So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 396 If you want to do one thing, you should not think about it, the more you think about it,

"But then again."

Heiyang shared the fast food with everyone, and asked curiously: "Aren't we going to wait for my aunt? Just start eating like this?"

"Her, she probably won't be here until the afternoon."

Qing Yiyi spread her hands and said casually: "She followed your uncle and the others to go to another house for dinner, saying that she was going to see the bride."


Hongli raised her head curiously, and asked, "Is anyone else married, from our area?"


Lan Yuying took over the conversation, and mentioned: "Does Xiao Li still remember the elder sister of Dr. Liu's family who is two years older than you?
In the past, when you were sick and took you to grab medicine, I turned my head to see that you were very happy chatting with others. "

"Ah? Is there..."

Hongli froze for a moment, and pressed her fingers between her eyebrows.

"Let me think about it, think about it, it seems that there is such a thing?
It seems to be comforting me, saying that she has had this disease before, and she will be fine after taking the medicine for a few days.

I forgot what I said specifically, probably that's what it means. "

Hongli shook her head, and added: "But I think that big sister is quite kind.

If she hasn't changed over the years, she will probably be a girl with a gentler personality. "

"Yes, that's her."

Qing Yiyi smiled and said: "She married a strong young man from our Qing family, I've met him a few times, he's quite real.

It seems that a few years ago, she followed her father to the mountains to gather medicine, but her father accidentally broke his leg. He was in a hurry and happened to meet the child. "

"Oh, I'm impressed when you say that!"

Heiyang spoke suddenly, and said: "I remember that girl Huihui sprained her ankle, and I took her to see the doctor.

In the end, Huihui found that Dr. Liu was injured more severely than her, and then she told me, it’s broken, Dr. Liu himself has become like this, and he must be cured, tsk tsk..."

When Hei Yang said this, he didn't say anything, just smiled.

What Hei Hui said later was more embarrassing, save the little girl some face.

"Ah this..."

Hei Hui lay down on the gun inexplicably, she looked around, and saw that everyone had a "happy, let's talk about it" expression, and couldn't help but said in embarrassment: "Everyone, why are you looking at me like that!

You, haven't you twisted your feet? That time I was chased by a stinky goose, that's why I did this! "

Hei Hui blushed, looking at the cheerful expressions of everyone around, she couldn't help adding an excuse: "Really, I already got rid of it at that time!
Then because I was so happy to get rid of it, I turned around and accidentally fell. "

"Hey, don't laugh! Don't laugh!"

With an angry expression on his face, Hei Hui turned to look at Hong Qiao, who was also smiling, and sighed.

"It's been many years. At that time, I just started to grow. It's normal for me to fall when I'm so young!"

"and after?"

Hong Qiao asked curiously.

"It didn't come later."

Hei Hui spread out her hands, and hummed: "I'm afraid that my parents will scold me when I go home, and then it will be revealed that I secretly pulled the feathers of other people's big geese, ahem..."



Xiao Huo and Quack showed alertness in their eyes.

"Oh, that, I just want to borrow some feathers from others to make shuttlecocks!"

Hei Hui said with an aggrieved face: "I explained it to them in advance, and I even pulled out a lot of my hair to exchange with it.

Who knows what it is talking about, I saw it spread its wings and screamed, and I thought it was telling me to take care of it casually, to pick which feathers on the wings..."


Hongli, who was drinking milk, didn't hold back, and sprayed milk out of his nostrils unexpectedly.

"Cough cough, grass, cough cough, I didn't swear..."

Hongli covered her mouth and nose, disappeared on the seat at the speed of light, and ran to wipe her face.

Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying also couldn't help smiling, Xiaohuo buried her head in pretending to be bitter, and Quack buried her head in Xingyun's hair.

Xingyun was still listening to the story attentively, when she heard the exciting part, she found that it stopped suddenly, she turned her head and looked aside, with a confused expression on her face.

"Huh? Where did Sister Hongli go?"

"Ahem, hehe, that, that..."

Hei Yang couldn't help standing up with a bright smile, pointed in the direction of Hong Li, and said, "I'll go see her, hehehe, hahaha..."


Xingyun scratched his head.

"What happened?"

"Well, Miss Xingyun..."

Hei Hui looked at Xing Yun, the only one in the audience who was not smiling, and nodded to her with a moved face.

"Unexpectedly, you are my best friend!"


Xingyun blinked: "Meow meow?"

"Needless to say, Sister Xingyun!"

Holding her heart, Hei Hui said to Xing Yun, "From now on, you will be my best sister!"


Hong Qiao poked her head over and asked, "What about me? What about me?"

"Bad Qiao Qiao, you have the nerve to say it!"

Hei Hui angrily pointed at Hong Qiao with a smile on her face, and said aggrievedly, "As the best sister of your predecessor, you actually laughed at me too. You've been fired!"

"Ah, Huihui, what and what."

Hong Qiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and reached out to touch Hei Hui's head.

"I laughed because you are so cute, really, this is, um, a kind smile, not a mockery..."

"That's it!"

Hei Hui put her arms around her chest, looked at Hong Qiao, and said with a snort, "I just laugh when I laugh, you are the best sister, it's wrong to laugh at me at this time, hum!"

"Okay, okay, then I apologize."

Hong Qiao clasped her hands together, smiled sincerely and apologized, "I'm sorry, Huihui, I apologize to you, and I hope you can forgive me."


Hei Hui snorted lightly.

"Okay, I forgive you, and let you continue to be the best sister for the time being!"

"Huh? What about me? What about me?"

Xingyun raised her hand and asked curiously.

"Ha, best sisters can also be plural!"

Hei Hui waved her little hand and asked back, "Where is Miss Xiaoyun? Am I the best sister?"

"Ah, this ah..."

Xingyun froze for a moment, then stretched out a finger.

"Well, that, actually..."

"its mine!"

Hongli dragged Heiyang and ran back quickly, and Heiyang was dragged behind with a helpless expression, and followed Hongli back to his seat.


Hongli hugged Xingyun's shoulders and hummed softly.

"Xiaoyun is mine, and Qu Huihui still wants to snatch it?"


Hei Hui stared and said: "But you, Sister Hongli, you already have Brother Heiyang!

Since there is Brother Heiyang, why do you want to occupy Sister Xingyun! "

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Hong Li frowned, pointing at Hei Hui and Hong Qiao.

"Who stipulated that you can't be good sisters with Xiaoyun if you have Heiyang?
You and Qiao Qiao are still good sisters, why do you want to rob Xiao Yun? "

"It's different, it's different!"

Hei Hui shook his head again and again, and argued: "Because Sister Hongli and Brother Heiyang live together!

Now that we live together, the relationship must be closer!

Huihui and I are just friends and sisters, not family members, and we are not together. "

"Huh? Who said that?"

Hongli snorted softly, very disapproving.

"Hei Yang and I can be together, so why can't you two be together?"

Hei Hui: "???"

Red Joe: "???"

Hei Huihong Qiao's eyes widened, she subconsciously looked at each other, her face blushed at the same time, and she turned her head away.

"Say, what did Sister Hongli say..."

"Hey, think about it."

Hong Li put her arms around her chest and explained with a natural expression: "You will leave your parents and go to the Five Elements Sect to practice, and you will only come back to visit us during the New Year and holidays.

At that time, the two of you good friends should definitely hug each other to keep warm. The two of you will help each other and advance hand in hand. I don’t know how many years you will live together! "

"One thing to say."

While eating peanuts, Heiyang said leisurely: "Indeed!"

"Ah, so..."

Hei Huihong Qiao was stunned for a moment, then smiled embarrassingly.

"Otherwise, what else can I do? Don't want to help each other? Want to fight and bully each other?"

Hongli frowned.

"Let me tell you, if you two go to other places, I may not be able to take care of you. If you are in the Five Elements School, hehe..."

"What will happen in the Five Elements Sect?"

Hei Hui asked nervously.

"If there is a conflict in the Five Elements Sect."

Hei Yang interjected: "You had a conflict in the morning, and the news reached us in the afternoon."

Hei Huihong Qiao: "Ah, this..."

"Ah, what is this, Hei Yang still speaks too conservatively."

Hongli shook her head and said, "Be bold, when you guys are having conflicts, maybe someone next to us will live broadcast the fight between the two of you."

Hei Huihong Qiao: "Ah, this..."

"Ha! If you have to say that, Xiaoli, you are not very bold."

Hei Yang grinned and said, "Be bolder, we've already known that you have this idea before you get into a fight!"

Hei Huihong Qiao: "Ah, this!"

"Ha, that's it?"

Hongli glanced at Heiyang disdainfully.

"Be bolder, even if you don't fight and have conflicts, we can still devise a conspiracy to make you have conflicts a thousand miles away!"

Hei Huihong Qiao: "Ah this?"

"Sister Hongli is scaring you."

Xingyun waved his hand, and patted his chest with confidence.

"If there is any conflict, you two will come to me, and I will help you resolve it!"


"The two beat up together, and then transfer all the conflicts to yourself, right?"

Hongli added fuel and vinegar with a smile.

"Sister Hongli, don't talk nonsense, that's right!"

Xingyun waved his hand.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about that later, what happened to Huihui and Goose later, the story is not over yet!"


Hei Hui froze for a moment, then smiled embarrassedly.

"In the future, it will be gone, because I dare not look for my parents, and I dare not look for other adults, because they will definitely tell my parents.

If you ask Qiao Qiao, she is the same age as me, so I don't feel at ease, and I don't know where she is..."

Heihui pointed to Heiyang: "Only Brother Heiyang, usually refreshes in those places.

And he will often be bundled with Sister Hongli and refreshed, and he will find it as soon as he looks for it!
Afterwards, Brother Heiyang took me to see a doctor and applied medicine..."

"It turned out to be discovered in the end."

Heiyang spread his hands, exposing his cousin.

"After all, Mouyang has always been timid and afraid of getting into trouble. He was always afraid that if he didn't do it well, it would make Huihui fall into the root of the disease, so he told her family."

Hei Hui: "Woooooh..."

"So is that elder sister married to a boy from the Qing family? It's okay, I wish them happiness..."

Hong Li paused and sighed.

"Over ten years in the blink of an eye, our group of children and a bunch of people of the same age have also started families one after another.

Thinking of yesterday again, it really feels like a world away!

As the years go by, it always makes people feel a little melancholy. "

"Ha, you two have retired too early."

Lan Yuying gave her daughter a white look, and complained: "You are still in your youth, you are not even twenty years old!

If you are not bored at home all day, you can go to dance, learn something, do something interesting!

For example, fishing, growing flowers, dancing, painting, or learning a song today and a dish tomorrow.

In this way, there will always be a new feeling, and every day is a new challenge or adventure. "

Lan Yuying stretched out her finger and said with a smile: "In this case, when the years pass, it will be more than ten years.

You will find that the skills you have accumulated over the years are still in you.

From singing out of tune to singing very well, from cooking with few dishes, to becoming a delicious chef who cooks all kinds of cuisines, or something else.

In this way, you will feel that the days of these years are meaningful every day, and you will be full of a sense of accomplishment when recalling them! "

"Ah this..."

Hongli's face turned pale, and she looked away guiltily.

"Then, let's forget about it. I think it's nice to have such a quiet time, hahahaha..."

"Well, it's useless."

Lan Yuying glared at Hong Li and sighed.

"Blame me, blame me, I know that my little Li doesn't have that kind of self-control, she doesn't have that kind of self-discipline, it's impossible for her to persist for so long.

In the end, I had to bring up these things, which made Xiaoli feel embarrassed, and it was all my fault. "

"Don't provoke me."

Hong Li turned her head and saw the smile that could not be hidden in her mother's eyes, sighed, and argued: "I'm just not interested in those things, so I have no self-control, and I can't persevere.


You see, my habit of reading books has persisted for so many years. Looking at my full bookshelf, I will also feel a sense of accomplishment. "

After a pause, Hongli spread her hands and said, "It's just that, if I read the books I read before, I will unconsciously think about what I was thinking when I read this book.

I will think how long ago I read these books, and I can't help recalling them in the end.

Why do old people always sit outside in the sun for so long, because their minds are full of beautiful memories of youth, and they will think of the pictures of the past everywhere they see..."

After a pause, Hongli smiled calmly: "In the future, we may have more stories worth remembering, and we may occasionally get lost and think about the beauty of the past..."

"But my word..."

Hongli turned her head, took Heiyang's hand, looked at the relatives on the table, and said with a smile: "As long as you are by my side, every day will be my happiest day!"

"Well, in other words, every day is worth remembering, and some days are especially worth remembering."

Hongli looked at Heiyang, showed a bright smile, grinned and showed her white teeth, reached out and patted Heiyang on the shoulder, and blessed: "So, Heiyang, happy birthday!
Next birthday, I will still be with you! "

"Son, happy birthday!"

"Xiaoyang, happy birthday!"

"Happy birthday dad!"

"Happy Birthday Brother Heiyang!"

"Quack! Happy!"


Hei Yang looked around, looked at his family and friends, and smiled slightly: "Thank you!"

So lazy, how can you become a fairy

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