Three Kingdoms: Ancestors of the Han Dynasty

Chapter 186 Disaster on Xiao Qiang

Chapter 186 Disaster on Xiao Qiang
Jianxing six years, June, Jiangzhou.

It was midsummer, and the house was very cool.

The ice mirror on the case was emitting wisps of cold smoke, and Li Yan knelt behind the case.There is also a maid by his side fanning the wind to dispel the heat from his body, but it still cannot dispel the restlessness in his heart.

Li Yan was a little annoyed when he heard the cicadas singing on the tree outside the house, and shouted: "Someone cut down the tree outside, it's so annoying!"

Then Li Yan, who was irritable, took out the jug from the ice cup, poured it into a cup, and drank it in one gulp.The cool wine produced a chill from his dantian, and then spread to the whole body, which slightly dispelled the restlessness in his heart.

Ever since Li Yan heard that Huang Quan had been promoted to General of Chariots and Cavalry, and was in charge of Qinzhou's soldiers and horses, he became extremely jealous.

In the past, I, Zhuge Liang, and Huang Quan were all important ministers of Tuogu, but my treatment was very different from the two.

I have the name of Ting Wei, but I am stationed in Qianwei County to resist the Nanzhong rebellion. How can I talk about the power of Ting Wei?

I am still the prefect!

Thinking about the Zhuge Villager who was favored by the Second Emperor, took charge of the government, and commanded the soldiers and horses of Yizhou.

Even Huang Quan was promoted to be the guardian of Zhongdu, guarding Yong'an, supervising Jiangzhou, and grasping the real power.

But he himself was doing nothing, staying in Qianwei County for several years.He wanted to contribute to the country, pacify Nanzhong, and send Changfang south, but unexpectedly failed.

He was called into Chengdu by the young emperor who had just ascended the throne, and secretly wrote a poem to warn him.

Holding the wine bottle in his hand, Li Yan sneered again and again. Thinking of this, he poured another glass of wine and drank it down.

Li Yan drank a few sips in a row, his drunkenness rose, his eyes blurred, and he muttered: "Jiangzhou governor, hehe!"

In Li Yan's eyes, Zhuge Liang had no choice but to win people's hearts because of the Northern Expedition, so that he was promoted to the governor of Jiangzhou, succeeding Huang Quan, resisting Soochow, and thus supporting his Northern Expedition.

But Huang Quan took the opportunity to jump to General Wei, ranking above Jiuqing, and led the army out of Guanzhong.

During the Northern Expedition, Huang Quan's troops were fake soldiers who had no great achievements. He was promoted to general of chariots and cavalry and took charge of Qinzhou's soldiers and horses.

The point is that everyone has rewards, but Li Yan himself, as an important minister of Tuogu, has no rewards at all, and the court treats him so coldly.

How can these not make Li Yan jealous, especially when Huang Quan is the governor of Qinzhou, leading the army in northern Xinjiang, Li Yan is completely envious and jealous.

The more Li Yan thought about it, the more annoyed he became, he grabbed the wine bottle and threw it forward angrily, cursing: "The Zhuge villager is called a loyal minister, but he is actually a powerful minister!"

For Li Yan, the victory of the Northern Expedition did not reward and promote him. It must be Zhuge Liang's tricks to promote Huang Quan, a native of Yizhou, instead of letting him, who is also from Jingzhou, be a high-ranking official. This is of great significance.

Yizhou scholars accounted for a relatively small number of high-ranking Han officials, and Huang Quan's ascendance could only deepen the Yizhou scholars' closeness to the Han Dynasty.

And I was born in Nanyang, Jingzhou (Note ???), if I was in a high position, I would definitely take away Zhuge Liang's power, and it would also separate the Jingzhou scholars into two factions, which would be unfavorable for him to centralize power.

Hong Rong, a confidant who had just entered the mansion, saw the wine bottle fell on the ground, stepped forward a few steps, and asked with concern: "What makes the mansion so angry?"

Li Yan came to his senses and realized that he was rude, he waved his hand to signal the maid to step back, sat upright, and said calmly: "It's all right, it's just that the child is messing around and knocked over by accident!"

Hong Rong looked down at the wine stains on the ground and knew that Li Yan was lying, but he didn't care. As Li Yan's confidant, he didn't know why Li Yan was troubled recently.

Li Yan glanced at Hong Rong, who was sitting upright, and said slowly, "Why are you here?"

"The subordinates complain about the injustice for the lord!" Hong Rong said with a smile.

Li Yan smiled, and was about to reach for the wine bottle, but his hand was empty.Realizing that the wine bottle fell to the ground, he changed his gestures and put his hand on the ice mirror to warm it.

Li Yan felt the coldness of Bingjian, and said with a smile: "Why is Yan not fair?"

Hong Rong rolled his eyes, stroked his beard and said with a smile: "The Fujun is the late emperor who entrusted the lonely and important ministers. The Northern Expedition was victorious, and all the ministers were rewarded, but the Fujun didn't. Isn't this unfair?"

Li Yan looked at Hong Rong with a half-smile, and said, "In your opinion, what reward should Yan receive?"

Hong Rong said with a smile: "The villain thinks that the imperial court should imitate Qinzhou's affairs in order to reward the government for his achievements in governing the government."

When Hong Rong talked about imitating Qinzhou, the implication was that the imperial court appointed Li Yan as the governor of Bazhou because of the establishment of Bazhou.

Li Yan heard the meaning, sighed quietly, and said: "The court turned a blind eye, what can I do?"

"This is because the Son of Heaven was deceived by Zhuge Liang!" Hong Rong said in a low voice.

Li Yan frowned slightly, and glared at Hong Rong, knowing what he was thinking.

Hong Rong laughed and said to himself: "I read the book the day before yesterday and found it quite interesting. The former Han Prime Minister Wang Mang granted Jiuxi, and the later Han Prime Minister Cao Cao also awarded Jiuxi, and he was called King Wei. I don't know the relationship between the two. But I think there are similarities between them.???

"At present, I, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, won the merits of the Northern Expedition to Longyou and seized the land of the seven counties, which is beyond comparison. However, your Majesty has only made Wuxiang County Marquis to thank the prime minister for his contribution. The subordinates think it is too small!"

Li Yan stroked his beard and pondered, and said: "The current country is a sage, how can you not know it?"

Hong Rong sighed, and answered the wrong question: "A few days ago, my son insisted on asking his subordinates to tell him that three people became tigers, so I had no choice but to learn the strategy of the Warring States and tell him."

Li Yan's eyes flickered, obviously tempted.

Hong Rong raised his eyes to look at Li Yan, and said in a low voice: "People's words are awesome! At that time, the Lord Fu will ask you to say that Jiangzhou is located in the east, and it was Badi in ancient times. State. With His Majesty's wisdom..."

Li Yan glanced at Hong Rong, because Li Yan's political consciousness didn't know what Hong Rong was going to say next.

Regardless of whether Zhuge Liang really intends to grant Jiuxi, the emperor will definitely find someone to divide his power out of a sense of crisis in order to balance it.

And as a person from Nanyang, Jingzhou, and a minister of Tuogu, it is tantamount to the best choice for him. At that time, the emperor will win him over, let him divide Jingzhou faction, and divide Zhuge Liang's power for balance.

Li Yan nodded and said with a smile, "Let me think about it for a perfect plan."

As soon as this remark came out, Hong Rong knew that Li Yan's heart was moved, so he didn't say anything else, but said: "If you have something to do, you can send your subordinates, and your subordinates are willing to do the work of dogs and horses."

At night, after thinking twice, Li Yan wrote down rumors about Yu Hongrong and asked him to go to Chengdu to spread rumors.

He said: "Before I became prime minister, I made the contribution to pacify Nanzhong, but now I have to conquer Longyou... If there is no Jiuxi, it will be difficult to achieve all the achievements of the prime minister." '

After finishing writing, Li Yan sneered, and wrote a letter to Liu Chan, saying that the five counties would be divided into Bazhou.In case of the Northern Expedition, Cao Wei merged with Soochow and let Soochow attack Han.
??? Li Yan, a native of Nanyang, Jingzhou, was from the Dongzhou faction before Liu Bei entered Shu, but after Liu Bei entered Shu, he was actually a Jingzhou faction.Even if Fazheng is good, he is still a Dongzhou scholar who is not reused.

In the thirteenth year of Jian'an (208), Li Yan entered Shu as the county magistrate of Zigui.

In the eighteenth year of Jian'an (213), Li Yan surrendered to Liu Bei.

(End of this chapter)

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