So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 304 I Will Live Tomorrow, Today Is So Happy

Chapter 304 I Will Live Tomorrow, Today Is So Happy

"I don't know many characters..."

Hei Yang said with a headache on his face: "When I looked at it, a name suddenly popped up, as if I was very familiar with the protagonist, but I am not familiar with him!"

"Nonsense, that's a character who appeared in the previous two movies, just look at it and it's over."

Hongli said indifferently: "It won't affect reading."


Hei Yang raised a question mark: "How to say?"

"If you think of the plot of revenge as silly, white and sweet, it's fine to imagine that the three-year period has come to congratulate the Dragon King on his return."

Hong Li said casually: "That's what it means."


Heiyang took a sip of Hongli, and couldn't help but said, "I understand, sister Hongli!"

"Humph, of course."

Hongli smiled triumphantly: "I don't even think I'm..."

"Little Li, come here!"


Before Hongli could finish her sentence, she suddenly heard her mother calling her, raised her head in a daze, lifted the umbrella, and saw her mother waving to herself: "What's wrong?"

"Why do you ask so many questions, come here!"

"Oh, well, here we come!"

Hongli scratched her head, handed the book in her hand to Heiyang, and ran towards her mother: "Heiyang help me remember how many pages I have read, no corners are allowed!"

"Uh, ninety-three pages."

Heiyang glanced at the page number, remembered it in his heart, took the book back, followed Hongli's footsteps slowly, and walked to his mother Qing Yiyi curiously, and saw Hongli's family walking into a family in Lunan. The store couldn't help asking, "What are they doing here?"

"Don't worry about what Xiao Li is doing..."

Mother Qing Yiyi dragged Heiyang to another store: "Mom showed you some clothes, come in and try them on."

"Huh? Mom, I can also make clothes. What are you doing looking at them?"

"Hey, can it be the same? Do you know how to dress? Do you know what the current trend is? They are professionals!"

"I don't wear it out for people to see..."

"Don't talk so much, go and try those few pieces!"

"Ah this..."

Heiyang subconsciously looked outside the store, trying to ask his father for help, but he saw his father standing next to Xiaohuo and Lianlian watching the two play, with a look of no emotion, completely ignoring his son's eyes asking for help .

Hei Muguang glanced at Hei Yang, then turned his head away as if he didn't care, and continued to act as the child's guardian.

A dead son will not kill me, I have to behave better in front of your mother today, don't wink at me, I can't see it, I can't see it...

Who is Xiaoyang?do not know.

Hei Yang: "..."


after an hour.

"Mom, that's really uncomfortable to wear..."

Hei Yang was dragged back and forth by his mother with a look of lovelessness, muttering: "Design against humanity, well, who would sew gemstones on the collar, don't you feel panicked?"

"Oh, you don't understand, this is popular this year, look in the mirror, how beautiful it is."

"It looks good because your son and I are good-looking. What does it have to do with his clothes? Alas, this one won't work. Take it off. Comfort is more important than good-looking!"

"But it's popular this year..."

"I'm a remnant of the old days, and it's too early for me to be exposed to this kind of art..."

Heiyang murmured in a low voice: "I think my grandpa's clothes looked pretty good..."

"Nonsense, your grandfather only dressed like that when he was old, and you learned from your grandfather at a young age?
Young people should be full of vigor and vitality. Who else is like you? "

"Red glass."

"Slap your ass again!"

"Mom, I'm eighteen!"

"You also know that you are eighteen, and you have to worry about your food, clothing, housing and transportation at eighteen, so it's not shameful to spread the word!"


Heiyang wanted to cry but was dragged back and forth by his mother, shuttling through various shops, letting his mother play with him.

When Xiao Heiyang went out shopping with his mother, he always felt like a little girl's doll in the hands of his mother.

Every time Heiyang would be dressed up and changed by his mother, and he would be pulled in front of the mirror for various appreciations.

And at this time, the mother would look at Hei Yang with sparkling eyes, and proudly boast of her son: "As expected of his mother's own, this face is as good as Qing Yiyi's!"
So Hongli was caught by her mother and used as a doll...

Taking advantage of the time when his mother was going to check out, Hei Yang sneaked out of the store to let the wind pass, and then saw a sneaky figure at the corner, who was looking at something with his head stretched out.

"Phew! It can be regarded as escaped..."

Hongli breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat on her head, and showed a happy expression.

"Fortunately, Hei Yang was also taken away, otherwise it would be too terrifying to be seen by him."

"Why can't Hei Yang see it?"

A curious voice came from behind.

"Because I like him very much, I am very concerned about his evaluation of my appearance!"

Hongli rolled her eyes: "Ghost knows if he likes this look, what if he doesn't think it looks good...

Tch, I don't care if it's someone else's. "

"No, I have to find a place to change it back..."

Before Hongli finished speaking, she suddenly fell into silence, sighed heavily, turned her head numbly, saw the familiar funny face, lowered her head and said in resignation: "Okay, I'm ready, you can start laughing .

Let Mou Li use her pitiful shame to entertain Lord Heiyang, woo woo woo..."


Heiyang suppressed his smile, looked at Hongli's blushing self-abandonment and a little bit of embarrassment, and quickly waved his hands to explain: "Well, I'm not laughing at you like this, it's your words that made me laugh for no reason, haha Ha ha……"

"Ah, yes, yes, whatever you say."

Hongli sighed, straightened her bun, and pointed to herself: "Mr. Heiyang, how do you evaluate it?"


A flash of amazement flashed in Heiyang's eyes, and he praised sincerely: "It makes people's eyes bright, um, sinking fish and falling geese, closing the moon to shame flowers!"

The shiny buns adorning the bun made the girl even more lovely and charming, her resentful little eyes were staring at Hei Yang, and her lips seemed to be painted with lipstick, which made her look a bit coquettish.

On the white neck was still the silver necklace that Heiyang gave, perhaps it was impregnated with spiritual power, which added a bit of tranquility to the girl.

A gorgeous red long dress is particularly eye-catching, but it doesn't look ostentatious when worn on the girl, it's like a cold fire, it's not scorching hot, but it burns fiercely in Heiyang's eyes.

The long skirt covered the knees, revealing two white legs, and the beige patterned cloth shoes were on the feet. At this time, the two little feet were twisting restlessly, revealing the panic of the owner.

Seeing Heiyang's eyes of undisguised admiration and praise, Hongli was overjoyed, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but raised, and she reconfirmed: "Really?"


Hei Yang nodded affirmatively, "Sincerely!"

"Ha, ahem..."

After getting an affirmative reply, Hongli subconsciously wanted to laugh three times to celebrate, but considering that her mother said that she is a ladylike style now, she coughed twice to hold back the impulse, and said modestly: "Thank you, thank you hehe, you think it's okay Just fine!"

"No problem, of course no problem!"

Heiyang clapped and clapped: "Peerless elegance, overwhelming country and city, beautiful and heavenly fragrance, too beautiful to behold!"

"Ahaha, it's too hot, ahem, I mean, it's too exaggerated, and it's not as good as you said."

Hongli couldn't stop smiling brightly on her face, and there was a little flower floating in her heart, she was extremely happy.

"That, is there any more?"


Heiyang scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly: "Is there anything else?"

"Read the words!"

Hongli gave Heiyang a look, and said in a low voice: "What else do you want to praise me for? Tell me quickly, if you praise Mouli a few more words, she will be so beautiful that you can't find anything, and if you coax her a little more, you can take her away." La!"

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang showed dead fish eyes: "You don't have long legs, you won't follow me home by yourself? Why do you want me to carry you back?"

"That's not the point, the point is to praise me!"

Hong Li waved her hand and gave Hei Yang a white look.

"I've been tortured for so long, wouldn't it be a loss not to hear you praise me more?
Come on, tell me, are there any highlights? "



"The bright spots..."

Heiyang stroked his chin, looked at Hongli carefully, and suddenly raised his eyebrows: "Have you become taller?"



Heiyang looked down at Hongli's shoes, his eyes flashed brightly: "You've grown taller with underwear on!"

Hongli: "..."


Hongli only felt the blood pouring from her neck to her forehead, her face flushed instantly, and a flash appeared behind Heiyang, turning her back to Heiyang's head with a whip kick: "Go to hell!"

"Hey, don't be impulsive, I'm telling the truth!"

Heiyang's eyelids twitched, he turned sideways to avoid Hongli's sudden attack, and suddenly his eyes widened.


Hongli turned sharply and landed on the ground, grabbed her skirt in horror, squatted down with her knees hugged, looked up at Heiyang, her face flushed.

"You, what are you doing with your eyeballs so big, you're going to die!"

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang's expression froze, he stretched out his thumb, grinned and showed his white teeth, and praised with a smile: "That, the white is pure and flawless, very bright!"

"This doesn't need a bright spot, hey!!!"

Hongli gritted her teeth and rushed towards Heiyang, and greeted with a burst of fists: "Go to hell, go to hell!"

"Ah, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes."

Heiyang held down Hongli's head, fiddled with the step shaker on her head, heard the crisp sound of "jingling", smiled happily, turned Hongli in a circle, and hugged her in his arms: "Okay, okay, to be honest, it's really pretty."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, anyway, it's not for me to wear..."

Hongli snorted softly, and beeped softly: "It's you who should be nervous, and you're the one who suffers when I'm seen by others, hum!"

"Tsk tsk, don't worry, I will hide you tightly."

Heiyang seriously assured: "The red glass belongs to Heiyang! It can only be Heiyang's!"

"Well, you can do what you say."


Heiyang nodded fiercely, and slammed his chin on Hongli's head.

"Xiaoyang? Xiaoli? Strange, where did this child go?"

"Hey, we're here! It's okay, it's okay, you go on shopping, let's go around here, eh!"

The two poked their heads out from the corner and waved to their parents. The latter reluctantly shook the two smiling guys and waved his hands, meaning it's up to you, and I will follow up later.

"I know, I know!"

Heiyang took out the photo stone, threw it forward, lifted up his spiritual power, pulled Hongli to his side, and said with a smile: "Let's take a group photo as a souvenir!"

"Oh hoo, look at me in a cool pose!

If you want to take a souvenir, you can't just take pictures casually. "

"It's enough to take a few more pictures, there is plenty of time."


Hongli and Heiyang leaned on each other, smiling brightly and making scissorhands: "Happy couple!"

Hongli hid behind Heiyang, blocked her body, and stretched out her arms beside Heiyang: "Four-handed Overlord!"

The Hongli spear pointed at Hei Yang, who raised his sword against the spear: "Tacit confrontation!"

Hong Li ran up to Hei Yang, and just about to make a move, she exclaimed when Hei Yang grabbed her waist and lifted her up, she put her head next to Hei Yang's face with a smile: "Raise the glass to match your eyebrows!"

"Wait a minute, you are changing the language randomly."

"Why are there so many things!"

Hongli Heiyang looked at the camera with dead fish eyes: "Salted fish lazy dog!"

Heiyang Hongli turned around, leaving behind two faces: "Buy an orange!"

Heiyang Hongli held hands, put his left foot against the right corner, tilted in the opposite direction, and leaned against each other to maintain stability: "The balance of the two forces!"

"Come to a difficult capture!"

"Just stumbling towards you!"

Heiyang Hongli ran towards each other, running in both directions, jumped up suddenly when he was about to meet, and opened his arms towards the other party: "Run in both directions!"


The two knocked their heads together: "Two sand sculptures..."

"Compare your heart to your arm?"

"Hey, aren't you a little silly?"

"Anyway, it's just our family."

"You said that if Xiao Huo sees it, will it affect the tall and glorious image of her parents in her heart?"

"Do you think we have this strange image?"

"That's right, that girl is smart..."

Heiyang Hongli chuckled and showed a funny expression at the same time: "Don't miss it!"

Heiyang Hongli embraced each other with open arms: "Put yourself in your arms! Wait, what are you doing? Uh...uh!"


The picture stone freezes the picture, the teenagers and girls kiss passionately, and the black clothes and red dresses shine against each other...

"This one is called Blind Love!"

"Hey, this one is called Heiyang playing hooligans!"

"Love each other!"

"Playing hooligans!"

"In love!"


"Fuck, Hongli, you have to slap me, don't you!"

"What's wrong with you? Don't accept it!"

"You want to fight, don't you!"

"I'm afraid of you! When I take off my skirt, bah, I can kill you with one hand while wearing a skirt!"

"Huh? If you talk big, you're not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue, and it will kill me, right? You press, press!"

"You forced me! One glass finger!"

"Six Suns Excalibur!"

"Hey hey hey hey!"

"Hoo ha ha ha ha ha!"



"Uh, why did you take this picture?"

"Delete delete!"

"Come on, come up with a name, well, let me think about it, how about calling En Duan Yi Jue! Or turn against each other!"

"Let's go, beating is kissing and scolding is love!"

"Hey, why not call it the Heiyang Hongli battle-damaged version!"

"Come on, I didn't mess up your hairstyle, and it was damaged in battle!"

"Wow, what do you mean, you still want to pull my hair, don't you! Are you childish!"

"Don't spout blood!"

"Hurry up!"



The setting sun stretched the shadow of Heihong's family to a long distance, and they walked leisurely towards the house until they reached a certain intersection, where they were divided into three parts.

"Lianlian will follow you to my sister's house. It happens that Xiaoyang's house can be tidied up and I can live in it for you."

"Then Xiaohuo, follow us back to our house, it's too disturbing to be with her grandparents all the time."

"Hey, don't bother, don't bother, don't get in the way, don't get in the way!"

"Okay, okay, you two elders, go to the world of two!

Let's go, Xiao Huo, Mom and Dad left you a wonderful bedroom, except that the bed is not as big as ours, everything else is much better! "

"Oh! Does Xiao Huo really have a house of his own? Long live Mom and Dad!!!"

"Let's go, let's go, be careful on the road."

"Remember to go to bed early and get up early!"

"Call us if you need anything!"



On a certain branch, the sloth was swinging leisurely, sleeping very comfortably, but did it forget something?
Uh, no, it doesn't seem like she forgot something, but she was forgotten by some two guys!
Forget it, forget it, sleep, sleep, wake up...

(End of this chapter)

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