So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 374 Living in this world, having someone love you is not a bad thing at all

Chapter 374 Living in this world, having someone love you is not a bad thing at all
"Ah~~my heart is broken~~ riddled with holes~~"

Hongli sang a tune in a mournful voice, dragging a long note, slowly drifting to a certain open space next to Heiyang, who was setting up a cauldron to light a fire.


Hongli couldn't understand what Heiyang was doing all of a sudden, she floated to the side of Heiyang, hugged Heiyang from behind, leaned her small head against Heiyang's back, and looked aggrieved.

"Heiyang~~I was laughed at~~"


Heiyang nodded, picked up the wooden bucket at the side, poured all the water into the pot, carefully checked the water level in the pot, and casually threw a water balloon to fill it up to the ideal position.


Hongli hugged Heiyang from behind, and when she heard his response, she paused, blinked, and a string of question marks appeared on her head.

"Just... oh? Is that how you comfort me?"

"if not?"

Hei Yang stepped on a high bench and poured pots into the pot, which turned out to be some unknown things.


A well popped out of Hongli's head, she sent her arms away, and floated to the right side of Heiyang, who was adding ingredients to the pot. She crossed her arms and looked at him angrily.

"What do you mean otherwise? What kind of attitude do you have! Damn it!

I was ridiculed, shouldn't you pick up the guy and help me go back for revenge? ! "

"Oh, do I look stupid?"

Heiyang let out a hehe, and said quietly: "First of all, the only ones who can laugh at you are our family.

Then, if it was Huihui Qiaoqiao who laughed at you, you would beat them both yourself and come to me for help?
Next are the two mothers. If they laughed at you, my correct operation should be to echo with a smile, "Ah, yes, yes, you are right, my Hongli has been stupid since she was a child." You revenge or something, do you want to lose your husband?

In the end, Xiaohuo is not that kind of child, and her grandma and grandma are all there, and compared to the two of us, she is more like my mother and their own, you know what I mean? "

"Ah this..."

Hong Li blinked her eyes, looked up and sorted the family status.

Moms > Xiao Huo > Yang Li > Hui Hui Qiao Qiao

The corner of Hongli's mouth twitched.


Heiyang sighed softly, spread out his hands, and increased the fire under the cauldron without any hassle, took a Hongli spoon half the size of a head from the side, and put it into the cauldron to stir.

"So, I can't help you with this kind of thing, Xiaoli. If you are really unhappy, you can punch me twice!"


Hongli let out a breath, her fierce eyes suddenly softened, she turned her head away and hummed softly.

"Who wants to hammer you, it's a waste of energy, hum!

Besides, I was just joking with you, you have to analyze it so seriously, there is something wrong! "

"So, Tsundere is gradually withdrawing from the market now."

Heiyang said faintly: "If you want to express your emotion, you can directly say "Heiyang, I like you the most", "Heiyang, I love you so much" instead."

"Ah blah blah..."

Hong Li gritted her teeth with a displeased face and said, "What kind of lines, it's so disgusting, how could a cool girl like me say that kind of thing!"

"Cool type, when will there be more new settings..."

"Don't worry about it, the question is just now, wouldn't it be nice to have a wife who can always add settings?
Today it's a legal loli, tomorrow it's a cute green plum..."

Hongli snapped her fingers and said: "Or, on the surface, she is an obedient and lovely charming little wife, but in fact she is a high-ranking lady queen at home, and the little servant Hei Yang is being crazily trained or something..."

"Don't add settings yet, you add the meat that should be added to your body first."

"What the hell are you!?!"

Hongli gritted her teeth and punched Heiyang, and said viciously: "I'm angry!"

"Ha ha……"

Hei Yang raised a hand with a smile, and said in surrender: "Okay, okay, I surrender, I was wrong, wrong, Your Lady Queen, don't be angry, okay?"

"Tch, your attitude is not sincere enough at all."

Hongli curled her lips and ended the topic.

"But then again..."

Hong Li curiously stuck out her little head, looked at the ball of red soup that Heiyang was stirring in the pot, and couldn't help asking: "What are you doing? It's scary, Grandma Meng passed it on to you before she left? "

"Ah, yes, this is what Grandma Meng taught me. I'm going to make this pot of soup and force-feed it to you, brainwashing you into my shape."

Heiyang rolled his eyes: "What's the matter, aren't you scared?"

"Tch, when did I not look like you?"

Hongli snorted, and said disdainfully: "I, who has been brainwashed into your shape, would be afraid of this kind of thing?"

"Damn it, as long as you give it to me quickly, no one can beat you, right..."

"Hahahaha, you know you're afraid!"

Hongli laughed three times: "If you're afraid, just obediently come here and lick Her Lady Queen's feet cough cough..."

"I heard."

Heiyang said faintly.

"Ahem, then, what's the matter..."

Hongli blushed slightly, turned her head away.

"Dreams are not allowed, right?!"

"Tsk tsk..."

Hei Yang shook his head with disdain.

"Just you? A waste snack that begs for mercy in seconds?"

"Wow, who are you scolding!"

Hongli stared wide-eyed, put her hands on her hips, and warned, "Believe it or not, I'll stuff your foot in your mouth while you're sleeping!"


Heiyang paused, covered his face with one hand, and said speechlessly, "What kind of monster are you, are you so vicious..."

"Hahaha, be afraid!"

Hongli was triumphant again, don't care about the reason, it's over when she is proud.

"Fear or not."

Hei Yang shook his head and didn't say much.


Hong Li's eyes widened: "What do you mean, don't you give me face? Just now you said I was vicious, but now I'm not afraid anymore. Then I was scolded for nothing!"

"Well, the thinking is very clear, smart girl."

Hei Yang nodded, and said casually: "It's very simple, since you want to trick me while you're sleeping, then I have no choice but to let you have no time to sleep."

"Ah la la...?"

Hongli's expression froze, turned into peas, and the corners of her mouth twitched: "That kind of thing, it's not good, hehehe, Heiyang, don't do that kind of thing that hurts your body, I will feel bad..."


Heiyang rolled his eyes, pointed to the pot, and asked, "I remember you are also a master of alchemy, see for yourself what I am doing?"


Hongli frowned, opened the knowledge reserve that had been dusty for a long time, and kept searching for the appearance of the red soup in front of her.

"Reminder, Sunflower Grass was added..."

Heiyang said casually.

"Hmm... Sunny Grass..."

Hong Li tilted her head, and continued to recall the memory until she was frozen somewhere, her eyes widened.

"Ah, it won't..."

"Judging from your tone, you should have found the correct answer."

Heiyang continued to stir the pot clockwise, and said casually: "Now don't you feel sorry for Heiyang hurting your body?"

"What the hell, what the fuck, what about you, what about me..."

Hongli's eyelids twitched wildly, and she cried and lowered her head very sincerely, "Brother Heiyang, it's okay if I was wrong, woo woo woo, please accept your supernatural powers!"


Hei Yang smiled and said, "Kowtow to me."

"Climb, climb!"

Hongli knocked an elbow on Heiyang's head, and said viciously: "Knock loudly, Brother Heiyang, if it's not enough, I'll come again!"

"Ha ha……"

Heiyang stretched his waist, pulled out the big spoon, took a big pot lid from the side, covered the pot tightly, turned his head to look at Hong Li next to him, stared at the dead fish eyes and said quietly: "Want to fight? Right, dead girl?"

"Abaaaba, I don't understand, I don't understand what Heiyang is talking about!"


Seeing Hongli's frightened look, a row of black lines were drawn across Heiyang's head.

She's good at cooking and loves to play, she's cowardly and can pretend, this girl really deserves a bit of beating...

But who told this to be his wife, spoil her.

Heiyang sighed, stretched out his hand to touch Hongli's head, and explained: "Don't think about it, I lied to you just now, this thing is not for me, it's for some heartless guy..."

"Uh, you mean..."

Hongli blinked her eyes and looked at Heiyang.

"That guy from Malaysia..."

Heiyang patted the dirt on the chair, sat down with Hongli in his arms, sighed and said: "In order to prevent it from dying young in two or three years, I have to find a way to mend it, otherwise, tsk tsk, So let’s just say, addictive things usually kill people..."

"Then, I love Heiyang, what should you do if you become addicted?"

"Be obedient and wait to be killed by me."


Hongli rolled her eyes, stretched her waist in Heiyang's arms, and said quietly: "Don't put those famous sayings with common prefixes there, what's going on, tell me quickly, I'm curious."

"What else could be going on? This soup is usually made to supplement that kind of situation. I just adjusted the dosage ratio of the medicinal materials based on the other party's physical data. It's not a big problem..."

Heiyang spread his hands and complained: "If you don't have diamonds, don't do porcelain work. Without Heiyang's good body, how dare it do it!"

"whispering sound……"

"What are you talking about?"

Heiyang showed dead fish eyes, and said angrily: "Isn't Heiyang strong?"

"Ah, it's okay to be strong and strong."


"Ah! My husband! Your strong body, vomit, hahaha, I can't go on, hahaha..."

"Hey, it's too rude to laugh."

Heiyang sighed, looked at the cauldron, and said casually: "You know, this thing should be made with an alchemy furnace, but we didn't bring the alchemy furnace in the basement, so I went to third uncle to borrow it." A large pot was cleaned and cleaned.

Fortunately, I brought a lot of materials, and most of them are common ones, coupled with my superb technique, it can be regarded as using this thing to create the effect of an alchemy furnace..."

"Ha, that's too modest."

Hongli said leisurely: "The effect of the alchemy furnace has been achieved? It is better than the effect of the alchemy furnace!"


Heiyang chuckled and nodded in agreement.

"Look at Xiaoli, you're not happy about my modesty."

"Ha, only I can belittle you, well, who allows you to belittle yourself?"

Hongli snorted softly, and looked at the cauldron with some doubts.

"Speaking of which, how many stoves did you make? I haven't used a cauldron much, and I have no experience at once. How many pills can I make out of this?"

"About two thousand pieces..."

Hei Yang said casually: "Not much, after all I put so many materials."


Hongli tilted her head, and said uncertainly: "If I remember correctly, there are usually ten pieces out of a furnace, right?
Using a large pot can increase the output so much?

One point of material is used as two hundred parts?Heiyang, you are a bit outrageous, aren't you? "

"Ha, who told you that I used one serving of ingredients, I threw out about two hundred servings, that's why I estimated around two thousand..."

Hei Yang showed dead fish eyes, and said with a funny smile: "Really, after boiling the pot, this stuff probably won't be in the shape of a pill, it can only be cut into small pieces, after all It’s not a serious alchemy furnace, so it’s the only way to do it.”

"Well, a small piece, a small piece..."

Hongli raised her head in doubt, and asked curiously, "What shape is that? What exactly does it look like?"

"Are you one hundred thousand why?"

Hei Yang couldn't help complaining: "Sitting on the chair, watching the pot, hugging you, you know that you are my wife, but you don't know, it's like I'm educating my daughter..."

"Ha, it's not that it's not..."

Hongli sneered and begged, "Just tell me!"

"A block is a block..."

Hei Yang shook his head and said unhappily: "Oh, it's the first time I do it too, you ask me, who should I ask?

How can I know what the finished product looks like before I finish it? If I don’t do the paper, it will fill in the answer by itself, right? "

"But someone will always answer that question correctly, right?"

Hongli stretched out a finger, poked Heiyang's cheek, and begged: "Actually, I already have a general idea from your description in my head, but I'm not sure.

So think about it quickly, and then let's see if what we think is like, and test the tacit understanding between husband and wife. "

"What's the test here?"

Hei Yang pouted, but still gave an example: "Egg custard, the kind cut with a spoon."

"Oh hoo!"

Hongli suddenly realized.

"Understood, understood, awesome!"

"Look, tacit understanding is worth full marks, right?"



Because the concoction made by Heiyang is much richer, it takes shape faster.


Covering his mouth and nose, Heiyang took off the lid of the pot, looked at the gradually formed lumps of medicine, nodded, poured another half bucket of water into the pot, put the lid back on, and reduced the firepower a bit.

Until the black sun opened again, it finally became the square "elixir" she imagined.

"Black Sun, Black Sun!"

Hongli was called away just now, but now she ran back with a handful of meat skewers and handed them to Heiyang.

"Eat it while it's hot, Mom and the others are still baking!

I'll get it for you after I've finished eating. "

"Okay, thank you Xiaoli."

Hei Yang smiled, and finally got something to eat, it's already past ten o'clock in the evening and it's almost eleven o'clock in the evening, and it is estimated that this meal can last until the early morning.

However, no problem.

The starry sky on the grassland is also very beautiful. Heiyang Hongli looked up at the sky while eating.

During the day, the sun was still warm, but now the wind was blowing and the grass was low, causing Heiyang Hongli's hair to flutter, and it was actually a bit chilly.

"Mom was right."

Hong Li said while eating: "It's great to come out to play once in a while."

"Then if you were asked to choose again..."

"I must stay at home! No matter how good the outside is, there is no home. Hello!"


(End of this chapter)

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