
Xiao Huo looked at the alchemy furnace that was cleaned by his father in front of him, tilted his head in a daze, and asked in doubt: "Do you want to use this to test the mastery of supernatural powers?"

"Ha, of course, this is it, how about it?"

Hei Yang patted the alchemy furnace beside his hand with a smile, and said proudly: "This is a gift from the seniors of the Medicine King Sect.

It is said that the top ten spirit weapon alchemy furnaces in their sect are even more advanced than the alchemy furnaces prepared in the advanced alchemy room of the Five Elements Sect! "

"Huh? Ranked in the top ten, then..."

Xiao Huo pointed to the alchemy furnace, and there was a sentence that he didn't know whether to say or not.

"Don't worry, there are hundreds of alchemy furnaces in their sect, it's definitely not just ten!"

Looking at Xiao Huo's expression, Hei Yang knew what she wanted to say, couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and explained: "Girl, don't think of people as dark as your parents and us all day long, there are still many good people in this world All right!"

"Ah, hehe..."

Xiao Huo stuck out his tongue embarrassingly.

"Because I can't help but think in that direction subconsciously!"

"makes sense……"

Hei Yang nodded, thinking of what he said just now, he added: "But although there are many good people in this world, Xiao Huo, you still have to worry a lot when you go out, and you must be on guard against others.

Otherwise, parents won't let you go out at ease! "

"When you think about Xiao Huo, you will be bullied outside for one reason or another in the future..."

Hei Yang gasped, and said with grief and indignation: "Just thinking about that scene makes me feel uncomfortable.

When I think of the girl who is regarded as a treasure by us at home, without my parents when I go out, I am lonely and suffer from hunger and cold.

Lajiu Handong sleeps in a cardboard box in the alley, dying to fight with Gouzi to open the treasure box.

I just, haha, I couldn't help but want to turn my head and cry with your mother, I'll forget it if I feel so bad! "

"Stop stop!


Xiao Huo couldn't help interrupting his father's wild thoughts, and shouted with dissatisfaction on his face: "Why was Xiao Huo fine one second, and slept in a cardboard box in Dad's imagination the next second!"

"Remember to lay out several layers of newspapers when you sleep."

Heiyang muttered non-stop.

"It will be warmer than just relying on the feathers to keep out the cold, and by then the feathers may lose a few due to illness..."


Xiao Huo wrinkled his face and shouted, "Don't think about it any more!"

"Ah, cough, cough..."

Heiyang laughed awkwardly, waved his hands, and apologized to Xiaohuo embarrassedly.

"I didn't mean to make Xiao Huo think so badly. The mother who travels thousands of miles is worried, and it's the same if it's the father. No matter how capable the child is, he should still be worried."


Heiyang looked at Xiaohuo, sighed and said: "And Xiaohuo is still far behind, it's not intentional to attack Xiaohuo, but I always feel that I didn't teach enough..."

"Ha, don't just underestimate Xiaohuo!"

Xiao Huo put his hands on his hips, raised his chest and said confidently: "Even though Dad tests Xiao Huo, there will be absolutely no problems!"

"Very good, very spirited!"

Hei Yang nodded in satisfaction, and took out another stack of pills from his body, which was also kindly sponsored by the partners of the Yaowangzong.

Hei Yang rummaged through it until he picked out a recipe and handed it to Xiao Huo: "Here."


Xiao Huo curiously took the pill formula handed over by his father, looked at the words "Shengxi Pill" written on it and the densely packed small characters below.

Xiao Huo couldn't help but looked up at his father in doubt, waiting for the other party's answer.

"See, this is your test content."

Heiyang brought two cushions, handed one to his daughter, and sat in front of the alchemy furnace, while Xiaohuo sat beside him, listening to Heiyang's explanation with a serious face.

"Pill recipes, quality of medicinal materials, properties of elixirs, techniques of alchemy, equipment for alchemy, favorable time and place, good luck...

These are all factors that affect alchemy, and the final effect is inseparable from them.

In addition to these, there is another key point is the pill fire of alchemy.

You have to be clear about this small fire, if you use ordinary fire and spirit fire to refine the same medicine pill, as long as you can master it correctly, the latter will generally have a better effect.

For example, with a small fire, you are born with Lihuo, which is definitely more effective than ordinary flames.

Of course, there are also some special circumstances, such as the pill with violent nature, you use cold fire to refine it, and the medicine with mild nature, if you burn it with fire, the final result will never be very good..."

"Um, um, oh, so it's like this, Xiao Huo understands..."

Xiaohuo listened carefully to Heiyang's knowledge of alchemy, and nodded in earnest.

But after listening for a while, she still couldn't help asking: "Then Dad, how should Xiao Huo test his ability to master supernatural powers?"

"Ha, I was about to talk about this."

Heiyang smiled and clapped his hands to attract Xiaohuo's attention.

"Nirvana Fire itself is already a very high-quality spiritual fire, and because of the rich vitality contained in it, it can play a greater role in the refining of healing elixirs.

Coincidentally, the Shengxi Pill here is such a healing elixir, and it is also a high-level healing elixir, which is mild in nature and has a wide range of applicability.

It's just that its refining process is relatively cumbersome, and the control method for the pill fire is extremely strict, so it can be used as a test for the small fire, isn't it? "

"I don't want to be able to refine the best pill perfectly, as long as I perform well in the process, I can be regarded as qualified for Xiaohuo. Of course, it is best to refine it."

Heiyang smiled and stretched out a finger.

"In addition, because of its universality, the selling price in the practice world is also very high.

So Dad, after you finish the test, I am also going to refine a few furnaces of danto medicine. Wang Zong's friends will help sell a wave of it, so as to increase the family's income. "

"Huh? Selling pills?"

Xiao Huo asked curiously: "Does Dad also want to secretly hide his private money?"

"Ah this..."

A row of black lines were drawn across Heiyang's head.

"Bah, bah, what, what!"

Hei Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and couldn't help complaining: "As far as your mother's virtue is concerned, she can't wait to let me feed her every meal. Do you think she will be the kind of guy who has the leisure to manage how much money the family has?"

Of course, Hei Yang didn't say anything about it, because Hongli didn't care much about how much money the family had, so she always thought that she didn't have much money left. Normally, Hei Yang accidentally scratched a sofa cushion, and she would call out "prodigal" in distress.

People are not in charge of the family and don't know how expensive they are, Hong Li has been so stingy since she was a child.

In terms of consumption, Qing Yiyi and Heiyang's mother are simply two extremes.

Of course, Hei Yang's mother has always been the one who earns the most in the family, earning more than his father working all day, so in a sense, his father Hei Muguang is a boy with a cough cough...

Heiyang doesn't know where his daughter-in-law Xiaoli learned to be stingy, obviously her father-in-law and mother-in-law gave her money when she was young.

Perhaps it may also be a stingy child who evolved from simply cherishing the things at home.

Hei Yang could probably guess where it came from, Hongli would feel sorry for her for a long time even if she accidentally bent a corner of her book.

"So, how could I hide any private money!"

Heiyang laughed helplessly, and explained: "Although there is not much financial pressure for the time being, we can't make ends meet, and we have to replenish our family's small coffers occasionally, otherwise our whole family may go to the alley to sleep in cardboard boxes in the future ..."

"Then Xiaohuo's newspaper will be distributed to parents!"

"Then Dad, I am really touched."

Heiyang smiled and waved his hands, touched Xiaohuo's little head, looked at Xiaohuo whose hair had grown a lot suddenly, and said, "Dad will braid your hair later, don't learn from your mother My hair is disheveled all day long and I think I’m black and straight.”

"Hey hey, Dad secretly spoke ill of Mom behind her back."

Xiao Huo looked at Dad with a smile, and said, "Dad will be in trouble after Xiao Huo tells the story."

"Good guy, the family tradition of backstabbing dad can also be passed down, right..."

Hei Yang couldn't help complaining, and looked at Xiao Huo with a look of viciousness, threatening her: "Then let Xiao Huo be unlucky before Dad gets in trouble!"

"Hey hey hey..."

Xiaohuo tried to pass the test with cuteness, but suddenly thought of something, and said, "But then again, grandpa has private money!"


Hei Yang calmly nodded disapprovingly.

"Because your grandma was afraid that your grandpa would use the money to buy wine indiscriminately, so she asked him to "voluntarily" hand it in.

In fact, your grandma earns more than your grandpa for a month in a day, so she doesn't care about him at all.

But in order for him to control the amount of drinking, he is still under control. If you want to spend money, you can, but it must be for a legitimate reason.

Your grandma said that even if your grandpa wants to develop some hobbies on a whim, such as fishing, you can ask her for money, but you can't buy wine. "

"Ah this..."

Xiao Huo revealed his half-moon eyes, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Isn't drinking really a good habit?"

"Anyway, I'm not used to drinking with your mother."

Hei Yang shook his head, put three or four storage bags aside, and took out the medicinal materials stored in them.

"This is the medicinal material for refining Shengxi Pill, except for one of the main medicines which is a little more expensive, the others are very common medicines.

But once the elixir is refined, it will be hundreds of thousands of times Lilan, which is a relatively profitable business. If you learn a hand from Dad, you will not be reduced to living in a small alley in the future..."

"Say it all! Xiao Huo doesn't live in the small alley!"

"Ah yes yes yes."

Heiyang coughed twice, showing a serious expression.

"Okay, look forward to it now, Dad will teach you a few times first, and you will learn while watching Dan Fang, mainly recording how I control the flame at different time stages, and the order in which the medicinal materials are placed.

At the same time, you can also ask me some questions, such as what to do in special situations, etc. Don’t pretend to understand and remember, when you do it yourself, the knowledge in your head can’t fool yourself. "

"Oh, Xiao Huo understands!"

Xiaohuo nodded again and again, watching his father Heiyang casually throw a ball of Nirvana Fire and ignite it under the alchemy furnace. Elixir.

"Having said that, actually, I think the words here can be changed a few steps, so that the effect will be better, but Xiao Huo, you don't have to force yourself to learn from your father.

Take a look at my operation, and then look at what is written in the Dan formula. Just compare the two pictures and understand it. You don’t need to ask too much about why Dad’s steps are different from the Dan formula. "

Heiyang casually said: "It's normal if it's different, after all, my father is more familiar with his hands, and many of them come out of his comfort, so he can completely skip many tedious steps at once.

Xiaohuo only needs to learn from his father's techniques and descriptions of various fire sizes, instead of imitating his father, he can just watch Dan Fang draw a gourd and draw a ladle, it's not a big problem! "

"Oh, alright!"

Xiaohuo nodded again and again, time passed quickly.

What Xiaohuo admired was that even though his father was concocting alchemy, he was able to multi-task and explain it to him, completely handy.

Unlike her, just recording these knowledge points has already worked very hard and took up energy.

She is now on the seventh floor of the foundation building stage. Remembering what you see with your eyes and remembering your ears should be the basic operation. The main reason is that there are too many important points.

At this time, Xiaohuo felt as if he was holding a textbook for a four- or five-year-old child, and listening to his father's knowledge of fifteen or sixteen, there was a kind of hazy beauty, but he couldn't understand the human language.

But fortunately, although Heiyang didn't have much teaching experience, he was also the type who was not good at giving lectures to classmates in school.

But facing his own daughter, Hei Yang was still very patient.

He constantly adjusted the difficulty of teaching according to Xiaohuo's acceptance.

Until it reaches a suitable level, no matter how difficult Xiaohuo finds it, he can't lower it any more. After all, Heiyang can't spoil a child if he spoils a child!

In this regard, Hei Yang has always learned from his mother Qing Yiyi.

Although he always complained that he was too sleepy when he got up in the morning, his mother's teaching methods were both soft and hard, so that Heiyang could clearly feel that his mother was doing it for his own good, and really cared about himself from his own perspective.

Instead of directly leaving a bunch of tedious tasks, give you a set time to complete, and you can’t rest if you finish ahead of time, and you have to do some more tasks.

Heiyang has experience in this. When he was in junior high school, he was able to finish the homework that was left for him several days in advance. It was difficult to finish the homework every day in high school.

The teacher once told them the truth that the homework is reserved towards the goal that they can't finish, so that students can not slack off every minute and every second.

It’s like you can’t be seen by the leader to rest after you finish the task at work. Regardless of whether you have finished the work or not, you can’t rest anyway, otherwise you will feel guilty about “wasting time and killing your life”. You can definitely do more, but you have to "use every minute of your time".

I don't know how normal rest becomes a waste of time, isn't it that overwork kills life...

Hei Yang no longer thinks about those things in the past, and thinking about them is of no use to him.

What he can do is to take care of his children's emotions when educating them.

The so-called elite education is not something that can be piled up with time.

Of course, if you don't want to spend any time on study, that's another story.

If Xiaohuo listens to them and stays at home with her parents, Heiyang Hongli will respect her choice, even if she protects the child for the rest of her life, it will be fine.

But since Xiaohuo still has a bit of enthusiasm in his heart, Heiyang Hongli will not pour cold water on the child.

Just like parents who respect Heiyang Hongli's life and affairs, they choose to give patient love.

Then Heiyang Hongli can also have this kind of patience with Xiaohuo who thinks differently from the two of them.

After all, parents always hope that their children can be stronger than themselves, or have a happier life.

If the child thinks the same as himself, how can he surpass his parents?
"The third oven!"

Heiyang slapped the pill furnace and opened it. In Xiaohuo's amazement, dozens of pills flew out and fell into the container beside him.

The rich Danxiang only lasted for a moment, but it was still captured by Xiaohuo's sensitive little nose. He took a deep breath and showed an expression of enjoyment.

"Dad is amazing!"

"Of course."

Heiyang put the third bottle next to the first two bottles of elixirs. It looked like a bottle of jelly beans and had no intuitive feeling, but if it was really sold at the price, one bottle could be exchanged for a Heiyang red glass The airship that came back.

"Okay, it's your turn!"

Heiyang moved back, handed over the control to Xiaohuo, and said with a smile, "Come on, Xiaohuo!"


Xiao Huo froze for a moment, then nodded firmly.

"Yeah! Xiaohuo will definitely do it!"

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