So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 463 Avoid saccharin in eggs, honey and kelp in tofu, pig blood in potatoes, and bananas.

Chapter 461 Avoid saccharin in eggs, honey in tofu, pig blood in kelp, bananas in potatoes...

Black Yang's painful torture ended after 4 minutes.

Xingyun and her father seemed to have met a close relative on the street, and it was natural for them to greet each other during the Chinese New Year.

The communication between the two parties naturally ended in a harmonious atmosphere, allowing Hei Yang to take off the mask of social maturity that he was not used to wearing.


Hei Yang took a deep breath and showed an expression of relief.

He took off the communication spirit stone suspended in the air, tossed it twice, and turned to hand it to Hong Li.

"Xiao Li, your communication spirit stone..."

Before Hei Yang finished speaking, a water glass hit his face.

"Ha, hubby, have you finished the communication?"

Hong Li smiled sweetly and said in a gentle tone: "You must be thirsty after talking so much. Come on, drink some water to moisten your throat."

"Uh, that..."

Hei Yang's eyelids twitched, he leaned back and stretched out his hand to pull open the water glass: "Excuse me, Xiaoli.

But drinking water can wait a moment, your communication spirit stone..."

"Oh, no trouble, no trouble, who of us is following the other? We are an old married couple, why are we being so polite?"

Hong Li took back the water glass and took out a bottle of juice: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to drink water!
Now, juice, hubby, do you want apple flavor or orange flavor, or both?

I just bought it and couldn’t bear to drink it. I was just waiting for you to drink it first after the communication ended! "

"Well, Xiaoli, it doesn't matter if you drink first, I won't mind this..."

Hei Yang looked helpless: "Well, I said, you put your communication spirit stone away first and then we..."

"Huh? Don't you drink juice too? They're obviously the ones you usually like to drink, hubby..."

Hongli was surprised for a moment, then showed a confident smile: "But it doesn't matter -

Since I am so gentle, considerate and virtuous, I naturally took this possibility into consideration! "

"I still have milk!"

Hongli once again handed a bottle of milk to Hei Yang's face: "Honey, drink, drink quickly, why are you standing there in a daze?"

"I said, that, the communication spirit stone..."

Hei Yang's eyelids twitched. What Hong Li said reminded him of the scene when he fed a certain weasel chicken soup.

"Ah, I see!"

Hong Li suddenly realized, and a small flame popped out from her fingertips: "Honey, you must think the milk is too cold. Let me heat it up for you..."

"Stop, stop, don't!"

Baiyang quickly took the milk, fearing that Hongli would spoil the food if she failed to control the fire temperature.

"I'll drink, I'll just drink. Xiaoli, just be normal..."

Hei Yang silently rolled his eyes at Hong Li, opened the bottle and took a few sips.

One thing to say, what he just said made his mouth dry. Hong Li was right.

"Hey, that's right!"

Hong Li nodded with satisfaction when she saw Hei Yang finally drank the milk obediently.

But before Hei Yang finished drinking, another pile of snacks and snacks were handed over.

"Come here, hubby, eat some biscuits to fill your stomach. You must be starving after a day of shopping!"

"And that kebab shop in the alley, didn't you always think that shop's cooking was authentic?"

"This is the newly opened fried fish. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks golden and smells delicious!"

"Do you want hawthorn strips?"

"Uh, that..."

"Fudge corn?"

"Xiao Li, I said..."


"Not so..."

"Do you want to eat the walnut cake?"

"Huh? I don't think I've ever eaten this before. How does it taste?"

"Hmm, I don't think I've eaten it either... Ignore it. How about some roasted chestnuts?"

"Hey, you can have this."

"Oh, there are rice cakes..."


Hei Yang looked at the big bag and the small bag in his arms, revealing his half-moon eyes: "Xiaoli, didn't you notice that some of them taste weird when mixed together..."

"Oh, let's eat them separately! Compared to that, husband, are you tired?"

Hong Li looked at Hei Yang with concern, then she grabbed Hei Yang's shoulder with one hand, stood up on tiptoes and reached out to touch Hei Yang's forehead.

"Here, let me wipe your sweat for you."

"There's no such thing as sweating, okay..."

Hei Yang said helplessly, but he still bent slightly so that Hong Li could touch his forehead.

"Even if there is sweat on my forehead, it's not because I'm tired, it's just because you made me speechless."

"Husband, don't say such hurtful words."

As Hong Li replied, she wiped Hei Yang's forehead seriously and seriously, confirming that Hei Yang really wasn't sweating, and then retracted her hand with confidence.

Then she walked around behind Hei Yang, clenched her hands into small fists and gently knocked on Hei Yang's back.

"Husband must be tired even if he's not sweating. I'll give you a rub on your back..."

"Don't pinch Xiaoli, goosebumps will fall all over the floor."

Hei Yang said quietly: "If you do this again, you will be scared to death."

"There's no clip. Her voice has always been so gentle!"

Hong Li smiled and hit her back slightly harder.

"Yes, yes, you are the gentlest."

Hei Yang sighed and chose to obey the other party.

In fact, this was not the first time that Hongli suddenly felt filial piety and treated him like this.

However, every time the other party did this in the past, it was either because they were guilty of doing something wrong and were afraid of being scolded, or they were causing trouble and being suppressed by Hei Yang and then temporarily surrendered.

Of course, sometimes, like now, I am deeply moved by Hei Yang's behavior and feel that I need to be nicer to my husband.

After all, noisy and noisy, Hongli and Heiyang really like each other very much, and their feelings for each other cannot be faked.

It's not like Hei Yang couldn't accept Hong Li's gentle treatment.

He didn't know what others thought, and he didn't bother to know.

But in fact, in Hei Yang's heart, his wife is indeed a gentle girl.

No matter how many layers of lovers' filters are added, Hei Yang said that Hong Li's tenderness really comes from the heart.

What really frightened him was Hongli's gentle "sweet girl voice".

It’s not that it’s unpleasant, just the sound is really soft and cute.

But the key is that Hongli always likes to use this tone with a smile every time she gets angry and wants to mess with him, which gives him a bit of a psychological shadow.

But usually when she was "bullied" by Hei Yang, she would let out an incompetent and furious "roar", but it was one of the harmless manifestations of the other party.

As for Hongli's usual speaking voice, it cannot actually be described as "crisp and lively". Compared with the "girly voice" like the girl next door, it is a bit more hoarse.

It was a way of speaking that seemed to be deliberately long, but the speed was not too slow.

Not magnetic, but always a bit lazy.

I feel weak as if I am almost 4 years old, but also seem calm and leisurely...

In fact, Hong Li's soft, clear and melodious voice can't really be said to be speaking with a pinched throat. Her own timbre can easily produce that kind of voice, and there's nothing wrong with it if it's her original voice.

In fact, Hongli's mother Lan Yuying usually speaks in that voice, and Hongli is imitating her mother's voice.

When Hongli mentioned words like gentle and virtuous, she would always think of her mother Lan Yuying immediately.

In Hongli's heart, her mother is the ceiling of a "good wife and loving mother"!

As mother and daughter, their voices are very similar.

Although Hongli is not as tall as her mother, her vocal cords are indeed fully developed and she has never experienced vocal cord damage.

But as long as they are not deaf, anyone who knows them can easily distinguish their voices.

The reason for this difference, Hei Yang guessed, was due to different personalities.

Speaking of which, his Xiaoli had a more delicate voice, which made him want to bully the girl severely after hearing it.

The pitiful one with tears in his eyes...

But only Hei Yang himself has heard Hong Li's special voice, hehe...

Hei Yang's thoughts gradually flew away, and his face felt a little hot as he thought about it...

"Husband? Wake up, you're home!"

Hong Li's voice brought Hei Yang back to reality. She looked at Hei Yang's rosy face suspiciously and couldn't help but said: "I always feel that you are thinking about some strange things and have been distracted for a while."

"Ah? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. How could it be?"

Hei Yang came back to his senses, pushed open the door to the courtyard of his house with some guilt, and changed the subject: "So Xiaoli, your time of filial piety is over so soon? Your tone has recovered."

"What is filial piety time! Can't you say it in a nicer way, like Xiaoli's love and care?
How childish, he likes to take advantage of me in terms of seniority every day. "

Hongli curled her lips, pushed open the door, and said a little aggrievedly: "You are not satisfied if the tone is gentler, but you are not satisfied with the result if the tone is normal.

You're such a bully. People have been beating you on the back all the way. Your stinky husband is really hard to take care of. "

"Keep pretending to be pitiful."

Hei Yang rolled his eyes at Hong Li and said, "We were almost at the door of the house when you started beating your back. Even if you beat your back, it didn't last more than five minutes. It seemed like I was squeezing you too much."

"Oh, I'm just a weakling, that's all!"

Seeing that Hong Li had finally arrived home, she felt happy and stopped talking about anything, and took the initiative to show weakness and surrender to Hei Yang.

"Xiao Li, I am a loser who will be out of breath after beating my back for 5 minutes~"

Hong Li chuckled, turned around and climbed onto Hei Yang's body, hugged him and kissed him.

"It's all because of my husband's care that I can survive until now~"

"That's almost it. You won't have to gasp for breath even if you hammer down five buildings. Why are you pretending to be a sick and weak girl here!"

Hei Yang put down the large and small bags in his hands, touched Hong Li's head, kissed her little face, and said nothing more.

As soon as this girl Hongli got home and made sure that no one except him was seen, she became even more comfortable in acting cute, and she was really very lethal to him.Even if Hei Yang keeps telling himself in his heart: If Hongli, a bad girl, doesn't teach her a lesson in three days, she will go to the house and tear up the tiles, and if she smiles, she will slap her nose on her face.

But once she hugs her and acts coquettishly, she will still be "fooled" regardless of whether she should be "fooled".

There was nothing he could do, but Xiaoli looked so cute like this!

Hei Yang was completely cruel to her!

Just like Hei Yang can easily coax Hong Li, Hong Li can also easily appease Hei Yang's emotions.

It seems that they were like this many years ago...

For example, when Hongli was sick and didn't want to take medicine, it was Heiyang who went to her house and coaxed her a little before she got her to take it obediently.

Another example is when Hei Yang is depressed, as long as Hong Li sits quietly beside him, he can regain his peace of mind.

Hei Yang sometimes has a bad temper for no apparent reason, but in Hong Li's eyes, it's best for him to deal with it.

Hongli's personality can sometimes be eccentric and troublesome, but in Heiyang's opinion, this girl is the best to understand!
"Ah! My dear home! My warm bed!"

Hong Li jumped off Hei Yang, pushed open the bedroom door, smelled the reassuring and familiar scent of home, and almost burst into tears.


Hongli cheered and flew towards the bed.

"Hey, at least take off your shoes..."

Hei Yang reminded helplessly, but before he could finish his words, his face was covered by a flying coat.

I felt my eyes were black, and my nose was filled with the smell of red glass.

"I say……"

Hei Yang pulled off his coat, stretched out his hand to hang it on the hanger nearby, and complained with his dead eyes: "You can't put your clothes away properly..."

Another coat stuck to his face.


With a dark face, Hei Yang pulled down his jacket that was still warm, and casually caught the flying trousers.

"Hongli, can you be a little more you still want to make a sneak attack?!"

Hei Yang just put down the clothes in his hands, with a sharp look in his eyes, he quickly stopped the two flying shoes and sneered disdainfully.

Do you still want to hit him?Almost...


Two little white socks slapped on the face.

"Red! Glass!"

A bunch of tic-tac-toes popped up on Hei Yang's head, and he looked fiercely at Hong Li, who was throwing herself on the bed.


Hong Li, who couldn't wait to change into her home pajamas, was about to stretch her body when her body stiffened suddenly and she felt a chill on her back.

Hong Li instantly realized something was wrong.

She turned to look at Hei Yang, only to see the little white socks on the latter's face. If she recognized it correctly, it should be her cough...

"Puff, hahaha..."

Although she always felt that she would die miserably soon, seeing Hei Yang's dark face, Hong Li couldn't help but patted the bed and laughed out loud.

"Hei Yang, you, your appearance, hahaha..."


Facing Hong Li's gloating, Hei Yang just stared at the other person with a death gaze expressionlessly, without saying anything else.

Until Hongli smiled and felt something was wrong in the atmosphere, her laughter gradually became smaller. She raised her head stiffly, her rationality returned, and a few big words popped into her mind.

Oh hoo, it's over!
"What's the matter, Xiaoli?"

Hei Yang greeted softly and tenderly: "Why did you stop smiling suddenly? You look beautiful when you smile. Keep smiling."

"Uh, um, Hei Yang, ah, no, my husband..."

Hong Li put on a flattering smile on her face and said in a panic: "Well, listen to my explanation, I didn't mean it...Actually, I, I..."

"Actually, what's wrong with you?"

Hei Yang looked at Hong Li and suddenly got stuck mid-sentence, and said quietly: "Why don't you say anything anymore? Explain it to me, good Xiaoli."

"Ah, I..."

Hongli found that she didn't seem to have anything to quibble about. After all, she was gloating about her misfortune more than ten seconds ago...

"Anyway, that..."

Hongli's smart little head was spinning rapidly, and her expression was constantly changing.

Suddenly, she took a deep breath, threw herself on the bed and kowtowed to Hei Yang.

"I'm sorry! I was wrong! Husband, please forgive me! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"


The emotional face that Hei Yang tried so hard to create was finally broken by his wife's spineless confession and failed to hold back.

"Xiaoli, hu, forget it..."

Hei Yang paused, took a deep breath, and said with dead fish eyes: "I will forgive you this time, don't throw clothes around at home next time, it's not like there is no place for you to put them.

You are an adult after all, so be a little calmer and set an example for Xiao Huo, okay? "

"Honey, you're right, it's my fault for throwing clothes around, it's even more wrong for me to cough up my socks and throw clothes in your face..."

Hongli had a look of deep introspection on her face: "I am guilty and I will repent!"

"It's almost there."

Hei Yang nodded: "So remember, don't do this again next time..."

"Remember to mess with..."

Hongli paused, raised her head slightly, and said firmly: "But I refuse to cooperate!"


Hei Yang signaled that the enemy was nowhere to be seen.


"Isn't the reason simple?"

Hong Li wrinkled her little nose and showed a normal expression: "This is my home, we are in our own room!

I can throw my clothes around as much as I want. If I can’t throw things away in my own home, that would be too sad! "

"What nonsense..."

Hei Yang glared at him: "Did you do this in your hometown before?"

"Ha, how is that possible!"

Hongli sneered disdainfully: "My mother will beat me!"


A tic-tac-toe popped up on Heiyang's head: "Then now..."

"It's different now!"

Hong Li raised her little face and said with a proud smile: "Hei Yang, you are reluctant to be too cruel to me, at least you won't be as cruel as my mother!"

"Dead girl..."

Hei Yang said fiercely: "A good person should be pointed at a gun! Xiaoli, I'll tell you when you're done!"

"Ahem, um, I mean..."

Apparently realizing that he was too complacent, the smile on Hongli's face froze, and her tone became humble again: "Well, what I mean is that if your husband is so good, he will definitely not beat me up!"


Hei Yang said without mercy: "It's hard to say."

"Ah this..."

Hong Li showed beady eyes and felt a little guilty.

Although Hei Yang would not really beat her too hard, he had many ways of bullying her...

"Hey ah~"

Hong Li looked at Hei Yang pitifully.

"You special meow..."

Hei Yang looked at Hong Li with a black streak in his head. You are the one who gives in the fastest, and you are the one who refuses to give in. You are here to pull him, right?

"Ask again."

Hei Yang took a deep breath and said viciously: "Do you know you were wrong?"


Hongli answered decisively.

"Then next time..."

Black Yang's eyes flashed fiercely.

"Dare next time!"

Although she was panicking, Hongli still raised her head resolutely and looked at Hei Yang with the same vicious look: "This is a matter of principle!
Even if I am about to be beaten until I kneel down and beg for mercy, I am still free now! "

"I won't give in!"

Hongli stood up from the bed and raised her fists with determination.

"Oh, you can't help it!"

A black shadow rushed forward.

"Ah, wait, help me, my husband, spare my life, please..."

"Did you take it?"

"I don't accept it! But my husband, please spare my life!"

"You special meow..."

"Ahhhhhh, sharks are hot!!!"

"Shut up, stinky Xiaoli!"




(End of this chapter)

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