So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 423 Wandering outside the teacher's office, afraid to go in.Trying to pull someone back

Heiyang watched Hongli walk over with a curious expression on his face, and directly stretched out his hand to drag the bewildered-looking her to a small corner of the yard.

He looked around mysteriously left and right, and was relieved to find that no one was paying attention.

"Uh, what's the matter, Hei Yang?"

Hongli froze for a moment, looked at Heiyang's mysterious look, followed Heiyang's line of sight, but couldn't see anything.

"What are you doing so mysteriously..."

Hong Li muttered speechlessly: "Is anyone over there?"

"No, I'm just looking around..."

Heiyang laughed twice, waved his hands, approached Hongli, and muttered in a low voice: "I'm telling you something, it's not good to be heard by too many people."

"Well, I have to come here and talk about anything."

A question mark popped up on Hongli's head, compared her hands to the shape of a chat box, and said quietly: "Send me a message directly in person, isn't it all right?"

"Oh, can written expression be the same as face-to-face narration!"

Heiyang waved his hands, hugged Hongli's neck, and squatted into a small corner together with her.

He casually broke a small wooden stick from the side and painted on the ground.

"Ming people don't say it secretly, you see we have more than four hundred and twenty chapters..."


Hongli frowned, a well-shaped word popped out of her forehead, she slapped Heiyang speechlessly, and muttered: "Be serious, you need to be professional when doing things.

If you break the wall like this again, people will definitely not ask you to be the protagonist next time, okay? "

"That's better."

Hei Yang spread his hands together, and said with a grin: "Not only do you not have to worry about being pulled out and flogging corpses at night, but also how powerful the new protagonist is...

I can spend more time with my wife in the time I save, how wonderful! "

"Ah this..."

Hongli blushed slightly, covered her face with her hands, and said shyly: "Oh, it's good to know in your heart, why do you say it!

Hehe, you are considered sensible and know what you should care about the most. "

"That's that."

Hei Yang waved his hand, and said triumphantly: "The main character is mere, whoever loves to be the one, we don't care about it."

"Ah, yes..."

Heiyang paused, lowered his voice and whispered into Hongli's ear: "According to incomplete statistics, at least [-]% of the protagonists are still single, and there are many of them who wave their hands and tremble. !"

"Hiss, can this be said!"

Hongli gasped, glanced at the sky secretly, breathed a sigh of relief, glared at Heiyang and said, "What's more, 8 is so hot! Change the topic!

Continuing what you just wanted to say, more or less obey the rules before you officially retire! "

"Ahem, that's right, then I'll restrain myself..."

Heiyang coughed twice, and muttered again: "Well, you see, we are already at the sixth stage of the Nascent Soul Stage, right?"

"Hmm, this is information that can be made public."

Hongli nodded, looked at Heiyang with raised eyebrows and said, "And then, so what exactly do you want to say?"

"That's right, we are all at the sixth stage of the Nascent Soul Stage, will the seventh stage be far away? If the seventh stage is reached, the eighth stage doesn't seem to be that far away..."

Heiyang looked nervous and said: "After that, there will be Jiuzhong. After Jiuzhong, you will be able to cross the tribulation. After crossing the tribulation, you may have to be kicked out. Do you know what I mean?"


"Ah this..."

Hongli came to her senses, bared her teeth and showed a headache expression.

"As soon as you said that, I remembered it. Before I knew it, I was thinking about whether I was in a hurry, and I will talk about it later, and now it is gradually approaching!"

"Hmm, that's right, that's it!"

Heiyang nodded, frowned and stretched out his finger to look at Hongli and said, "It's like ten days before the summer vacation, and you suddenly realize that you haven't touched a single word of your homework, what will happen to you?"

"Hiss, I seem to understand..."

Hongli took a breath, and replied with a serious and determined face: "I was having fun at first, but when I think about this kind of thing, I instantly become anxious!

It feels like my life has entered the countdown, and the start of school is the time of death! "

"That's right, that's how it feels!"

Hei Yang nodded repeatedly, and asked, "Then, what will you do? Should you do something to make up for it?"

"Well, after I feel anxious, I will definitely not be able to play as heartlessly as before..."

Hongli nodded thoughtfully: "Yes, I should adjust my mentality and tell myself that school is about to start."

"That's right, you need to make up your homework later!"

"Huh? Didn't you continue to play with anxiety?"

Hei Yang: "..."

Hongli: "..."

"Ah, don't hit the head!"

Hongli held her head in her hands, predicting ahead of time.


Hei Yang looked at the half-outstretched hand, the corners of his eyes twitched, he sighed, nodded and said: "Okay, okay, I admit, what you said does make sense."

"Yeah yeah."

Hongli nodded triumphantly and said, "Anyway, the teacher doesn't even bother to check after school starts, ahem..."

"But the roaming world won't be bothered to kick us! We are the ones to be targeted!"

Heiyang gave Hongli a white look, pointed at himself and Hongli, and said viciously: "If we can see us from the perspective of the game now.

Maybe you can see the golden titles on the top of our heads such as "The Chosen One", "The One Who Saves the World", "The Son of Destiny", "The Chosen One" and other entries, and there will be additional titles attached. Success, for example, the speed of comprehension law is 999% or something. "

"The chosen one..."

Hongli showed half-moon eyes, hehe said: "If you don't say it, I would think you are a person condemned by God."

"Well, after all, everyone has their own ambitions."

Hei Yang also showed half-moon eyes, sighed and said: "But anyway, this is something we have to face, and we should start preparing now.

It was possible to procrastinate before, but if we procrastinate now, then we will be like candidates who are desperately answering questions at the end of the exam..."


Hongli corrected her and said, "It should be when the exam is about to end that I remembered that I was taking the exam, and then I woke up!"

Hei Yang: "..."

"This is going to get worse!"

Hei Yang couldn't help but hammered Hongli's shoulder, heard the latter's exaggerated cries of pain, chose to ignore it, sighed, and continued with his own words: "So, I said, we should start preparing.

Remember, the plan we made before. "


"Uh, plan..."

Hong Li frowned and thought for a while, then stretched out her finger and said, "Go order some French fries?"

"Be serious!"

"Ah, oh..."

Hong Li smiled coyly, and replied honestly: "If you don't tell me, I'd almost forget it, but when the realm is about to reach the limit, try to use the props of the absolute pass to step outside the roaming world, and see if you can still see it after going out." Can you come back?"

"But in this case..."

Hong Li paused, showing a frightened expression, and said, "What if the Aoyou World watches us go out and won't let us in?"

"Hey, didn't the phantom try it, it can pass through the barrier!
At worst, if we really encounter that kind of situation, we can sneak back by relying on the phantom. "

Hei Yang waved his hands and comforted him: "Besides, when the time comes, we will put on the communication mirror, and we can still talk to home, so we won't lose contact with the travel world completely.

As long as we can communicate with each other and cooperate with each other, we will always have a way to sneak back.

It doesn't make sense for those intruders to sneak in while the seniors outside are not paying attention. We won't let our own people come back, right?

Think about it, the fragments of the previous world simply wanted to squeeze in the entire broken world! "

"Well, that's exactly what it says."

Hongli nodded, and then asked: "Is there any more?"

"Uh, there is another aspect, I don't know if it counts as our advantage."

Heiyang paused for a moment, then smiled embarrassedly and said: "Think about it, those who were kicked out are all people who have passed the tribulation period, which means that the travel community thinks that they have grown up and are capable of protecting their families, which is why they let them go." They are out.

It's the same for the two of us. In fact, it wouldn't be too false if we really touched the Transcendence Tribulation Stage, but in the Nascent Soul Stage, the travel world still wouldn't take the initiative to drive us away, but obeyed the rules and waited for us to reach the Transcendence Tribulation Stage. Period soars out.

So if this is the case, we will go out in the Nascent Soul Stage, and if we want to come back, let the roaming world notice us.

It saw it, ah, why did the two children in the family sneak out, you are only in the Nascent Soul stage, why are you running around, come in, come in, it's dark and cold outside, you're scared..."

Heiyang gesticulated with both hands happily.

"Maybe at that time we will still be judged as residents of the travel world who "should not be outside the world"? Wouldn't that save trouble!"

"You don't have IQ to bully others in the travel world here, you want to get stuck in bugs, right?"

Hong Li complained speechlessly: "You are better at being a dog, Brother Heiyang."

"Hey, look at you girl, what nonsense are you talking about, don't talk nonsense without evidence."

Heiyang snorted, proudly raised his chest and raised his head, saying: "For Aoyoujie, it is a system loophole if we two Nascent Souls are outside at that time, bringing us back is called repairing the loophole in the world's operation, okay?"

"Ha ha……"

Hong Li hehe said: "You are not afraid that when you get annoyed by others in the travel world, there will be a major update of the world version, and you will be punished severely for those who exploit loopholes."

"Hey, Xiao Li, it would be meaningless if you just slam your argument like this."

Hei Yang rolled his eyes, hummed and said: "I told you, it's just a guess and I'm not sure!


We have to wait until we go out to find out the specific issues. At least we have so much insurance, there will be no way out when we go out. "

"Well, that's what I said."

Hong Li counted on her fingers and said, "The sixth stage of Yuanying, well, it feels a bit early, if we wait until the seventh or eighth stage of Yuanying stage, we will open all the gift boxes we have accumulated, and add another wave of cards. Then try to go out and step on the spot?"

"Hmm, that's what I thought."

Heiyang nodded in agreement, pointed to himself and Hongli, and then pointed to the direction of the room, showing a somewhat tangled expression and said: "So I'm calling you out now just to discuss it.

You should always tell your parents about this kind of thing, and explain it when the time comes, so as not to worry them.

In this way, even if something unexpected happens at that time and we don't come back within the expected time, we will have a preparation at home.

For example, tell your parents about the little flat peach tree in the world of our small secret realm, if we really can’t come back for so long, remember to cook it, and if you have any problems, you can find Elder Huole and the others to solve it , blah blah blah..."

"Hey, Heiyang, what you said is like Temiao's confession of the funeral."

Hongli couldn't help but covered her face and complained: "I thought I was fine, but after you said that, I suddenly fell into the ground with half of my body."

"Hey, it's not that you and I are used to planning the highest and worst in advance."

Hei Yang spread his hands and said: "It would be best if you don't need these backhands.

But if we really need to use it, then we can't be in a hurry outside the world, right?

Arrange what you care about, and when we are together again, it doesn't matter what happens! "

"Well, that's right, you can use it, you can't."

Hong Li suddenly nodded, understanding what Hei Yang wanted to say.

"So you plan to tell your parents about this right now, and ask them for their suggestions and ideas."


Hei Yang nodded and said with a somewhat complicated expression: "After all, even if we have a high level of cultivation, our parents' life experience and handling of family affairs are not as good as ours.

It will always be a lot better if you ask them about difficult decisions. Sometimes they will not feel that this is a burden, but they will feel that their children will come to them when they have something to do, and feel happy. "

"I used to think that if you are filial to your parents, you don't have to bother them about anything, whether you report good news or worry, but later I realized that even if you report good news, your parents will always worry about it. Keeping it secret will make them more worried."

After a pause, Heiyang showed a little flustered expression, and muttered: "Is there something wrong with the child? I always feel that the parents can see it. Maybe they just don't point it out. They are waiting for us to take the initiative to tell them. Woolen cloth?"

"Ah, is this so mysterious..."

With a flustered expression, Hong Li moved her head closer, and muttered in a low voice: "Although my parents watched us grow up.

But I think my acting skills are not bad, so I shouldn't let them see that there is something wrong in my heart, right?
After all, I'm really fine, if you don't tell me, I'll almost forget about it..."

"Ah, that's not important."

The corner of Heiyang's mouth twitched, and then suddenly, with lightning speed, he stretched out his index finger and tapped Hongli's head, receiving a cute white eye from the latter, and then said with a smile: "In short, I think, after all, it's already the sixth stage of Nascent Soul. It's serious, some things should be prepared, so you have to prepare.

It's time to tell my parents about this matter, and when the time comes to brainstorm, maybe there are better ideas?right! "

"Well, it makes sense."

Hongli nodded thoughtfully, took a deep breath, looked at Heiyang, and patted his shoulder.

"Okay, it's decided, Heiyang, you are responsible for telling your parents about this matter, I will listen to you!"


Hei Yang paused, his eyes fluttered and said: "Is there a possibility that I want you to talk to your parents when I discuss this kind of thing with you?"

"Ah, are you afraid?"

"Yes, yes, I'm afraid, sister Hongli, would you please tell me?"

"Oh, what a coincidence, I'm scared too!"



"I don't know how to talk to my parents."

"Oh, it's not difficult. Do you still have to think about this and that when talking to your parents? Look at your cowardice!"

"You don't want to persuade you to go up!"



"go together!"

"good idea!"

So lazy, how can you become a fairy

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