So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 347 The beginning of the children's chapter should have the end of the children's

Chapter 347 The beginning of the fairy tale should have the end of the fairy tale, because everyone gathers to laugh!
Hongli's silly mode was forced to end after her mother walked in with a group of seven aunts and eight aunts talking and laughing.

"That, Mom..."

Hong Li instantly returned to defensive mode, and spoke nervously.

She looked at the group of aunts, aunts, cousins, and cousins ​​surrounding her, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes, and she could only look at her mother, Lan Yuying, for help.

"Mom, what's the situation outside now?"

Hongli couldn't help asking: "I heard a lot of people talking outside, is it Heiyang and the others?"

"Oh, not yet, those are relatives from our side."

Lan Yuying smiled embarrassingly at the relatives and friends around her, and gently pushed through the crowd to sit down next to her daughter, helping her to block her eyes.

"You, why are you in such a hurry to let your Xiaoyang come to pick you up, so that you can leave your parents as soon as possible?"

Lan Yuying jokingly said, "I've been at home for three days and hated my parents nagging me to keep you from sleeping well, so I'm annoyed by these two old guys, right?"

"No, how can it be!"

Hongli hurriedly replied: "How could I find my parents annoying, I just..."

"Okay, okay, Mom is teasing you."

Lan Yuying smiled, stretched out her hand to smooth out the wrinkles on Hongli's clothes, and said softly: "Have you been looking forward to this day for a long time?

Now that it's finally here, how does it feel, excited and nervous? "

"Feel, feel..."

Hong Li listened to the noisy conversation of people inside and outside the house with a complicated expression.

She could feel a series of curious eyes looking at her, the bride.

"There are so many people here. Such a lively scene is all because of the two of us. I feel..."

Hongli frowned lightly, and whispered to her mother, "This feeling of being the leading role in the spotlight is so weird, I'm not used to it at all."

"Look at what you said, you two like to hide in corners since you were young, wishing that the fewer people would see the better, it's strange that you can get used to it now."

Lan Yuying looked at her daughter's delicate face seriously, with a gentle expression on her face.

Although Xiaoli's personality is quite different from hers, her appearance is better than blue.

Compared with her mother, Lan Yuying, Hongli is a little less calm and gentle, and a little more lazy and impulsive, which makes her temperament much worse than that of her mother.

But when Hongli calmed down, Lan Yuying could easily find many similarities between her daughter's eyebrows.

"Besides, even those girls who are used to being watched may not be safe at this time."

Lan Yuying sighed: "This is the first time, my mother was also very nervous at the time."


Lan Yuying was slightly lost in thought, her daughter's face seemed to have become childish again, and those memories became vivid again.


"Xiao Li? Why are you smirking?"

"Ah, Mom, it's nothing, I suddenly thought of something fun, hehe."

"Talk to mom about anything?"

"Oh, that's a secret between us children, you can't talk about it."

"Hey, you girl, you have already learned to hide from your mother. Is there anyone else besides Xiaoyang?"

"Hey hey hey..."

The twelve-year-old girl has just entered puberty and seems to have her own little secret. Whenever her parents pass by, she looks mysterious.


"Mom, I want to sue, Brother Heiyang, he robbed me!"

"Huh? What?"

"He just snatched the mushrooms I picked in the forest. It's too bad. You must tell Brother Heiyang's parents and let them spank his ass!"

"Well, what, what mushroom?"

"I don't know, anyway, the colorful colors look good, and it's the most suitable gift for parents!"

"Ahaha, this, this way, Xiaoli's parents appreciate it...

Well, you still have to listen to Xiao Yang more often, you know? "

"Ha, mother turned to him again, I am your own daughter, he belongs to Aunt Yiyi's family!"

"Ah, yes, yes, but mother doesn't like to eat mushrooms."

"Ah? Then next time I'll pick the most beautiful flowers and give them to Mom, and the mushrooms will be served as food and drink to Dad!"

"Ah this..."

Xiao Li, who is seven or eight years old, has an innocent and romantic face, and can't hide things in her heart. Every day when she goes home, she wants to tell her mother what happened today.


"Mom, Brother Heiyang said that the stars are much bigger than they look, is it true?"

"Dad, were you ever chased up a tree by your grandma when you were young?"

"Mom, I have a dream that has been going on for a long time, what should I do?"

When she was four or five years old, facing that curious little girl, Lan Yuying had a headache.

I dare not discourage children's enthusiasm for seeking knowledge, and I am afraid that I will mislead the children.

Who would have thought that in order to raise a child, she had studied Gewu Zhizhi for a long time during that time.


When she was still one or two years old, Lan Yuying seemed to see that little figure in a trance, running towards her mother unsteadily.

The little girl raised her face and stretched out her two arms, her eyes were full of expectation and dependence, she said softly, "Mom, hug, hug..."


Lan Yuying's nose suddenly felt a little sour, she regained her composure a little bit, and saw her daughter who had grown into a big girl was also looking at her.

Hongli had heard before that many girls hugged their mothers and cried before they got married, and she was a little proud at that time.

When she marries Hei Yang, just a few steps away from home, she can just get on the sedan chair with a smile on her face.

As a result, when I saw my mother, I suddenly wanted to cry for no reason.

It's not too sad, it's just that there are always things to say goodbye to.


Hongli looked at her mother with her mouth curled up, and asked in a low voice: "When I grow up, can't I hug my mother?"


Lan Yuying slowly hugged her daughter into her arms, smiled gently and patted her back.

"Of course, you are mother's child."


Hong Li smiled again and nodded in relief.

That is to say, as I said earlier, she was smiling when Hongli got married!

"Little Li, don't be nervous..."

Lan Yuying explained in a low voice: "Those are relatives and friends who came to visit and bless you, they are curious or watching the excitement, everyone knows how to measure.

Just say hello with a smile, aunt, aunt, grandma, etc. Don't be nervous, they are all from your own family. "


Hongli nodded again and again, although she was still a little nervous, but...

She turned her head and saw that not far away, Xingyunhong Qiao Jinxiu gave her thumbs up together, the corners of her mouth raised, and she blinked her eyes in response to her little friend.

Aunts, aunts, grandmas and grandmas came over one by one, chatting about something.

This one said don’t be afraid to smile, and the other said that if you are wronged at your husband’s house, you should tell your aunts, don’t hide and feel sulking, the problem is to find a way to solve it, not to hide it.

There were also some younger cousins ​​who came over and looked at Hong Li with "wow" eyes shining, saying that they would also dress up like Sister Li to be a bride in the future.

Hongli couldn't help being a little funny, do these little girls really know what marriage is?
Well, there are also some cousins, and some who came over smiled and comforted Hongli.

Still saying something, don't be nervous, don't be afraid, listening to those heartwarming words, Hongli really didn't feel so nervous, and she was even in the mood to joke around with her sisters.

Ah, there are also some older single leftover sisters who look at Hongli enviously.

He said that it is difficult to find a good man these days with more wolves and less meat, and said that it would be great if he had a childhood sweetheart like Xiaoli who played with him since childhood and fell in love with him.

For example, my aunt Hongling, who is older than her older sister, used to have a man with a big pig's hoof on the left and a devil on the right, but now she is staring at the wedding dress on Hongli, and her eyes are almost overflowing with envy .

"It's not a big deal. What's the matter? Don't you still live alone? Emotional people are the most stupid, whoever touches feelings will hurt, this kind of temporary happiness..."

Listening to her aunt Hongling chanting sourly, Hongli couldn't hold back her laughter, but many elders around her looked on, she was a lady today!
Be dignified, elegant, generous, elegant, quiet, and tranquil...



Suddenly, the already noisy outside became even more noisy, pulling Hongli back to reality.


Hongli looked questioningly at the seven aunts and eight aunts who suddenly stopped talking and laughing, but found that the expressions on everyone's faces became subtle, which made her subconsciously stagnate.


"It seems to be here?"

"come yet?"

"Are you here or not?"

"It seems to have really come."

"Yes! That's the sound, here it comes!"


Listening to the seven aunts and the eight aunts standing there as riddles, a few question marks popped up on Hong Li's head. After a few seconds, she also widened her eyes and opened her mouth slightly: "Heiyang is coming?!"

Hongli jumped up immediately, and then was forcefully suppressed by the mother on the side and returned to the bed.

"Wait here honestly."

Lan Yuying rolled her eyes back, and looked at her aggrieved daughter speechlessly.

"Wait for Xiaoyang to come and take you out."

"But, ah, but..."

Hongli watched the relatives walk out of the house with curious faces, and she wanted to go with them.

"Mom! The black sun is coming!"

Hong Li covered her heart, suppressed the excitement in her heart, and cried, "Just let me go out to pick up Heiyang, what if he gets tired when he walks to the door, collapses or something, what should we do!"

Lan Yuying: "..."

Lan Yuying: "No."

Hongli: "≥﹏≤"

Hongli: "Heiyang~~ Come here~~"


"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

There is the sound of the suona welcoming the relatives next to his ears, and he is about to stop after playing for a while, and there are carriages carrying Heiyang who don't know what they are beside him, and his parents straighten him up in a daze.

Brother Bu Tian, ​​Brother Hei Chen, Hei Xiaolong...

There are also some friends who are not very familiar and not very familiar, surrounded by the black sun on the big horse, and walked steadily towards the bride's house.

Both sides of the road are full of people, relatives, friends, neighbors, or folks from the same city, and some passing travelers all stick their heads out of curiosity, knowing that it is just in time for a happy event at home.

What he knew was that the kid from the Hei family had married the girl from the Hong family, but it didn't matter if he didn't know, he also happily stood on tiptoe and watched the team, thinking of being happy with the newcomer.

If the host's family is rich and generous, maybe they can still have a wedding banquet, but there are few comparisons with the accompanying gifts, as long as it is sincere, the gift is more important than the affection.

The ancestors said that those who play tricks and play tricks on this, not to mention being happy, are wicked and will be punished.

I don't know if it's true or not, anyway, the character of Pu Su in the traveling world has almost nothing to try.

Heiyang was on the back of the big horse at this time, and while his eyes were wide open, he was also watched by countless eyes from all directions. At first, he was instinctively a little uncomfortable, the kind of phantom that was about to move.

But suddenly it occurred to him that he was going to marry Xiaoli in an upright manner, and those gazes were the testimony of their love and the test of their hearts.

Thinking about it this way, Hei Yang suddenly had nothing to be afraid of, he just held his head high and walked forward together with Da Ma.

"Ma Ma Da Ma, did you find out, they are not only looking at me, they are also looking at you!"

Hei Yang whispered in Da Ma's ear, "How about it, let me just say, this shape is so majestic!"

"Hiss law!"

At this time, Da Ma was smooth-haired, tall, with piercing eyes, strong and powerful, and responded with his head held high.

Let me tell you something, we are really handsome!


Heiyang raised his head and waved to the sky.

"Record it, the recording looks good!"


In the sky, Hei Hui and Hei Xiaoqi were lying on Xiaohuo's back while holding the photo-taking spirit stone. The two blushed with excitement, cheering and photographing the mighty team below from the perspective of the sky.

The breeze blows the hair of the two girls. The clouds are relatively thick today, and the weather is refreshing. In the clouds, some objects can be vaguely seen moving.

As it gradually descended, amid the exclamation of the people, three huge airships emerged from the clouds and circled slowly over the city of five colors.


Two huge banners hung down from the airship, and spiritual power supported them to unfold neatly, revealing the blessings above.

[The mysterious sword can rely on the sky for thousands of miles, and the red tassel has also dyed the demon dragon. 】

[But I am in love with my companion in the world of mortals, I would like to be a pair of wings and not be a fairy. 】

Although some people didn't understand what it meant, but watching the red banner fluttering down like a waterfall, hunting in the strong wind but not moving at all, feeling the joy and encouragement in it, everyone's mood became happy, showing a smile from the heart, It seems that the world is traveling with the family.

There was another airship, and dozens of Li Flamingo flew out in a row, bright and fiery red singing in unison in the sky.

"hold head high!"

Xiao Huo, who was leading Hei Hui and Hei Xiaoqi to look down at the video from the sky, saw so many companions, and couldn't help but let out a loud and clear tweet to say hello.

A cluster of Li Huo flew out of her body and flew towards the group of Li Huo Cranes, burning against the wind, turning into a raging fire in an instant.

The Li Flamingo cranes responded to the young girl in the clan by chirping happily, backing away slightly and at the same time spitting out clusters of flames, which were gradually twisted and crooked under the guidance of Li Huo, as if forming words.

"Ha, Brother Heiyang, come on!"

Hei Xiaolong suddenly laughed heartily, and the flying fish curled up into a blue ball behind him in the hood suddenly spread its wings.

"No matter what you do, well, I'll support you! Here comes the cold snap!"

Hei Xiaolong jumped on the back of the cold current and flew towards the last airship. They were greeted by more ice-blue flying fish. Streams of water interweaved and converged in the air, and the hot and cold air slowly rose, gradually forming some kind of image.

Under the gaze of people looking up, with the first exclamation, the flame text finally became clear.

[Heiyang Hongli, happy wedding! 】

On the other side, Hei Xiaolong smiled, lowered his head slightly, and raised his hands: "Get up!"

The picture of intertwined water slowly condenses, and the icy blue is not like heavy ice, but like frost condensed snowflakes, dotted with two smiling faces.

It was the cute version of Hei Xiaoyang and Hong Xiaoli's head portraits, the corners of their mouths were raised slightly, but their eyes looked like dead fish eyes that had nothing to do with them.

People who don't understand just think it's weird, but relatives and friends who are familiar with it just smile knowingly.

Ice and fire intertwined in the sky.

Cheers and applause spread into the invisible clouds, and the elders of the Yaowangzong and the former and current suzerains of the Yaowangzong raised the corners of their mouths when they heard the laughter, waved their hands and let down a little bit of light, which was swept away by the wind.

Suddenly there was a gust of fragrant wind, and the people below felt refreshed and happy, and the stagnation in the chest and lungs was swept away. Those hidden diseases that had been treated by the disciples of the local Medicine King Sect in Wuse City were finally gone, and the ailments faded away as if they were relieved from a heavy burden!

Heiyang jumped off his horse and stood excitedly in front of Xiao Li's house.

He is very familiar with this place, and has come and gone countless times, but none can compare to today's joy and excitement.

Behind the gate are all the elders of Xiaoli's family, all looking at the young man with smiles at the corners of their mouths, but their bodies cover the door of the bride's room without a trace.

Hei Yang showed a smile, it wasn't something to make things difficult, it was just to be greeted by an elder, but it had to be called a changed name.

For example, she used to be called Hongli's mother and aunt, but now she has to be called mother. How to change her name to Heiyang has already done her homework in advance.

All the way "grandmother", "old aunt" and "old aunt" rushed over, so happy that a group of elders gave way with a smile, allowing Heiyang to finally come to the door of the house.

Gently twist the handle, push the door, Hei Yang paused, and stretched his right hand forward.

"Da da"

Two embroidered shoes fell from the door frame and fell into Heiyang's hands impartially.

Still want to plot against him?
Heiyang smiled cheerfully in his heart, and said everything, he had studied for a long time, and came prepared!

But when he looked up into the house, he was dazed.

Heiyang was removed from the room, leaving only the girl alone.

Dressed in a red dress, crowned with silver ornaments, and on the snow-white gooseneck is still the silver necklace given by her lover back then.

On top of that was the familiar face that haunted him in his dreams. The girl was sitting quietly on the bed, looking at the boy with tenderness like water in her eyes.

Tears flashed in the corner of Hong Li's eyes, not sadness, but weeping with joy.

Her bridegroom officer finally came to her bed.

Hong Li wanted to jump out of bed and hug him tightly, but Hei Yang smiled and raised his hand to stop her.

Under Hongli's somewhat panicked eyes, the boy bowed his head in front of him, reached out and gently pinched the girl's little feet in white socks, and took out the embroidered shoes he was holding in his arms.

Under the blood-red eyes of the girl, the beloved boy carefully and gently put on the shoes for her.

"do you miss me?"

Heiyang raised his head slightly, and smiled at Hongli.

"Heiyang, I, I..."

Hongli instantly felt overwhelmed by endless happiness and sweetness, her legs were weak, and she wanted to jump out of bed and go with Heiyang no matter where it was!

But before Hongli's feet landed on the ground, she exclaimed and was embraced by Heiyang, her pupils vibrated violently for a long time before she regained focus.

Hongli looked up, and Heiyang smiled at her with his head down.


As if Hongli's heart was about to jump out, she stretched her arms around Heiyang's neck, closed her eyes tightly, and could feel being carried out of the house by Heiyang.


In an instant, cheers sounded like a tide, and Hongli couldn't help but hug Heiyang even tighter in fright, wishing she could bury her head in his arms.

Hei Yang gently hugged the soft girl in his arms, kept smiling at the elders beside him, and walked outside.

"Xiao Li, open your eyes and look at your aunts..."

Heiyang said warmly: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."


The complete sense of trust made Hongli open her eyes obediently, and she looked out from Heiyang's arms.

No one had any mocking expressions on their faces. Everyone smiled at them sincerely and wished the couple well.

"Well, hey..."

Hongli rested her head on Heiyang's chest again, with a sweet smile on her face.

The moment they walked out of their mother's house, the approaching flames and ice in the sky finally collided.

As the steam rises, double happiness and heart butterflies fly together.

As the sedan chair curtain was lifted, Hei Yang slowly sent the red glass in.

"Black Sun!"

Hongli suddenly made a sound, looked at Heiyang with eyes full of dependence, her arms still hugged Heiyang, and she was a little unwilling to separate.

"Don't worry, I'm right next to you."

Heiyang said softly: "We are ready to go home."

"Well, that's it..."

Hong Li slowly came back to her senses, smiled a little embarrassedly, and suddenly froze for a moment, looking in a certain direction.

Hei Yang followed her gaze and was also stunned.

In the crowd, a famous old woman was smiling and waving to this side, waving and shaking the invitation card in her hand, cheerfully.

"Grandma Meng?!"

Heiyang Hongli looked at Granny Meng in surprise. The two of them couldn't get in touch with each other a few days before they got married, and they thought that Granny Meng had either been bullied by Hades or had forgotten about them.

Unexpectedly, Grandma Meng escaped, no, it was retirement, um, legal retirement!
The two wanted to go there, and wanted to ask Grandma Meng where she had been recently, but the latter smiled and waved her hands, and stopped the two daredevils as expected.


Heiyang Hongli came back to her senses, looked at each other and smiled, Hongli slowly let go of her arms, sat in her sedan chair, and waved with a smile.

"Shall we go home?"

Hongli put her hand against the curtain to prevent it from falling.

"Well, go home."

Hei Yang showed a bright smile.

After receiving an affirmative answer, Hongli put down the curtain in satisfaction, with a smile on her face.

Taking a deep breath, Heiyang got on his horse, followed the direction of the airship in the sky, and walked towards Yangli's house.

Everyone cheered and followed the flow of people. In fact, Yang Li's house was very close to here, and the team didn't move fast, moving slowly without pushing or crowding.

Looking down from the city lord's mansion, three big men stood there looking at the gradually walking team.

Hei Muguang watched this scene from ear to ear.

Hong Xiaochen laughed and cried with complicated emotions.

The city lord who stood up again patted the shoulders of the two, smiled and pointed down, ready to eat together.

The big horse's head is getting higher and higher, and it finally knows why the world is beautiful. Compared with the gloomy self in the past, its heart is full of joy now.

"Da Ma, I'm so happy, really, really very, very happy!"

Hei Yang looked at the sedan chair beside him, and couldn't stop smiling: "How do you feel?"

"Hiss law!"

Dama responded with a loud voice.


(Volume [-], the wedding is the biggest bluff, because I love you and make things silent, this volume is over.)
(volume [-], final volume)

(Volume [-]: After marriage, Heiyang Hongli is also happy today!)
(End of this chapter)

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