongli couldn't help but spit out.

"In addition, although, the durability of my luck value is also low, does this drop from purple to green?"

Hong Li turned her head to put away the cup, turned her head to look at Hei Yang, and frowned.

"Yang, you don't mind sharing a little bit of luck with your lovely girlfriend, do you? If you don't say anything, I'll assume you agree!"


"Ha, I knew you were the best for me!"

Hongli grabbed Heiyang's hand, pressed it on the fifth gift box, and gently pressed: "Open!"

"Wow! The Golden Legend!"

This time, Hong Li seemed to have vaguely heard the dubbing that came with the gift box, and saw a phantom of a gourd appearing in the gift box.

Props: Tauren must die!
Quality: golden

Effect: When the tauren is detected around, the flying knife in the gourd will pop out automatically, killing with one knife, leaving no survivors.

Functional realm: crossing the catastrophe period and below

Scope of action: Ten miles in radius—the domain of ten realms (about the size of ten travel realms), the range can be adjusted manually.

Introduction: One sword and one tauren, the pure love fighter is number one in the world!

Remarks: In 772, the [-]th Epoch of Ten Thousand Worlds, a limited-edition souvenir of the meeting between the Alliance of Pure Love and the Bull Hunting Legion.

(End of this chapter)

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