So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 433 The smallest difference between people is IQ, and the biggest difference is persistence

Chapter 433 The smallest difference between people is IQ, and the biggest difference is persistence

"All right, all right, let's talk about your romantic love history when it's just the two of you..."

Hongling couldn't help being speechless, and waved her hands repeatedly.

"Listen to my story, please, my two little ancestors!"

"Ah this..."

Hongli quickly laughed and said: "How dare you, say it, say it!"

"Well, I'll just listen quietly here, and I will never interrupt you."

Hongli paused, turned her head to look at Heiyang, stretched out her arms to embrace him, and pressed his head into her arms outside the camera. The latter struggled subconsciously for a moment, and then gave up resistance.

"And Hei Yang, I promise he won't interrupt Auntie!"

"Uh, this is more or less..."

Hong Ling looked suspiciously at Hong Li, who had a flushed smiling face, on the other side of the screen, always feeling that the other party's posture was a bit out of place.

However, she didn't think too much about it, she just pretended that the hot spring was too hot and said the purpose of her communication.

"That, Xiaoli, I've decided."

Hongling showed a solemn expression, and nodded to Hongli at the other end, with firm eyes.


A question mark appeared on Hong Li's head.

"Did you decide what? Decided to die alone?"

"Damn girl, believe it or not, I'm going to die in front of you right now, and bleed your face."

Hong Ling showed dead fish eyes, and her tone was faint.

"Or hit your head to death in front of your house, and your brains will be smashed."

"Ah, cough, cough..."

Hongli shrank her head, and gave Hongling a gesture to continue talking.

"Phew, I've actually been thinking about this matter for a long time. It should be considered well thought out and fully prepared..."

Hong Ling paused, and finally got to the point.

"Well, I'm going to wait until next year, and then I'll return to the Five Elements School and the Fire Department to continue my practice!"


This time Hongli was really surprised, she couldn't help but blurted out: "But Aunt Hongling, if you leave, your Hong family will lose its patriarch, what should you do?"

It wasn't that Hongli threw cold water on purpose, but that her aunt clearly made a lot of determination at the beginning, and finally decided to go back. No matter what she chose, Hongli chose to respect.

But at the beginning, it was decided with such great determination, but how long now do you want to go back on your word? Is there something wrong with my aunt's mentality?
If she returns to the Five Elements Sect and regrets not being able to worry about it in the clan, worrying about this and that, she will not be able to calm down and practice seriously.

If that's really the case when she goes back, it's better not to go back!
As someone who was also wandering between home and sect, and chose home without hesitation, Hongli felt that she still had to help her aunt analyze what was going on, and then decide what she should say.

"Well, aunt, are you serious about yourself?"

Hongli looked at Hongling suspiciously, and couldn't help but said: "Or, you were threatened by Elder Le, and you had to obey his orders and go back to the sect to be manipulated?"


A question mark appeared on Hongling's head.

"Ha, I guessed it."

Hong Li's eyes widened, revealing a determined expression, she gritted her teeth and said, "Sure enough, I knew Elder Le would not give up."


A question mark popped out of Hongling's head again.

"Hmph, let me guess..."

Hongli stroked her chin and entered the detective mode again.

"I think that's how it happened.

Elder Huo Le hit a wall with us, and later discovered that Xiao Yun might run away at any time.

So he was anxious and anxious all day long, and thought hard, and finally came up with a poisonous plan!
That's right, this poisonous plan is that before his aunt found out, he designed to kidnap the young and old of the Hong family, and used this as a hostage to blackmail Aunt Hongling's Five Elements Sect, isn't it, isn't it! "

Hong Li's eyes flickered, and she asked Hong Ling loudly.

"Ah, no, no, everyone is fine, what are you thinking, Xiao Li!"

Hong Ling couldn't help complaining.

"Oh, you don't need to try to explain, I understand everything, understand everything..."

Hong Li had a strategizing expression on her face.Humph said: "I think it must be Elder Huo Le, who also asked you not to tell anyone about this matter, and said that you wanted to go back.

Let you strictly follow his requirements, otherwise you will tear up the ticket..."

"Ah, stop, stop, stop! What is it, Elder Huo Le is not guilty of this!"

Hong Ling couldn't help being speechless, and explained: "Xiao Li, you misunderstood, I really want to go back by myself.

After all, unlike you, I have always been very interested in cultivation, and on the way of cultivation, I don't intend to give up so lightly.

If you only leave for a year, go back now without any delay, it's just right. "

"In addition, after I leave, the family is not left alone. As the patriarch of the family, I must have someone behind me."

Hongling sighed, and explained: "I haven't done nothing in this year.

In addition to daily handling of family affairs, I also selected a few clan members.

Some of them are young and talented in cultivation, and some are experienced and talented in managing affairs.

Those with good cultivation talent, I plan to pick one or two and bring them back to the sect for the elders to see, so as to support the younger generation.

And the rest are the people I picked out to be responsible for managing the family after I leave.

Because I can't train them all to be all-rounders at once, I try to improve their abilities in different directions to complement each other's strengths and improve each other. When the time comes, they will be responsible for the management affairs together.

In this way, even if their ability is not enough to be the patriarch, they should cooperate together.

I took a few younger generations to the Five Elements Sect, and I actually had the idea of ​​cultivating blood for the family, just like I did back then.

After they grow up, they can also use their own strength to give back to the family, so as to share my pressure.

At the same time, in order to prevent these clansmen remaining in the family from fighting among themselves, I have clearly divided their rights.

At the same time set the corresponding supervisory members.And I still have some backhands at home that they don't know about. It's not so easy to deceive my eyes.

In this way, even if I'm not in the family, I can observe the situation of the family at any time, and at the same time give reminders, isn't it okay? "


Hong Li was stunned for a moment, raised her eyebrows, and couldn't help asking: "That is to say..."

"That is to say, what you think is completely wrong. I really want to go back by myself, and I'm already fully prepared!"

Hong Ling hummed.

"How many scapegoats did you find?"

Hongli asked tentatively.

"Uh huh bah bah, what are you doing for the dead!"

Hongling replied viciously: "I'm training them, okay?
A few of them together can exercise the rights of the patriarch, isn't that enough?
For them, it may be so wishful!
Of course, when I choose, I go through strict screening criteria, and the people I choose are relatively reliable. "


Hongli pushed someone in her arms uncomfortably, then shook her head.

"All right, all right, then just do whatever you want, auntie. Since you know what's in your mind, I don't have to worry about it. I'm not interested in this anyway..."

"I don't need Xiaoli to worry about such things like that!"

Hong Ling couldn't help but sighed.

"Go, go, go."

Hong Li paused, turned her head to stare at Hei Yang, and said, "So are you planning to go back next year? When exactly?"

"You've finally reached the point. I communicated with you just to talk about it."

Hongling sighed, gently opened the window, looked at the white snow outside the window, and said softly: "It's snowing here in Wangdu too, and the snow doesn't look too small.

Probably now, the road leading to the Five Elements Sect is also blocked by heavy snow, right? "

"What do you say?"

Hong Li asked curiously: "You can just call Elder Huo Le directly and ask him to send someone to pick you up in an airship?"

"Oh, I know this. What I'm worried about is not whether I can go to the Five Elements School."

Hongling smiled, waved her hands and said, "Well, didn't I just say that, I will bring some of the five-color family's aptitude or good-hearted juniors to see how many of them can pass the entry test. It can also be regarded as leaving some support for the family.

In addition, next year, will your two little cousins, Hui Hui and Qiao Qiao, also go to the Five Elements School? "

"Hmm, that's right."

Hongli nodded, joking aside, although he deliberately angered Elder Le, saying that he would send his two cousins ​​to Wuliangjianmen.

But compared to Wuliangjianmen, Hongli knew that the Five Elements School was more suitable for them.

"That's it!"

Hongling squinted her eyes and smiled, and said: "This year, for the Chinese New Year, I will follow my elders back to the City of Five Colors.

At that time, we will just be together, and the road will be more convenient. I can also help you take care of those two little girls. "


Hongli was slightly startled: "So, aunt, are you calling because you miss Huihui and Qiao Qiao, two little girls?"

Hongli thought that her aunt wanted to ask for help if she had something else, so she was ready to help.

Unexpectedly, my aunt...


Hongling smiled cheerfully, and said, "Just like you Xiaoli back then, didn't your aunt take you!
Oh, how can I say that my aunt was also your master, okay? "

"Ah this..."

Hongli looked at her aunt with a touch of emotion on her face.

She is so gentle, I cried to death...

"In other words, I would like to trouble you to approve a note and give the juniors I brought a chance to test."

Hongling suddenly said, "By the way, it shouldn't be a problem to use your big airship, right?"


Hongli froze for a moment, then pointed to herself.

"Me? What article should I approve? Can I still give the juniors of the Five Colors family a chance?"

"Ha, of course, because these are temporarily selected on my own initiative, and the annual quota is actually limited to a certain number.

City of five elements, city of five fruits, city of five directions, city of five colors.

Recruiting new airships is a big circle, and the quota may already be full. If you want to add more, it's all up to you, Xiaoli! "

Hongling smiled and said: "Xiao Li, you are the great suzerain, is this all right?"

"Okay, related households, right?"

Hong Li raised her eyebrows and shouted loudly.

"I am an upright person, how can I conspire with you!
I thought you were very kind, but I didn't expect you to have other plans. Now that I'm trying to see you, what else can I say! "

Hongling: "..."


Hong Ling said quietly: "When you were in Zongli, I entrusted my relationship to help you with many things."

Hong Li: "Ah this..."

Hongling continued: "It's just to give them a chance, not to add some unqualified ones, I will let them go."

Hong Li: "Ah this..."

Hongling continued: "And it won't crowd out other people's opportunities, and they can even be prevented from participating in the new disciple's first-year competition to win the ranking!"

"Uh, it's been a while..."

Hongli paused, smiled helplessly, waved her hands and said, "If it's just a chance, then I can help.

As long as they live up to their spirits, what else can others say?
Furthermore, if they are also relying on hard work to get in, but they are not allowed to compete for the ranking, wouldn't it be unfair to them in turn? "


Hong Ling's expression brightened.

"It's alright, it's alright!"

Hongli chuckled, her body trembled violently, one hand was clenched into a fist and moved out of the screen, and then continued to act nonchalantly.

"It's on me!"

"Thank you so much."

Hongling laughed cheerfully, and continued: "The matter of the airship, please?"

"What about the airship?"

Hong Li was stunned for a moment, and asked curiously: "Will you not come to Five Colors City then?
Wouldn't it be enough to go directly to the airship sent by the Five Elements Sect?

Why would you want to borrow another one? "

"There are a little over a billion people."

Hongling muttered in a low voice, a little guilt flashed in her eyes.

Hongli: "..."

"Okay, I get it, I get it, no problem."

Hongli rolled her eyes. Sure enough, it was just an excuse to take care of Qiao Huihui. This is her real purpose, aunt!
"It's a pity that you brought some people who are not too high and have not yet entered the Tao."

Hong Li sighed, and said, "Otherwise, maybe you can use the teleportation array to go directly to the Five Elements Sect, which will save time and effort."


Hongling blinked her eyes, feeling out of touch with the times.

"Teleportation array?"

"Hmm, don't you know?"

Hongli frowned, and explained to Hongling: "Then let me tell you, the thing is like this, it wasn't an earthquake before, and then..."

"Oh hoo!"

Hong Ling understood the cause and effect, and nodded repeatedly.

"So that's the case, then I understand!"

"Yeah yeah."

Hongli revealed dead fish eyes, and said quietly: "The arrangement on our side is definitely no problem anyway.

But Elder Huo Le and the others' arrangement is too rough, so there will be some spatial discomfort during the transmission process.

During the foundation building period, I will feel sick for a long time. Those disciples, I am afraid that when they pass by, it will take ten days and a half months to slow down. "

"Ah this..."

The corner of Hongling's mouth twitched, and she couldn't help but laugh.

Let's chat for a while.

"Well, I'll arrange it first."

Hongling made a gesture to hang up the communication, and added: "I will give you the list in a while."

"Ha, don't worry."

Hongli waved her hand: "Anyway, I'm not in a hurry."

Hongling: "..."

"Okay, okay, if it's okay, then I'll hang up first."

Hongling sighed, but before hanging up, she suddenly said: "The hot spring is comfortable, but Xiaoli, don't soak for too long~"


Hong Li was a little confused.

"Your face is very red."

Hongling giggled and hung up directly.

"Ah? Ah!!! Wait! You..."

Hongli showed circles in her eyes, gritted her teeth viciously and said, "Heiyang, I will kill you! I will kill you!"

"Little Li, calm down, calm down..."

(End of this chapter)

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