So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 411 The so-called integration of man and machine is probably the result of looking for a mob

In the sky above the city of five colors, Heiyang Hongli seems to be patrolling slowly and quickly.

The eyes of the two of them lighted up slightly with a reddish light, and they looked around with magical powers.

And Xingyun, she was brought by Gaga to fly beside Heiyang Hongli, but her flying posture was a bit crooked, as if she was about to fall if she was not careful.

"Quack, hold your breath, don't panic, yes."

Xingyun hugged Quack, stroked Quack's feathers, and encouraged him: "Yes, that's it, that's it...

Very good, you did a good job, yes, we are almost mastered, just work harder! "


Hongli turned her head to look at Xingyun and Gaga beside her, raised her eyebrows, and thought of something and said: "Speaking of which, I remember that Gaga was born not long after my birthday last year.

Now it's almost my birthday again, which means that Gaga is almost one year old. "

"That's right, it's Little Gaga's birthday soon!"

Hearing Hongli's words, Xingyun's eyebrows curved into crescents, with a gratified smile on his face.

"Before I knew it, a year passed, and little Gaga was able to fly by her own ability."

"It's just not very skilled."

Hongli pointed it out.

"A little more practice and you'll be fine!"

Xingyun is very optimistic.

Hongli thought for a while, and what Xingyun said was the same, so she nodded and didn't say anything more.

She calculated that Xing Yunman had only just entered the Five Elements Sect for two years, and now it is in the foundation building stage, and the Xiaoli Flamingo he raised can also fly.

Sure enough, Hongli thought well at the beginning, this girl's talent is definitely at the level of the protagonist, in another world, it would be a legendary story of a hot-blooded and domineering girl.

It's just that there is Heiyang Hongli on the side, and the speed of these two promotions is too fast, suppressing Xiaoyun's light by a lot.

Sure enough, I answered that sentence, don't compete with funny characters...

Bah Bah Bah! ! !
Hong Li suddenly came back to her senses, and quickly shook her head to shake off the thoughts in her mind.

She's not a funny character, she's quiet, cute, and considerate...


Heiyang waved his hand in front of Hongli, reminding him: "I've returned to my soul, what are you thinking about!"

"Ah? Ah!"

Hongli looked at Heiyang suspiciously.

Hei Yang didn't say much, just pointed to the front not far away, Hong Li looked along and reacted.

They have already patrolled and ran to the sky above their own house.

"Let's go talk to our parents."

Hei Yang suggested: "Tell them, we have something to do, we may come back later, so they don't worry about it.

If you can come back before eight o'clock, we will keep our supper, and if you don't come back after that, let them leave us alone. "

"good idea."

Hongli nodded in agreement, she and Heiyang are not very conscious, so they must enter once they pass through the house.

"However, I think it's better to help parents use the communication spirit stone proficiently earlier."

Hongli added: "This way it will be more convenient when there is something to notify."


Hei Yang thought for a while, and gave an example: "For example, when you need to find us, you don't need to bother to run to our house, but a phone call instead?"


Hongli smiled, wrinkled her small face, imitating her parents' tone and said, "Xiaoyang Xiaoli, you two come over here, hurry up, I'll give you three minutes to get up and clean up..."

"Man, this is too scary."

Heiyang shrank his neck.

"You can pretend you haven't woken up and can't hear you."

Hongli muttered softly.

"You dare?"

"If you dare, I will."

Heiyang Hongli smiled and gave the other party a blank look, then turned to Xingyun and said, "Let's go and explain, we'll be back soon, can Xiaoyun wait for us here for a while?"


Xingyun smiled and gave a no-problem gesture.

After being relieved, the two went home and told their parents.

What left them speechless was that the two fathers were still asleep.

"I guess this pair of good buddies will have to sleep until tomorrow morning before waking up."

Qing Yiyi looked contemptuous.

"Or wake up hungry in the middle of the night, get up and secretly look for food."

"Ha ha……"

Lan Yuying on one side smiled awkwardly, turned her head to look at Qing Lianlian and Xiao Huo who were sleeping side by side on the small bed, and laughed helplessly.

"The two little guys were also tired from playing, one fell asleep first, and the other got bored, and fell asleep after a while."

"Okay, okay, if you have anything to do, go at ease."

Qing Yiyi waved her hands, and said indifferently: "Anyway, the two of us are too lazy to cook now. If you don't come back, this meal will just be saved. I'll just find a sesame seed cake to pad my stomach."

Heiyang Hongli: "Ah, this..."

"It's a bit inappropriate..."

Lan Yuying couldn't help reminding: "Today is Xiaoyang's birthday, don't you want to make longevity noodles?"

"Ah, yes."

Qing Yiyi suddenly came to her senses, turned her head to look at Heiyang Hongli, smiled and said: "In this case, I would trouble you two to buy some noodles when you come back, and bring us some by the way..."

Heiyang Hongli: "???"

"Ah this..."

Heiyang Hongli looked at each other helplessly and smiled.

Heiyang spread his small hands, and said obediently: "Okay then, mom, just wait for us to come back, let's try to hurry up..."

"Hey, I'm just kidding you."

Qing Yiyi laughed, waved her hands and said, "Xiaoyang's longevity noodles must be made by my own mother! How can I buy them with taste?

If you really want to buy it, it's better to buy more delicious fish and meat, why do you have to buy noodles.

What can it do with noodles, it can't do anything with noodles! "

Hei Yang: "Damn it, noodle fans are furious!"


A question mark popped out of Qing Yiyi's head.

"Hahaha, it's okay, it's okay."

Heiyang smiled awkwardly, took Hongli's hand and ran out.

"Then let's go first, wait for us to come back!"

"Understood, be careful."

Qing Yiyi waved her hand and said: "If I come back too late, I'll fall asleep, so forget it, I won't get up from the bed and cook for you kid."

"Oh, I know I know!"

Heiyang reluctantly responded.


"Okay, it's alright."

Heiyang Hongli returned to Xingyun's side, nodded, and signaled: "Okay, let's continue!"


Xingyun looks full of energy.

"Watch me and sister Heiyang and Hongli find that space debris together!"


Hong Li chuckled and looked at Xing Yun.

"But we're going to speed up next time, Xiaoyun, can you keep up?"


Xingyun was stunned.

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay."

Hongli smiled funny and waved her hand.

"Xiaoyun, don't worry if you can't keep up, just take your time and wait for our good news."


Xingyun came back to her senses, clenched her fists and waved, "Miss Hongli, stop looking down on people! I have no problem at all."

"Haha, just kidding."

Hongli smiled and pressed her hand behind Xingyun's back, her spiritual power slightly activated her supernatural powers.

"You weren't there during the lecture before. Heiyang and I used this method to let them experience this supernatural power first, and then it will be much more convenient to teach them!"


Xingyun was stunned for a moment, and was about to say something, but suddenly, she felt a powerful force blessing her body.

"Blessed with supernatural powers, supernatural speed!"

Hongli smiled, and the power enveloped Xingyun and Gaga together, turned to look at Heiyang, held his hand, and mobilized her spiritual power.

"set off!"

"Huh huh?!!"

Three people and one crane turned into a stream of light and charged into the distance, quickly across the entire city of five colors, and then rushed eastward for a long distance.


Xingyun yelled excitedly, after the initial panic, she soon fell in love with this feeling.

"We fly so fast!"

Xingyun said loudly: "Quack! Can you feel it!"


Quack yelled excitedly, feeling the feeling of flying at high speed, he suddenly felt as if he had successfully mastered the flying speed before.

"Don't just get excited, pay attention."

Hongli shouted: "Pay attention to the surroundings, and see if there is any space that is wrong! Heiyang, you too, don't scratch my palm!"


Xingyun responded.


Heiyang smiled awkwardly, and also became serious.


Half an hour later, Heiyang Hongli Xingyun Quga Huo Le Yinzi Shengmu Lingtulou and the elders of Wuliang Jianmen gathered next to the teleportation array again and began to exchange their information.

"How are you over there?"

Heiyang paused, then spread his hands helplessly and said: "Let's come first, Xiaoli, me, and Xiaoyun Quack, the four of us searched over there, but found nothing."

"Ah this..."

Elder Huo Le was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but said, "We did the same, we didn't find anything..."


Yinzisheng added: "We are about to fly back to the Five Elements Sect."

"Almost got it."

Hei Yang pointed it out: "If you really fly back to the Five Elements, half an hour is not enough for you."

"Rhetorical hyperbole."

Yin Zisheng calmly held his respect.


"Cough cough."

Yin Zisheng coughed twice, and looked at the elders of Wuliangjianmen on the other side.

He changed the subject and asked, "How are you doing?"


Several elders of Wuliangjianmen looked at each other, then shook their heads helplessly, and one of them took the lead and sighed: "No, I didn't find anything.

There is no trace of the world fragment at all, as if it disappeared suddenly and was hidden by someone. "



Everyone present was silent for a while.

"Could it be that it has been digested by the traveling world?"

On a whim, Hong Li proposed a possibility.

"Well, not likely."

Elder Huo Le shook his head and said: "If the Aoyou Realm has already digested it, those of us in the Nascent Soul stage should be able to perceive it a little bit.

For example, the increase of world background, or the emergence of new laws. "

"Then what should I do? I have searched almost everywhere."

It was another elder of Wuliang Jianmen who spoke.

His pale eyebrows were furrowed tightly, and he said with a worried face: "In this way, let alone training disciples, the entire southwestern corner of the roaming world is shrouded in this terrifying unknown shadow.

No one is sure whether the debris will suddenly appear, and then cause any impact or damage to the civilians or the ecological environment here? "

"If that were the case, it would be a gross dereliction of duty on our part."

Another Elder of Wuliang Sword Sect sighed.

"Ah this..."

Tulou scratched his head helplessly.

"Then what should we do? Anyway, I can guarantee that we have searched very carefully.

Otherwise, let's switch directions and search a few more times. After all, we have searched all the places. "

"That's the only way to go."

Mu Ling sighed, echoing her sweetheart's words.

"Well, speaking of it..."

Heiyang suddenly thought of something, and his expression became a little weird.

"I suddenly have a bold idea, do you want to listen to it?"


Hongli froze for a moment, then turned her head to look at Heiyang's expression, and she, who was proficient in Heiyangology, instantly understood what he meant.

"You mean..."

Thinking of this possibility, Hongli couldn't help showing a strange expression.

"Indeed, all places have been searched, except one place..."

"Ah, what do you mean..."

The corner of Yin Zisheng's mouth twitched, thinking of something, he couldn't help but said: "It shouldn't be possible, such a thing?"

"But in this way, it can explain why it disappears and cannot be perceived..."

Heiyang reminded faintly.

"And it's been gone for so long, it hasn't made any movement yet, it's like..."

"It's like being blocked by some restriction..."

Yin Zisheng helped Heiyang to finish the conversation, with a complicated expression on his face.

For a moment, Heiyang Hongli and Yin Zisheng fell into a weird silence.


Elder Huo Le looked left and right, and a well popped out of his head.

"So don't be dumb all of a sudden! What's the matter with this suddenly enlightened appearance? It's a good deal, right?

Having said so much, what are you talking about?Can you make it clear? "


All the elders of the Wuliang Sword Gate also nodded.

"If you think of its trace clues, please be sure to say so, so we can make preparations and defenses earlier!"


Hei Yang raised his head and said faintly: "Actually, the truth seems to be right in front of us."

"Exclude all the impossible, and the rest will be no matter how inconceivable, unbelievable, or outrageous..."

Hong Li followed Hei Yang's gaze, and a reddish light appeared in her eyes.

"The rest is really the truth."

"Ah, so..."

A few drops of cold sweat broke out on the head of Yin Zisheng, looking at the scene of the formation confrontation between him and Heiyang, the corner of his mouth twitched and said: "The fragment of the world will not happen to enter the roaming world from this direction.

As a result, it was locked by the sealing formation we arranged, and by the way, the perception of it was also blocked. "

"It seems to be true. If you didn't feel it seriously just now, you wouldn't feel it..."

A reddish light flashed in Hongli's eyes, and she said with a complex expression, "But if you take the initiative to look now..."

She seemed, possibly, as if, vaguely saw the outline of a piece of land.

Hei Yang: "..."

Hongli: "..."

Yinzisheng: "..."

Huo Le and the others: "?"

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