So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 322 The more happy you are, the more you have to remind yourself not to get carried away

Chapter 322 The more happy you are, the more you have to remind yourself not to get carried away

"Tell me something!"

Hong Li stretched out a finger, and said with a serious face: "Being scolded by the map cannon, is it considered scolding?"

"Nonsense, definitely count!"

Hei Yang rolled his eyes: "If the map cannon is not a curse, why do we all scold the map cannon!"

"But now, aren't you also a kind of map cannon?"

Hongli showed dead fish eyes: "You are scolding everyone who opened the map gun, are you scolding yourself?"

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang's expression froze, and he waved his hands and feet frantically.

"What to say! What to say!

Can I call this a map cannon?

I am... this is...

Well, this is an act of justice!
Stealing a book is not considered stealing, and cursing someone who opened a map is not considered scolding!

Well, what I call a bad guy, I am a good guy, just like everyone calls a thief! "

"Ha ha."

Hongli rolled her eyes: "Heiyang is well-known with double standards!"


Hei Yang glared at Hong Li fiercely with a ferocious expression on his face.

"I, what am I doing!"

Hong Li was not afraid, and looked directly into Hei Yang's eyes with contempt.

"What's the matter, if you don't argue, you'll hit someone, right! You'll lose your face!"

Hongli snorted softly, lay down on the bed, hugged her head and shouted: "Come on! Come on! Hit me if you have the ability, anyway, you can only use this method to get impotent and furious!

Hmph, just bully the honest Hongli, bully her weak, pitiful and helpless, just punch and kick, it will really make those who see it cry, and those who hear it hurt..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Heiyang hurriedly stopped Hongli who was playing a rascal.

"When did I say I was going to beat you, don't wrong a good man!"

"Oh, why don't you want to hit me, why are you looking at me so fiercely!"

Hongli looked displeased: "You still stare at me, why do you look big-eyed?"

"Ah this..."

Heiyang showed his half-moon eyes, laughing again and again.

"Well, my eyes are wide open to take a good look at Little Red Riding Hood, Pooh, Pooh, Little Hongli!"


Hongli rolled her eyes: "Hypocrisy!"


A black line was drawn across Heiyang's head: "Get up, if you don't get up, I will really beat you!"

"Ha, it's been revealed!"

Hongli couldn't help shouting loudly, and remained motionless: "Come on, come on, fight and fight!"


Hei Yang's backhand was a slap.


Hongli turned over and dodged like a rabbit, and pointed at Heiyang with a shocked face.

"You're so pissed! You're done!"

Hong Li gritted her teeth and said, "I want to tell your mother! Let her hang you on the house and whip you hard!"

"Tch, making friends out of nothing, fabricating rumors."

Hei Yang curled his lips and raised his hand: "I missed you again."

"That's why I hid fast!"

Hongli gritted her teeth and said, "I'm stupid, am I really being beaten?"

"Oh, it seems to say how smart you are."

Heiyang sat cross-legged on the bed, crossed his arms, and looked at Hongli with disdain.

"Then since I didn't hit you, what reason do you have to go to my mother and sue me?
Slandering people, right? I told your mother directly that you are the one who should be hung on the beam! "

"You meow, I slander you, I slander you?"

Hong Li's eyes widened, and she pointed at herself in disbelief.

"I'm not telling the truth? Even if you miss it, it's an attempted crime and you'll have to be punished!"

"Then I might just scare you."

Heiyang dead pig is not afraid of boiling water: "You keep provoking me, why don't I scare you?
No way?No way?It's not true that some people only allow themselves to slap other people's faces, and they are anxious when they are slapped? "

"you you you!"

Hongli's face turned red, she rolled her eyes, tilted her head, tilted her mouth, and kicked her legs.

"Ah, Hongli was so mad at the dog Heiyang..."

"Hey, you're pretending to be dead again, are you doing this trick again?"

Hongli: "..."

"My good fellow, you played a rogue first, so don't blame me!"

What does he want to do? !

Hearing Heiyang's half-threatening words, Hongli was startled, it shouldn't be, as long as she is dead, Heiyang will have nothing to do with her...

Wait, that seems to be a trick before getting married, and now it's motionless, uh...

Grass, can't it, can't it?
Brother Heiyang, you can't do that, can you?

I was just kidding with you!
Hong Li's heart beat faster, didn't she agree to do it on the day of the wedding... Finally couldn't help it!

hateful!Think about it too!After all, Hongli is so cute!

If she was Hei Yang, she would have done this and that and then made Hongli do this and that again...Damn it, I am really a villain!

But here comes the problem, I'm Hongli!
What to do, what to do, ask for help, there is a black sun stalking around, waiting online, very urgent!

If Heiyang really did something, would she accept it?Or is it forced to accept?

Hey, it's hard to choose!

"Ha, found it!"

Heiyang's surprised voice sounded.

Hongli: "!!!"

Also have props? ! !

Stop it bro!I am inexperienced!You can't do this!

"Hey, Xiaoli, guess what this is!"

Heiyang's voice startled Hongli, and then he felt that Heiyang took a round thing and squeezed her face.

Hongli: "???"

This is, what is this! ! !
Hongli suddenly remembered that some time ago, when Heiyang was not paying attention, she secretly coughed those ten t's, took that very mysterious prop away and took a look, wanting to satisfy her curiosity.

As a result, as a result, woo woo woo...

The result is woo woo woo...

She thought, she thought she was bad before!
Only now did I realize that her special meow was Xiao Guaiguai, who was as pure as a fucking piece of white paper.

But, um, but...

Ahhhhh, I regret not listening to Hei Yang!

Her thoughts are dirty and unclean!
Well, but...

She only glanced at it for a while, so she should still be a very pure and clean Hong Xiaoli, right?
Well, yes, that's it, that's right!

She, Hongli, is innocent!
"Hey, you're still pretending!"

Heiyang's helpless voice came from beside his ears.

"Give me some feedback, otherwise it will be meaningless!"

Woooooo, he's already thinking that way, and he still wants her to give feedback, woooooo...

"One last time, what is this?"

Hei Yang said quietly: "Don't tell me?"

Hongli: "..."

When Hong Li thought of seeing certain pictures, she couldn't help but tremble in her heart, so meow, round?
What else could it be!How do you say that kind of thing?
Woooooo... Smelly Heiyang, dog Heiyang, bullying people!

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang looked helplessly at Hong Li as if she was dead... No wonder, your heart is about to jump out of your chest!

"Well, then I'll entertain myself."

Hongli: "..."

He even had to entertain himself!
Obviously I am here!
He wants to torture me mentally!
Woooooo, help, she's about to lose her hold!
Is it still useful to kowtow and apologize to Heiyang and call him dad now?It should be in time!


Hei Yang looked at the round...photographing spirit stone in his hand, revealing half-moon eyes, and stretched out his hand to fix the pedal in the air with spiritual power.

Then Heiyang gently turned Hongli over, and put her dead face in the camera.

"Cough cough!"

Heiyang coughed twice, spoke his words, and said, "Look carefully, this woman is called Xiaomei. When her neighbors found her, she had already died at home, which made the neighbors very..."


Hongli marked a series of question marks on Heiyang's head, couldn't hold back any longer, opened her eyes, saw Heiyang laying there solemnly explaining her death, couldn't help crying out.

"What are you doing! What are you doing! What are you doing!"


Heiyang's eyes widened and he appeared in the camera, controlling his spiritual power to vibrate and make a sound in the distance.

"Suddenly, Xiaomei stood up with disheveled hair and a hideous face!

This startled Xiao Gang who was searching for evidence in the house!
He watched in horror as Xiaomei, who had come back from the dead, slowly walked towards him, and grabbed Xiaogang's neck fiercely with her sharp claws! "

"What the hell are you doing here!"

Hongli pinched Heiyang's neck and shook with a question mark on her face.

[Hei Yang: Cough cough, wait a minute, the last sentence, the last sentence! 】

"That's it, Xiao Gang, pawn, and when the woman saw Xiao Gang who fell to the ground, she showed a wicked smile.

And Xiao Gang, who was watched dead by everyone, slowly stood up, showing the same smile as a woman...

Cough cough, that's the end of Xiaoyang's commentary for this issue, see you next time! "


Heiyang looked at the pictures recorded in the Lingshi, and nodded with satisfaction: "My ability to perform on the spot is still good, and I can recover from such recording accidents!"

"So, what the hell are you doing?"

Hongli showed dead fish eyes, and looked at Heiyang with a displeased face.

"Ah, tell me, why did I die?"

"Tch, there's a picture at the beginning, the story is all about making up!"

Hei Yang couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "I'm just disgusting you, drawing a turtle or something on your face with a brush...

Uh, I couldn't bear to do it, so I had to make up your little story. "

"Huh? That's it? That's it?"

Hongli spread her hands and looked disdainful: "You scared me to death. It turned out that it was just such a rubbish method that couldn't cause any real harm to me. Why should I!"


Hei Yang frowned: "What do you think? Let's hear it?"


Hong Li sneered, "I don't want to tell you."

"whispering sound."

Hei Yang curled his lips: "You don't want to tell me if you like to tell me, anyway, my purpose of scaring you has succeeded, your heart almost flew out just now."

Hongli: "..."

Grass, she seems to be really scared?

"Twitter, I don't bother to talk to you."

Hong Li rolled her eyes, turned her head to look to the southwest direction, there were two ghosts walking fast, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

"It's just a map cannon, take it back."

Hongli spread her hands.


Heiyang's expression froze.

The two looked at each other: "Grass!"

[Because the two contractors with supernatural powers were almost pointed at their noses and scolded face to face, the phantoms were in a hurry. In order to maintain the dignity of supernatural powers, the supernatural powers and demon hearts (purple) are undergoing transformation. 】

[Yang Li, don't be humiliated! 】

Heiyang Hongli: "???"

Heiyang Hongli: Hahaha, everyone is just joking, Xiaoying is fine.

Specter: Grass, let me go, don't stop me, I'm going to hack them to death!

Black Sun Red Glass: ...

"What am I..."

A row of black lines were drawn across Hei Yang's head: "I really didn't expect that.

Phantom, who is usually obedient and follows his grandson, will fall ill at this time..."

"Wooooow, Xiaoying has grown up, I'm so moved."

Hong Li burst into tears: "Is this the feeling Heiyang you mentioned about the domineering president Wen?"

"No, this is the stupid son of the landlord's family."

Heiyang's forehead was sweating: "I said, the two of them won't really kill others, will they?"

"Uh, those two..."

Hongli showed half-moon eyes, and those two seemed to be the main body of the phantom, and usually the phantoms were all split from them, and the magic heart supernatural power is purple, and it works at the Nascent Soul stage and below.

In other words, those two guys can hammer Nascent Soul to the ground...

"Well, let's get rid of the two of them quickly!"

Hongli's forehead was sweating, as if she had seen the little handcuffs, the bars, the uniform...

"When the Cultivation World Headquarters sent people to arrest us, we said we didn't know them, we didn't know, and we didn't know what happened!"

"Well, yes, that's it!"

Hongli nodded, and took Heiyang's hand: "Quick, let's think about what to say when the time comes, let's make a confession first... ah!"

"If you don't string it, don't string it!"

Hongli covered her head: "Why hit me!"

"Nonsense, if there is a legitimate reason to hit you, can I just let it go?"

Heiyang snorted softly. One day, Hongli will understand his painstaking efforts to correct his daughter-in-law's unrighteous views and prevent her from going astray!
At that time, she threw herself into my arms and cried "Dad, I was wrong", and Heiyang smiled kindly, and patted Hongli's head nonchalantly.

"Okay, okay, there is no overnight feud between father and daughter..."


Hong Li looked at Hei Yang suspiciously: "Are you thinking about something impolite again?

What role do I play in my imagination this time? "

"Ahem, phew, phew!"

Hei Yang almost choked on the saliva, he coughed twice, and said with a righteous face: "How can it be, how could I think of something impolite!"

"Hehe, I'll settle the score with you later."

Hongli rolled her eyes, closed her eyes, and communicated with her supernatural powers.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it, in the blink of an eye, he flew hundreds of miles away.

If we don't hurry to stop them, our wedding will be gone. "

"Calm down, calm down, the more it is like this, the more accidents will occur!"

Hei Yang took a deep breath: "For example, the Jinpen handwashing meeting is very happy, and then it is pointed out that it has colluded with the whole family of the Demon Sect to die.

Another example is the smile on the wedding night, and the next second the young couple will be separated from each other.

Or some kind of party, invite fellow martial arts from all over the world, and then everyone will feel at home, exchange cups, throw cups as a sign, and all be chopped into mud.

For example, I'm going to meet you in Five Elements City soon, but Grandma Meng came with a bowl!
The more happiest time is, the more accident-prone period, understand? "

"Oh, I hate this kind of story the most!"

Hongli snorted softly: "Don't even think about it happening!"

In the distance, two phantoms rushing madly stopped suddenly, and a small cloud of black mist separated from each of their bodies, condensing crookedly into the appearance of black sun and red glass.

"Brother Mo Zi will not fail!"

Hei Yang hurriedly persuaded: "If you get scolded, you won't lose your flesh!"

"Sister Shadow, calm down!"

Hongli's face was full of innocence: "Do you want to watch me get caught?"


Basically without the ability to think independently, the phantom that only operated according to instinct stiffly turned around what seemed to be the "head" and nodded.

Heiyang Hongli received a simple message: "Understood!"

"What do you know!"*2

The phantom shook his head and accelerated again!
The master ordered, make a quick decision, don't leave traces, pretend to be at the scene, and don't get caught!

If someone bumps into you accidentally, you can only... Heh!

 Nightmare Invasion: I Become a Monster! "

  Have you ever thought that in the depths of Bo Yun's treacherous dreams, there is a real world hidden?

  Have you ever thought that behind every catastrophe reported by the news, there is an unknown truth buried?

  On the night of his eighteenth birthday, Leo had a dream.

  There are dark dungeons and bloodthirsty monsters in the dream.

  He picked up the iron sword beside him and cut off the monster's head.

  Then he woke up.

  Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

  Because in the mirror, his eyes are scarlet and shining like the monster in the dream.

(End of this chapter)

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