So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 448 When I was confused, I firmly said to myself, I still remember the dream at that time

Chapter 448 When I was confused, I firmly said to myself, I still remember the dream at that time
"Wow, Golden Legend!"

A golden light appeared in the gift boxes of Heiyang and Hongli at the same time.

"Oh roar?"

Hong Li's eyes lit up, she and Hei Yang are both golden quality items this time?
Doesn't that mean...

"Winning sucks!!!"

Hongli raised her head and laughed three times.

"Hahaha, how about Heiyang, I was finally defeated by your daughter-in-law in terms of luck!"

"Uh, even if you say that..."

Hei Yang couldn't help but reminded: "Both of us are of golden quality, why should you win? It's a tie at most, isn't it?"

"Nonsense, do you need to talk about it?"

Hongli frowned, and pointed to herself and Heiyang as a matter of course.

"The situation between the two of us cannot be generalized. I played gold, which is full of character and excellent performance.

If you open a golden color, you will perform abnormally, lose your face, and ruin your reputation! "

"Grass, what kind of red glass theory."

A row of black lines were drawn across Heiyang's head, and he complained speechlessly.

"Why is it called my theory?"

Hongli frowned, stretched out her finger and said, "Think about it, isn't it always like this from ancient times to the present?"


Hei Yang frowned: "Explain?"

"There's nothing to elaborate on."

Hong Li spread her hands together and said, "It's like a poor student who passed an exam, and the whole family happily eats a big meal to celebrate.

The top student suddenly didn't get a perfect score in a certain test, and the atmosphere at home was extremely low. "

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang had a strange expression.

"Is this okay too?"

"Why not?"

Hong Li asked back, pointed to Hei Yang and added: "This is the theory of phenomena I found in your memory!

You think so yourself, don't refute me! "

"No, I'm not contradicting you, I mean..."

Heiyang paused for a moment, then looked at Hongli with half-moon eyes: "You just treat yourself as a poor student in your heart, and then treat me as an excellent student?

How should I put it, didn't you just admit defeat? What do you win? "


Hong Li frowned, and said with a displeased face: "Who told you that the poor students must not win the top students, or did the poor students have to be overwhelmed by the top students for everything?"

"Oh, I didn't say that!"

Hei Yang said hehe: "I'm not just talking about this time, but the whole macro perspective. In most cases, you feel that you are inferior to me!"


Hongli snorted softly, gave Heiyang a white look, and moved her gaze to the thing that came out.

"Stop fussing with you little brat, let's see what comes out... What are you doing!"

Before Hongli could finish her sentence, she who was lying sideways on Heiyang's lap was picked up directly, forced to sit on the other's lap, and was hugged into his arms.

"Hey, what are you doing?!"

Hongli didn't resist either, and turned to look at Heiyang helplessly.

"Let's just lay there and lie down well, you have to let me sit up, right?"


Heiyang snorted, and said angrily: "Who are you talking about a brat! Who is young?!"

"Ah this?!"

The corner of Hongli's mouth twitched, and she couldn't help shrinking her neck when she saw Heiyang.

"Ahem, that, hahaha, definitely didn't mean you!"

Hongli laughed twice, waved her hands and said, "I'm talking about others, I'm talking about others, hahaha, my black sun is so tall and mighty, how could it be you!"


Heiyang frowned and asked, "Really?"

"Like a fake replacement!"

Hong Li hurriedly patted her chest to reassure, and said with a sneer: "Xiao Li, what bad thoughts could she have?

Did I never lie to you, huh? "

"I feel like you're lying to me right now."

Heiyang was expressionless.

"Ah this!"

The corner of Hongli's mouth twitched.

"You have to say who you're talking about, right?"

Heiyang snorted and said, "Don't tell me you scolded the air for searching for enemies in the void!"

"Hey, that's not scolding..."

Hongli's eyes were blank, and she argued: "Actually, what I said was, yes, who is it..."

"Which who?"

Hei Yang's tone was faint.

"Uh, this, that person is..."

Hongli looked at Heiyang, then at herself, at Heiyang, then at herself...

"Oh, by the way, I'm actually talking about Xiao Huo!"

With an idea, Hongli stretched out her finger, nodded and said in affirmation: "Yes, that's right, it's Xiao Huo!"

"Tsk tsk."

Heiyang Banyueyan: "Xiaohuo called 6 after listening."

"Ah, cough, cough..."

Hongli quips with a sneer: "Well, Xiaohuo is just a little girl, isn't that not saying bad things about her..."

"Tsk tsk."

Heiyang clicked his tongue, stopped teasing Hongli, he tapped Hongli's head lightly, and said with a hum: "Okay, okay, look at the props, look at the props, and see what comes out."

"Hmm, I wanted to watch it just now, okay, you drag me into your arms and scare me."

Hongli snorted, leaned forward, pulled her gift box over, and looked at the props that Heiyang had given out.

Item: Xuanyan Feather Fire Crystal
Quality: golden

Function: Transformed from the feather flame of the divine bird, forging materials, breaking through treasures, and props against enemies...the magical uses are endless!
Introduction: Shenniao has been under a lot of work pressure recently, and she loses a lot of hair every day, and feels a little bald...

Item: Starlight Silver

Quality: golden

Function: put the exclusive alloy into the universe, perform a series of high-tech compression methods, and then undergo a small processing to make it hang high as a celestial body until it falls. It is an expensive and excellent metal material.

Introduction: In order to respond to the Law of Harmony of the Universe, follow the regulations of "the world without life is also protected according to the law", reduce the damage to the ecology of the universe caused by over-exploitation, and make the meteorite materials on the market more expensive, and some people even take risks.

In order to crack down on criminals and protect the peace of the universe, Dr. Kulunbu Nasha stepped into the battle and led his team to study day and night, and finally overcome the difficulties...


Heiyang frowned and rubbed his chin, looking at the long "introduction", showing a strange expression.

"It's rare to see such a cumbersome introduction, advertising?"

"Hey, you don't understand, it's called celebrity effect."

Hongli in turn taught Heiyang: "Think about it, if a weapon is written as made by a certain master, or a certain boss has used this description, will it look different from ordinary ones?"

"Well, it makes sense."

Hei Yang nodded thoughtfully, and looked at the two prop materials in front of him.

"That Xingluoliuyin, I probably already figured out how to use it..."

"It's a coincidence, isn't it, I also thought of the use of Xuanyan Yuhuojing."

Hongli chuckled, turned her head and explained to Heiyang: "I'm going, gurgling, blah blah..."

"Oh hoo, that sounds good!"

Heiyang praised and expressed his thoughts.

"I'm going to say, babble, waibibabu..."

"Oh, your idea is also great!"

"Ah ha ha ha, Xiao Li has won the award, it has won the award!"

"What, obviously you were too complacent just now, but now you're pretending to be modest..."

"Ahahaha, hehe..."


"The last two!"

Heiyang Hongli looked at each other, nodded, with a solemn expression.

"How to say?"

Heiyang looked at Hongli.

"I'll come first."

Hongli nodded, moved her hand to the gift box with a determined face, and opened it abruptly.

And she naturally took a step ahead of Heiyang and saw the items inside.


Hongli's pupils shrank, couldn't help blurting out, and closed them again.

"Ah? What's the matter, what's the matter?"

Hei Yang was blocked by Hong Li's head and hair sitting on his body, so he couldn't see what Hong Li opened.

But hearing her exclamation just now, Hei Yang's interest was immediately aroused.

"what's up?"

Heiyang put his head next to Hongli, and asked curiously: "Such a big reaction? What's the big deal?"

"Ah, it's nothing..."

Hongli smiled awkwardly but politely, moved her body, blocked the gift box behind her, and said: "The things that are opened are too rubbish...

I'm a little embarrassed, it's too embarrassing, so don't watch it. "


A bunch of question marks popped out from Heiyang's head.

"No, you girl can still be embarrassed in front of me?"

Hei Yang couldn't help complaining: "Haven't I seen how embarrassing you are?"

"Ah this..."

Hongli's eyes were blank, and she whispered softly: "It seems to be what you said..."

"It's not like, it's okay."

Heiyang rolled his eyes, and stretched out his hand towards the gift box.

"I want to see what you drive..."

"do not!"

Hong Li rushed forward, holding Heiyang's hand with both arms in the Pingsha Luoyan style, and said sadly: "Don't look, it's not something beautiful, really!"

"Heh, the more you say that, the more I want to see it."

Hei Yang showed dead fish eyes, and hummed: "I haven't seen anything about you girl, stop talking nonsense, let me be healthy!"

"No, Brother Yang!"

Hong Li mourned: "It's white, the white quality is tattered, it's nothing to look at, really!"

"Oh, white quality, then I want to see it even more!"

Hei Yang couldn't help but his eyes lit up, struggling with his arms.

"Don't, that white is not good-looking, let me show you a more beautiful white, okay!" Hong Li groaned.

"Dude, something is wrong with you!"

Heiyang's eyelids twitched, and his hands kept moving.

"Keep yours first, and it will be your turn after I have finished looking at the white in your gift box!"

"Hey, this is a multiple-choice question, a single-choice question, you can't ask for all of them!"

Hongli had a look of lovelessness.

She just watched Heiyang open her box and looked at the things inside.


Heiyang's pupils shrank, and he let out the same exclamation as Hongli.

"It's over."

Hongli covered her face with one hand.

Item: Dragon and Phoenix Qi Jue
Quality: white

Function: The speed of practice is rapid, without any side effects except fatigue!
Introduction: Ahem, er, I'm just an introduction, I don't know anything...

"Ah this, ah this..."

Heiyang turned to look at Hongli, a little uncertain.

"Huh? This, is that what I thought?"


Hongli lay on the side, turned to Heiyang, nodded lightly, and said quietly: "Be confident, it's the one you think..."

"Ah this..."

The corner of Heiyang's mouth twitched, he gently closed the box again, and moved to Hongli's side expressionlessly, with a strange expression.

"Why, how... come up with a dual-cultivation method?"

"You ask me how I know, it's not like I can drive whatever I want!"

Hongli couldn't help rebutting loudly, and defended herself: "This has absolutely nothing to do with me!

This, this is what it came out of randomly. Well, it's none of my business! "

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Hei Yang looked up at Hongli, then shook his head with contempt: "Tsk tsk tsk!"

"Hey, hey, what do you mean!"

Hong Li jumped up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, pressed Hei Yang on the bed, and said viciously: "What kind of expression do you have!"


Hei Yang stretched out both hands above his head as a surrender, but he still had an angry expression: "Tsk tsk tsk."

"Ah, damn it!"

Hongli stared at Heiyang angrily, and waved her fists in front of him, while Heiyang looked at her innocently.

"Damn it!"

Hongli hammered Heiyang's chest twice, and said discouragedly: "What the hell, I'm getting more and more reluctant to deal with you... Is this normal?"

"Hey, the favorability has been increasing every day."

Hei Yang showed a funny face: "The next step is you will become a little servant who obeys what you say!"

"I'll give you a slap in the face, you are an obedient little servant!"

Hong Li glared at Hei Yang, and said unconvinced: "Aren't you going to hit me? Are you going to hit me?"

"It depends on where you hit."

Heiyang said faintly.

"What are you..."

A pile of tic-tac-toe popped out on Hongli's head, she stretched out her hand, thought for a while and retracted three fingers, then raised her two fingers together, and flicked it to her head.

"Hey, look at the tricks, look at the tricks, look at the tricks!"

Hongli popped out the afterimage with one hand, feeling that it wasn't enough, hooked her feet against Heiyang's leg sockets, and freed the other hand, one on the left and one on the left.

"Hey, hey, hey! Do you know what's wrong!"

Hei Yang: "..."

However, although……

If you don't need to refine the realm above.

This girl really hurts!
When Hong Li withdrew her hand contentedly, she released Hei Yang.

As a master of Heiyang observers, Hongli knows how to stop to make Heiyang depressed but will not rush to fight back.

No one understands Heiyang better than her!

Heiyang's parents don't even understand Hongli, okay?
After all, they can't enjoy it safely under the protection of their parents all the time, and they have to stand up to protect them from the wind and rain.

They can't keep their child at home all the time, but also allow her to be independent and pursue the life of her dreams.

So in the final analysis, the closest family members who can always be by your side are actually the partners.

It's not that there will be less love for other family members, it's just that the other half who sleeps in the same bed is especially special.

Parents don't let Hongli stay by their side, and they will feel the sadness of growing up and missing their childhood in their hearts, and then they will sort out their mood before going on the road.

But if Heiyang doesn't let Hongli stay by her side, she is sure that she really can't survive!
After understanding each other's memories, Hong Li knew that Hei Yang thought the same way.

In other words, before that, she had always believed that the other party had the same thoughts as herself.

She can always find her most beautiful appearance in each other's eyes!

"It's just a mere white quality."

Hei Yang looked at the exercise book again, with emotion on his face.

"Based on our realm, it is not of much use to us."

"makes sense."

Hongli nodded, then looked at the exercise book again, and smiled, showing a bit of regret.

"To be honest, I do have some regrets, okay, okay, I know my body is very honest, so don't remind me!"

"Well, then, the next one is the last one left."

Hongli turned her head to look at the last gift box, and then at Heiyang.

"It's up to you, Heiyang, go!"

"Am I a summoned beast, or some elf..."

While complaining, Heiyang opened the box.

(End of this chapter)

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