So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 439 Staring at other people's life chapters, it is easy to mess up the dance steps of o

Chapter 439 Staring at the rhythm of other people's life easily messes up the dance of one's own life
Yao Qingkong and Yin Zisheng brought their new kid back to the Five Elements School.

On the Yaowangzong side, after Yao Qingkong and the others left, the current suzerain and several elders of the Yaowangzong came to make up for the lack of security here.

Among them, the current suzerain needless to say, he helped the Mayor of the Five-color City to heal his leg disease before, and he has lived in the Five-color City for a period of time.

In addition to him, there are also the current Great Elder and Second Elder of Yao Wangzong, and the recovered Elder Piao Ah Piao. The four of them are here to replace Yao Qingkong and Yin Zisheng.

If you really want to say it, the seniority of Piao Ah Piao is even higher than that of Medicine King Sect Master.

And the suzerain is also very respectful and polite when facing the previous elder who disappeared in the early years.

But Floating, Piao, the Elder has lived in the wind and rain all these years, suffered hardships and shed tears, and even had to squeeze a bed with Hong Butian to sleep in the same bed when he was down and down...

However, Great Elder Piao Piao was not that kind of arrogant and domineering person in the first place. Now, after going through life-and-death hardships and sublimation, the whole person feels a bit noble.

Dressed in a cyan robe, with a nonchalant expression on his face, he has the detached appearance of an outsider.

But he is actually in retirement now, and he doesn't really care about things in Zongli now.

Most of the time he used to study hard on the path of cultivation, and occasionally went out to see her old friends who were still alive at that time.

Then he just squatted at home, usually only when something happened in the sect, or when the elders of the sect asked for help, and the disciples of the sect couldn't solve the life-and-death crisis, he would help.

Or if someone comes to kick the restaurant, intentionally cause trouble, etc., he will naturally make a move when he should. There is nothing to say about this.

How many people leave and how many people come, even if the management of Yaowangzong is completely replaced in this way, it will not cause much commotion, including the residents of Five Colors City.

This is the Medicine King Sect. Even if it is built in a densely populated area, it is still like living in a deep mountain and old forest, with almost no contact with the outside world.

This is more similar to Heiyang Hongli, but she is busy making alchemy at home without going out.

And Heiyang Hongli didn't go out at home, she was busy practicing with each other...

In addition to these people, there are others coming.

"Ha, Xiaoli Xiaoyang!"

Aunt Hongling smiled and followed Heiyang Hongli to the city of five colors.

"Please come here to pick me up, hahaha."

"No trouble, it should be."

Heiyang responded politely, without saying anything, he was checking the number of people present.

"It's not that you said that you brought a bunch of people here, and you can only communicate with us because you are afraid that it will not be handled properly!"

Heiyang was indifferent, and Hongli on one side didn't like her aunt.

"It turned out that you called us over to help you, but in the end you turned back and said, why are we waiting here for you?"

Hong Li rolled her eyes at her aunt Hong Ling, and said angrily, "You made all the good and bad guys fool you, right?"

"Ah, sorry, sorry..."

Knowing that she was wrong, Hongling quickly apologized. She looked at Hongli with some grievances, and said quietly: "I feel that Xiaoli is very aggressive today..."

"Oh! Nonsense!"

Hongli snorted softly, and didn't explain anything to Hongling, anyway, she was very upset now.

She was sleeping soundly with her husband in her arms early in the morning, and before she had gotten enough sleep, her aunt's life-threatening serial communication came in, saying that she was going to Wuse City soon, and asked Heiyang Hongli where the two of them were?
Having said all this, Heiyang Hongli definitely couldn't continue to remain indifferent—although they really didn't want to talk to Aunt Hongling, they just wanted to go back to sleep.

But when I think about it, if my parents know about this, they will definitely let Heiyang Hongli know why the flowers are so red, and they may be miserable by then!

Therefore, the two of them had to turn over and get up quickly, tidy up casually, and ran over in a hurry, and now they were leading their aunt and the others towards the arranged residence with drooping faces.

The residence is an inn under the name of the Wuse family, so there is no need for Heiyang Hongli or the two of them to worry about this. The people of the Wuse family here have already received the news and helped to prepare.

Although strictly speaking, the five-color families on both sides of the five-color city and the king's capital have already separated, and they haven't asked each other for a long time.

But some things can be separated by space, and some are connections that cannot be broken by geographical relations, such as blood relationship.

They are all a family, and they have similar hot blood flowing in their bodies.

The parents on both sides are a bunch of brothers and sisters with each other, so there is no need to say more about the relationship during the period.

And the children below are also on good terms with each other, and they come to visit during the holidays, and they take care of each other very kindly.

Who hasn't been down and down, maybe if you help him today, you will need the other party to come back and help you tomorrow?
Heiyang Hongli can only say that he understands this kind of thing, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't understand it, since he doesn't take the exam anyway.

Hongli didn't care too much about these things. What really made her angry was when she was forcibly woken up in the morning and forced to get up again.

One must know that she and Heiyang didn't go to bed until after four o'clock in the middle of the night!

I've only slept for a few hours now, and I'm about to be dragged out of bed, so there's no reason!

What?Why do you sleep so late, you ask?
Heh, the two of them love to study, can't they read in the middle of the night until it's past four o'clock?
Don't believe it, right? If you don't believe it, that's right. Hong Li doesn't believe it herself either!
How to say this kind of thing, who made her and Heiyang both healthy young people with full of energy and blood?
Of course, if this continues, it may not be healthy and healthy...

Thinking about it, Hong Li's eyes lost focus.

Her face was slightly red, and she gradually entered a state of distraction, as if she hadn't fully woken up yet, letting Heiyang hold her hand, and walked forward.

Hongling didn't know why Hongli suddenly became silent. After all, only Heiyang could see and understand the latter's colorful inner world.

In fact, Heiyang can really see what state Hongli is in now, and all the colorful inner worlds are fake, and they are just some pictures that cannot be broadcast.

Ever since she got married, the waste accumulated in Hongli's head began to be released quickly, always calling for help while being particularly clingy to Heiyang.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Heiyang feels that Hongli is getting stronger than before?

Hiss, it's impossible, just her? !
Heiyang's eyelids twitched, and he denied the answer in his heart.

Sure enough, it must be because he felt sorry for Hong Li, so he didn't really do much, and the training intensity was slightly weaker than before, which made the other party persist for a little longer.

That's right, that's it.

Because he, Heiyang, was kind for a while, and made this damn girl jump up?
Heh, Heiyang can only say, go dreaming!

Wait, he will increase his efforts, at least restore the original level, and let Mouli know who is the father of the family!
Heiyang thought quietly, his brain waves gradually turned into the same waste dump as Hongli, coughing...

But Hongling didn't notice that these two guys were distracted.

After all, they have always looked blank-eyed and expressionless. Except for each other, other people can't tell from the surface.

Because in a sense, their minds are wandering every day.

Every day, 90.00% of Heiyang Hongli's thinking ability is spent on some irrelevant things, and the remaining [-]% is used to decide the main business, such as what to eat for the next meal.

So, just thinking that Hongli had nothing to say, Hongling coughed twice, laughing and turning the topic to her own rhythm.

"That, that, Xiaoli? Xiaoli!"

"Ah? Ah!"

Hongli was startled, and almost staggered and fell.

She turned her eyes slightly to one side, and saw Heiyang stretching out his hands, ready to catch her, she was satisfied, she broke away from her imagination, and turned her head to look at Aunt Hongling.

"What's wrong?"

"Ah, that's the books I borrowed from you earlier..."

While talking, Aunt Hongling slowly and carefully took out seven or eight books from the storage bag, and returned them to Hongli under Hongli's widening eyes.

"Well, now it's back to its original owner."

Hongling spread her arms, smiled and said, "It's really pretty, Xiaoli's vision is really great."

"That's not."

Hong Li was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, she showed a complacent expression. She first praised her eyes, and then Lu looked at these books happily.

"Hi, you are finally back, but I miss you so much!"

While talking, Hongli flipped through the book quickly but gently, checking if there was any damage in the book, her eyes shone reddishly, making Heiyang unable to help but look sideways.

This guy, did you use magical powers to check whether a book is damaged...

But thinking about it carefully, it was indeed something Hong Li could do.

When Hongli no longer regards her books as treasures, it will be abolished.

"Well, my aunt has taken good care of you!"

Hong Li nodded in satisfaction, and handed the books to Hei Yang, who took them with a nod.

Hongli didn't ask Heiyang to check it for her again, but wanted Heiyang to help her tidy it up.

Because she ran in a hurry in the morning, she didn't even bring a suitable storage bag. Fortunately, Heiyang didn't talk about other places. In life, these small things are more careful. She didn't bring a storage bag, but Heiyang didn't necessarily , he must be...

"Ha, so what are you doing for me?"

Heiyang looked at Hongli suspiciously.


Hong Li raised her brows, did she have to take the initiative to tell this matter?

"Help me get it."

Hong Li sighed and explained.

"Well, I know what you mean."

Hei Yang paused, and couldn't help but speak speechlessly: "I didn't bring a suitable storage bag either."


Hong Li tilted her head, with an expression on her face that you were teasing me.

"Uh, there's something to pretend to eat."

Hei Yang took out a storage bag and said quietly: "You can put books in it, but if it gets dirty..."

"Forget it!"

Hongli quickly waved her hand, she didn't want her book to be stained with oil or something.

"Give it to me, give it to me, I can take it."

"Let me do it."

Heiyang shrugged, hugged a few books in his arms, and continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened.

"My wife is delicate and expensive, so you should rest in this kind of thing."

"Ah, hehe..."

Hongli couldn't help but smile.

"That's so embarrassing..."


Seeing the actions of Heiyang and Hongli, Hongling on the side didn't know what happened.

She obviously didn't do anything, but suddenly she was stuffed with food, and she almost choked to death.

"Okay, okay, everyone is very tired from the long journey."

Hongling urged faintly: "It's better to go to the place where we are arranged to live first, eat and drink enough, and then talk about these things..."


"no problem."

After receiving an affirmative answer, Hongling breathed a sigh of relief, she turned her head to look behind her, and said, "You all follow closely, don't fall behind, and don't run around!"

"Understood, Patriarch."

"Okay, Auntie."

"Understood, auntie."

"Got it, cousin."

"Well, don't worry, we know."

Voices sounded one after another, yelling and everything.

Behind Hong Ling, followed by a group of children with immature faces, both young and old, about a dozen of them.

Although they promised Hongling's words, they still looked at Wuse City curiously at this moment, their eyes full of curiosity and doubt.

They often heard about this city. They grew up in the capital, and they heard the elders mention the "City of Five Colors" more than once.

Because of curiosity, I asked my grandparents where the five-color city is?
Why is it so worrying?
As a result, the grandparents replied: There is a hometown that I can't go back to.

They didn't understand what it meant at the time, and they probably don't fully understand the expressions on their grandparents' faces now, why they suddenly became melancholy while talking.

But it doesn't matter if they don't understand, now that they have come to this legendary place, they want to see where it is more magical, and it can touch the nerves of the adults at home all the time.

It's just that even if they let them look around for a long time, they still can't see why.

After all, without the rural feelings of their parents and grandparents, Wuse City is really an ordinary city. Compared with the capital, it can be said to be a remote place.

However, compared to the capital, it is much quieter here.

In other words, these boys and girls have never walked the streets in such a peaceful and peaceful city. This is a shameful waste of time in the capital.

The excitement gradually calmed down with the tranquility of the environment.

The boys and girls gathered together and whispered, discussing the difference between this place and the capital.

They feel that this place is suitable for doing homework or sleeping and resting, but if they can't stay here for a long time, they will become lazy, and it is not as prosperous as the capital.

If you live here for a long time, you will definitely feel very lonely.

And when Hei Yang went to the capital, he also compared the differences between the two cities, but his views were completely different from those of these boys and girls.

From Heiyang's point of view, this is a warm and peaceful home, while the just dozens or even millions of lonely people living together.

They both feel that the other's city is not suitable for them.

Both sides are right, this is the difference in the pace of life and habits...

(End of this chapter)

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