So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 450 When I was a child, everyone felt that their future was shining, didn't they?

Chapter 450 When I was a child, everyone felt that their future was shining, didn't they?

The bed squirmed for a while, and then Heiyang Hongli's two heads slowly emerged from it.

The faces of the two were flushed, as if they had run a cosmic marathon.

"Ah, hoo..."

Hongli's face was hot, she turned her head away in embarrassment, and took a deep breath.

"That, that, you took this..."

"Well, how about..."

Heiyang also turned his head away, pretending to carelessly prop up his chin with his hands, covering half of his face.

"Are you satisfied looking at it? Does it meet your standards for stimulation?"

"Prick, stimulate..."

Hongli mumbled a few words subconsciously, and then suddenly realized, she blushed and opened her mouth in embarrassment.

"Bah, bah, what are you talking about, who would find it exciting, it's obviously very, very..."

Hong Li's tone was stagnant, her face turned red, and the words were stuck in her mouth for a while, unable to speak.

"How is it?"

Hei Yang couldn't help asking.

"Ahhhhhhhh, that's very perverted, you rascal pervert!"

Hongli turned around with a frenzied face and rushed over, grabbing Heiyang's body and dangling it around, "venting anger" like shaking a tree trunk, to see how many leaves it could shake down.

"Damn, hate, hate, dog Heiyang bullied me, bullied me, bullied me..."

"Oh roar?"

Heiyang frowned, and couldn't help but said: "This is what you said, then I will..."

"Hey, wait, wait!"

Hongli quickly reached out her hand to stop the other party: "My buddy told you an imperative sentence, not an order to you, do you understand the imperative sentence!"

"Hey, Heiyang, I'm an honest person, I'm stupid, and I can't understand Xiaoli's witty words."

Heiyang looked at Hongli with big innocent eyes blinking with a "sincere" face, and the eyes of Bling Bling shone with pure light.

"Hey, ah, vomit, provoke, oh, my God, what the hell are you..."

A pile of wells popped out of Hongli's head, one hand grabbed Heiyang's cheek and pinched it, and the other hand covered his mouth, looking disgusted.

"You're more lethal than me with your throat in your hands. Hurry up and turn off the flashing lights in your eyes!"

"Tsk tsk, you also know that your voice was outrageous at that time!"

The innocent expression on Heiyang's face disappeared in an instant, revealing dead fish eyes, looking at Hongli with disdain and saying: "I'm ashamed to say it, hehe!"

"That's not as lethal as you!"

Hongli glared at Heiyang and said viciously.

"Oh, you were the one who slandered me and bullied you first."

Hei Yang couldn't help but give Hong Li a white look.

"I'm just defending myself and stopping losses reasonably."


A question mark popped out of Hong Li's head.

"Are you going to lose your head?"

"You've said bad things about me, wouldn't it be a shame if I don't do something bad?"

Hei Yang had a natural look on his face.

"You said I bullied you, when did I bully you, obviously I held you in my palm, okay?"

Heiyang snorted softly: "It's okay to say that I bullied you, show me the evidence!"

"Ah? Do you still need evidence? You still need to look for it? Wait!"

Hongli lowered her head, took out the picture stone from under the quilt, pointed at it viciously and said: "Isn't this the proof!

Let me put it here and put it here, right, bad guy! "


Hei Yang showed a funny face, and he said, "How can this be evidence? You were so engrossed in watching it just now!"

"Ah, ahem, ecstasy, ecstasy..."

Hongli's face flushed, her voice weakened for a moment, and then turned into a fierce look in the next moment.

"But no matter how you look at it, poor Hongli looks like she's being played around in the palm of her hand!"

"Woooooo, I'm so miserable!"

Hongli squeezed out a few tears, stretched out her hand to wipe and said: "Listening to Hongli's wailing in the past, I can't help crying!"

"Hey, you can go to your wailing and moaning!"

Heiyang gave Hongli a white look, and said ruthlessly: "You didn't even give me a rest time, okay!
I don't know who it is, but the love in their eyes has never stopped! "

"Ah this..."

Hong Li looked away guiltily and coughed twice.

"Ahem, well, I don't know who it is, but it must be me.

How could someone be like that, hahaha, hahaha..."


Heiyang has no expression on his face, and his voice has no ups and downs.

Hongli: "..."

"Damn it, don't let yin and yang blame me!"

Hongli snorted softly, sighed, shook the picture stone in her hand, leaned forward, approached Heiyang slightly, and said softly: "Okay, okay, let's not talk about what's there and what's not, to be honest, this The video is too embarrassing!"


Hei Yang asked: "How to say?"

"What do you say!"

Hong Li curled her lips, and lightly tapped Heiyang's chest with her small fist, saying, "You took the photos too carefully, didn't you, do you use them here too, oh shit!"

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Heiyang snorted, stretched out his hand to pull Hongli into his arms and hugged him fiercely, his palm brushed across the opponent's neck, in exchange for the latter's body trembling, and then collapsed into Heiyang's arms without any resistance.

"We are old husband and wife, you are still shy with me!"

"Wow, isn't this exciting for old couples!"

Hongli paralyzed in Heiyang's arms, still defending herself unconvinced: "Anyone would feel shy like that!

In the final analysis, Heiyang, you did too much! "

"Uh, that..."

Hei Yang couldn't help but raised his hand and said, "Actually, in this video, I've always been the passive one. It was someone who charged up by himself. Well, I can't say..."


Hongli tilted her head, a question mark popped out of her head.

"Are you serious?"

How is this possible, how could Hongli be that kind of guy, she is much more elegant than Heiyang, okay?

Heiyang nodded without hesitation.

"Otherwise, why do you think I took out the photo stone to take pictures in idleness, because I almost didn't take the initiative in the whole process of this video, okay..."

"Ah this..."

The corner of Hong Li's mouth twitched, revealing circles of eyes.

"This, that, this, there's nothing to do about it, after all, Heiyang, you are so good, you are very attractive..."

Hongli tried to save her respect, and said a bunch of messy words in a hurry, and finally chose to change the subject directly!
"Ahem, that, Heiyang, didn't you come back from outside before?"

Hong Li laughed twice, and said, "Well, where have you been, is there anything going on outside, isn't it very important!

Oh, why don't you tell me now, I'm so anxious, I've been urging you for so long! "

Hei Yang: "..."

First of all, the opponent's technique of changing the subject is still so clumsy.

Secondly, what the hell is it that has been urged for so long!
Obviously just now he wanted to say that he was stopped by Hongli, well, who is in a hurry!

Although he complained a lot in his heart, as long as Hei Yang thought about it, it would be completely rare and strange for his own daughter-in-law, without any sense of disobedience.

My daughter-in-law, spoil me, what else can I do?

"Okay, okay, it's not really a big deal."

Hei Yang sat up straight, put Hongli on his lap, nodded and explained: "It's just that there is a communication from Elder Huo Le.

I saw that you were sleeping soundly, so I ran out to pick you up in fear of disturbing you. "


Hearing that Hei Yang was afraid of disturbing her to sleep, Hong Li was stunned for a moment, her little heart was thumping, and a warm current flowed into her heart, making her unable to help but smile at the corner of her mouth, and leaned her side face on the other's chest.

"Actually, there's no need to be so troublesome, it's okay if you wake up.

Oh, really, wouldn't it be good to lie down and rest under the covers, I have to run out. "

Hongli smirked twice, and scratched and scratched Heiyang's ear with her small hands. Anything about being bullied by Heiyang was directly pulled into the trash can and crushed by her. How could Heiyang bully her?
Her house Heiyang is the best, hehehe...

Even if you are a little shy, it's not a problem at all!

Just like what her family Heiyang said, the two of them are old couples, old couples, hehehe...

That's right, isn't this all getting along with each other normally? This is a symbol of their love!

No, at that level, how can they fully express the feelings between them, it's not possible at all!

That's right, that level is not enough at all, you should increase the dose of cough cough, increase the dose of the drug, bah bah...

The intensity should be increased, the young couple should fight like glue every day, hehehe...

While thinking like this, Hong Li smirked and hung on Hei Yang unconsciously.

"So it's like this, husband, you are so kind, hehehe..."

"Hey, that's a must!"

Heiyang smiled helplessly, and gently reached out to touch Hongli's head, looking at her with affection in his eyes.

He knew that the girl Hongli had a really good temper, and she was also very easy to please.

As long as the person she likes gives her a little care, the other person can be very moved and satisfied.

Most of the reason why I would be "impatient" with him is because I grew up fighting and fighting since I was a child, and I am used to this relaxed atmosphere of getting along with each other.

Maybe even in the eyes of the people around them, the two of them always acted a little childish, but they just liked each other's "childishness" and didn't want to become "mature".

The so-called "rational" analysis always puts material interests first, and even puts them above feelings.

To be honest, if Heiyang Hongli wants to become like that, they can let 90.00% of people who think they are mature know what "social cruelty" is.

When they're cold-blooded, the bad guys shiver in their cold winter.

It was like when Heiyang Hongli had just left the house and was alone outside, the two of them were covered with thorns almost all over their bodies, and their aggressiveness was ridiculously strong.

Just ask someone in Tianmen to know about this.

After all, Heiyang Hongli is usually a guy who is not willing to kill even a chicken, and will soften his heart when he sees the other party's pitiful eyes.

As a result, during that period of time, there were really not a few people from the Shuantianmen who were directly or indirectly killed by the two of them.

And after the fight with the sea monster, Hongli directly destroys the mushroom and throws it into the opponent's monster pile without hesitation. What does it matter to me whether you live or die?

Ask those people who are counting Tianmen, ask those sea monsters, when they were killed by Heiyang Hongli, did they have any regretful and unbearable expressions on their faces?

Ah, no, even if the Tianmen people and those sea monsters are all ashes, there is no one to ask...

Well, in this way, no one knows about their "violation of law and discipline"?

After all, even Elder Huo Le and the others knew little about it.

As for the parents, Hongli Heiyang has always reported good news but not bad news, and would never tell them such things.

How should I put it, ah, Mom and Dad, playing outside today is very exciting, a bunch of people want to kill me, hey, I didn’t kill me, I killed them all, hey, hey, what’s wrong with me, right?
If they really dare to say that...

Cough cough, sure enough, it's better to keep this kind of thing a secret.

It's all over, it's all over, the deceased didn't say anything, and others have nothing to say.

Besides, they are originally on the side of justice, the so-called killing harm for the people...

What is justice you ask?

That which lives naturally is justice.

Because "evil can never prevail against good"!

Heck, just kidding.

Everyone knows this kind of thing. People in the roaming world have been counting on Tianmen people for a long time, and Heiyanghongli is completely eliminating harm for the people. It does not contain any additives, and there is no rhetoric that contains private goods.

Even if these people hadn't taken the initiative to provoke Heiyang Hongli, and attacked them first, Heiyang Hongli would not have been so nervous that he would explode, and he would have directly operated like a tiger, wiping out their entire army.

In fact, it can be considered that the people of Tianmen are unlucky, and they may have finally been backlashed by luck. It happened to be the time when Heiyang Hongli was most nervous and sensitive.

At this time, they have to go one step further to stimulate them, even thinking about threatening them with their family members.

It can only be said that death is not wronged, and it is even a little relaxed...

Heiyang Hongli at that time was still young and inexperienced after all, not as seasoned and experienced as she is now.

If it is now, they can come up with more hard work to take care of those guys.

Instead of just giving them a good time like two years ago, it's really too cheap!
Of course, if they met the Heiyang Hongli who was becoming more and more Buddhist now, they might die, but not necessarily.

He might be beaten up, and then sent directly to the Five Elements Sect to be handed over to Elder Huo Le and the others to take care of them, just like the foreign invaders before.

But speaking of it, Elder Huo Le and the others are not good people cough cough...

But speaking of it, Elder Huo Le and the others probably wouldn't be polite to those people, and the fate of the other party might not be much better in the end.

However, although Heiyang Hongli was really dark when he was black, he became gentle, and helping others made people feel warm in their hearts.

You can ask laziness about this. At the beginning, it was obvious that the other party affected the normal life of others, and even they were enemies of each other and invaders of the world in terms of their positions.

But Heiyang Hongli resolutely chose to help the other party survive here, and gave the other party a place to live, a home.

Ah, no, I'm too lazy to answer, that's fine.

"So, what exactly does Elder Huo Le want to do?"

Hongli leaned obediently on Heiyang's shoulder, her voice was soft, this time it wasn't clipped, it was Hongli's original voice, and Heiyang could hear it.

After all, every time the other party calls Dad, it's usually in this weak tone cough cough...

"Elder Huo Le said that his work summary has been completed...

Well, who knows what his work summary is. "

Hei Yang rolled his eyes, waved his hands and said, "Ask us if we can contact his master, that is, the old senior from the Five Elements Sect, and ask him what to do next...

Well, I suspect that he just wants to use the phone bill data, after all, there is nothing to reply to this kind of thing..."

"Ah, that makes sense..."

Hongli thought about it.

"So, you refused?"

"Come on, of course I agree."

Hei Yang was speechless and laughed: "After all, Elder Huo Le has helped us so much, and he also took good care of you in the sect before.

And everyone is also a teacher and a friend, it would be too unkind to not help with such a small favor! "

"Also ha..."

(End of this chapter)

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