So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 277 Maybe it was once like a white cloud floating in the sky, leaving behind a moving shade.

Chapter 277 Maybe it was once like a white cloud floating in the sky, leaving behind a moving shade...

The airship moved quietly through the clouds and moved forward slowly.

Hongli remembers that when she went to her grandpa's house every year, her parents had to get up before dawn to get ready. If they encountered special weather or circumstances, they might even leave earlier.

First, there were the rustling sounds of her parents, washing her face, combing her hair and making breakfast. At this time, Hongli could enjoy a few more minutes in her dreamland. This was the tenderness left to her by her parents.

And when the food is almost cooked and the tenderness disappears, Hongli will be pulled out of the bed by her mother with a "swish", and she will cooperate with her to tidy up.

Put on new clothes that you don't usually wear, comb a new hairstyle that you don't usually wear, eat food in a daze, then stuff yourself into the carriage that was prepared in advance, curl up in the big bag and continue to catch up on sleep.

They often set out before dawn, but it was almost afternoon when they got there. Among the many relatives, their family was one of the last ones to come.

Even some who came earlier, such as the aunt who lived closer to home, had even left by this time!

It's not that the relationship between the aunt and the mother is not very good, but that her family is really busy with business, and they come back every day, and it will be troublesome if they leave later when it gets dark, so they leave in a hurry.

Grandpa Hongli has two sons and three daughters. Her mother, Lan Yuying, is the youngest of the three daughters, and the fourth among siblings: the eldest aunt and second aunt are the oldest, followed by uncle, mother, and finally second uncle.

Among them, one of the aunts and aunts married in the city next door, and the other simply found someone to marry in her hometown. She usually takes her husband and children for a walk and walks to the gate of her mother's house.

As a result, among their brothers and sisters, Lan Yuying who married into Five Color City was the farthest from home.

In addition, there are a bunch of relatives of grandparents, brothers and sisters. Hongli probably knows what they are called when they see them, but they are not very familiar with them.

But this year is different. Their means of transportation has directly evolved from a horse-drawn carriage to a spiritual airship. If they accelerate at full speed, they can reach their destination in about [-] minutes. It is indeed an evolution of dimension.

But there is no need to go so fast, it would be embarrassing to get there early and not yet arrive.

Therefore, during this trip, Heiyang Hongli discussed with her parents and chose to sacrifice part of her power and convert it into a spiritual shield outside the airship, changing from the all-out sprinting mode to being as stable as an old dog.

It will probably arrive around eleven o'clock, neither early nor late, and it will not be regarded as deliberately stuck in the meal...

The cabin was very quiet, Hong Xiaochen folded his hands on his chest, lying peacefully on a small bed and sleeping.

But looking at the big bag on his head, it seems that when he was sleeping, he was not as peaceful as he appeared on the surface...

Lan Yuying and Xiao Huo were sitting by the window, looking at the scenery outside the window through the shield of spiritual power, exchanging a few words in a low voice from time to time, and then showing a bit of a thief smile together.

Heiyang Hongli was sitting side by side on the other bed, leaning on the pillow behind her back, her hands and legs were huddled under the quilt, she didn't know what she was doing, it was probably lying obediently by her side .

In front of them is a floating book supported by spiritual power, and the two of them are looking at it together intently.

The title of the book is written on the outer cover: "On the Formation Formula of Spiritual Power and Efficient Conversion of Spiritual Power".

Well, that's right, the two of them are studying hard!

Both the husband and wife are conscientious and eager to learn intellectuals, and they adhere to the concept of living to learn and learning as old as they are old. If you have a light, you will give a little enthusiasm. There is no end to learning, and there is no limit to learning and hard work...


The "cover" accidentally fell off, revealing another layer of cover "Spring () Love ()" cough cough...

"Silly dog, the disguise is crooked..."

Hong Li elbowed Hei Yang.

"Mine, mine."

Hei Yang came back to his senses, and quickly manipulated his spiritual power to cover the "correct cover", turning back into an intellectual.

"Cough, that..."

Heiyang felt his ears burning slightly, he lowered his head guiltyly, covered half of his face with his hands, and discussed the contents of the book with Hongli in a low voice.

"This is too exciting, unexpectedly. Is there such an operation..."

"It's also the first time I've seen this kind of gameplay... I mean..."

Probably because the heat in the cabin was turned on too much, which made Hongli's face flushed red, and the sound of panting became a little louder.

"This is a boutique that I treasure and haven't been willing to look at..."

Hongli whispered in Heiyang's ear.

"It's very hot and bloody, right?"


Heiyang's voice trembled a little.

"Blood boiling belongs to..."

"Me, me too haha..."

Hongli's voice became smaller and smaller.

[Hong Li: Well, this page, have you finished reading it, did I turn the page? 】

[Hei Yang: After reading it, it is finished, but...]

[Hei Yang: Are you sure you want to continue watching? 】

[Hei Yang: If blood erosion reaches a certain level, it will become an irrational monster! 】

[Hongli: Grass, what a wonderful metaphor you are...]

[Hongli: But what I said is true. If you look at it further, it seems that there is indeed a danger of so many billions...]

[Hei Yang: Is that dangerous?Brothers!That is extremely dangerous! 】

[Hei Yang: When we read a book together, you are my good brother...

After reading a few more pages, I am afraid that the role you play is not just that of a good brother...]


[Hong Li: Grass. 】


The book is closed.

Hongli turned her head and Heiyang looked at each other, the moment their eyes met, their pupils trembled, and the two hurriedly moved their heads away as if they were electrocuted, and stretched their heads in opposite directions, panting heavily.



[Hei Yang: Are you feeling better? 】

[Hongli: I'm still a little excited! 】

【Hei Yang: What a coincidence...】

[Hong Li: Me too! 】




Xiao Huo turned his head suspiciously to look at his parents who were sick not far away, with a bewildered expression.

"Well, grandma, mom and dad, they look very painful, as if they have difficulty breathing!"


Lan Yuying tilted her head and glanced at Heiyang Hongli, then calmly turned her gaze back out of the window.

"Don't worry about them, let's just look at our scenery."


Xiaohuo tilted his head, he didn't mention this kind of situation in his inheritance memory...

Well, pack it up, store it, compress it, put it in the memory of Little Fire's revised version, and tell the little firecrackers of future generations not to worry about it when this happens.

Well, if there are descendants...

Huh, she is still a child, that kind of thing is still far away from her, then look at the scenery, look at the scenery, haha...

"Change, change one!"

Hong Li took a deep breath, pulled out another book from the storage bag, and replaced the original study material.

"This is a horror novel I just bought. I heard that it has a good reputation. Come and help me refer to whether it is eligible to enter the Red Glass Bookstore!"

"This is pretty good!"

Hei Yang glanced at the title of the book: "Who is Outside the Window".

(Then someone subconsciously glances at their window)
"Well, horror stories cool down, reasonable!"

Heiyang nodded, slightly adjusted his lying position, retracted his hands into the quilt again, and watched Hongli turn the pages of the book.

"Don't look at the directory."

Hongli directly turned to the text: "Otherwise it will affect the reading experience."


Heiyang likes it.

"But then again..."

Hei Yang wondered, "We've both been to the Underworld, will we really be frightened when we read horror stories?"

"Tsk tsk, you're an amateur..."

Hongli snorted softly and lowered her voice.

"Reading a book is like talking to a person, they will show you the inner world in various ways...

This has nothing to do with the realm of cultivation, only the difference between being able to see in and not being able to see in..."


"now it's right……"

Hongli moved her body, tilted her head and leaned on Heiyang's shoulder, showing a happy smile.

"You know, I've thought about reading books and comics with you for a long, long time.

I was looking forward to that scene at the time, thinking that if I could do this, I would definitely cry with happiness! "

"what about now?"

"I was right in thinking."

Hongli looked up at Heiyang, her eyes sparkling.

"You will only get happier and happier..."

Hei Yang wiped the corner of the girl's eyes, and said softly: "I will do what I say."


The conversation stopped, and the quilt covered the clenched hands.

The pages of the book turned, and the words flashed in the eyes.


Lan Yuying patted Xiaohuo furtively, and pointed in the direction of Heiyang Hongli, with an excited expression on her face.

"Look, look!"


Xiao Huo turned his head to look: "But grandma, parents are just reading a book together quietly?"

"That's what I let you see."

Lan Yuying smiled: "That looks like happiness!"


Xiaohuo blinked, and nodded with a vague understanding.

Xiaohuo's revised version of inheritance memory package, added content: that picture is called happiness...

(End of this chapter)

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