So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 441 I always say that time can change many things, but in fact you have to change it yoursel

Chapter 441 I always say that time can change many things, but in fact you have to change it yourself
The morning sun shines through the gaps in the windows, casting speckled shadows on the floor.

A touch of coolness adheres to the outside of the window, forming hazy white frost flowers.

On the big soft and warm bed, Hei Yang slowly woke up, but he didn't move at all.

He just looked up at the ceiling quietly, closing his eyes and resting his mind from time to time.


An indistinct grunt came from his arms, and Hei Yang lowered his head slightly with a warm face, looking at Hong Li who was curled up in his arms.

At this time, Hong Li was held in her arms by Hei Yang, while she wrapped her arms and legs around Hei Yang, hugging him tightly like an octopus.

Hongli leaned against Heiyang's chest, revealing a somewhat messy but overly cute face, but she was muttering unconsciously, the voice just now came from the other party.

But even though Hongli murmured, Heiyang was completely sure that Hongli hadn't woken up at this time, and it was just unconscious sleep talking.

Every time Hong Li relaxes completely and goes to sleep, she always says some weird words from time to time, and Hei Yang has already gotten used to it.

Sometimes the other party's speech is relatively vague, and after listening for a long time, I can't find out why.

Of course, sometimes the other party speaks relatively clearly, and can guess the general meaning or even listen to the complete sentence.

With Hei Yang's understanding of the girl in his arms, he can even guess a rough idea even in his sleep, which belongs to the realm of knowing you with just one look.

The only tricky thing is that Hongli is still asleep and has not opened her eyes, so Heiyang's plan to guess what the other person is thinking by looking at her eyes has been ruined.

"Actually, it's not impossible..."

While muttering, Heiyang stretched out his wicked hand to press on Hongli's eyelids, opened them carefully, and then saw the opposite party's big eyes with a dull and dull appearance.

Hongli's eyes were forced to open innocently, but her consciousness still failed to return, she just frowned subconsciously, closed her eyes, then turned around slightly, and buried her face in Heiyang's chest, showing no sign of waking up at all. , I don't know how long I will sleep.

"Tsk tsk, let you jump in the face..."

Seeing Hong Li's dead-like appearance, Hei Yang couldn't help but click his lips.

The image of last night appeared in his mind, heavy breathing and fine splashing...


Heiyang couldn't help hissing softly. He turned his head slightly to look at the little cutie who was peacefully sleeping in his arms, and subconsciously gasped.

Obviously a harmless and cute appearance to humans and animals, but in a certain way it is even more amazing, and it is easy to hold the other party.

I can think of the other party's "go all out" demeanor and behavior yesterday...


Hei Yang was a little apprehensive in his heart, his head was filled with waste in an instant early in the morning, and he subconsciously hugged his girlfriend in his arms and hugged him a little tighter.

How should I put it, it's not that the other party suddenly became much stronger.

At the beginning, the other party was quite crazy, but it didn't take long before he meowed and cried "Dad, cough, cough" like before...

As a result, it didn't take long for him to resume his usual rhythm, and he still failed to kill him, Hei Yang.

However, at first, Hong Li's momentum and strength really scared Hei Yang.

If the other party can persist at that level for a little longer, maybe they won't be as embarrassed as before.

If you can persist a little more on this basis, you may be able to control a certain situation.

If he could persevere a little more on this basis, he might be able to break up with him.

If you can persist for a while longer on this basis, maybe you can turn defeat into victory and gain the upper hand?
Uh, thinking about it this way, Heiyang suddenly felt less worried.

The rank between this girl and him is still far behind, but the momentum was really fierce before...

While thinking this way, Heiyang patted Hongli's back lightly.

He sighed, closed his eyes again to rest his mind, and couldn't help but sigh softly.

"Anyway, this kind of life, there is no better..."

"Isn't that..."

A voice came faintly.

"When I wake up, the beauty is in my arms, I stretch out my hand when I wear clothes, and I open my mouth when I eat..."

"Uh, don't be embarrassing, what does it have to do with me when you stretch out your hands and open your mouth?"

Hei Yang couldn't help complaining, patted his little butt lightly, and muttered: "I'm not that lazy, okay, can people starve themselves to death if they have something to eat?

So, Xiao Li, when did you wake up? "

Hei Yang looked at Hong Li who was still lying on his chest in his arms, and couldn't help asking curiously.

"Wake up when you feel danger."

Hongli raised her head slightly, raised her small head from Heiyang's chest, looked at Heiyang quietly, and complained expressionlessly on her face: "You man, in the morning, really..."

"Ah, morning, what morning?"

Hei Yang asked three questions, and he said innocently: "What's wrong with me? Huh?"

"Oh, nothing."

Hong Li stretched her arms slightly, hugged Hei Yang tightly, and whispered: "It's good."


Heiyang froze for a moment, but didn't react for a while.

"What do you say?"

"What did I say?"

Hongli glared at Heiyang, turned her face away, and murmured, "I mean, I mean, I'm full, satisfied...

Oh, oh, what, don't worry about it so much! "

Hongli patted Heiyang on the back violently: "Anyway, you know that I'm just praising you, that's fine! As for what to praise, that's not the key!"

"Uh, it's just a mouthful!"

Heiyang looked at Hongli who looked like she was going to bite if she asked again, and chose to shut up wisely, lest she really annoy her daughter-in-law, and it would be troublesome to try to coax her.

Heiyang Hongli woke up, but she didn't get up.

The two hugged each other under the warm blanket. The closer the year came, the colder it became outside, and the more they didn't want to move.

It's better to sleep with a small quilt, and burn paper when something happens to your head.



Hongli rested on Heiyang's arm, staring at him blankly, muttering in a low voice.

"I don't want to get up, but I want to eat..."

"What a coincidence, I am the same."

Heiyang stretched out his hand to grab Hongli's small face and tugged gently, and said quietly: "Everyone is in the same boat.

So what are you trying to do by saying this kind of thing in front of me, implying me, right? "

"Imply you a big-headed ghost!"

Hong Li retorted: "I'm making it clear, making it clear!
I've made it so obvious, can't you see it?

You, Heiyang, my husband, hurry up, get up and make dinner for me, I want to eat! "

"Oh, oh, I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry."

Heiyang pressed Hongli's head to prevent the other party from twisting around, and said quietly: "I also want to eat, and I don't want to get up, so just tell me what to do?"

"That's why I have to supervise you to get up."

Hongli is confident.

"Xiao Huo must have gotten up and ran out by this point, and it's probably hopeless to expect her to bring us meals.

The daughter is not around, as a strong, wise and powerful husband, he should consciously support this responsibility! "

"Hehe, that's awesome."

Heiyang waved his fist and lightly touched Hongli's forehead, and said unhappily, "That's really good, I'll give you a fucking punch, don't say it again next time."

"Ah, twitter, Pu Xinnan really bowed his head!"

Hongli rolled her eyes, and didn't reply to Heiyang, she knew that her method was almost useless to Heiyang, everyone was lazy and knew each other well.

Secretly changing concepts or other rhetoric will not have much effect.

If this version wants to beat Hei Yang, it has to take an unusual path.

For example, acting coquettishly or being cute, as long as it takes effect, Custody can applaud Hei Yang and make the other party submissive.

After all, she is Heiyang's darling, Hongli knows, she just doesn't say anything.

Heiyang also knows that Hongli knows that he knows, and Hongli also knows that Heiyang knows that Heiyang knows that Heiyang knows...

Anyway, that's it!

Hongli understands the truth, but she has never been so coquettish.

Although she has become more and more proficient after getting married, it has also made her Hongli's family younger brother now!
Hmm, it's obvious that during this period of time, she has always followed Heiyang's lead and let him make decisions on everything, okay?
Hongli didn't dislike listening to Heiyang's words, but she also wanted to experience the kind of knocking on Heiyang's head, and said earnestly: "Ah, Yangyang!

You should do this, you shouldn’t do that, otherwise what would happen, do you understand? "


Hong Li thought for a while, and she became more energetic when she said this.

After coaxing Heiyang into a fool last time, the one who made the other party confused became Hei Xiaoli, and then watched her Hong Dayang approaching with a look of horror, and then...

"Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!"

Hongli couldn't help laughing out loud.

Hei Yang: "???"

"what happened?"

Hei Yang stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Hong Li, guessing, "Did you lose your mind and go crazy? Stupid? Cerebral palsy?"

"Climb, climb, you have cerebral palsy! Your whole family cough cough, you are the only one with cerebral palsy in your whole family!"

Hongli yelled back at Heiyang, couldn't help but yawned, and waved her hands with an indifferent expression.

"Okay, okay, then you don't want to get up to prepare breakfast, then I don't want to get up to prepare breakfast, if you don't go, I won't go, we don't go, just do whatever you want!"

Hongli closed her eyes and opened them directly.

"At that time, we will see who can't help it first, and they will get up naturally, right? How about it? Do you want to compare?"

"Huh? I don't care, okay."

Hei Yang sneered, closed his eyes and meditated: "Let's see who is in a hurry first.

If you want to rely on this method to retreat, go ahead and dream, this trick will not work for me! "

"Ha ha."

"Ha ha."

Heiyang Hongli was resting quietly.

Time passed slowly.

10 minutes.

Two 10 minutes.

Three 10 minutes.

An hour, two hours...

three hours……

"Ah!!! Gou Heiyang, I will fight with you!"

Hongli brandished her fist and attacked Heiyang.

"You don't want to go here, right? It's just a matter of raising your hands, and you have to waste so much time with me here! Damn it! Eat my Hongli Shishijiequan!"

5 minutes later……

"Ah, ah, wrong, wrong, don't!"

Hongli's hands were twisted behind her back, struggling and begging for mercy with a smirk on her face.

"Well, I'll drive with you, um, I'm flirting with my husband, oops, what are you doing, husband~"





"Damn dog Hei Yang!!!"

Hong Li twisted her body and said with a disconvinced expression: "Damn it, if it wasn't for not being able to use your cultivation..."

"Hey, stop."

Heiyang raised his brows and reminded: "I didn't use my cultivation, and a small universe exploded on my bed. Is it because the bed is destroyed too slowly!"

"Heh, what you said sounds good!"

Hongli directly retorted viciously: "Don't dare to explode the small universe now?
I wondered that you also exploded the small universe here, why didn't you say it at that time, ah? "

"Is this possible to say?!"

Heiyang showed half-moon eyes, pressed the red glass and said, "You just need to know how powerful I am."

"Ah, I'm not convinced!"

Hongli mourned and said: "I don't accept it! Heiyang, An dare to bully me... ah!"


"Tsk tsk."



Hongli jumped out of bed with a face of reluctance, stepped on her shoes, put them on with a shake, hummed softly, and walked towards the bedroom door.

"Xiao Li, remember to hurry up."

Under the quilt on the bed, Hei Yang waved his hands with a smile and said, "If you don't hurry up, husband, I'm going to starve to death!"

"Forget it if you starve to death!"

Hongli snorted softly, but asked.

"What do you want to eat, tell me quickly, or I'll buy something for you to eat, don't dislike the bad food I bought!"

"Hey, Xiaoli, you can order whatever you want."

Hei Yang looked at Hong Li's incongruity, he chuckled, and added: "It's not that you don't know my taste, just buy it as you see it.

As long as it's not particularly unpalatable, it doesn't matter what I eat. I'm not picky about food, so I can take care of myself. "

"Damn it, Feng Shui turns around."

Hongli sighed, and glared at Heiyang.

"What else do you say I know the taste you like, what do I know!

I knew you liked eating my big fist the most! "

While cursing, Hongli walked to the living room to order food.

Sure enough, as she expected, Xiao Huo was not at home, and he left a small note to explain the situation. The little guy's schedule is quite busy.

Going to see grandma again, grandma, aunt, and aunt...

"I don't know if I can come back tonight, maybe I will live with his grandma, that is, my parents tonight..."

After reading the small note, Hongli put it up lightly, walked to the side of the teleportation circle, and began to order food with ease, while waiting in line, whistled not very loudly, thinking about whether to go back to the house with Hei Yang Let's chat and play for a while or something.

After all, for Hong Li, when Hei Yang is not around, it is almost a waste of time.

"Beep beep, there is a message, there is a message"

Xiaohuo's voice suddenly came from the communication spirit stone.

This is the set ringtone, not to say that the correspondent over there is Xiao Huo.

The last message was from Xingyun, saying that she had arrived home safely, so Sister Hongli didn't have to worry.

But this time...

Hong Li looked at the caller and frowned.

"What kind of trouble is this? What happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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