Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 105 The Crust Demon

Chapter 105 Crust Demon (please subscribe!!!)

huh huh?

What the hell is that sound.

Why does it sound like a shaking maraca...

Just when Lu Shan was puzzled.

Qingliu looked around, but she couldn't find the source of the sound. She frowned and said in a low voice:

Then he pulled the two girls behind him, sacrificed to the light, and flew into the sky.

But before they could fly high, Qingliu unexpectedly found that the light under her feet was flickering on and off.


"It's the Forbidden Spirit Array!!"

After finishing speaking, the light under her feet dissipated instantly, revealing a primitive spirit sword.

Followed by.

A force of gravity appeared, and the three girls fell to the ground.

"Puff puff!"

After three beeps.

The three girls fell heavily to the ground.

Fortunately, the height is not high, only a few meters.

With their physical fitness, falling from this height would not cause too much damage.

In other words, Tian Xiaorou and Tian Lu's legs and feet suffered certain injuries.

As for Lu Shan.

Flapping its wings, it slowly landed on the ground.

Nothing hurt.

Even when it landed, there was a very valuable side-swing gymnastics action with wings.

Just when Lu Shan was still satisfied with his landing.

As soon as Qingliu landed, he rushed to his two junior sisters.

Seeing the two of them lying on the ground in pain, they hurried forward and asked:
"How is it! Where is the injury?"


Tian Xiaorou pointed to her leg, her face was swollen from the pain.

But compared to her legs that could move a bit, Tian Lu on the side looked a lot miserable.

The entire foot was unable to hang down, and the ankle was swollen very much, like a bun.

Seeing that her two junior sisters were injured, Qingliu was also a little anxious at this time.

Quickly took out a jade bottle, opened the mouth, bent down, and painted on Tian Lu's ankle and Tian Xiaorou's leg.

But at this time.

The voice of "唦唦唦唦" appeared again.

This time.

Lu Shan could clearly feel that the voice appeared several meters away from him.

But he quickly followed the voice.

Still nothing.

This can't help but make Lu Shan frowned involuntarily.

At this time.

After Qingliu applied the potion to the two junior sisters, he turned around and picked up the simple spirit sword on the ground.


Standing with a sword in hand, looking forward, listening to all directions.

Just stood there, motionless.

Infected by such an atmosphere.

Lu Shan didn't dare to make any movement, for fear of disturbing Qingliu's current state.

Very long time.

Just when Lu Shan couldn't bear it, he stepped aside.

"Hey, oh, oh."

sound reproduction.

However this time.

The sound is not over yet.

Qingliu's figure suddenly moved.

At an extremely fast speed, he came to a dirt and stone road two meters behind Lu Shan.


She held the sword in her hand backwards, pointed the tip of the sword at the ground, and slammed down.


A bluish light and shadow suddenly appeared on the sword.

In the blink of an eye, it pierced the ground together with the tip of the sword.


The same voice came from underground.

But this time was different.

This time the voice was short and hasty, as if frightened or violated.

Just when Lu Shan was still curious.

The earth and rocks where the sword had been pierced suddenly kicked up a piece of mud.

Like it exploded.

Followed by.

A pitch-black figure sprang out from the ground and landed on the ground a few meters away.

At this time.

Only then did Lu Shan see clearly what this black shadow was.

Black armor, wide body, long beard, two large pincers on top of the head, slender arms, but full of barbs.

The legs are slender but have two joints each.

At first glance.

It was simply a standing black-armoured pincer, glaring at Qingliu in an anthropomorphic manner.

"I don't know what it is, it turns out to be a 'crust demon' that only builds the veins."

"Why, do you really think that if you hide underground, sister can't catch you?"

Qingliu snorted coldly, pulled out the sword from the ground with a look of disdain, and waved it at the 'Earth Crust Demon' not far away.

"Tell me, which demon mountain are you from!"

"What's the purpose of hiding here!?"

Facing Qingliu's questioning, the 'earth crust demon' shook its head and shook the two tentacles on top of its head.

There was a hollow sound.

".'Thunder Sword Art'?"

"Which fairy mountain did you come down from?"

talking and talking.

The big beetle suddenly made the sound of "唦唦唦唦" again.

Just when Lu Shan was still shocked how this guy could talk.

The 'Earth Crust Demon' suddenly opened its wings and rushed towards the direction where Qingliu was standing.

While rushing back, he made that hollow sound again.

"Never mind it."


"Be my container"

"Hey, oh, oh."

The flight speed is extremely fast.

The distance of a few meters can basically be said to arrive in an instant.

But Qingliu seemed to have been on guard for a long time.

After a few crisp "ding ding ding" came out.

Qingliu and the 'Earth Crust Demon' have entered into a state of hand-to-hand combat with one move at a time.

First time watching a stream fight.

Lu Shan stared with wide eyes for a long time, and then compared for a long time.

Finally, he shook his head dejectedly.


I didn't expect Xiaonizi Qingliu's body to be so strong.

Can't beat can't beat.


In the future, it seems that I can only lie down.

at this time.

At the corner of the courtyard on the side, a large number of figures suddenly rushed out.

Lu Shan looked back.

More than a dozen bald heads holding various weapons rushed towards them expressionlessly.


Tian Lu pulled out a dagger from her sleeve, reminded Tian Xiaorou with a vigilant face, and said:
"Junior Sister, prepare to fight!"

"it is good…"

Tian Xiaorou responded with a drink, and then chanted the mantra in a low voice.

'Cut the Golden Whip'!

A whip that was more than one meter long and glowing with pale golden light appeared in Tian Xiaorou's hand.

With the golden whip in hand, Tian Xiaorou's eyes became more aggressive.

At this moment, Lu Shan actually had the illusion that the family had a little girl who was just growing up.


That's all.

If you count on the two girls to make a move, where will the old Meiling Chicken Bawang's face go?

He snorted twice.

Lu Shan walked towards those bald heads slowly with chicken steps.

this will.

Tian Xiaorou accidentally discovered that her chicken cubs were walking towards those bald heads, subconsciously opened her mouth and shouted:

"Chicken!! Come back quickly!!"


The chicken didn't respond to her cries at all, and even walked faster and faster.

In desperation, Tian Xiaorou actually wanted to go up to chase the chicken.

But just as he was about to move, Tian Lu grabbed his arm by the side.

she says.

"Don't worry, the chicken cubs can even defeat Luo Xi, who is in the middle level of General Qi!"

"These people, if they can't even solve it."

"It's useless if we go up."

The words say so.

But Tian Xiaorou always had some worries in her heart.

After all, one is a sparring within the sect, and the other is a fight outside the sect.


Lu Shan also thinks so.

Because, in his opinion.

Discussion or something is like playing with children, restricting this and restricting that.

Only by fighting can the chicken blood in his heart really boil.

and so.


Chicken King.


Dishes, are you ready?
(End of this chapter)

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