Liao Zhai Zi is silent

Chapter 177 Seven Killing Sword Intent

Chapter 177 Seven Killing Sword Intent
"My lord, the one in this coffin won't come back to life."

"They are all tightly covered." Lin Zhuoming looked at this appearance: "The iron chain is horizontal, just to avoid the air of the earth, and it is indeed a bit evil."

Lin Zhuming thought it was a "dragon coffin" at first, but later found out that it was a "human" coffin.

Then, the murals I saw before, depicting his life, that is to say, the one who raised an incident and resisted the so-called real dragon was in this coffin.

Lin Zhuming patrolled left and right, wanting to see what kind of ear chambers there are.

But I could only hear the murmur of killing intent: "Heaven has all things and people, and people have nothing to do with the sky. Ghosts and gods are clear, think about yourself."

Then, the ghosts of the ancient battlefield appeared surging from all directions.



"The so-called real dragon, is it the destiny of the previous dynasty? Dragons and snakes rose up everywhere, killing them, taking their scales, dismantling their bones, drinking their blood, and eating their meat?"

Lin Zhuming kept his heart straight and was able to break through the illusion, so what about the current real dragon?
Thousands of troops are constantly fighting, and Lin Zhuming has become a recipient of various meanings in it.

Ziwei's life plate shined brightly, and the nine dragon scales that Lin Zhuming had collected before turned into nine streaks of light.

Enlighten Beidou Jiuchen on Ziwei's natal chart.

Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, Yaoguang, Dongming, Yinyuan.

In other words, Tanlang, Jumen, Lucun, Wenqu, Lianzhen, Wuqu, Pojun and Zuofu and Youbi.

Protected by Ziwei's life plate, the murderous will that almost seized the house was not willing to be wasted, and escaped into Lin Zhuoming's precious sword.

On that sword was a demon-slaying talisman, which was a gift from the rich man of Zhou. It was smelted by the Ministry of War in the previous dynasty, and it was a rare sword.

The killing intent escaped into it, and it gave off a cold air.

Waiting for the murderous aura to escape completely, a golden inscription "chaotic god" appeared on the sword.

After a moment of trance, Lin Zhuming's back was wet with sweat, and Liu Ding Liujia was also very worried: "My lord, are you okay?"

"No problem." Lin Zhuoming looked at the sword carefully.

It is murderous and extremely sharp. When you look at it, you want to cry. When your hands are close, if you are three inches away, you will feel scratched.

"Congratulations, my lord, for getting this magic weapon." Xu Biao said with emotion: "This is a sword of killing and cutting, a rare magic weapon. My lord will surely be invincible if I get this treasure."

"It's more than sharp but not thick enough, I'm afraid it's an unknown soldier." Lin Zhuoming thought of the legendary Eight Swords of the King of Yue.

Zi didn't say anything, strange power and disordered spirits.

This sword didn't have an inscription before, but now it has this inscription, and it has the same name as the legendary ancient sword.

"Sword kills or man kills?" Xu Biao said: "My lord has always been decisive, why can't I understand this question today?"

That's right, it's not the sword that kills, it's the people.

Lin has no intention to kill, the sword has no intention to kill, life has the intention to kill, and the sword qi dragon sings.

Putting the sword back into its sheath, Lin Zhuoming's newly infected murderous aura gradually disappeared.

"Let's go." Lin Zhuming continued on his way.

Now, instead, the exit was deduced. After that, there were corpses along the way, and a few monsters were seen, but none of them were enemies with a sword, so there was nothing to say.

Gradually looking for the exit, I found that it was still a mural.

There is a mountain painted on it, and a temple on the mountain. The mountain is Longwang Mountain, and the temple is Leizu Temple.

It seems that a closed loop has been completed.

Lin Zhuming broke into the mural, and the next moment, he fell outside the Leizu Temple.

"?" Maohu came over, didn't you just get into the hole?How did it appear from the outside.

So he turned his head to look into the temple and then to Lin Zhuming.

Lin Zhuoming touched the base of its tail, patted it twice, and its buttocks were raised high.

As if to say, "Come on, beast."

Instantly the mood improved a little.

"I didn't expect it to be a small dungeon. This time I chose the human-killing tunnel. Next time, let's see what the earth-killing and heaven-killing are." Lin Zhuoming regarded this as a clearance game.

On the other side, Wang Guangyun had gathered a revolt and killed a county magistrate of Huai'an Prefecture, bloodbathed many landlords, and robbed a lot of food.

A group of bandits nearby used their names to raise an issue together, but they did not gather together.

Huai'an is the center of water transportation, involving the north-south grain roads, and the marshal of water transportation is in charge.

But even so, Wang Guangyun took half of Huaizhou's territory in just half a month.

Wang Guang is lucky, but it is not easy to follow the water transport marshal head-on, but the water transport line must be taken down, cutting off the supply to the north, and at the same time firmly controlling the grain in the south.

It's just that Yuqi, the governor of water transportation, is stationed by the river, and would rather miss other places in Huai'an than protect the docks and ports.

As for Wang Guangyun, although he occupied half of the prefecture for more than half a month and almost occupied a county in a day, they were all poor counties, and they were not important transportation routes, so military strategists must fight for them.

Now there are tens of thousands of refugees who follow and seek refuge, but Wang Guangyun has only trained [-] cronies in the past half a month according to the method of training soldiers, and they are still recruits.

However, the collected weapons are basically equipped, but it looks like a bluff.

The rest of the refugees, although they were big and attacked the city with a wave of anger, they also had to take care of their food and drink, which was actually somewhat of a burden.

But since there is an incident, it needs the support of the people.

Then Zheng Yuyan yelled a slogan for him, imitating the former King Chuang, "When King Chuang comes, he will not pay."

It is said that he was born in a poor family, so he doesn't want a penny from a poor family.

But in fact, if you don't take the food and money of the poor, it's because they know that the poor don't have these things.

What they want is the sons of the poor, what they want is their lives, and they are coaxed to the front line, beaten to death, and loyal.

It has been like this since ancient times, but the people are still happy and feel that following this man has a future.

Of course, Lin Zhuming was on the mountain at this time, so he didn't know what was going on down there, but he knew the tragedy when he saw the blood.

But to reconcile the feng shui on the Dragon King Mountain, the nine dragon scales entered Ziwei's horoscope, and after the nine stars were completely lit, Lin Zhuoming had the ability to "look at the breath".

At the same time, Tianxing Geography echoed from afar, and became more proficient in it.

But Lin Zhuming is not just idle, because next, Lin Zhuming will complete the main task.

Six Ding Liujias have been sent out to check the whereabouts of Yuan Juren, and contact Hu Jiezhou at the same time, asking him to inquire about the news and make all preparations.

Originally, he wanted to find Ren Hongyou, but now Ren Hongyou is busy arresting the wanted rebel faction of the Longhua Society, and intends to continue to be an internal agent. When he enters the core of Nanjing officialdom, he can explore many secrets and prepare for changing the world in the future.

Lin Zhuming, on the other hand, was in front of the statue of the Horse Fairy Empress, planning to subdue this once incomparably beautiful goddess to be her guardian.

"Miss Ma, have you thought it over clearly?" Lin Zhuming said: "Your Majesty was an upright god in the previous dynasty and was conferred the title of wife, but now she is incarcerated by evil priests and mixed up with demons and immortals. Now there is Kang Zhuang Dao in the front , why not try boldly?"

(End of this chapter)

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