At the Qian (same) Wei meeting, the Wei Jun boat divisions in the Weishui River lined up in an orderly manner amidst the shouts of the generals, forming a pontoon bridge.Compared with the Wei River, the terraces in the lower reaches of the Qianshui River are wider, and it is winter again. Although the river is long, the river is not deep and is more gentle.The construction of the boat master on the Weishui River is more convenient and convenient.

The banner of the Wei Army's Central Army was waved, and the selected elite, shouting slogans, accompanied by the sound of drums, took the lead in crossing the river on the unfinished boat bridge.On the other side of the river, the Han army also assembled from a distance, with flags flying, Liu Ba and Liao Hua took the lead, looking at the Wei army on the other side of Qianshui.

The big man has two Liu Ba, one Wen Liu Ba and one Wu Liu Ba.Wen Liuba, Zichu, was a well-known counselor. At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as Minister of the Book, and worked with Zhuge Liang to formulate Shuke and promote Zhibaiqian.

Wu Liuba, who fought with Lao Liu in the north and south for a long time, is currently the former supervisor of the army and the general who conquers the south.This time, following Huang Quan, he dispatched troops from Longyou and led the troops to meet Qianwei.Because Liu Ba was getting older and his energy was declining, Liao Hua served as an assistant to help Liu Ba settle on the north bank and resist the Wei army.

A scout carrying a flag galloped from the north, dismounted from his horse, and reported: "General Qi, Lieutenant Lu Xiaowei of Beidi Camp has an emergency military report. Thousands of people tried to cross the river from the rear of the camp, intending to flank the front and back, and the soldiers under Lieutenant Lu asked for reinforcements from the army."

Liu Ba coughed lightly, and said weakly: "The enemy army is powerful, and this time it is coming in a menacing manner. If the northern camp is not rescued in time and the bandit army is allowed to attack, I fear that the northern camp will be lost, and the consequences will be unpredictable. If we retreat, we will The army is in danger of being attacked from both sides, so it cannot be prepared, what does Yuan Jian (Liao Hua) think?"

Liao Hua touched the brocade pouch on his chest, hesitated for a while, and said: "General Chariot and Cavalry once sent the brocade pouch to our department. He said: 'The thieves are crossing the river, and it is difficult to stick to it." This kit is for reading letters from Huang Cheqi."


Liao Hua took out the kit bag from his bosom, untied the rope, and took out the letter from it. He saw the words on it: "If the bandits cross the river with a lot of people, it will be difficult to hold on. You can abandon the camp and retreat to the Jingwei meeting."A certain person also went to the meeting in Jingwei to destroy the bandit army.No doubt! '

Liu Ba looked at the content of the letter, stroked his beard, and said: "From the words of General Chariot and Cavalry, we can cross Jingshui westward and rely on the terrain of the meeting between Jing and Wei to prevent the Wei army from invading."

In terms of the terrain of Jingshui and Qianshui, the terrain on both sides of Jingshui River is high and has a drop, unlike Qianshui's flat banks, but for some reason, the flow of Jingshui has decreased a lot in recent months.Moreover, the remaining veins of Longshan Mountain extended to Jingshui, and the width of frontal defense was far less than that of frontal defense of Qianshui.

The troops of Liao Hua, Liu Ba and the Jingwei Association can have tens of thousands of defenders. With the help of dangerous obstacles, they can temporarily resist the Wei army's attack.

Liao Hua looked at the pontoon bridge that was about to be built on the opposite bank, and said, "You can send troops to assist Lu Yue in evacuating. The army here can stop the enemy temporarily. After Lu Yue retreats from the camp in the north, he can withdraw troops alternately to ensure nothing."

Liu Ba coughed a few times and said, "Since this is the case, according to Yuan Jian's words, Yuan Jian can lead the front army to temporarily prevent the Wei army from crossing the river."


Liao Hua immediately turned his head and ordered the herald to wave the flag and send scouts to scatter out. Then he drove his horse forward and led more than [-] people to the river bank.

A group of hundreds of cavalry ran from the left flank and galloped towards the north to assist the withdrawal of the northern camp.

Under the leadership of Liao Hua, the Han army of more than [-] troops divided into four groups to block the soldiers of the Wei army who were trying to cross the river.

Since the capture of Liangzhou, Shu Brocade not only traveled to the Western Regions, but also traded with the Xianbei tribe on the grassland.Coupled with the horse farms in many places in Liangzhou, this allowed the big man to sell more war horses to Soochow, and all these things filled the big man's treasury a lot.

In the past, the people of one state supported one hundred thousand troops, but now the people of three states support one hundred thousand troops. This made the armor and weapons of the soldiers of the Han Dynasty more and more popular.During the Northern Expedition, the Han Dynasty was equipped with a large number of bows and crossbows to equip the army to enhance the combat power of individual soldiers.

"Fire arrows!"

The Marquis of the Han Army who was in the army formation looked at the soldiers of the Wei Army who entered the range, and shouted hoarsely, his face was red, the veins on his forehead were exposed, and his face was very hideous.

Amidst the waving of the flag, the sound of the horn and the roar of the military lord, the crossbowmen of the Han army shot the arrows on the strings and pulled the trigger of the crossbow.

"Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!"

The arrow pierced the sky, the sound of piercing tore through the air, and a sharp arrow fell like raindrops on Wei Bing who was slowly advancing with his shield.

The arrows were either blocked by the shield and fell to the ground; or penetrated through the gap and embedded in the armor of the Wei army; some of the arrows hit other parts that were only covered by the cloth, making screams.It is difficult for long-distance bows and crossbows to break through the Wei army's defenses, and they need to shoot through their defenses within a shorter range.

Facing the approaching west bank of Qianshui, the footsteps of the soldiers of the Wei army became faster and faster. Although many soldiers of the Wei army in the front row fell into the water with the sound of breaking through the air, the soldiers of the Wei army behind rushed over without fear. .

Before the soldiers of the Han army had waited for the soldiers of the Wei army to organize their formation, they held up their spears and formed a dense forest of spears to meet them. The two armies fought together by the Qianshui River.A large amount of blood flowed down the river, staining the river surface on the west bank of Qianshui red.

Liu Ba stood in the army formation at the rear, watching the fighting situation in front of him, and looking to the north, to see if the Han soldiers in the northern camp had withdrawn.

Half a sound later, the scouts came out from the billowing smoke and dust, and the banner of the Han army on their backs fluttered. They got off their horses and reported: "Report! General. Lieutenant Lu abandoned his luggage and evacuated to the west. The Wei army has already captured the northern camp. .”

Enduring a headache, Liu Ba pulled out his Han sword and said loudly, "The whole army obeys the order and sets up an array to stop the Wei army. Order General Liao's troops to fight and retreat, and the two armies withdraw alternately."


Under the banner of Liu Ba's subordinates and the arrangement of Liao Hua, the Han army on the river bank retreated like a tide.Some Wei soldiers who had crossed the river were eager to make meritorious service, broke away from the main force, and pursued them, but unexpectedly ran into Liu Ba's troops with a complete lineup and a tight formation.Liu Ba's troops were not polite, and used the tight military formation to massacre the scattered Wei soldiers who had no formation.

General Wei Jun hurriedly ordered people to wave the flag, and retreated after Mingjin, and lined up ahead of the shore.After the formation of the Wei army was completed, Liu Ba's troops had already withdrawn, and Liao Hua's troops were covering the back of the palace. Before they had advanced halfway, Liao Hua's troops retreated again.In this way, the two armies of Liu Ba and Liao Hua alternately covered, and finally withdrew from the battlefield to the west bank of Jingshui.

After Xiahouba led the army to seize the Han army camp of the Qianweizhihui, he did not continue to advance in a hurry, but rectified on the spot and sent scouts to notify Zhao Yan's troops.

Soon after, the two armies of Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi did not decide the outcome. In the end, Sima Yi left a large number of corpses and withdrew to the north bank.Xia Houru was worried that staying in Weinan would risk being attacked by Zhuge Liang and Huang Quan, so he led his army back to the north bank.At dusk, the remaining troops of the Wei army crossed Qianshui under the command of Zhao Yan and settled in the Han army camp at the meeting of Qianwei.

Huang Quan from the south bank saw Liu Ba and Liao Hua retreat to Jingwei at the meeting of Qianwei, and ordered Wu Yi to lead 5000 people to stay in the Weinan camp. Liao Hua converged in the land of Jingwei.

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