So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 472 This world is so beautiful, with sunshine and air, kindness and justice, and you

Chapter 472 This world is so beautiful, with sunshine and air, kindness and justice, and you

"Asking for directions, how can I tell you this..."

Po Meng was not surprised by Hei Yang Hongli's sudden question. After all, she knew that the monks in the Traveling World had been aiming to find a peaceful home suitable for survival for so many years.

In other words, the reason why Po Meng suddenly wanted to contact Hei Yang Hongli was because she wanted to show them the way forward.

But there is a problem at the moment. It involves the routes of the two universes, which cannot be explained in just a few words.

There is nothing to say: walk straight along the north for how many light years, after seeing half of the scrapped ship, turn east and walk for how many light years...

This way of expression is obviously not possible, at least Mrs. Meng cannot use this method to guide others.

"Wait a moment, I'll find you a map..."

Po Meng's voice gradually faded away, and Hei Yang Hongli looked at each other, at a loss, and could only wait where she was.

Fortunately, Hei Yang Hongli didn't have to wait long, and Po Meng quickly returned to the camera.

As the camera shook for a while, it seemed to be fixed somewhere, focusing on a large map...

Well, the map should be correct, but it seems a bit too complicated.

"How about it? Can you understand it?"

Po Meng pointed to a certain place on the map and said: "This is the space jump starting zone of my universe. Simply put, it is the entrance."

"As for your words..."

Mrs. Meng frowned, hesitated, and circled a rough range on the map with her finger: "If my estimate is correct, you should be in this area now.

If I were still near your travel world two years ago, I could point out the specific location to you.

But in the past two years, you have been wandering around the universe in the world, and your position has changed a lot. I can only borrow some tools to locate you through your communication signals. "

Under the gaze of Hei Yang Hongli, Po Meng took out an object that looked like an abacus and fiddled with it while she was explaining. She also muttered some incomprehensible words.

The "beads" of the "abacus" are like clusters of fuzzy little nebulae. As Mrs. Meng moves her fingers, those "nebulae" are floating everywhere on the "abacus".

Some of the small nebulae and "beads" "on the abacus" will float halfway and suddenly disappear. In some places that were originally empty, a few small nebulae that look unfamiliar will suddenly appear.

Countless dense lines intertwined and converged, connecting groups of nebulae and cutting off areas.

As Meng Po continued to calculate, the original "abacus" appearance of the tool had changed beyond recognition, and gradually developed into an abstract graffiti children's painting.

If Heiyang Hongli could still try to guess the functions of some locations at the beginning, now she can only watch them with both eyes.

"How about it?"

Hong Li leaned close to Hei Yang's ear and asked in a low voice: "Hei Yang, do you understand?"

"I understand a ghost, I understand..."

Black lines slid across Heiyang's head and said, "It's weird if I can understand it!"

When it comes to ordinary maps, Hei Yang can say a few words.

But this kind of complex map at the cosmic level, coupled with calculation tools that have never been seen before, is simply a blind spot of knowledge for Hei Yang, a field that he has never touched before.

"Anyway, it must be something very powerful!"

Hei Yang added a few words respectfully: "The kind that most people will definitely not use!"

"You talk nonsense so nicely."

Hongli rolled her eyes at Hei Yang and murmured in a low voice: "Didn't Grandma Meng say that she was appointed to the post after appraising great virtuous people for many generations? Why does she still look like she has a high degree of education..."

"This is not nonsense."

Hei Yang quickly interrupted Hong Li's muttering: "Can't a good person be very educated at the same time? After so many years on the job, you have plenty of time to learn new knowledge, right?"

"Why do you think I am trying to extradite the souls of several worlds at the same time, and yet nothing has gone wrong for so many years?"

Po Meng was still tinkering with the abstract graffiti, and replied without raising her head: "Let every soul of the dead be thrown into the correct world. Just listening to it seems like nothing, but when you actually start doing it, you will know that there is a lot of knowledge in it, but it's not just Like when you helped pass a bowl for soup..."

"It turns out it's job training..."

Hong Li suddenly realized it, then a funny expression appeared on her face, and she said jokingly: "But is there really no mistake? Not necessarily!"

Hei Yang: "..."

"If you have any suggestions, I can also help your guy make up the correct process."

Mrs. Meng had long been accustomed to the way these two living treasures talked, and she replied without changing her expression: "It's just a bowl of soup."

Take your husband away.JPG

Hei Yang Hongli: "???"

"Ahem, no, I'm kidding, grandma!"

Hongli's eyelids narrowed, and she stretched out her hand to grasp Heiyang tightly. She quickly gave in and said, "Sir, you don't remember children's mistakes. We are all so familiar with each other. Surely you won't have the heart to do anything to my Yangzi anymore, right?"

"Compared to the number of years I have lived, even counting from Xiaoyang's reincarnation, twenty years is just a blink of an eye. It is not a big friendship, it is just an inconspicuous ripple in the long river of life."

Mrs. Meng pointed her finger, glanced up at Hongli Heiyang, and said in a sinister tone: "But if it is one of the few operational stains in many years of work, it will be very concerning..."

"You don't have to worry about it!"

Hong Li subconsciously protected Hei Yang behind her: "This is already my private property. No one else is allowed to touch or feed it!"

"Touch feeding is okay..."

Po Meng showed her dead eyes and almost couldn't hold her breath.

"Okay, okay, Grandma Meng, please stop teasing this girl."

Hei Yang saw Hong Li standing in front of him nervously, smiled helplessly, stretched out his hand to rub the other person's head and said, "This girl's IQ has almost dropped as soon as she mentions me. If you try to tease me again, I'll make you stupid." Yes, and if you really want to talk about it, it was you who first connected us."

"I have the nerve to say that I am Mother Meng, and you asked me to do Yue Lao's job." Mother Meng rolled her eyes.

"Is there really a Yue Lao?" Hei Yang asked curiously.

"Some worlds have it, some worlds don't."

Po Meng answered Hei Yang's question casually.

However, she seemed to have suddenly remembered something, she showed a serious expression, stared into Hei Yang's eyes and said: "I suddenly remembered something, and I won't hide it from you.

In fact, according to the plan, you should have been reborn in my peaceful universe. "


Hong Li showed a surprised expression: "Is there such a thing? Doesn't that mean you Hei Yang..."

"That doesn't explain anything."

Hei Yang said nonchalantly: "If I have to say it, it can only prove once again that the universe is not as perfect as the legend says, and it will not let me touch Xiaoli."

Hongli: "!!!"

Hong Li originally wanted to say something, but Hei Yang suddenly said this in front of the elders, which immediately stopped her.

Her little face suddenly turned red, and there was a sharp scream in her head, like water boiling.

"Um, husband, you, I, I mean, you said, said that, ah~~~"

Hongli, incoherent.JPG

"Tsk, that brat is pretty good."

Mrs. Meng was a little disgusted by the two of them, and said with a look of disgust: "We haven't seen each other for two years. Apart from other skills, my ability to coax the little girl has improved."

"I'm no longer a little girl!"

Hongli blushed and retorted: "We've been married for two years!"

"It's not bad in my eyes."

Po Meng waved her hand and said: "Okay, okay, I'm just kidding you. Let's not talk about Xiaoyang. He has passed the test and obtained the Aoyoujie household registration. Just say that I have retired now. Who wants to worry about work? Son."

"Besides, there is something a little bit confusing about you two..."

Po Meng paused, looked at Hei Yang Hongli on the other side of the camera with a suspicious expression, and said, "I don't know if it's my misunderstanding, but I always feel that I can't kill you two if I just kill one of you..."

"Ah this..." Hei Yang Hongli blinked and started to sweat.

Can this be seen directly through a lens?

He is worthy of being an old-timer who has been dealing with life and death for who knows how many years!

"Ah haha, that's not important."

Hei Yang waved his hand with a smile and changed the subject: "How do you see the map?"

"Two mysterious little guys always bring something new to the table from time to time..."

Po Meng glanced at Hei Yang Hongli and the two of them, not very curious, she sorted out her thoughts, and started talking about business: "Let me take a look, and sure enough, you have traveled far enough in the past two years.

Well, this has passed through four space folding areas, passed through two time holes, and is now in Universe 6, next to Turn 65, there really is yours..."

"Ah? What kind of fold? What kind of hole?"

Hongli looked confused and vaguely realized something was wrong: "Wait a minute, I remember those seniors said that the travel world has always been moving in the same direction..."

"Ordinary people will make curves if they try to walk straight in a room with their eyes closed, let alone a universe with a more complex environment."

Po Meng chuckled: "If you didn't have someone watching from outside the shield and occasionally fine-tuning the direction, you would have bumped into so many messy things, and you still want to keep moving forward in a straight line?"

"We have indeed bumped into a world before, and several people with bad intentions came in. Of course, there are also one or two who are not hostile."

Hei Yang explained: "But we have already avoided it, and we should not bump into that world again!"

"Yeah, I avoided it."

Po Meng said quietly: "The cruel world happens to be the one closest to the boundary of the universe, and you happened to avoid the correct route."

Hei Yang Hongli: "Ah this..."

"You mean..."

Hong Li asked with confusion on her face: "The correct route should be to hit that world hard, penetrate it hard, and rush through it hard?"

"I didn't, I'm not, don't talk nonsense."

The corner of Meng Po's mouth twitched and she waved her hands repeatedly: "I don't know why you have such criminal thoughts, anyway, it was not my instigation.

There is a time hole around the cruel world that goes straight to the border. It just happens to be able to enter the No. 9 straight line. That is the correct route. I won't let you hit anyone! "

"In other words, are we going astray now?"

Hongli still has some understanding. As long as the matter does not involve Hei Yang, her IQ has always been acceptable.

When I was studying, I always ranked first in every exam. Even when I first started practicing, I got started quickly. It was not difficult to understand what Po Meng said.

"Is the space hole you're talking about a shortcut like a portal?"

Hong Li thought about hearing the unconfirmed word "wormhole" in Hei Yang's previous life in Hei Yang's memory, and easily figured it out: "It sounds very convenient!"

"No, space folding is a natural phenomenon. It can be regarded as a chaotic and disordered space hole, but we generally don't call it that."

Meng Po Youyou explained: "Only those space folds with definite and stable routes are called time holes and are used for transportation. Some time holes are even created by human intervention. These are all recorded on the map in my hand. .”

"No wonder the Traveling World has been moving rapidly in one direction for so many years without arriving anywhere..."

Hei Yang said thoughtfully: "I thought it was the astronomical distance in light years that made this time infinitely longer. Is there a reason for the folding of space?"

"Then we should quickly correct the channel now!"

Hong Li quickly said: "Otherwise, we will go further and further away!"

"Nothing is that easy."

Po Meng sighed: "Before contacting you, I didn't think much about it until I suddenly realized that with your sense of direction in the universe, even if I tell you where the correct passage is and which direction you should go, you will Can you really adjust it correctly as I said?"

"Ah this..."

Hongli came back to her senses and realized the problem: "In other words, we must first learn to calculate the position like Grandma Meng, or at least learn to read the map of the universe before we can really hit the road?"

"That's right, Xiaoli, you are very smart, you got to the point right away."

Po Meng showed a pleased expression of "a child can be taught": "Now that I am idle, I am idle. I can take the time to teach you how to distinguish..."

"Well, wait a minute, I have something to say about this. There may be a simpler way..."

Hei Yang suddenly thought of something, searched in the storage ring, and took out the props he had found before.

Item: Infinite Navigator

Quality: red

Function: Enter any destination, locate navigation, guide users, plan routes. The more detailed information you enter, the more accurate the navigation will be...

"Oh, yes, there's also this!"

Hong Li was overjoyed and wished she could hug Hei Yang and take a few bites. Only now that Grandma Meng was watching could she restrain her impulse.

"Hei Yang, you still have a way, you thought of this all of a sudden!"

"Huh? Is that...?"

Across the camera, Mrs. Meng frowned slightly and identified what was in Hei Yang's hand: "Navigator? Or the advanced version? Good guy, it's worth half a month's pension of mine. Where did you get it?"

"Ahaha, I picked it up on the road."

Hei Yang looked sincere.

Madam Meng: "..."

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to ask..."

Grandma Meng waved her hand. Since the two little guys had a simple solution, she didn't have to worry too much: "In that case, I'll tell you the coordinates here, and you can just enter them directly."

Po Meng said a string of numbers, and Hei Yang typed them out seriously and clicked to confirm.

Then Hei Yang saw a small red circle spinning on the navigation device, and a voice that sounded a bit clipped came from the navigation device.

[Coordinate analysis successful]

[Destination confirmation: The border between Universe 12 and Universe 6, the entrance to the th galaxy]


[Current location: Universe No. 6, Galaxy No. 7]

【Route planning】

[Planning is successful, it is expected to reach the designated location through 8 time holes]

[Estimated arrival time (travel time): Thirty-three months and four days]

[Get ready to go. Now, move forward in the direction of the guide and enter Turn 65...]

The navigator projected a huge red arrow, pointing somewhere in the distance.


Hei Yang tried to turn the navigator in a circle.

The arrow still points in the original direction.

"It seems like this is the right way forward."

Hongli took a long breath and murmured: "If the route is correct, it will only take more than thirty months. After so many years of hard work by the seniors..."

"It also makes sense."

Hei Yang directly affirmed: "It must be that the main roads have been completed in those years, and now only this is left!"

"Huh? Not necessarily..."

Hong Li suddenly stopped talking, stretched out her hand to hook Hei Yang's shoulder, and said with a smile on her face: "Husband, you are right!"

(End of this chapter)

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