So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 418 I was too lazy to move when my feet were numb, but after a while there will be half a mi

"Ahem, okay, okay, everyone, please be quiet first."

Looking at the people who were still discussing, Hongli coughed twice and clapped her hands to signal everyone to be quiet.

When Hongli saw that everyone's attention was attracted, she nodded and said, "Well, everyone must be a little confused about the current situation, but it's okay..."

After a pause, Hongli moved her body slightly, revealing Heiyang on one side, patted him on the shoulder, and said: "Before we act, my best buddy, Heiyang, will lead the team to explain to everyone. current situation.

It is convenient for everyone to have a psychological preparation, calm down and calm down, and then think about the coping plan. "

Everyone couldn't help turning their eyes to Hei Yang, who's eyelids twitched.

[Hei Yang: Just force things on me, right?If it weren't for so many people watching, let's see how I deal with you! 】

[Hong Li: Hey, let me be good husband, I didn't think about what to say! 】

[Hei Yang: Always think about relying on me for anything, what will you do when I'm not by your side? 】

【Hongli: ! ! ! 】

[Hong Li: No!Heiyang, don't leave me!Woohoo, I like you the most, don't leave me! 】

[Hei Yang: Ah, don’t leave, don’t leave, okay, calm down, I’m just a hypothesis. 】

[Hong Li: It doesn't work if you assume it!According to the routines of most stories, the solemn promise to the sky will always be broken. After possessing the resurrection ability, you will definitely die several times, and the flag is very likely to be fulfilled! 】

[Hongli: On the contrary, as long as you don't make a solemn promise, there will be very little betrayal.As long as there is no resurrection ability, the protagonist will not die once and stay super god until the end.As long as the flag is not set up, unexpected bad things will not happen! 】

[Hongli: Especially this kind of "if one day", such as "if one day people all over the world will kill me" and "if one day you find out that I lied to you", the dialogue format is even more classic. ! 】

[Hei Yang: Ah, it makes sense...]

[Hongli: Right, right, so this kind of assumption shouldn't exist in the world! 】

[Hei Yang: Mmm, that's right! 】

[Hongli: Right, so since this assumption is not valid, then Heiyang, you will always be by my side, and I can always rely on you, so I can push things to you with peace of mind...]

[Hei Yang: Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute, stop here, something is wrong here, how can you say you feel at ease? 】

[Hei Yang: Got it, so I'm just a useful tool, woo woo woo, I don't love you anymore...]

[Hongli: Ah, no, no, how is it possible!We want to love each other forever! 】

【Hei Yang: Hmph~】

[Hongli: ? ? ? 】

[Hongli: Ah, good brother, don't do it, you're acting coquettish, right? Shouldn't that be my job! 】

[Hei Yang: Hmph! 】


[Hongli: Okay, okay, husband Heiyang, don’t be angry, it’s all my fault, please forgive me, I’ll obediently obey you for the next week!
If you tell me to go east, I will never go west!I can cook, wash the dishes, warm the bed, make the quilt, etc., woo woo woo...]

[Hei Yang: Hmph, this attitude is pretty much the same, what if you are disobedient? 】

[Hongli: Then beat me up!I don't resist! 】

[Hei Yang: Go aside, you said that I have some violent tendencies. 】

[Hei Yang: Besides, wouldn't it be a lot less fun if you didn't resist? 】

[Hongli: ? ? ? 】

[Hongli: Brother, do you want to listen to what outrageous nonsense you are talking about! ? 】

[Hei Yang: Hey, just kidding. 】

【Hongli: If you really like it, it's not impossible...】

[Black Sun] Withdraw a message

[Hongli] Withdraw a message

【Black Sun: ... 】


[Hei Yang: What happened just now? 】

[Hongli: I don't know, how about you? 】

[Hei Yang: I don't know either. 】


The two kept talking nonsense in their minds.

On the surface of Heiyang, he still had a calm expression.

He spoke unhurriedly, introducing the current situation to everyone.

"As you can see, this is the Fragment Secret Realm we want to explore."

Seeing that some of the people below were bewildered and showing shocked expressions, while others were as expected, Hei Yang nodded secretly in his heart.

Fortunately, although some disciples are not very qualified under the training of Elder Huo Le, at least a large part of them can bear the term "elite"...

And for those disciples who were poisoned by Elder Huo Le, let him and Xiao Li use today's time to bring them back on track!

Let's forge their unyielding will with the tempering of blood and fire!
Only when this group of future pillars of the practice world thrives and support the ranks of the roaming world, can he and Hongli live a more leisurely life in the future instead of being harassed by communications every once in a while.

Thinking of this, the corners of Heiyang's mouth raised a dangerous arc, but only Hongli on one side shrank her neck subconsciously after seeing it.

When the disciples saw the "confident smile" of the leader Heiyang who had everything under control, they gradually recovered from their nervousness.

"Maybe the environment here is different from the secret realm you imagined, and it looks far more dangerous than you imagined."

Heiyang paused, and continued: "But everyone should be clear, this is a fragment of the world, it was originally a dilapidated world after it was stripped and smashed, and it is a world that is no longer suitable for normal creatures to live in.

Therefore, this kind of environment should be a normal situation, and I believe everyone has already experienced it.

But even so, as a different world, this fragment has its precious value.

I won't say much about various ores and the like. Since we want to completely digest this world, we must follow the principle of digging out all the soil layers together wherever we go.

For the traveling world, these material resources can become the foundation of the world as long as they are processed to a certain extent.

But this is not what you are going to do, the sect will not send you elites here just to dig the soil, understand? "

Heiyang turned his head, looked at the different world in front of him, and explained: "Your task is to avoid these dangers and exercise your survival response ability while trying your best to perceive the power of the law of this world.

If you can turn these powers that are different from the wandering world into your own foundation, you will benefit endlessly.

In the next words, I will remove the shields around you, and you can spend a day here to comprehend.

After a day, the leader Hongli and I will be able to pack up this piece of world fragments. When we go home, we should eat and sleep, understand? "

"Ah this? One day?"

"No, no, what can I do in a day, I can't do anything in a day."

"Well, I can really feel the specialness of this place. It seems that because of the incompleteness of the world, the laws here are all exposed on the surface and it is easy to understand..."

"But even then, one day is too little..."

Hearing Hei Yang's words, for a moment, even the confident disciples in the team showed worried expressions.

After all, in the world of practice where years are the unit, the so-called one-day crash does not sound credible.

But for this, Hei Yang had already made preparations in advance, and he clapped his hands, motioning for everyone to calm down first.

"Okay, okay, I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry."

Hei Yang turned his head to look at Hong Li, who nodded, took out a small bottle, opened the bottle cap and threw it at everyone.

The next moment, everyone received a silver-white strange pill in their hands.

They cast their curious eyes on Heiyang Hongli, not knowing what the two team leaders meant.

"Well, may I ask..."

Zhao Zhuji raised a hand and asked curiously: "What are these small pills for us?
After encountering danger, can eating it save your life? "

"Ah, that's indeed for you guys, but you can't lock blood..."

Hei Yang paused, and explained: "The gadgets I practice at home are worthless.

That is to say, eating can improve one's comprehension a little bit, about ten times.

Its function is to allow you to quickly comprehend something within a day, so that you will not gain nothing, and there are no side effects. "

"Well, if there are any side effects..."

Hei Yang paused, stretched out a finger, and added: "That is to say, there are too many cultivation knowledge and rules accepted at one time, which may cause the mind to swell.

So my suggestion is that you should use your time of the day reasonably.

See what you need and where you should go to find out, if you can take advantage of this time.It would be better to plan your own future path. "


Everyone was startled when they heard this, come on, the hand that was holding Danwan casually suddenly squeezed tightly.Afraid of it being snatched away.

"I said it's worthless, it's only a one-day statute of limitations, there's no need to show such an expression, right?"

Hei Yang sighed, and after explaining some more important things he considered, he and Hong Li removed the protective cover together.

The two activated their supernatural powers.On the surface it disappeared in place, but in fact it was still beside everyone, but the voice was ethereal as if it came from the sky.

"You explore boldly, while Team Leader Hongli and I are on the sidelines to be responsible for your safety.

It's just that if it's not some fatal danger, the two of us won't take it lightly, it depends on how well you train yourself. "

"What? Did the two team leaders just leave?"

"Ah, if you live here for a day, it's a bit too scary, and you have to understand the law..."

"Look at your embarrassing appearance, you are ashamed to call elites, they are already in the foundation building period, can you still live under the protection of your predecessors?"

"That's right, I don't think there's anything here, it's just that the temperature is a little higher and the visibility is a little lower.

As a disciple of the fire department, I don't panic now, it's as good as returning home! "

"Damn it, water and fire are incompatible, this is a bit unfriendly to us water disciples..."

"Disciple Kibe asks for support, I need the nourishment of rain and dew!"

"Ah, the ground here is cracked, and our soil department is also cracked..."

"The killing spirit here seems to be suitable for our Jinbu's practice..."

This was a discussion among the people of the Five Elements Sect, while the disciples of Wuliang Sword Sect drew out their weapons and walked slowly towards the direction with the strongest law and the most unstable space.

"If everyone in the Five Elements Sect is afraid, just follow us."

Zhao Zhuji turned her head and took a focused look at Hei Xiaolong and Xingyun. Although she spoke in a very peaceful and friendly tone, some disciples of the Five Elements Sect who refused to admit defeat were provoked.

"What do you mean, look down on our Five Elements Sect?"

"Damn it, just wait and see how good our Five Elements Sect disciples are!"

Driven by the benign competition, the Five Elements Sect quickly lined up to explore in a dignified manner.

The Jinbu disciples are at the front, the Tubu disciples are at the back, the Kibu and Waterbu disciples are in the middle, and the Huobu are on the side to be vigilant.

Under the guidance of some excellent disciples with leading talents, the Five Elements School showed an appearance not inferior to Wuliangjianmen for a while.

And the disciples of Medicine King Sect are a bit...

A disciple of Wangzong of Famous Medicine carefully followed behind the big brothers of the two teams, with a vigilant, serious and nervous look on his face.

They took out bottles of pills from their bodies and packed them next to the two disciples of the Holy Land.

"Brother, brother, tell me if you are injured, I have medicine here!"

"Senior Sister, you must be very tired carrying such a heavy weapon, how about I help you carry it?"

"Hey, senior brother, there, that kind of flame seems to be very suitable for refining a kind of elixir, help me, how about the first ten furnaces after it is done?
Hey, of course you are seven, don't worry, yes, I have a way to take them away..."


Heiyang Hongli was above the team, watching these disciples quickly adapt to the appearance here.

Even the most nervous ones at the beginning gradually entered the state, and began to try to understand the laws of the world and complement their own background.

The two couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

"Elder Huo Le really should come and take a look."

Hongli couldn't help sighing: "As he said, these disciples are all excellent, they lack a chance..."

Before Hong Li could finish her sentence, she saw a bolt of lightning suddenly descending with sharp eyes, striking a disciple of Wuliang Sword Sect.

Before the disciple could react and show a terrified expression, Hongli grabbed that space together with the thunder.

And almost at the same time, Hei Yang at the side tacitly moved the disciple to a safe position.


Hong Li looked at Hei Yang and shrugged.

"Well, there is such a slight danger."


Along the way, the disciples encountered various strange and inexplicable crises.

For example, while walking, the space behind him suddenly collapses and annihilates.

Another example is the terrifying orange and purple flames that suddenly spew out from the ground under their feet.

There are also thunderstorms from the sky from time to time, and poisonous mist that can corrode spiritual power...

Some of these difficulties were solved by Heiyang Hongli's help, and some were solved by the disciples themselves or in cooperation with each other.

As we continue to move forward, we can see these disciples grow gradually.

Although there were one or two appearances where his mentality seemed to be getting more and more broken, Heiyang Hongli secretly remembered it in his heart.

It's not that I look down on the other party, but I know that the other party's personality may not be suitable for this kind of occasion, and maybe he can shine in other places.

They wrote it down just to remind Elder Huo Le and the others when they went out. After telling them about the performance of these disciples, Elder Huo Le and the others would know how to better arrange those disciples.

After all, they are all seniors. Apart from being overly doting and protective, the elders are still very good at teaching disciples and understanding their psychology.

Just like Hei Xiaolong, a skinny kid, although he always mutters about his master, his respect for Shui Ran is also from the bottom of his heart.

Elder Huo Le has always been rated as the most popular elder among his disciples...

Although after meeting Hongli, Elder Huo Le's benevolent image has undergone some wonderful changes, but the problem is not big!

After all, Heiyang and Hongli belonged to that kind of problem children, and they could naturally understand this kind of unsocial situation.

They are not vegetables, they just haven't grown to the right place where they can shine.

And just as Heiyang Hongli was thinking, the disciples below encountered new troubles again...

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