Chapter 103 Hush... (Please subscribe!!!)

Name: Lu Shan

Race: Chicken
Bloodline: Chick

Level: General (Advanced) (Countdown to promotion: 23998:46:24)

Power: 611.9
Constitution: 378.1
Agility: 344.6
Spirit Power: 99.9
Unlimited points: 1
Talent skills:
Tonify Yang and Tongmai (As a medicine chicken, its body has the function of ventilating and consolidating the veins. Eating it can increase the chance of breaking through the Qi environment, and blood also has an extraordinary effect in promoting fertility.)
Silver Claws (Chicken claws made of spiritual silver have a hardness and sharpness far exceeding that of copper claws. At the same time, they have a certain tearing effect, which greatly increases the transmission of spiritual energy, and the claw scraps can provide a purification effect on the refiner.)
Hot blood (after opening, greatly improve all your attributes, and at the same time, blood has the effect of breaking evil spirits and avoiding evil. The price is that the desire to reproduce super doubles during the opening time)
Supracavitary bursa (through the pores of the tail, it releases any of its own qi, which can be used for multiple purposes, and is yet to be developed.)
Heart method:

Qibu Sui (fourth floor): During the exercise period, the promotion countdown speed is increased by 40%;

[Growth promotion]: Qi promotes life and plants, and the growth rate increases by 40%;

[Spiritual Transformation]: When the power is applied to the rice, there is a chance that it can be directly transformed into spiritual rice, the probability is 40%.

Active skills:
Sankong: "Cloud Tracking Steps" is an advanced exercise, which is a footwork exercise in which "flying into the air" and "three overlapping steps" are two moves for attack and movement.

Mind Shouting Roar: A sonic secret technique based on aura, which can cause a short-term deterrent effect within the area after being released.

Land-locking formation: it is a formation that locks spiritual power, 'opens', 'closes' and 'sleeps'.

Bashan: Decompressing.
Waiting for the energy to strengthen his body to pass, Lu Shan took a good look at his attribute panel.

Sure enough, the value has doubled.

According to the current progress, if he is promoted to another level, the big characters of "decompressing" that are an eyesore should be able to be removed.

By the time.


Lu Shan set his sights on the spiritual power value on the attribute panel.

If I remember correctly.

Before the upgrade, it seemed to be 92.3, but why did they all advance, and this value only changed by single digits?
Lu Shan didn't quite understand.

If there won't be much change in spiritual power in the future, wouldn't that mean that this area has become his weakness?
No no no.

You have to find a way to figure out why.

At this time.

While Lu Shan was squatting aside thinking about the problem, Tian Xiaorou's morning exercises had already been rehearsed.

Afterwards, she began to meditate with her eyes closed.

Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.

After a while, bursts of faint mist floated around Tian Xiaorou's body.

Seeing Tian Xiaorou's whole body immersed in the state of mental exercise and cultivation.


A guess flashed through Lu Shan's mind.

will not.

The reason why my spiritual power has been unable to break through, in the final analysis, is because of my mentality?

It seems that what I know about [Seven Step Sui]'s mind-dharma is only up to the fourth step.

It is also equivalent to the high-level level of the martial arts realm.

And his own spiritual power seems to be within the range of spiritual power in the martial arts realm.

The more he thought about it, the more likely Lu Shan felt his egg hurt instantly.

How to do?
Do you want to ask yourself to speak and Tian Xiaorou to follow up the exercises?

Not to mention what kind of state it will be at that time.

It is still a big problem whether I can clearly express what I need.

Is it necessary for an illiterate to let a nine-year-old girl understand the three characters [Qibu Sui] by means of a chicken dance?

Forget it.

too tired.

Or think of a way from other aspects.

An hour later.

As the sun climbed higher and higher.

Qingliu and Tian Lu also came to the place where Tian Xiaorou lived.

Looking at the ancestral hall beside him.

Qingliu actually showed a somewhat fearful look.

This made Lu Shan speechless.

A dignified Immortal Cultivator at the Pulse Establishment Realm, is he afraid of ghosts?

Isn't this a joke?

After a while.

The three girls walked out of Tianfu together.

However, as soon as he went out, a quaint carriage slowly arrived at the gate of Tian's mansion.


The groom who drove the carriage got off the carriage, bowed his hands to the three girls, and said:

"Is it Fairy Shangzong?"

"Little Yan Daya, Master Cai Qican was afraid that the fairy would not know the way to the 'Thousand Pear Gathering', so he sent the little one to guide the fairy."

"Also ask the fairy to move."

Tian Lu looked at the carriage that came in, and then at the carriage of her own Tianfu.

She wanted to refuse, but before she could say it, Qingliu on the side spoke ahead of time:


With that said, she stepped into the Cai Mansion carriage.


Tian Lu behind him could only wave his hands to the Tianfu carriage beside him, and casually pulled Tian Xiaorou who was holding the cub, and boarded the Caifu carriage together.


After waiting for the carriage to leave for a while.

Another carriage that was exactly the same came slowly to the gate of Tian Mansion.


A young man wearing a light blue gown and holding a folding fan stepped out of the carriage.

With a look of anticipation on his face, he walked into the gate of Tian Mansion.

Not for a while.

He just walked back with a stern face and a gloomy expression.

Then got into the carriage, turned around and left the gate of Tianfu.

Just as the carriage left.

In the corner outside the courtyard wall of the Tian Mansion, a carriage that had been waiting here for a long time suddenly lifted the curtain on the carriage, revealing two figures of a man and a woman inside.

"Cai Qican returned without success."

After Jing Chuanyuan murmured, he turned his head and looked at Li Ao beside him.

"Li Lang, where are you going to send those three flowers?"

Li Ao stared at the carriage that was getting farther and farther away. After a moment of silence, he suddenly said:
"Do you still remember the case that Tu Baihu wanted to investigate a few days ago?"

"The case of the missing family member of a traveling businessman in Nancheng?"

Jing Chuan Yuan Xiumei wrinkled, her pretty face was full of doubts and asked back:

"Didn't the case be suppressed by Du Qianhu?"

"What, don't you?"

Before Jing Chuanyuan could speak behind him, Li Ao suddenly stretched out his hand and put it in front of his mouth.



the other side.

Lu Shan poked his head out of the curtain of the carriage to look at the scenery outside while paying attention to the content of the chat inside the vehicle.

Through the dialogue between several girls.

Lu Shan also probably knew what kind of event this "Thousand Pear Gathering" was.

simply put.

It was a holiday party held by the people of Qianli City for a fruit called 'Liguo'.

Once every three years.

The location is next to the Liyuan, two kilometers east of Qianli City.

As for why there is a festival for this 'Liguo'.

From the surface, it is just that this 'pear fruit' has many effects.

What about beautifying and nourishing the skin, condensing Qi and gathering the pulse, protecting the fetus and protecting the fetus, practicing spiritual cultivation and so on.

But from a deeper point of view.

Lu Shan even felt that this should be a marketing method for Qianli City to build up the reputation of its own city.

Shape Qianli City into a unique city concept.

Add more publicity.

In the previous life, many cities seemed to rely on such means to gain fame.

Just when Lu Shan was still trying to recall his previous life.

The carriage, which was still rickety, suddenly stopped.


Lu Shan raised the chicken head and looked aside.

a gate.

Two stone lions.

Three big trees.

No one around.

There is also a plaque on the gate.

'Five Buddha Temple'.

(End of this chapter)

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