After Cao Shuang led the Wuwei battalion to flee, relying on the bravery of the Han cavalry, he defeated the remaining Wei army earlier than Deng Ai expected.A large number of Wei troops were scattered, and anything that interfered with their escape was discarded.For a while, the Han sergeant didn't know whether to capture the prisoners or seize food and supplies.Deng Ai only hated that he had too few soldiers and could not take care of them at all.

After all, Deng Ai also knew that captives were more important, but when it comes to individuals, everyone thinks differently.The soldiers of the Wei army are living creatures, and it is difficult to catch up, and it is not necessary to fight to catch up.But food, armor and armor are different. These are dead things, they will not resist, and they can be picked up if they are captured. If they are captured, there is no place to cry.

Therefore, except for a small number of cavalry, most of the infantry of the Han army aimed at the military supplies and supplies that were abandoned on the road.The Wei army had so much food, grass, and supplies that the Han army could almost capture a carriage.These carriages were either loaded with tents, or transported grain and grass, or carried armor, or bows and arrows.

In the mountain road after the war, the cavalry drove the captured Wei soldiers in groups. They could capture a carriage when they saw a few people, and there were thousands of carriages. The captives are no longer fragrant.

Looking at this scene on the hill, Deng Ai couldn't help sighing: "After this battle, Henan is empty, so it's nothing to worry about!"

Liu Yin also couldn't believe it and said: "If there are several years of savings in Henan, Jingzhou may be stable!"

As he spoke, Liu Yin congratulated Deng Ai, and said: "The former general intercepted the way to ambush Cao Shuang and captured countless military supplies. I am here to congratulate General."

Deng Ai stroked his beard and said modestly: "Don't dare, this battle is due to all the troops fighting bravely, it was not done by Ai Yi, you and I are happy together."

Liu Yin, Fu Xun's father and son and other generals of the Han army were all overjoyed.For everyone, the cost-effectiveness of this battle is too high. There is almost no desperate battle, but there is such a great victory.

Aside from being happy, Deng Ai did not dare to forget about military affairs, and asked, "How about the loss of the generals today?"

"To the former general, our army's infantry rarely suffered casualties. There were no more than [-] dead and seven hundred wounded. However, the cavalry suffered a lot. About [-] cavalry died in battle, and the wounded More than a thousand people, more horses were killed and injured, there should be [-] to [-] horses."

It is not without cost to be able to defeat the Wei army so quickly. The cost is the casualties of Han cavalry or the death of a large number of war horses.These pawns who can compete with Deng Ai's army are basically elite knights, and it is not so easy to retrain them.

As for the loss of war horses, it was probably related to the battle of the mountain road. Many of the horses' legs were injured due to the rough or uneven ground.It is also not unrelated that when the cavalry charged, the spears of the Wei army's infantry would attack the mount first.

However, these losses are insignificant compared to the results obtained.

Deng Ai nodded, and said: "Consolidate and report the list of dead and injured soldiers, and let the court pay compensation to the dead soldiers."


After a pause, Deng Ai asked everyone again, and said, "Have you found anything useful from the captives?"

Liao Gai, the military officer in charge of the scouting work, cupped his hands and said, "Former general, according to the captured captain of the Wei Army, he withdrew his troops this time because of the emergency of the battle in Hedong, and the city of Ye issued an edict to let Cao Shuang return to the court..."

This lieutenant of the Wei Army confided everything he knew about the military situation.This gave everyone a rough idea of ​​the current situation. Because His Majesty attacked Hedong by surprise, the old Sima Yi went into battle and undertook the task of rescuing Hedong.Therefore, Cao Shuang had no choice but to return to the court and sit in the center.

At the same time, because of his service in the Chinese army, the school lieutenant had participated in military discussions, and also reported the deployment of the troops on the Cao Wei border one by one, which was somewhat helpful.

Liao Gai reported a few words truthfully, and then someone came to report that the chariot general Wang Ping had arrived.Deng Ai didn't dare to be too big, so he ordered the crowd to disperse, and each performed his duties. He led his attendants to meet Wang Ping.

Although the Battle of Wonsan only took place for a few days, it was actually a follow-up to the Battle of Wuyin.In the Battle of Wuyin, the core figure is still Wang Ping. Although Deng Ai has made outstanding achievements, he can only be the second male.

After all, in the Battle of Wuyin, Wang Ping not only made the right choice in defensive strategy, he fooled Cao Shuang's army, and then defended Cao Shuang under Wuyin City, exhausting the energy of the Wei army.And when Deng Ai's army was vying to seize Yuanshan and ambushed Cao Shuang, he then chased up and cooperated with Deng Ai to fight, defeating Linghu Yu who was behind the palace.

Looking at the before and after of the battle, we have to lament that Wang Ping and Deng Ai cooperated tacitly, and the two played a perfect defensive counterattack.Without any one person, this battle of Wuyin can only be completed halfway, and it is difficult to complete it.

Deng Ai saw that Wang Ping's left shoulder was wrapped with sackcloth, and asked concerned: "Wang Cheqi is this?"

"Oh!" Wang Ping glanced at his shoulder and said with a smile: "It's nothing, but he was hit by a stray arrow when he was in charge of the battle. Fortunately, he was protected by armor, so it's not a big deal."

It was not easy for Wang Ping to defeat Linghu Yu with his tail. It was difficult for the Han army to succeed when Linghu Yu was well prepared.Wang Ping was forced to order all those who retreated to beheaded, so they could only advance but not retreat.He supervised the battle behind him, forcing everyone to move forward.When the elite Han soldiers saw the commander pressing on, their morale was greatly boosted, thus defeating Linghuyu.

"I hope General Cheqi will take care." Deng Ai cupped his hands and said, "If there is a military order, General Cheqi can order someone to convey it, and there is no need to go there in person."

"It's all right!" Wang Ping said straight to the point without being overly polite, "Does Shizai know why Cao Shuang withdrew his troops this time?"

"I know a little bit, but when Cao Shuang invaded Jingzhou, His Majesty expected that the north would be empty, so he went aggressively to Hedong." Deng Ai replied.

Wang Ping nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty's attack on Hedong is a hundred-year-old plan for our great Han. However, he hastily mobilized, and his strength is only [-]. If we let Cao Wei and his country's soldiers enter Hedong today, Your Majesty may not be able to achieve it." Therefore, Ping thought that Cao Wei should not be allowed to mobilize heavy troops to rescue Hedong, and we need to share the troops for His Majesty."

Deng Ai frowned, and said: "There is no order from His Majesty, I will privately mobilize troops and horses to attack Henan, fearing..."

Although Deng Ai didn't say what he said later, he could guess its meaning.Without Liu Chan's military order to conquer Henan, Wang Ping and Deng Ai led the army to conquer Henan privately, which is basically a capital offense according to military law.After all, although the two are governors, they only have the responsibility of protecting the military region.

Wang Ping shook his head and said: "When His Majesty sent Fu Xun to rescue Jingzhou, he ordered Fu Xun to grant him the right to do things cheaply, and gave him a hundred guards. Now is the time to do things cheaply. If His Majesty knew about it, he would agree."

Seeing that Wang Ping has the right to do things cheaply, Deng Ai was unambiguous and said: "Since this is the case, Ai is willing to ride with the general on chariots to conquer Henan. Dare I ask the general when he wants to send troops?"

"You can send troops now!"

"At the moment?" Deng Ai was startled, and asked: "Our army's food, grass and supplies are not complete, so we can send troops to Henan. It's better to go back to Jingzhou to rest and recuperate, and then send troops when the food, grass and supplies are complete."

Wang Ping pointed to the large amount of Wei army's luggage captured by the Han army on the battlefield, and said with a smile: "Isn't this exactly the luggage? How can the soldiers have insufficient military supplies? This is specially gifted by Cao Shuang. If we don't use it, we will not let him down." Mind."

"I almost forgot!" Deng Ai looked at the thousands of carriages and said with a smile: "With this military supply, why not talk about shortages?"

After a pause, Deng Ai added: "Our army is mighty and strong. You should order the Wu people to go to Jianghuai and contribute to our army."

After speaking, the two looked at each other and smiled.

After Wang Ping and Deng Ai joined forces, the results were summed up.He beheaded and captured more than [-] soldiers of the Wei army, and captured more than [-] cattle, horses, donkeys, mules and carts, and a large amount of military equipment was obtained by the big man.

Then, Wang Ping and Deng Ai's two troops simply rested in Wuyin for a few days, joined forces with [-] troops, changed the direction of their march, took Wei Hu as the vanguard, and sent troops to Wuyang, Kunyang, and Ye County.Unprepared by the Wei army, Wei Hu led his troops to conquer Ye County, but was blocked under the city of Kunyang.

After hearing the words, Xia Houxuan, who took a breath slightly, non-stop summoned Tian Yu, the governor of Yuzhou, to lead the troops to defend Kunyang.On the other hand, Cao Shuang led his army back to Yecheng, and sent [-] soldiers to the south to assist Xia Houxuan in fighting.

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