Chapter 340 Fusion
Although the Jingshu scholars present looked unhappy, under Liu Chan's authority, they still drank the wine as Hu vulgar.On the other hand, the scholars in Longyou drank the wine very boldly, and they felt happier.

A jar of sipping wine for everyone present to drink, seems to have drawn the relationship of everyone present one step closer.

Through good wine, Jingshu scholars gradually communicated with Longyou scholars and Qiang people.Li Gui and Liu Yin, who were strangers to each other at first, raised wine and respected each other, while Dong Yun and Liao Li chatted with Ye Ye and Fu Jian and his younger brother Fu Shuang.

Liu Chan on the high seat raised the corners of his mouth lightly, somewhat satisfied with this scene.

The Han and Qiang nationalities have experienced the fusion of the Qin and Han Dynasties, and the customs of Longyou, which is located in the conflict zone, are different from those of Shu.Especially in the Eastern Han Dynasty, a large number of Qiang and Di people migrated to live in Longyou, and Hu Feng and Hu customs have been integrated into the common people and common people in Longyou.

At the same time, because of geographical location, Shu people are conservative in character and tend to enjoy life; while Longyou is located in the conflict zone between Han and Qiang, and Long people are open and passionate, hard-working, and martial arts prevail.

Since Longyou came under the rule, Liu Chan, who often travels in the two places, has a deep feeling. Compared with the Jing and Shu scholars who drink the same water from the Yangtze River, the Longyou scholars who are blocked by the Qinling Mountains have very different customs.

To put it simply, the Shu land at this time was a farming civilization, while the people of Longyou, Qiang, and Di were more inclined to a semi-agricultural and semi-nomadic civilization.

Just as Liu Chan was thinking about it, Li Gui, Liu Yin and Fu Shuang had already drunk their drinks, and Fu Shuang dragged them off the stage to join the dance steps of the Qiang people, and jumped up staggeringly.

Liu Chan took a sip of his drink and watched this scene thoughtfully.

To make the Shu people not despise the people of Qiang and Di in Longyou, then let the Shu people change their minds, and let some customs of the Long people become part of the Shu people, and vice versa.

It seems that a powerful country not only needs to reform the political reform system, but also unify its thinking!
I don't know how long it has passed, the night is getting dark, and the banquet is coming to an end. At this time, Yang Xi, the prefect of Wudu, is talking about government affairs with Fu Jian.

Yang Xi blushed and said drunkenly, "Boss Fu, after this battle, I don't know how many people can go out of the mountains to help us repair water conservancy and ditches in Wudu."

Contrary to popular impressions, although the culture of the Qiang people is not as good as that of the Han people, due to geographical reasons, the people of the Han people are not as good as the Qiang people in some respects.

The Qiang people live in the mid-mountains or in the valleys, and they are not only good at grazing, but also good at farming.Therefore, the Qiang people have unique architectural skills, and they are particularly good at building plank roads, and they seem to be particularly proficient in water conservancy repairs.

Perhaps what is even more unbelievable is that Dayu (Note ①), who controlled the water in ancient times, was strictly speaking a member of the Qiang nationality.At the same time, when Li Bing built Dujiangyan, a large number of Qiang people would come out to help.

Therefore, the Qiang people often go out of the mountains in winter to work for the Han people, or to reclaim farmland, or to repair water conservancy (Note ②).

Fu Jian had a clear mind, pinched his fingers and calculated simply, hesitated for a while, and said: "Prefect Yang, if it is still the same as last year's project volume, about [-] Qiang people in my department will be enough."

Yang Xi pondered for a while, and said: "This year, Yangshui may also need to be maintained. There are nearly [-] farmers helping each other. I don't know what Chief Fu thinks?"

In the first year when Yang Xi took office, he opened up the Jialing Road and dredged the Yangshui, so he asked the local local snake Baima Qiang to come out of the mountain to help, and promised money.

Fu Jian bowed his head in thought and thought, and after a while, he raised his head and said, "Yes, but I need to discuss with my younger brother (Fu Shuang). I'm afraid I will ask him to provide more manpower this time. As for his money, it will be less than half of the usual amount." That’s enough, to maintain Yangshui, but the subordinates will not receive any money. Governor Yang can only send it to my younger brother.”

Yang Xi put down the wine bottle, waved his hand and shook his head, and said, "No, our county normally gives it to Chief Fu, otherwise how will Chief Fu explain to the people?"

Fu Jian turned his face slightly, bowed his hands towards the emperor of the Han Dynasty, and said affectionately: "Since the great man regained Wudu, he has treated our department very well. He has not conscripted our department for corvee, and has not sent our army to fight. Whenever there is a need for our department All of them rewarded me with money and food, although they are strong Qiang people, they also know the word "enyi", if you don't repay the big man now, you don't know what is good or bad."

Liu Chan laughed, looked at Fu Jian, and said: "I am a big man who has always been kind to the people. You can take the money from Taishou Yang's words."

Um!The big man has forgotten how to treat the barbarians in Nanzhong.

Fu Jian still refused to accept it, and even threatened to repair the water conservancy for Dahan for free this winter.

In the end, Yang Xi had no choice but to accept Fu Jian's kindness, and agreed to the amount of money Fu Jian said as a reward.

Liu Chan in the seat not only took a few more glances at Fu Jian, but also admired him a little bit. He understands the current situation very well!

The Dahan repelled Cao Wei several times, which basically means that the governance of the Dahan in Wudu County has almost stabilized. As the Baima Qiang who has lived in Wudu County for a long time, if you want to live and work in peace and contentment, then you don't pay anything, is it possible?
There is a precedent for the great Han governing Nanzhong. When Deng Fang governed, peace was the most important thing, and the rule was stable. Later, the great Han had to collect taxes. Otherwise, why did Gao Ding and Meng Huo rebel!
Liu Chan couldn't help but drank a few more bottles with Fu Jian, and asked casually: "How many people are in your department? How many people are in your brother's department?"

Fu Jian didn't care about it either, and replied with clasped hands: "I report to Your Majesty, there are more than [-] households under my command, and there are more than [-] people in the tribe. The ministers and brothers live with the minister's father. There are more than [-] households in the tribe, with more than [-] people." .”

The Qiang nationality has a system of succession by the youngest son. After the eldest son gets married, he has to separate households and live independently.

Liao Li, who was sitting in front of the case, seemed to be aware of Liu Chan's intentions, and asked tentatively, "I don't know what Chief Fu thinks is a big man?"

Fu Jian was stunned for a moment, and then sneaked a glance at the big man, the Son of Heaven, with a calm expression on his face, sipping his wine lightly, not knowing how deep it was.

Fu Jian hesitated for a while, then shook his head and said: "The land of the Great Han is thousands of miles away, with hundreds of thousands of armored people, and millions of people. Jian admires him very much, but he is not able to discuss it."

Liao Li said meaningfully: "It's better to be attached to it than to admire it."

As soon as this remark came out, Liu Chan didn't speak, but stood up, walked down the stage and went back to the camp, leaving a sentence: "I'm tired, let's take a rest first, and you gentlemen continue to drink freely."

Dong Yun and Liao Li immediately followed, but when they left, Liao Li said lightly, "You can think deeply."

Holding the wine bottle, Fu Jian looked at Liao Liyuan's disappearing figure, not knowing what to think.

After leaving the banquet, Liu Chan breathed in the fresh air, followed by Liao Li and Dong Yun a few steps behind.

In the silent night, Liao Li could only hear Liu Chan chanting words such as 'King Zhao Wuling', 'Fei Yi' and 'Dai Jun', which made people puzzled.

When he finally returned to the camp, Liu Chan ordered: "The war between the Han Dynasty and Wei Wei will end today, and we will return to Chengdu tomorrow."


(PS: Some book friends suggested that I open a new script for the next book, what do you think?)
① "Historical Records Chronicle of the Six Kingdoms": "Yu flourished in Xiqiang."

"Wuyue Chunqiu·Yue Wang Wuyu Gaiden": "(Da Yu)'s family is in Xiqiang, and the place is called Shiniu. Shiniu is also in Xichuan, Shu."

②"Book of the Later Han Dynasty": "To the west of Po Qiang, there are many complete cities, which are easy to rely on; the fields are fertile and well irrigated."

"Historical Records": "Qiang people, in winter, they enter Shu as servants."

(End of this chapter)

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