I'm looking for fairyland alone

Chapter 190 Chapter 24 The Strangeness of Tongtian Valley and Qu Tong's Backhand

Chapter 190, Section 24, The Strangeness of Tongtian Valley and Qu Tong's Backhand

Carrying a huge package, Jinfeng, who was walking in the front, looked at the opposite woods and breathed a sigh of relief.

In front of her was a canyon, a huge gully separated the two mountains from the middle, and there was only a stone beam extending like a bridge in the middle, connecting the two mountains.

The tens of meters long stone beam is not spacious, and there is no support below it. It is so thin that people worry that if a few more people step on it, the bridge will collapse.

Lu Zhen glanced at the opposite forest, and then looked back at the monkeys following behind him.

Coming here, the number of monkeys has been greatly reduced, but they are larger and more human-like.

Especially the ones who have been following him, hardly use their forelimbs when running, but only run with their legs like the four of them.

The movements are a bit clumsy, and it looks like a human toddler who has just learned to walk.

"These monkeys are really strange... I have been to so many places, but I have never seen such a strange monkey." Barron, who was walking at the end, laughed, "Mr. Lu Zhen is very popular with these monkeys."

Lu Zhen asked casually, "Mr. Baron has been to many places?"

"As an adventurer, of course I have been to many places." Barron said, "The ice and snow in the Arctic, the dry and barren desert, the coldness of the deserted Gobi... If Mr. Lu Zhen is adventurous all year round, he can also see These."

Glancing at the back of Granny Jinfeng in front of her, Barron suddenly said, "Mr. Lu probably wants to come and see it, right? I don't feel any killing intent from Mr. Lu's place."

"But what Mr. Lu said... just to come and see, this kind of words are a bit unbelievable. After all, who would not be interested in the collection of the head? So Xia didn't believe it, and has been guarding against Mr. Lu."

Lu Zhen didn't answer, but asked instead: "Since Mr. Baron is a freelance adventurer, why does he help Xia Liuqing all day long?"

"Xia asked me to help, so I came here." Barron pointed to the stone beams in front of him, "Of course, more importantly, you can see many different scenery with Xia."

"Look at the scenery here, and these monkeys, this time it's not in vain. Whenever Xia makes me feel bored, that's when I leave."

Lu Zhen looked at Barron: "Mr. Barron thinks that doing things for Xia Liuqing doesn't ask for anything in return, but just to see the scenery. Can others understand this kind of statement?"

"Why not?" Barron laughed, "At least Mr. Lu can understand, just like I understand Mr. Lu."

Xia Liuqing in front greeted her backwards, "Hurry up and stop talking nonsense."

Lu Zhen stopped talking and went forward to catch up with Xia Liuqing and Jin Feng.

Barron was still at the end.

After passing the stone beam, we came to a dense forest.

However, there is a flat path connected to the stone beam. Even if there is no trace of human activities, there is not a single weed growing on this path.

It was already ten o'clock in the afternoon, and the dim sun was hanging in the west, half covered by the mountains, and the forest looked a little gloomy.

"Hurry up, everyone, you'll be there just by passing through here." Jin Feng walked faster and faster, "Only when you arrive here by the correct route will you be recognized by the creatures here. If a stranger walks in here, you will definitely be attacked."

"Now I haven't seen any traces of fighting along the way, and the monkeys here are also very stable. There should be no large-scale crowds entering here."

There was the sound of trampling on dead branches and fallen leaves.

Lu Zhen looked to his left side.

Among the dark woods, a huge golden monkey stood upright, looking at them with dark eyes.

The monkey walked more steadily and had a more vivid expression on its face.

Lu Zhen could almost distinguish doubt, curiosity and other emotions from the monkey's face.

Coming here, it was difficult for him to look at these monkeys with the eyes of animals, but he was more inclined to see these monkeys as a person with a weak mind.

Amidst the rustling sounds, more monkeys appeared from the grass, from the rocks, and even from the hollowed out tree trunks, looking at Lu Zhen and the others curiously.

None of these monkeys had any desire to attack, they just walked out one after another as they passed by, and followed behind them.

After running for a few minutes, Jin Feng stopped again: "It's finally here!"

She looked up at the knife-cut stone wall and the narrow valley between the stone wall, and murmured excitedly: "24 Days of Tongtian Valley..."

"This is the 24-section Tongtian Valley?" Lu Zhen stopped beside Jinfeng and looked at the 24-section Tongtian Valley.

There is a valley between the two upright stone walls. The stone wall is extremely high. Seen from Lu Zhen's position, the dim sky becomes a small straight line.

This kind of upright stone wall is absolutely impossible to be formed naturally. After anyone sees it, they will have the impression that it was deliberately hewn here.

But to complete such a huge project in such a deep mountain, and to cut out such a magical valley, how can manpower do it?
As a stranger himself, Lu Zhen knew that it would not be difficult for him to break rocks, but he believed that he would never be able to do it now if he wanted to build a valley of the same scale as here.

Compared with itself, it shows the amazingness of this valley.

"After the 24 solar terms valley, it's time to go to the place where the master puts his collection. I hope it's not too late." Jinfeng entered the 24 solar terms valley first.

Xia Liuqing hurriedly followed: "The head is really amazing, a building of this scale can be built in this kind of place!"

"Who told you that this was built by the head?" Jin Fengtou didn't reply, "Everyone outside knows that this place was not built by the head. You are an old man, don't you even know that this is not built by the head? ?”

"This place was not built by the head?" Xia Liuqing muttered, "I thought that kid was talking nonsense..."

Lu Zhen walked into the 24-section Tongtian Valley after Xia Liuqing.

Streaks that looked blurry on the outside became clear.

The smooth stone walls on both sides and the ground are covered with dense quaint stripes.

It seems that someone took a carving knife and carved these shallow ravines of the same width on the stone wall little by little. From a distance, they look like lines distributed irregularly on the stone wall and the ground.

The stripes are zigzag, as if they are distributed according to a certain law, or they seem to be engraved casually, without any rules.

Whoever walks into the valley in the middle, with open eyes, is bound to see these stripes.

Even if you avoid it deliberately, you will always look at these stripes inadvertently from the corner of your sight.

There seems to be a peculiar attraction that no one can ignore these things.


After Barron walked into the valley, the monkeys following behind also walked into the 24-section Tongtian Valley.

As soon as they entered the valley, the monkeys got up one after another, like Lu Zhen and the others, they became upright walkers.

Lu Zhen didn't care about those monkeys.

"He walked in...Jinfeng, those beasts walked in standing up, are you okay?" Xia Liuqing glanced back, "It looks a bit scary..."

"It's okay, don't worry about them, it may be because we entered their territory, so we are a little wary." Jinfeng said, "They will not attack us."


There were a few strange screams, and two huge monkey heads appeared on the stone wall above their heads.

Even with such a high stone wall, the two monkeys borrowed strength from the stone walls on both sides without much effort, jumped down like walking on flat ground, and stood in front of Jinfeng aggressively.

When the two monkeys stood up straight, their bodies were tall and straight, slightly taller than Xia Liuqing.

The monkey with the big ears on the left can clearly see the abdominal muscles. It looks like a human with monkey hair, and the elder has monkey hair.

Amidst the strange screams, two little monkeys with big ears jumped down from the top of their heads.

Many monkeys behind him approached one after another, surrounding the four of them.

Xia Liuqing stared vigilantly at the monkey with abdominal muscles that gave him the greatest sense of danger: "Jinfeng, didn't you say that these beasts won't attack us? I think these guys seem to be ready to attack..."

"Don't worry, they know who they can provoke and who they can't." Jin Feng approached the monkeys blocking the way.


The biggest abs monkey bared its sharp fangs and made a threatening sound.

"Are you all descendants of Zhang Huaiyi?" Jin Feng was unmoved, and touched the head of the little monkey with big ears standing in front.

The little monkey turned his head to look at Jinfeng.

Gently patted the little monkey's head, and Jinfeng passed by the big monkey who was blocking the way: "Come here, this is their territory. After there are little monkeys, they will be a little irritable. You should move slowly and don't provoke them." Just go to them."

Xia Liuqing followed and passed by the grinning monkey, speeding forward like Jinfeng.

Lu Zhen also passed by the monkey.

When he passed by, the abs monkey didn't show its teeth, and the little monkey made an intimate gesture, grabbing his clothes, and seemed to have a better impression of him than Jinfeng...

Going forward quickly, just now entering the valley, the sense of incongruity that I felt between the lines of Qi became clearer, it was not strong, but it could not be ignored.

Lu Zhen carefully felt where this awkward feeling appeared, and found that it was indeed related to his own behavior.

Running at such a fast speed, the body naturally needs to mobilize the breath of Qi to make the Qi circulate among the meridians.

For Lu Zhen, this was an almost subconscious behavior that did not require thinking, and there had never been any mistakes.

But when he enters the valley, when his qi reaches the waist-shu point above the tailbone, besides mobilizing his own qi, there is another force affecting the movement of his qi, leading his qi to other places.

Even the Ming Soul Art, which he has been using to suppress his emotions, has been affected.

This kind of power is different from his own way of exercising qi, and the rhythm and direction are different, so it makes him feel awkward.

In addition to being awkward and uncoordinated, there was also some slight heat sensation, and as they moved forward, this heat sensation continued to spread upwards along the spine from the waist-shu point, through the waist-yang and Mingmen.

Xia Liuqing, who was also a stranger, naturally felt this discomfort.

"Jinfeng...why do I feel that there is an indescribable awkwardness in Xing Qi?" Xia Liuqing was a little uneasy, "This ghostly place is really evil, go there, don't let me out of my madness! None of you feel dissatisfied Comfortable?"

"Don't talk nonsense, you'll be fine when you get out of here." Jin Feng accelerated forward.

Lu Zhen also speeded up accordingly.

The heat from the back of the spine has been going upwards, and the awkward discomfort began to weaken after reaching the Shendao point.

Lu Zhen stopped in his tracks and looked back.

Barron, who was walking at the end, stopped: "Mr. Lu Zhen also feels uncoordinated?"

Lu Zhen looked at Jin Feng in front: "The power of three chariots?"

"As expected of the Lu family." Jin Feng stopped, pushed up his glasses, looked back at Lu Zhen, and said in surprise, "You actually know the power of three chariots...Your families really have some background."

"That's right, the 24 knots of valleys are used to help living beings move around the sky and feel the Qi. The method used here is called the power of three chariots."

Lu Zhen sensed the influence of his actions: "The 24 knots symbolize the human spine?"

"Yes, the 24-joint valley can guide people to open up the two meridians of Ren and Du according to the power of three chariots, so as to sense Qi, but there is a correct way and rhythm of movement." Jinfeng said, "Ordinary people usually come in, they will not realize it. The land is guided, marching according to the rhythm here."

"But we are already different people. These slight shapings can't affect us, but only make us feel beaten, which is what you call awkward and uncoordinated."

"So that's how it is." Lu Zhen looked at the stripes under his body, "Exercising qi is a very rigorous matter, won't the guidance here make us go crazy?"

"No, the influence here is relatively small for us aliens, and it is not enough to forcibly control the movement of our energy, so it will not make the aliens who walk in become obsessed." Jinfeng explained, "I am leaving here So many times, I didn’t go crazy.”

"What kind of power? What kind of guidance..." Xia Liuqing looked at Baron, "Ghost, do you feel uncomfortable too?"

Barron nodded with a smile: "Come here, the sense of incongruity has been reduced."

"I'm the only one who hasn't changed, and I'm still not feeling well." Xia Liuqing worried, "Even the ghost is fine, why is it that I'm the only one? I really won't go crazy?"

Jin Feng shook his head: "Your godhead mask is quite special, it collects the power of beliefs from all living beings for your own use, and you don't follow the path of Ren Du's two veins running around the sky, so you will be more affected, don't worry, you won't go crazy .”

"Then I'm relieved..." Xia Liuqing teased Baron with a smile, "Ghost, so you are also an acquired qi practitioner? I thought you were born with it."

"Is it strange?" Barron glanced at Xia Liuqing, "Caucasians can't practice qi like you? Xia, you are discriminatory."

Jin Feng continued to walk forward: "We have reached the deer force stage here, so your discomfort, or sense of disobedience, will naturally become smaller."

"What three cars... I don't understand Lu Li, but..." Xia Liuqing sighed proudly, "This place can turn ordinary people into extraordinary people!"

"Zhou Tian's step is the most difficult and dangerous step at the beginning of practicing qi. It's amazing that people can step over here without any effort!"

"Jinfeng, tell me, this place was not built by the head, so who built it? This method is no different from that of a god, right?"

Jin Feng shook her head: "I don't know, the head didn't say anything."

Like the head above the spine, a huge cave appeared at the end of the valley.

The entrance of the cave is square and square, as if the entrance of the cave was chiseled by life.

Entering the cave entrance, the light dimmed, making it even more gloomy.

Lu Zhen and Xia Liuqing each took out their prepared flashlights.

Jin Feng led the three of them through the labyrinth-like cave.

"These roads look tortuous and complicated, but no matter how you go, you will eventually lead to the main road, and the master's collection is at the end of the main road. I hope those people haven't come yet."

"We walked all the way, but we didn't see anyone. The things of the head must still be there."

Enter the wide main road from the narrow path, go all the way forward, go to the end, pass through a narrow portal, and enter a huge circular cave.

Looking at the empty cave, Jin Feng, who had just entered the portal, immediately stayed where she was.

Xia Liuqing followed the light of the flashlight and looked around: "Jinfeng, where is the collection of the head? It's so empty that there's not a single ghost..."

"It's gone..." Jinfeng's mouth narrowed, and a line of tears had flowed down her face, "It's gone! It's gone! The collection of the headmaster..."

Xia Liuqing was a little at a loss: "Jinfeng, this..."

"Since they learned the information here from your head, it is expected to take those things away." Lu Zhen comforted.

After looking at the cave several times, he walked towards a stone platform in the middle of the cave, on which was a pavilion-like building made of mahogany.

Since Qu Tong has already been here, she must have taken away the rootless things, and I don't know if there will be some things left behind.

As soon as he walked up the steps, he saw a photo in the most conspicuous place in the middle of the stone platform.

Sure enough, something was left...

Used to hang Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao?
Lu Zhen picked up the photo.

"Hey! Kid, this is the master's collection. Anything you find belongs to Jinfeng!" Xia Liuqing who followed up the stone platform said hastily, "Don't try to keep it private..."

Lu Zhen looked at Xia Liuqing with deep eyes.

Xia Liuqing held back the words that followed.

Both Jinfeng and Baron walked to the stone platform.

"Grandma, can I have a look at this photo?" Lu Zhen gestured to Jin Feng with the photo.

"Look." Jin Feng sighed, "I don't know who the person in the photo is, but it is indeed left behind by the head."

"Thank you."

Lu Zhen looked at the photo with the light of the flashlight.

A round-faced little girl with two braids and sparse hair appeared in his eyes.

The little girl was wearing a simple long dress in the style of the Republic of China, and she was sitting on a stone wall, her body turned sideways, her big eyes were looking out of the direction of the photo, and she could vaguely see Baobao Feng's appearance.

Is it Feng Baobao?
Lu Zhen took the photo away and looked at the place where he just picked it up.

A sentence carved on the ground like the stripes of the valley of 24 knots appeared in his eyes——

I see it, people see it, all living beings see it, and the longevity sees it.

The light of the flashlight disappeared, the cave disappeared, and the line of sight became a vast expanse of whiteness.

A smiling girl appeared from the white mist, and looked at Lu Zhen with bright eyes.

"Lu Zhen, you haven't changed at all... Come... I'll take you to catch loaches!"

"Lu Huan..."

With dazed eyes, Lu Zhen stretched out his hand and grabbed the girl's hand...

When the flashlight in Lu Zhen's hand fell, Xia Liuqing and Jin Feng ran towards Lu Zhen at the same time without any hesitation or communication.

Even Barron, who had dealt with many life-and-death crises, didn't realize what happened at this moment, so he quickly backed away.

This is the instinct to deal with crises cultivated over the years that allowed him to make the most appropriate self-protection choice.

(End of this chapter)

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