So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 314 Ah, the feeling of being so sleepy but trying not to sleep is inexplicably cool

Chapter 314 Ah, the feeling of being so sleepy but trying not to sleep is inexplicably cool

"Huh, look, how is it!"

Hei Yang turned Hong Li's head in front of the mirror, and said proudly: "This is a classic hairstyle for a good wife and mother, it will make you look like a mature adult!"


Hongli tilted her head, looked in the mirror, picked up her braid with one finger, and shook her head in surprise: "Side ponytail? You're pretty good at it! I don't even know how to weave it."

"Nonsense, it sounds like you made it up."

Heiyang rolled his eyes, and patted Hongli on the head: "You don't do braids at all, do you?"

"Hmm, so what?"

Hongli snorted softly, turned towards Heiyang, holding the braid with both hands and kept following it.

"If you didn't say you liked it, we would have short and refreshing hair now, which would be much more convenient."


Heiyang reached out and hugged Hongli from behind, looking at the chair in the mirror that he was sitting on with Hongli wobbly.

"Speaking of which, this hairstyle is actually quite dangerous."


Hongli played with her hair with her fingers, and asked curiously, "How do you say it? Will it wrap around your neck while sleeping? Or will it hurt if you get caught in a fight?"

"Ha, no no no."

Heiyang said cheerfully: "It's just that in anime, people with hairstyles like yours now die earlier or more miserable."

"oh, I see."

Hongli turned her head to look at Heiyang, and smiled slightly: "Hey, Heiyang? You want to die and just say it."

"Ahem, let's go, Hongli, see you tonight~"

"Stop! Damn it, stop!"


"Mom and Dad are playing again."

Xiao Huo sat in his own room, propped his elbows on the table and dragged his chin, flipped through the books on the table calmly, and sighed.

"Really, when will I be able to mature like Xiaohuo?"

"Xiaohuo! Come here and help me stop Heiyang! He's running towards you!"

"Ha! Xiao Huo is here!"

The book was closed in an instant, Xiao Huo jumped out of the room, and said with a smile: "Dad, wake up!"

"You're shameless! Shameless!"

"Ha, hold back if you don't accept it, and give Sajia Hongli a punch first! Watch me strangle you to death with my hair!"

"Poisonous woman! You poisonous woman! Ah!"


"very good!"

Holding a long knife in his hand, Xingyun looked at the burly man striding forward with a fighting look on his face, and couldn't help but pursed his lips.

"If you beat you, you will be the top eight! If you want to punish me, Xingyun, there is no way! Ha!"

"Although I don't know what this junior sister is talking about."

The strong man untied the huge sword behind him with a calm expression, held it upright in front of him, and a powerful aura erupted from his body.

"But for the top eight, I'm sorry, let's work harder next time."


Xingyun frowned, and said in surprise: "The foundation building period?"

"Not bad!"

The strong man heard the shocking party members starting to work, and the corners of his mouth subconsciously twitched.

"I have hidden my strength for so long just to surprise everyone in this competition!"


Xingyun tilted her head, a little puzzled, if she hides her strength, wouldn't she receive less cultivation resources? Could it be that the other party is so rich that she doesn't like that little money?
"Forget it, forget it, don't think so much, since this is the case..."

Xingyun's fighting spirit kept rising, and under the astonished eyes of his opponent, his aura gradually became terrifying, and he broke through from the eighth level of Qi refining to the ninth level of Qi refining in one fell swoop.


The brawny man gasped, and showed an expression that shouldn't have been shown, his style plummeted instantly, and his IQ was bungee jumping without a rope.

"That's right, so what if you break through to the ninth level of Qi refining!"

The strong man's words became more and more like a small boy, and the atmosphere created by his calm face was completely destroyed: "I am in the foundation building period!"

"Then build the foundation!"

Xingyun yelled loudly, flames rose from his body, flowing down the long knife along his arms, his eyes were dazzling.

"This must never be let go again!"

Huo Le who was sitting in front of the elders' table stood up abruptly, and shouted at Jin Xiu who was beside him.

"Did you see, another one, another foundation building period, master, his old man blesses me, the talents of our fire department are prosperous!"

"Ah, yes, yes, you can..."

Jin Xiu rolled his eyes, and said softly, "How many brothers did you keep?"

"I said it! This time, this one will never escape!"

Under Jin Xiu's horrified gaze, Huo Le twitched the corners of his mouth, smiled charmingly, and waved his hand to make a gesture: "Ready to do it."

"Yes! Elder!"

I saw a few fierce brothers and sisters of the Huobu appearing from nowhere, some were carrying bundles of ropes, some were holding sacks, and there was a guy who was throwing something on the handkerchief...

Jin Xiu: "..."

"Senior Brother, it's not impossible to..."

Jin Xiu quickly reached out to stop her, and said speechlessly, "Don't make a mistake on the wrong path!"

"Oh, don't persuade others to be kind without others suffering!"

Huo Le gritted her teeth and said, "It won't be easy for anyone to come today, as I said, do it!"


When a steady voice sounded from behind, Huo Le couldn't help curling up the corners of her mouth, and put on a handkerchief on her nose and mouth involuntarily.Um?handkerchief?
Huo Le's eyes widened, and when he wanted to say something, he rolled his eyes and passed out.

"Should I say it or not..."

Yin Zisheng took back the handkerchief, and praised: "Qing Kong, your hands are always very strong."

"Ha, of course, this is the sign of a professional counterpart."

Yao Qingkong triumphantly pointed to the sky.

"The first testable anesthesia operation in the travel world was done by my grandpa's grandpa, okay?
This is a special version of mine that has been improved many times, and the effect is very good. I guarantee that even if you are in the Nascent Soul Stage, you will suffer a big loss if you don't notice it for a while.

Well, it will definitely make him sleep peacefully as if he is dead! "

"Well, it's amazing..."

Yin Zisheng opened Huo Le's eyelids, touched his chin and observed carefully: "But are you really sure that my junior brother is not really dead, but still alive?"

"Of course it is!"

"But he's not breathing?"

"normal phenomenon!"

"Heartbeat is gone."

"absolutely okay!"


Yin Zisheng couldn't help admiring: "That is to say, he can't feel anything now, so it won't be a problem if I steal a kidney from him?"

"It's okay to pick two! Don't worry!"


"That's that's..."

Jin Xiu: "..."

Jin Xiu secretly moved to a small corner and took out the emergency communication spirit stone: "Crooked? Yes, is it the law enforcement department of the practice world? Yes, I want to report.

Well, a mad scientist part-time human trafficker, a deadly poison master and a master waist catcher, yes, yes, very powerful, um, very scary!

That's right, you guys remember to send more people, that's right, I'm dead! "


"Ha, the top eight, you can grab it!"

Xingyun shook off the sparks on the long knife, and squinted at the strong man who fell to the ground with circling eyes, the corners of his mouth raised, and he turned his head to look at the two rings on the left and right.

"Are you satisfied?"

Hei Xiaolong put his arms around his chest, looked at the tall and thin man in the ice in front of him, and said coldly, "I'll ask you again, are you convinced?

Didn't you say you want to beat me up and call me daddy? If you call me daddy, let you out! "

The thin and tall man blinked wildly: "******"


Hei Xiaolong's complexion changed: "Special spells for cursing people in the practice world? Something!"

The thin and tall man moved his eyes left and right: "******"

"Hiss! Mouth still smells so bad?!"

Hei Xiaolong rolled up his sleeves, his hair blown up.

"It seems that you are going to force me to be serious. I have the lexicons of Brother Heiyang and Sister Hongli by heart!"



"The quality of the contestants in the No. [-] ring is too low, give me a warning..."

"Ha, I agree."

Zhao Zhuji moved the long sword away from the neck of the opponent with an ugly face, and said politely.

"Thank you for your mercy."

The opponent saluted back, turned his head and walked down the stage.

"There are actually two of the Five Elements Sect who entered the quarterfinals..."

Zhao Zhuji turned to look at Xingyun, and caught a glimpse of Hei Xiaolong whose mouth seemed to be blocked by a layer of water for some reason.

He nodded thoughtfully, then turned his head and looked at another place that surprised him a little.


Hong Butian greeted embarrassingly: "I'm only at the third level of Qi refining, I was just playing around, try it.

In the end, I got a bye and advanced again, so, um, it's weird to accidentally enter the top [-]. I know this is not the rank I should be in. I hope you will be merciful. "

"Show the enemy weak..."

Hong Butian's opponent's eyes were hidden under his long bangs, he was dressed in black, he held a broken sword in his arms, and said in a dull voice: "I didn't expect that such a bright and upright sect as Wuliangjian Sect would have such a scheming sect like you." generation!"

"Hey, why am I scheming? Who is my scheming?"

Hong Butian raised his brows, and his temper came up slowly: "I tell you, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. I, Hongbutian, stand up straight!"

"Heh, every time you use the smallest effort to deal with a powerful opponent, even pretending to be a fake realm..."

The man in black sneered and analyzed: "Using the so-called luck, fluke and other reasons, sneaking in quietly, waiting until the end to reveal the hole card and win the first place in one fell swoop, it is really a good way."

"I mean your size!"

Hong Butian pointed at his own face with a broken face: "You have such a high level, can't you see through me, can't you see that I am really just a rookie?"

"Oh, don't pretend to be foolish, you are clever but you are mistaken by your cleverness."

The man in black said proudly: "The other methods are so clever that I can hardly see any traces, it can be said to be terrifying.

But you still want to come up with this secondary cultivation, but you are not an anti-dog. Compared with the one who can take the A-level test, you who can control the score in the C-level passing line every time, are more serious. Horror! "

"I accuse your grandma!"

"Oh? Spit out foul language, trying to provoke me?"

The man in black said, "I'm not fooled, I acted recklessly because of my arrogance.

In the end, I was taught a lesson by a master of Wuliang Sword Sect, who broke my favorite sword as a warning, and made me think twice before doing anything, so as not to be fooled by others in the future and return the money.

Since then, I have been more patient, waiting for the opponent to show his flaws, and then defeating the enemy with one blow, this is the way I should go! "

"Ha, it's hopeless, see you later."

Hong Butian rolled his eyes, half-raised his hand and said, "I give up..."

"Very well, I admit that your aggressive method has worked for me!"

The black-clothed swordsman's momentum rose wildly: "Do you even bother to fight me?

That's right, after all, you are a strong person of that level, so it's only natural that you don't care about little people like me. "

"However, I have been preparing for this day for too long!"

The swordsman in black suddenly roared, and the black sword energy surrounded him, and his momentum rose again: "This secret technique can make my strength reach the peak of foundation building in a short period of time, combined with my swordsmanship, I have the confidence to fight even Jindan." war!
Of course, because I don't master this secret technique very well, even I don't have absolute confidence to control it.

As long as you can withstand my blow, you will win! "

"Hey, it's not going to be such a big battle, right? Calm down buddy, calm down, I've already told you to vote..."

"Enough, do you still want to humiliate me?!"

The man in black roared angrily, raised his broken sword and rushed towards the Zhongren people, suddenly staggered, spat out blood, knelt on the ground on one knee, raised his head, and said unwillingly: "Damn it!
Sure enough, my control is still a bit weaker, is this also what you expected?Ah!I'm really overwhelmed. "


The corner of Hong Butian's mouth twitched: "So you still don't want to fight, if you don't fight, then I will vote..."

"I surrender."


Hong Butian raised a question mark: "Wait, what are you doing?"

"As I said before, if this secret technique is not well controlled, it will suffer backlash."

The man in black calmly let the corners of his mouth overflow with blood: "Now I'm so weak that I can't even use my spiritual power at will. It's meaningless to continue beating me."

"Forget it, since you know that your strength is inferior, why not use this time to practice!"

The man in black bowed his hands to Hong Butian: "You have been taught! Farewell!"

"Hey, what have you been taught, why don't I know?"

"I understand what you mean. A true sentence can only be understood, not expressed in words!"

"What am I..."

Hong Butian stared blankly at the back of the man in black until he was announced to be in the quarterfinals, then he couldn't help but sadly said: "You come back to me, don't leave me here, you go to face those Go monster!"


"Well, what happened?"

Huo Le wakes up in a daze.

"It's okay, let's sleep a little longer."

Yin Zisheng took out a handkerchief and covered Huo Le's mouth.

"Well, Zisheng, this can't be used repeatedly, the dose will pass!"


"What will happen after that? Will the state of being dead last longer?"

"No, it will really die."


"Hurry up! Jinxiu! Hurry up and carry your senior brother to the medical hall to find those disciples from the Water Ministry to wash their stomachs! Hurry up!"



"Ha, another beautiful day."

On the roof of Yangli's house, two reclining chairs were stretched out, and Heiyang Hongli was covered with the same quilt, wearing sunshade glasses, looking at the blue sky.

"Heiyang, Heiyang, look quickly, on that street, mom!"

"Huh? Where is it?"

"Stupid, over there, look over there!"

"What were they doing?"

"You can't see the small restaurant not far away, look at the two people in the corner..."

"Good guy, they changed places to hide and drink again, right?"

"Hiss, mom is on!"

"Watching a play!"*2
(End of this chapter)

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