So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 372 Come on, catch up with the shining self!

Chapter 372 Come on, catch up with the shining self!

Among the Heiyang family's team, the girls Hei Huihong and Qiao, who had the lowest cultivation bases, were also at the seventh level of physical training, so even though they were jostling along the way, their progress was still not very slow.

To the southwest of Wuse City is an endless mountain forest, but to the northwest is a flat prairie, and along the main road, bypassing the forest, you will reach the plain.

Looking into the distance from the plain here, you can vaguely see two or three towns that are smaller than the Five Colors City, but Heiyang and the others are still advancing along the main road that has been repaired. In the clear mud.

Although to Heiyang and the others, the mud is not a threat, but it will stain the clothes and make the mood worse. After all, they are not some hair dryer pigs, and they don't like jumping in mud puddles.

"Phew, people are different after going out to exercise."

Qing Yiyi strode forward with a happy expression on her face.

"Sure enough, the more I lie down at home, the more tired I get. When I go out for a walk, the more I walk, the more energetic I get."

"Ah ha ha……"

Lan Yuying wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said with a sneer, "Yiyi is really, um, lively."

"Of course, be energetic!"

Qing Yiyi smiled heartily, turned her head and waved to Hei Huihong and Qiao Xiaohuo who were chatting together behind them.

"Hey, you guys are following up, don't fall behind!"

After a pause, Qing Yiyi spread her hands and hummed: "As for some slackers, don't worry about it."

"Ah this..."

Hei Hui showed half-moon eyes and followed quickly.

"I'm coming."


"I heard my mother calling me a slacker."

Heiyang stood by the side of the road, making speechless complaints while helping Hongli to braid her hair.

"Damn it, why doesn't my mother follow me at all, she always looks energetic..."

"It's okay to do whatever you want, you have the ability to say it in front of your mother."

Hongli stood obediently and let Heiyang play tricks on her head, laughed and encouraged, "Try it and see what happens, is it okay?"

"You can be a big-headed ghost."

Heiyang pushed Hongli's butt with his knee, and cursed: "If you want me to die, you can do it directly, there is no need to beat around the bush."

"Hey, people don't want to beat you~"

Hongli suddenly acted coquettishly and said, "Husband~ no~ I don't want it~"

"Hey, look at the sword!"

Heiyang shuddered, grabbed Hongli's hair and said viciously: "If you startle me, if you accidentally tremble and pull your hair off, don't cry."

"Pfft hahaha, I'm dying of laughter hahahaha..."

Hongli couldn't help laughing, and joked: "What's the matter, is it so exaggerated, hehe...

Didn't our tone of voice arouse the little pervert deep in your heart? "

"I don't know if I'm perverted or not, I think you're quite perverted."

Hei Yang couldn't help complaining: "Here I suggest you call Dad, maybe you can wake up the little pervert in my heart, your husband."

"Hey, Mr. Heiyang is too perverted."

Hongli smiled and said: "But I can understand, after all, Hongli is cute!"

"what about me?"

Hei Yang said casually: "Then I am handsome."

"Nonsense, you belong to Hongli."

"Ah yes yes yes."

Heiyang let go of his hand, looked at Hongli's single ponytail, and nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, now it won't be inconvenient to worry about the hair flying around."

"Hmm, isn't it!"

Hongli shook her head, her ponytail swept over the tip of Heiyang's nose, a faint fragrance wafted out, the tip of her nose was itchy, and suddenly she felt sleepy.

"Ha, Hei Yang..."

Before Hongli could turn her head, she was gently hugged by a pair of arms around her neck from behind, and the familiar scorching breath sprinkled behind her ears, causing ripples in her heart.

"Oh, what's the matter, Xiaoli..."

Heiyang narrowed his eyes slightly, rested his head on the fragrant shoulder, and muttered lazily: "Is there anything else you want me to do..."


Hongli was stunned for a moment, she came back to her senses, couldn't help but smiled, and complained: "What, I thought you were going to carry me over because you were afraid that I would get tired and dirty your skirt, but that's what happened. .”

"No matter how aggressive you are, it's useless. Do you think I might carry you over?"

Hei Yang snorted and said, "I still want you to carry me over, so you can carry me."


Hong Li chuckled, leaned her head gently into Heiyang's arms, looked up at the blue sky, pure and flawless, and the sun was still shining brightly.

"My mother was right..."

Feeling the breeze blowing across her cheeks, Hong Li squinted her eyes contentedly and raised her head to look into the distance.

"Today is a beautiful day, and I feel refreshed."


Hei Yang hummed: "It's a good day to sleep."

"One thing to say, indeed!"


The two looked in the direction of their mother and the others at the same time, until they confirmed that they were not paying attention to the two of them, Hongli turned her head and pressed Heiyang on the back of his head, and the latter adjusted his arms.


The two moved their heads away, looked at each other with blushing faces, and couldn't help but smile at the same time.

"Hey hey..."

"Cough cough..."

Heiyang coughed twice pretending to be serious, and patted Hongli.

"Okay, okay, don't be silly, catch up quickly, they are almost there."


Hongli reluctantly moved her hand away, and suddenly thought of something, and leaned into Heiyang's ear, "Guji Guji", her eyebrows beaming.


Heiyang's eyes lit up, and he turned to look at Hongli.


Hongli blushed slightly, punched Heiyang angrily, and couldn't help laughing: "Let's go!"


Heiyang took Hongli's hand, and quickly caught up with his mother and the others.

"What did you secretly whisper behind?"

Qing Yiyi looked suspiciously at the two smiling people, raised her brows, and guessed: "Did you secretly speak ill of my mother?
For example: Mom really, the weather doesn’t allow us to rest at home, she has to take us out, it’s so annoying!Did you say so! "

"Ah this..."

Heiyang Hongli showed half-moon eyes, with a row of black lines drawn across her head.


Hei Yang couldn't help sticking out a thumbs up, and complained: "You know how to say bad things behind your back!"

"Stop talking nonsense."

Qing Yiyi knocked on Heiyang's head angrily, it looked like she was training her son, but in fact she was really training her son, saying: "Be honest, be lenient when you confess, and be strict when you resist. Did you speak ill of Mom behind your back?"

"how is this possible!?"

Hei Yang had a righteous face, and firmly refused to admit it.

"I, Heiyang, am a well-known dutiful son from all over the world. How could I speak ill of you, and how could I still come here laughing?"

"If you don't believe me, look at my sincere eyes."

Heiyang's eyes widened, and he said sincerely: "There is no concealment or deceit at all!"

"Oh roar?"

Qing Yiyi rested her arms on her chest, propped her chin to look at Heiyang's eyeballs, and said, "Suddenly I remembered, Mom, I haven't seen Xiaoyang with your eyes open for more than three seconds. At first glance, I thought someone changed my child.

Cough cough, well, Xiaoyang, you should recover a bit?Um! "

Hei Yang: "..."


Heiyang showed his dead fish eyes, and dragged his voice resentfully.

"Is this what I look like in your eyes?!"

"Ah, haha, that's right, that's right!"

Seeing that Heiyang returned to its original state, Qing Yiyi happily patted Heiyang on the shoulder.

"My son is back again, hahaha..."

"Ah, what and what!"

Hei Yang looked at his mother who was crazily "taunting" him with heartbreak, and couldn't help complaining: "What about your belief in waking me up every morning? What about your dream of becoming a dragon? You have so many expectations for me! Now you really treat me as a It's a big salted fish, isn't it!"

"Ahahaha, Xiaoyang, don't get me wrong..."

Qing Yiyi said cheerfully: "Mom gave up on this idea when you were seven years old. At that time, I saw that you were not the kind of material to travel north and south, so she already planned to let you marry a wife and have children early. I told you to get up and exercise just because I want you to be healthy, hahaha!"

Hei Yang: "..."

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, it's fake, it must be lying to me now!"

Heiyang covered his ears and shook his head, muttering: "It must be because I was afraid that I would feel too guilty for failing to complete the goal, that's why I said this, it must be like this, I was seen through since I was a child, it's fake..."

"Tsk tsk, do you feel embarrassed again now?"

Qing Yiyi rubbed Heiyang's head, and said leisurely: "Then you should work harder to show your mother, anyway, you are only eighteen years old, even if you start now, there is still time to work hard!"

"Ah this..."

Heiyang's expression froze, and he bowed forty-five degrees.

"Sorry mom, I'm a big salted fish!"

Heiyang ran to Hongli who was rubbing Xiaohuo's face, and put his arms around them.

"I live happily with my wife and children all my life, honoring my parents is everything!"

"This unlucky boy..."

Qing Yiyi cursed with a smile, waved her hands and said: "Jing imitates your parents, who are worthless."

"Don't be afraid, whoever dares to say anything about us, I'll beat him up!"

"Ah ok ok, my son is awesome..."


Being hugged in her arms, Hongli calmly reached out to rub Heiyang's head, but she touched a small hand, raised her eyes to look at Yile, Xiaohuo smiled and touched the other side of her father's head.

With a bright smile on his face, Hei Yang let his wife and children rub his hair into a chicken coop like a prank, while listening to his mother laughing and cursing not far away, he felt that he was the happiest in the world.

"Okay, look over here, look over here, forget it, it's okay if you don't look over here..."

Lan Yuying fiddled with the photo stone in her hand, and asked Hei Huihong Qiao curiously.

"This, is it used like this?"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Hei Hui raised his hand without hesitation and said, "I've used it several times before!"

"No, Huihui, teach your aunt, let me come!"

Lan Yuying smiled and said, "I also want to pat my own child!"

"Hey, it's easy!"

Qing Yiyi took the picture stone with a proud face.

"Let me demonstrate it to you, I just came out to play as a souvenir..."

"Huh? Will Yiyi know how to use it?"

Lan Yuying asked curiously, "When did you learn it?"

"Haha, the answer is, I haven't learned it!"

Qing Yiyi hehe said: "This kind of thing, you can't figure it out!"


Lan Yuying had an exclamation mark on her face, her eyes widened and she quickly waved her hands.

"No, no, no, I heard from Xiaoli and Xiaoyang that this mess will explode!"

"Ha, this is exciting!"


Under Lan Yuying's terrified gaze, Qing Yiyi managed to learn how to use the Photo Stone without any risk. This is due to Elder Huole improving the version time and time again, not only making it more stable, but also easier to use.

Naturally, what Heiyang Hongli gave to my mother could not be an obsolete item, it was always following the trend of the times, not to mention that the chance of it actually exploding is very small, even if it exploded, it would not hurt my mother and the others.

Because if an explosion really happens, you can see that various things such as bracelets, rings, necklaces, earrings, hairpins, and sachets on their hands are triggered, and they put layers of shields on their mothers, and the black Yang Hongli's parental protection plan has just finished its beginning...

To protect my parents, and not make them feel restricted and uncomfortable, then I can only, Heiyang Hongli is working hard, trying to renovate every inch of land in the house...

On the other side, Heiyang's family played and laughed all the way, and finally arrived at Third Uncle's racecourse before twelve o'clock at noon.

Among the horses in the racecourse, Hei Yang saw the most conspicuous big horse brother at a glance. At that time, he was chatting with a white filly sister, and he seemed in a good mood.

It's just that the reason why Heiyang can see the big horse among the horses in the vast grassland is not because he is so powerful and majestic.

The reality is, among a group of tall, strong and healthy horses with shiny hair, Hei Yang can see the haggard-looking, dull-haired, and fluffy footsteps at a glance, how can he not stand out...

"I didn't say..."

Hei Yang and Da Ma went to the corner, he looked at Da Ma with an angry face, and couldn't help but said angrily: "Da Ma, why did you become like this, who bullied you, did the third uncle abuse you, look at me Go find him and tell your parents that they..."

"His law..."

Da Ma shook his head hastily, telling Heiyang that it was none of Heiyang's third uncle's business, that he was treated very well, with first-class treatment for food and lodging.


Hei Yang frowned, suddenly realized.

"That's why the horses here crowd out the big horses, and they team up to bully you. It's too much!"

"Hiss law!"

Da Ma hurriedly shook his head again, no friends bullying him, he likes here very much, he speaks nicely, everyone is talented, just like returning home and finding an organization!

Hei Yang scratched his head, and pointed at Da Ma suspiciously.

"Then you are sick?"


Da Ma looked away guiltily.

This matter, um, how should I put it...

Da Ma showed a personalized smirk, and began to flatter Heiyang.

It is said that Heiyang rebuilt his body and looks really good, not only strong and healthy, but also attractive, he and his friends were shocked.

"That's right, can I still fool you?"

Heiyang snorted triumphantly, and suddenly reacted, a little unsure, and said: "Then you make such a strong body into what it is now..."

"His law..."

Dama lay half-lying on the ground with a guilty conscience, looking at Heiyang shyly.

Well, didn't he say that, he is more attractive now, and then... well, everyone is male, you must be able to understand!
Hei Yang: "..."


The corners of Heiyang's mouth twitched slightly, and he choked out a sentence for a long time.

"It's pretty amazing..."

"His law..."

Da Ma humbly turned his head away, no matter where, he has won too many awards, hahaha...

"Ha ha ha!"

A well popped out of Heiyang's head, and he couldn't help scolding: "I have not been like you for nearly two months, cough cough...

I mean, I've never seen anything as outrageous as yours! "

"Hiss? Lili!"

Da Ma looked up at Hei Yang in surprise, you are not bad!
"Ah this..."

Heiyang turned his head away guiltily, and said with a sneer: "That, you understand?"

Malaysia: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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