Chapter 638 Heroes
The morning sun is rising, and the eastern morning glow is gorgeous. On the vast wilderness, a table, a table, and a bottle of wine are arranged.Cao Rui sat behind the table, waiting for Liu Chan's arrival.Ten miles away from the seat, thousands of Wei cavalry are waiting in line to protect His Majesty at any time.

Today, in order to cover up his serious illness and pale face, Cao Rui purposely applied light rouge to add rosy complexion to prevent Liu Chan from seeing through.

And not far away, when hundreds of Han cavalry were ten miles away, Liu Chan, the leader, raised his arm to stop the cavalry from advancing, and led Huo Yi and two cavalry to come forward.


Liu Chan and Huo Yi reined in the steed, looked down at the surrounding environment condescendingly, besides Cao Rui, there was a man and a woman beside them.

Huo Yi stepped forward, raised his horsewhip, pointed to the person behind Cao Rui, and asked, "Your Majesty said that one person obeys one, why is one person obeying twice now? I'm afraid it may violate the words of the letter."

Cao Rui supported the table with his hands, pointed at the woman beside him, and said, "This is my sister, Princess Dongxiang. She has heard about the demeanor of the Lord of Han for a long time, and now I hear that I will meet Liu Jun. I just invite you to see me."

As he said that, Cao Rui smiled and said, "Mr. Liu is the lord of a country, can he still be afraid of a woman?"

Liu Chan got off his horse, glanced at Cao Ling, and saw that she was sitting dignifiedly aside with a gauze hanging on her face, and saw herself looking over, got up and saluted, quite quietly.

Liu Chan handed the whip to Huo Yi, sat three steps away, and sat across from Cao Rui, and said, "If you don't hear that a man is angry, blood splattered for five steps, why underestimate a woman, saying that she is not as good as a man."

Among the three points of the world today, he should be the only one who can be called a hero in Liu Chan's eyes.Although most of his state affairs are handled by Zhuge Liang, he can be called a hero just because he can reverse the ending of the Shu Han in history.

Hearing this, Liu Chan raised his eyebrows and looked at Cao Ling in surprise.He didn't believe that he had such a charm that he could make a princess of a country fall in love with him on the spot, and be addicted to his handsomeness.

As for discussing the words of heroes with Cao Rui, in Liu Chan's eyes, Cao Rui is still a little bit worse.Since he came to the Three Kingdoms for more than ten years, he has met the three monarchs of Lao Liu, Sun Quan and Cao Rui.Regardless of the relationship with Lao Liu, Cao Rui is the most difficult to be called a hero.

As for Cao Rui's words, based on his performance in Tuo Gu and the battle, he can't be called a hero no matter how you look at it.

As soon as this remark came out, Cao Ling, who was pouring wine for Cao Rui, raised her head and glanced at Liu Chan, and she really had the appearance of a dragon and a phoenix, with an extraordinary appearance.

Even Sun Quan is more worthy of a hero than Cao Rui. Although Sun Quan stabbed the Shu Han with both ends, he was indeed able to open up territories for Eastern Wu, capture Jingzhou, and Nankejiaozhou. of.It's just that Sun Quan's military strategy was a little short, so that he left the name of Sun Shiwan.

Liu Chan stood up and refused, saying, "I am not a good man, and you are a good man, so why should you condescend to serve me?"

Liu Chan waved his horsewhip, lightly slapped Huo Yi on the back, and said with a smile, "How dare I accept the daughter of the enemy country. If she is asleep, she may strangle me. As for the color, there are as many beautiful women as clouds in the Han Dynasty. If I want to accept her , but it’s a pity to go around the city of Chengdu?”

Liu Chan galloped away, and Huo Yi followed behind.

Cao Rui picked up the wine bottle, respected Liu Chan from a distance, and said, "Please drink up."

Liu Chan smiled disapprovingly, but did not answer Cao Rui's words.In his eyes, there is no need to say anything to a dying person. Now the two countries only need each other, so they stop fighting.

Perhaps in the future, countless people in the future will complain that he is the most watery founding emperor among the great unified dynasties in the past, but Liu Chan has indeed done everything he can.

Seeing that Liu Chan's tone softened, Cao Rui's own tone also softened and said: "When I was young, my grandfather once talked about cooking wine with green plums. At that time, he talked about the heroes of the world. He said that the only heroes in the world are General Zuo. If so."


After a pause, Liu Chan said: "I will naturally accept the words of the king to discuss peace. The king should retreat to the north, and I should go south, so as to keep the peace of the two countries. When the troubles in the south are resolved, the war between the Han and Wei dynasties will resume."

"Now Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Lu Bu and other feudal lords are defeated, and there are only Wei, Han, and Wu in the world. Therefore, I think that the heroes of today should be me, Liu Jun, and Wu Wang."

Seeing Liu Chan's indifferent attitude, Cao Rui put down the wine bottle and said, "Your country is enemies from north to south. Now our country wants to negotiate peace with your country. We will marry Princess Dongxiang into Liu Jun's Palace with 20 people from the four prefectures in Jingbei as dowry. I think that the two countries are on good terms, but I don't know what Liu Jun thinks?"

Unmoved, Liu Chan took off his saber, put it on the case, and said: "Mr. Cao invited me here because he is ill, so he should not want to drink and chat with me!"

Liu Chan, who was pondering for a while, looked at Cao Ling and said, "The peace talks between the two countries have been reached now, so why bother to involve a woman?"

When Cao Rui heard this, his eyes widened, his anger surged up, he fell down clutching his chest, and others quickly helped him up.

Cao Ling's words were quite bold, directly expressing her greatest political role.

As soon as the words fell, Liu Chan took a step on his horse and yelled at Cao Rui, saying: "Mr. Cao, and I have settled the Central Plains, and will lead the army to toast in front of the tomb of the emperor, in return for the toast given by the emperor today."

Cao Rui suppressed his cough and said, "Your Majesty has a heroic spirit. Could it be that you are not afraid of the [-] troops under my command going south?"

Seeing that he still didn't look back, he got up and raised his skirt, trotted a few steps, and said: "Please stop, can you listen to my concubine?"

In Lao Liu's words, although his soldiers are slightly inferior to Cao Cao's, his tenacity, moral character and understanding of people can be called a hero.

Cao Wei needs time to ensure the stability of the court, and the big Han also needs time to go south to defeat Soochow, and then recuperate. It can only be said that the two countries seek each other.It will only take a few years for the political situation of Cao Wei to stabilize, or after the big man defeats Soochow, and the two countries will resume their wars.

Liu Chan took the reins, got on his horse, and said: "If I can set the north, why worry about the restlessness in the north. Those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish. This should be the case."

It is said that Liu Chan is lustful, but he has strong self-control.Otherwise, he wouldn't have just imitated a wave of Lao Cao when he was in Wancheng.

As he spoke, Liu Chan looked down at Cao Ling's figure, paused at her attractive chest, and moved his eyes forward again, saying: "Qing Ruozhen admires my heroic appearance, and when I conquer Luoyang, I will accept Qing as my wife."

Huo Yi caught up to Liu Chan's side, pulled the rein, and asked with a strange smile: "Cao's daughter is willing to enter the palace to serve Your Majesty, such a beauty, why doesn't Your Majesty accept it?"

Liu Chan didn't care either, and said in a soft tone, "Your ruler occupies the north and is still a great enemy, how could I not know it. If it weren't for the imminent trouble in the south, why would I not want to go north, break Luoyang, and settle the Central Plains? "

Liu Chan raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with a smile: "The land of the four counties in the north of Jingzhou is the land of my Han Dynasty. Why do you say to give it to me? If you don't want to give up, I will take it by myself. Therefore, it is okay to negotiate, and I will send it to the four of Jingzhou. The language of the county is absolutely unacceptable for a big man."

"Liu Jun?"

Cao Ling looked at Liu Chan's receding back and shouted.

Unexpectedly, Cao Ling bowed to Cao Rui, and replied respectfully: "Brother, Liu Jun is very great. My sister is fascinated by it, and she is willing to serve Liu Jun."

Liu Chan turned his head to look at the lovely and pitiful Cao Ling, stopped in his tracks, kept a distance from her, and said, "Please tell me."

But it doesn't matter, the most unworthy founding emperor of the Great Unity is also the founding emperor of the Great Unity, not something that other people can touch casually.After all, being able to put your own name together with the names of Liu Bang, Liu Xiu, Li Shimin, Zhao Kuangyin, Kublai Khan, Zhu Yuanzhang and other big names is your own success.Of course, there may be no Li Shimin, Zhu Yuanzhang and others in the future.

Liu Chan shook his head and said calmly: "You have a large army, and the Han has troubles in the south. If you can go south to defeat me, why should you hold a banquet here and talk about the harmony between the two countries. And your country has been defeated by my big man several times. , today is different from the past.”

Cao Ling lightly opened her red lips, and said: "I am the daughter of the Cao family, and your Majesty has settled in the Central Plains. If you can accept her, you will be able to appease the Cao family and the pro-Wei scholars, and you can settle the affairs of the north."

Cao Rui laughed coldly, and said: "My Great Wei still has the north, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers still exist. Liu Jun is too conceited."

Cao Ling?Although she is beautiful, she is not a witch.

How could Liu Chan be able to sleep at ease by accepting a woman of unknown purpose into the palace.As for Xia Houhui, she is not the main branch of the Cao family.

Liu Chan really doesn't like Cao Ling's political role.At that time, the army will live in Hebei, restore the mausoleum system, move the surname into Guanzhong, lose its foundation, how can it be dissatisfied.

If there is a rebellion, it is enough to send a large army to encircle and kill.After the Qing Dynasty destroys the Ming Dynasty, such a big resistance in the future can be quelled, and it is not impossible for a big man to fail.

(End of this chapter)

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