Chapter 106

Shen Chong sat on the ground slumped, his whole body restrained, and he no longer resisted.

"You still have another chance to explode." Lu Zhen stretched out his hand, and several blue palms grabbed Shen Chong's body at the same time.

"There is a price to pay for breaking out, and Dou Mei hasn't made a move yet, so I'm no match for you if I break out, so why bother?" Shen Chong said with bitterness on his face, "Besides, you shouldn't kill me now, right? I didn't feel any killing intent."

Lu Zhen said, "Did Xia He go down the mountain with you?"

"I didn't find her, I don't know where she is."

Lu Zhen didn't speak anymore, more blue energy gushed out from his right hand, and was about to flow over Shen Chong's neck.

"Slow!" Shen Chong said suddenly, "I'll tell you some news, you will definitely be interested, but you have to promise me one condition! I won't make things difficult for you."

Lu Zhen paused, and the blue energy stopped surging: "If you want me to let you off once, then don't say it."

"Since it has fallen into your hands, I don't have such illusions. I just ask you not to trouble Xia He this time." Shen Chong lowered his head, "She is different from us, we all deserve to die, Even if you kill me, I don't think I died unjustly, but Xia He has never taken the initiative to do anything evil, and joining Quanxing is actually a last resort, you can ask Dou Mei about this."

Dou Mei next to her said, "That's true. That child Xia He hasn't done anything evil, she's just pretending. But pretending is also suspected of going astray. In my opinion, it's better to let her return to the right path."

Lu Zhen weighed it for a while, then looked at Shen Chong: "Tell me."

Shen Chong heaved a sigh of relief at Dou Mei's angry stare: "Many people don't know that after the sect master revealed his identity in Longhu Mountain, the plan has actually been greatly adjusted. The biggest change is that he didn't know what conditions he used to invite him out Ding Zhangan."

"Ding Zhuan..."

"That's right, originally Ding Zhang'an was unwilling to participate in these troublesome matters, but the leader seemed to offer some conditions that he couldn't resist, so Ding Zhang'an should have gone to Longhu Mountain with the leader."

Lu Zhen looked at Dou Mei.

Dou Mei shook her head and said, "I've never heard of this, but with the caution and scheming of the sect leader, knowing that Longhu Mountain is on guard, I still went to Longhu Mountain..."

A heart-piercing wailing suddenly came from Longhu Mountain, interrupting Dou Mei's words.

"This is..." Lu Zhen turned to look at Longhu Mountain, pressing down with one palm, and the blue energy covered Shen Chong's head upwards.

Rolling his eyes, Shen Chong passed out.

After thinking about it, Lu Zhen walked up Longhu Mountain.

"Leave Longhu Mountain with Gao Ning and Shen Chong, find a place to wait for me, I will go down the mountain soon."


Lu Zhen was jumping over the tree branches, ignoring the fleeing youngsters below.

The few disciples on Longhu Mountain that I saw stopped chasing, but rushed up the mountain instead.

There must have been an accident on the mountain. Reminiscent of the wailing, Lu Zhen guessed that there was a high probability that Gong Qing had already succeeded, and Tian Jinzhong was dead.

I can only lament that I have done my own crimes and cannot live.

Tian Jinzhong is not dead, if the secret he has kept for so many years is not in danger of being exposed, even if Longhu Mountain suffers a big loss, the old Tianshi will never go down the mountain easily.

And once the old celestial master who has been touched to the bottom line goes down the mountain and wants to kill, who can stop him in the entire alien world?
The world is like a huge truck moving forward, constantly moving forward under huge inertia.

Lu Zhen's appearance has brought many variables to the development of things, affecting the fate of many people.

But from the macro point of view of the fate of the world, his appearance has not changed anything, because he is not strong enough to stop the big truck from moving, or make it turn.

If he waits until he is strong enough, will the world enter a different direction of development?

The branch in front of him suddenly exploded, as if hit by some hidden weapon.

Lv Zhen's right leg leaned on the branch and shifted a certain distance to the left, otherwise the silent blow just now should have hit his leg.

Reaching out to catch the warm thing that fell from the tree, Lu Zhen was surprised: "Ordinary stone?"

In the darkness, someone watched him.

The huge sense of crisis clearly felt made Lu Zhen instinctively adjust his own state to the best, watching the movements around him vigilantly.

This cold oppressive feeling is different from the feeling given to him by the old Tianshi, and it is also slightly different from Ding Zhang'an, but in terms of oppressive feeling, it is no less than when facing Ding Zhang'an.

If Ding Zhang'an is a majestic lion that devours people by the way, then now Lu Zhen feels that what he is facing is a lone wolf that is watching his neck in the dark.

As long as he is not careful, he will be ruthlessly torn apart.

"Ruyi Jin!"

Perceiving the subtle qi fluctuations, without conscious control, the fighting instinct he cultivated has made his body take the lead.

He punched the tree trunk beside him. Under his strong control, Ruyi Jin made a complicated route, hitting a dark place from a big tree next to him and from the ground.

A skinny hand stretched out from the darkness, holding a wishful energy in it.

The wishful energy exploded, but it didn't hurt the palm at all.

The palm moved forward unstoppably, and as soon as the wishful energy exploded, it seemed that it directly crossed the distance of two feet and appeared in front of Lu Zhen.

Although the speed is terrifying, Lu Zhen has always perceived the opponent's attack movements not with the naked eye, but with the fluctuation of Qi.

As long as his conscious reaction is not too fast, it will be difficult to hurt him when he is concentrating on fighting.

Amidst the dull collision sound, Lu Zhen turned over to the ground, and took several steps back in a row to eliminate the impact force from that hand.

Without any sound, a neck force shot out from the back, rushing towards Lu Zhen's vest.

However, Lu Zhenque, who had retreated here, seemed to have eyes on his back, and when Jin Li appeared, he had already discovered this insidious attack.

Twist the upper body behind the back, the right fist wrapped in Qi circled half a circle, and punched with strength.

Under the impact of the huge force, Lu Zhen bent to the side to release the force from his body.

"Ruyi Jin?" Lu Zhen stood up slowly with one hand propped on the tree, with a strange look on his face.

Knowing how to be strong, and being able to put him at a disadvantage as soon as he made a move, Lu Zhen already knew who it was.

"Not bad, not bad! When I heard about you a few days ago, I thought it was nonsense..."

Lu Ci with a long and narrow scar on his face appeared leisurely under the moonlight with his hands behind his back, looking at Lu Zhen with squinted eyes.

"From today's perspective, those news are not false, but spread too cautiously. Your strength is stronger than the rumors..."

Lu Ci suddenly grinned loudly: "As expected of the blood of my Lu family!"

(End of this chapter)

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