So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 377 I Don't Think About Whether I Can Succeed

Chapter 377 I Don't Think About Whether I Can Succeed

When Heiyang Hongli was advancing with all his strength, they could "walk" in the blink of an eye for the distance that they had spent all morning before.

Flying at high speed, speeding up in the dark, jumping in space, go forward with all your strength!
Strong spiritual power surged, two streamers of light flew across the sky quickly, and Heiyang Hongli couldn't care less at this time.

[Congratulations to the contract object, promoted to the Nascent Soul triple realm]

In the blink of an eye, the two of Heiyang Hongli arrived above the city of five colors.

At this time, there was some noise in the city of five colors, and the voices of shouting and shouting kept coming and going.

However, amidst the noise, there were not too many cries or other bad voices, and the buildings in the city showed no signs of collapse, which made Heiyang Hongli heave a sigh of relief.

As I said before, the buildings in the Five Colors City are located at the bottom of the foundation and are connected by formations.

In the event of a catastrophe, share the force together, as long as one of the buildings does not collapse, it means that all the buildings are intact.

Now the buildings below are almost intact, which means that the disaster is still under control.

As for the Five Colors City, it was currently protected by a layer of enchantment, but to Heiyang Hongli, this thing was not the same. Both of them entered the Five Colors City easily without touching the enchantment.

This is a hidden danger. They can enter the enchantment casually, so there is no safety at all.

In other words, how can this small broken barrier in the Five-color City protect Heiyang Hongli and the other ordinary residents of the Five-color City?

As an honest ordinary citizen in the city, Heiyang Hongli felt very insecure.

After this time, I have to discuss with the city lord and my father about the barrier reinforcement plan. The minimum standard must at least reach the level of their Yangliju to feel a little bit safe, right?
Thoughts turn and turn, but in a flash.

Heiyang Hongli's spiritual power swept across, and instantly locked on the location of Dad and the others. Subconsciously, they disappeared in place in an instant, and appeared beside Dad and the others, or in the city lord's mansion.

It's not like the two dads were drunk as expected. The dads are running around with the city lord, giving orders to appease the residents, focusing on widows and loneliness, and they seem to be conscientious.

Of course, Heiyang Hongli's nose, which is more sensitive than a dog's, could still smell the alcohol on their bodies, but it was relatively faint.

"Huh? Son?"


When Hei Muguanghong Xiaochen saw the sudden appearance of Heiyang Hongli, Qiqi was taken aback, showing a puzzled expression.

"Well, I heard from your mother that you went to play with the third child..."

Hei Muguang couldn't help asking, "Why did you come back so soon?"

"Or did you forget something?"

Hong Xiaochen guessed: "They asked you two to come back and get it?"

"Ah, that's not it!"

Hongli looked displeased, put her hands on her hips, and couldn't help complaining: "Aren't we worried about the two of you, and then ran back to see if you were okay after abandoning your sister and daughter.

In the end, you're just like normal people, it's too much! "


A string of question marks appeared on Hong Xiaochen's head, and he said speechlessly, "Oh, we're fine, I really disappointed our young lady, don't I, why don't I go to find something to do when I'm fine?"

"Oh, oh, it's just a small shock. Why hasn't your father seen such a big storm?"

Hei Muguang waved his hands to comfort the two of them.

"We started drinking and coughing in the small courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion...

We were discussing a big plan to govern the city in the small courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion, and then we suddenly felt dizzy. "

Hei Muguang shook his head: "It was really scary at the beginning, but isn't it stopped now? The next step is to prevent aftershocks and warn residents, report and count dilapidated houses and so on..."

"Indeed, I was taken aback just now, thinking about when my drinking capacity became so low, I got drunk after only a few sips..."

Hong Xiaochen patted his chest, and rejoiced with lingering fear on his face: "But it's okay, it turned out that it was just Dilong who turned around, not my drinking capacity became low and my health failed!"

"If you drink like this again, your practice may not be able to bring your body back..."

Hong Li showed dead fish eyes, turned to Hong Xiaochen, and said quietly: "You continue, but every word of yours will be conveyed to my mother and the others through artistic processing..."

"Hey, Xiao Li, you can't be so vicious to Dad!"

Hong Xiaochen turned pale with shock, and couldn't help but quibble: "What's wrong with drinking, drinking makes your health worse, and drinking makes your practice less effective?

Look at the biographies in other miscellaneous books, isn't there often a character like Jiu Jianxian? "

"Wine Sword Immortal or something..."

Hongli showed half-moon eyes, spread her hands together, and sighed: "Don't get me wrong.

I mean, dad, if you drink so much, when you are taught by mom, your body may not be able to hold it even if you have practiced it. "

Hong Xiaochen: "..."

"Okay, okay, tell them not to worry about us."

Hei Muguang waved his hand: "If you have the time, why don't you go and see your mother and sister, or go and see the eggs of our little hens..."

"Hmph, I've come here, how can I return empty-handed..."

Hong Li snorted softly, seeing that her fathers were fine, she felt relieved, and then caught a glimpse of the news of being promoted to the third level of Nascent Soul, and felt that it would be a shame to leave like this without doing anything!
Hongli thought for a while, then reached out and patted Heiyang on the side: "Honey, go!"


Hei Yang nodded, and instantly disappeared in place, and then under Hei Mu Guanghong's bewildered gaze, he saw him come back here with two wine bottles.

"Wait? That's it!"

Hei Muguang and Hong Xiaochen's pupils trembled, it was the high-quality wine they put in the small courtyard, and there were still several sips left!
"What are you doing?!"

"Ha, criminal evidence, the collection is complete!"

Hongli stretched out her thumb, grinned, and wrapped her other arm around Heiyang's neck.

"Let's go, husband, file a complaint!"


Heiyang chuckled, turned and left with Hongli.

"Hey, no, wait a minute, Xiaoyang? Xiaoli? Children? We have something to discuss!"

"No, who told you to worry us and scare us to death."

"That's right, it's all because Dad is usually unreliable, that's why we're so worried!"

"Hey, what's the matter with us, hey, come back!!!"



At the corner of the wall, Heiyang Hongli muttered sinisterly at the communication spirit stone in his hand.

Hongli: "Mom, you don't know, my dad drank it like a gurgling..."

Hei Yang: "Indeed, indeed, I feel that the world has been turned upside down and I still want to drink jigujigu..."

"Okay, okay, I got it, I got it..."

Lan Yuying pulled Qing Yiyi who was furious, and waved her hands dumbfounded.

"You two little fellows, hell, as long as you are fine, forget it this time, let them go..."


Behind Lan Yuying, Qing Yiyi waved her fist angrily.

"Mu Guang, that bad guy who doesn't keep his word, I have to teach him a long lesson this time..."


Lan Yuying smiled and patted Qing Yiyi's chest and back, persuading: "You just married him, you are a man, like a child..."

"Damn it! Who wasn't a child more than twenty years ago!"

Qing Yiyi snorted softly, and said angrily: "No, he won't want to sleep on the bed after returning this time.

If it doesn't work, I'll go to Xiaoyang's original room and sleep, I want to separate from him, I want to be cold and violent..."

"Okay, okay, it's not good to hurt both sides, what should I do if I get angry, I'm an old couple..."

Lan Yuying smiled sarcastically: "You see, they didn't delay anything, they performed pretty well..."

"But, but..."

Qing Yiyi hesitated to speak, muttering unhappily.

"Phew, but he makes people worry every day..."


Qing Yiyi clenched her fists, pointed at the communication spirit stone in Lan Yuying's hand, with a look of indifference.

"Next time if this kind of thing happens again, he must report to me that I'm safe as soon as possible. It's really..."

Qing Yiyi sighed, the boy's father has a communication spirit stone tool in his hand, but that guy is not used to it, almost as if it doesn't exist.

They were clearly in their thirties and less than forty years old, but it turned out that her husband looked like he was about to be eliminated by the times, which was outrageous.


Hei Yang mentioned the business on the other end, and asked his mother and the others: "Are you going to come back? I'll go and bring you back?
After all, I don’t know what the way back is now, maybe it’s been destroyed, and it’s not very safe, why don’t I bring you all back? "

"Ah, I was planning to go home today or tomorrow..."

Qing Yiyi said helplessly: "But when something like this happens, I don't feel at ease if I don't go home and have a look, and I'm not in the mood to play leisurely, so I'd better go home."

Qing Yiyi turned to look at Lan Yuying and the others, asking for advice, "What do you think?"

"I think so too."


"Go home!"


"Okay, since this is the case..."

Seeing that everyone agreed to go home, Qing Yiyi nodded, smiled, turned her head and waved to Heiyang, "Xiaoyang, Xiaoyang, okay, come and take mom home! Where do you want us to wait for you? "

"Ah, this ah..."

Hei Yang said faintly: "Don't wait, come right now."


Question marks popped up on the heads of Qing Yiyi and the others, before they could react, space fluctuations flashed behind Hei Hui, Hei Yang walked out from behind her, tapped the other's head with his index finger, and smiled.

"How about it, are you scared?"


Hei Hui turned to look at Hei Yang behind him, a series of question marks popped up on his head, lowered his head and rubbed his eyes, and looked again, it was still cousin Hei Yang.

Hei Hui: "Huh?"

"Hey, just kidding."

Hei Yang smiled, the locked space spanning of Instant Kill was originally within sight.

If it wasn't for the fear of not being able to come back, he and Hongli could fly out of the world directly relying on Kong Yuqing's coordinate point.

Waiting for the mother to explain to the third uncle, but everyone refused, and took a little food made by the third uncle and the others, and cleaned up.

"Let's go, pay attention, it's a bit cold..."

Hei Yang waved his hand, first he used his spiritual power to protect everyone, then the gray mist filled the air, wrapped everyone into the space on the other side, and disappeared in place.


Heiyang appeared beside Hongli, and the gray fog dissipated, letting everyone out.

"Okay, now..."

Before Hei Yang finished speaking, Hong Li threw herself into her arms and sucked her heavily.

"Sha, Sha..."

Hong Li looked out of breath.

"Leaving Heiyang for two minutes and seventeen seconds, the life value will be emptied soon, huh huh..."

"Okay, okay, I can't leave you either."

Heiyang smiled and rubbed Hongli's head, looked at the big guy again, and continued what he said just now.

"Okay, now we have returned to the City of Five Colors."

"Well, this is..."

Hei Hui looked up and saw a small shop on the side of the street. She has lived here for more than ten years and recognized it instantly.

"It's the best hot and spicy soup breakfast shop! We're really back, it's amazing, but in the blink of an eye..."

"Huihui, you can't just say that casually."

Hong Qiao at the side put her hands on her hips, and said with a serious face, "The word best should not be used indiscriminately.

If someone's colleagues hear it and feel panicked, isn't this causing trouble for others! "


Hei Hui dragged his voice and sighed, "Qiao Qiao, she's fierce against me again, she's so strict!"

"What do you mean by murdering you? I'm telling you the truth and reminding you..."


Seeing Hong Qiao chanting sutras to Hei Hui, Lan Yuying covered her mouth and secretly smiled.

But immediately, she had no choice but to turn her head to look at the girl who was buried in Heiyang's arms, and she couldn't help showing half-moon eyes, and said quietly: "Xiao Li, you two will be hugged when you go home, are you not shy at all now? "

"Oh, that's not important..."

Hongli hummed inarticulately: "All I need is my black sun, ah, and parents..."

"Ah, ok, ok..."

Lan Yuying waved her hands helplessly, looked down at Xiaohuo's granddaughter, and showed a kind smile.

"Xiao Huo, baby, do you want to go home and play with grandma?"


Xiao Huo was stunned for a moment, then nodded cheerfully: "Okay!"

"Hey, no way!"

Hongli let go of Heiyang, turned around, and said without thinking, "Little Huo wants to learn survival skills from us, so he can't run around..."

"Why not?!"

Lan Yuying raised her brows, her face sank, she pointed at Hong Li and said, "How old is Xiao Huo, so I won't let him play with her anymore.

Didn't you run around all over the street when you were a child? Did your mother say anything to me?
Why, don't you want Xiao Huo to have more contact with her grandparents!
Do you want Xiao Huo to stay away from her grandparents!

Well, you damn girl, you won’t recognize your parents when you grow up..."

"Woooooh, don't scold me, don't scold me, I'm wrong, I'm wrong..."

Hongli wiped her tears with a look of grievance.

"I'm just reminding you, woo woo woo, mom scolded me, I want to tell dad..."

"Tch, it's no use telling him..."

Lan Yuying curled her lips, waved her hands and said, "Okay, okay, let's send your girls back to the head office in the evening.

Really, I am not happy to share the burden of taking care of the children for you young couple..."

"Because our family is Xiaohuo taking care of us..."

Hongli replied weakly.

Lan Yuying: "..."

"Forget it, forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you, you dead girl..."

Lan Yuying took Xiaohuo's hand, and said speechlessly: "Then I will go with Yiyi..."


Lan Yuying was halfway through speaking, only to realize that Qing Yiyi who was standing beside her had disappeared.

"Yiyi? Xiaoyang, where's your mother?"


Hei Yang calmly pointed in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Mom said to block Dad, even if she forgives him this time, she will scare him and teach him a lesson..."

"Ah this..."

The corner of Lan Yuying's mouth twitched, she grabbed Xiao Huo and ran towards the City Lord's Mansion.

"That makes sense, I'll go and have a look too..."


Heiyang and Hongli stood side by side, looking towards the direction where the old mothers left, clasped their hands together, and showed compassion: "I hope you are all right!"


There was a chuckle from the side.

Heiyang Hongli's face darkened, and she looked murderously at Hei Huihongqiao in the corner, staring quietly.

"She laughed!"

Hei Hui and Hong Qiao pointed at each other at the same time.

"You bullshit!"

Heiyang: stare
Hongli: stare
Hei Hui: "..."

Hong Qiao: "..."

"Ahem, that we suddenly thought that we didn't take off our clothes at home, let's see if they were shaken off..."

Hei Huihong Qiao smiled coquettishly, turned and ran away holding hands.

"Then see you later, hahaha..."


(End of this chapter)

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