Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 111 The Vengeance Comes

Chapter 111 Here Comes the Vengeance Seeker (Subscribe!!!)

The flying speed of the light escape is very fast.

After a while, they flew out of Qianli City and entered the vast jungle no man's land.

Looking at the dense jungle below, an interesting thought suddenly flashed in Lu Shan's mind.

People say that jungle adventure and survival in the wild are the favorite sports of real men.

If one day a chicken falls into such a jungle.

With my current ability.

Will this life of adventure and survival be interesting?
Think about it.


Lu Shan seemed to feel something, and suddenly, he threw the chicken's neck back and stared behind him.


Four light spots are flying towards him.

Lu Shan wasn't sure if the purpose of these light spots was for him, but as far as the evil spirit he felt from them was concerned.

It's just too much.

The last time I saw such a strong evil spirit was when I cheated on the school bully's girlfriend in my previous life.

That evil spirit is also soaring into the sky.

It feels like killing someone.

and many more.

Lu Shan suddenly had some kind of bad thought.

at this time.

Qingliu and Shaolun also seemed to feel something.

Their eyes looked behind them almost at the same time.

When they saw the four points of light, they looked at each other.


With two sounds of "Whoo! Whoo!", the two of them almost doubled their speed in an instant.

The strong air current made it impossible for the sisters of the Tian family who belonged to the two escaping lights to open their eyes.

At this time, Lu Shan found out.

The direction of their flight has changed slightly.

They were going straight, but now the two ray of light turned slightly to the right.

Lu Shan immediately understood Shao Roundabout and Qingliu's intentions, turned his head and looked behind him.

As a result, the four rays of light followed them and turned their direction, and at the same time accelerated to catch up!
Seeing so.

Both Shaolun and Qingliu were sure that the last four were looking for trouble.

"Who did you offend?" Shao Yuan asked aloud in the twilight.

Hearing this, Qingliu was a little unconvinced, and asked:
"Why didn't you provoke the romantic debt!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I have a conscience for your master, and I have never changed my mind."

On this crucial issue, Shao Roundabout has always been very strict with his mouth.

Seeing that Qingliu still wanted to say something, Shao Lun rushed ahead of her and said in a deep voice:

"I see those four people, their auras are dignified, their light is dark and not flashy, and they don't look like human cultivators."

"Doesn't look like human cultivation?"

Qing Liu seemed to think of something, his eyes sank slightly, and he fell into deep thought.

At this time.


The speed of the four rays of light behind him suddenly increased by several tenths.

This made the speed, which was slowly increasing, unexpectedly shorten a lot.

And judging from the current distance, it won't take long to catch up with them.

In this regard.

Shao Round quickly asked in a deep voice:
"How much energy do you have left?"

"Less than [-]%."

Shao Yuan couldn't help frowning at Qingliu's truthful answer.

In fact, in terms of spare power, he didn't even have any spare power.

Seeing that the speed of these people behind them is getting faster and faster, and they will soon catch up.

Shao Lun thought for a moment, and said bluntly:
"Run separately, or I'll stay and help you block, and you take Tian Lu and Tian Xiaorou along."

"Choose one of two!"

In the words, the distance between the four escape lights behind him has been shortened a lot.

"Why can't we meet the enemy together!?" Qing Liu immediately raised his own question.

"I'm afraid of an ambush!"

Hearing this, Qingliu thought for a while, and finally replied:
"Let's go separately! Whoever reaches the nearest Feng'an City first will ask for help first!"

"it is good!"

Shut up.

Shao Lunyuan and Qingliu's Duanguang separated in an instant, branched in two directions, and flew out at the fastest speed.

use this opportunity.

Lu Shan, who was sitting in Tian Xiaorou's arms, turned his head and glanced behind him again.

I saw that the four rays of light stagnated for a while, and then they also split into two, into two waves.

A group of people chased after Shao Lun.

And another wave chased in his direction.

Valid for now.

Lu Shan nodded affirmatively.


Qingliu began to accelerate non-stop.

When she increased her speed to the fastest speed, her whole body had almost merged with Duguang.

If you really want to calculate it at a speed, it is almost the same as the 'supra cavity sac' in the blood gas state.

But even in this state.

The two streaks of light behind were still biting tightly, not pulling away from each other at all.

Even, the opponent's speed has accelerated a little.

Still slowly narrowing the distance between the two sides.

Time just passed by little by little.

The scenery below has changed from jungle to mountains.

And the distance between the two escaping lights behind him has been shortened to only one or two kilometers.

You know, at the speed of an immortal cultivator at the Pulse Builder Realm.

With a distance of one or two kilometers, it takes only a few breaths to gallop at full speed.

Seeing that the distance is getting closer.

No matter how fast you increase the distance, you won't be able to increase the distance.

Instead of running to the end and exhausting the aura, it is better to try to face it directly.

Maybe there is another way out of fighting.

Think of this.

Qingliu took a deep breath and flew towards the valley next to the nearest boulder.

After she landed, she staggered and almost fell due to the exhaustion of spiritual energy.

Fortunately, she then took out a panacea and stuffed it into her mouth.

Sensing the surge of spiritual energy in his body, Qingliu calmed down and didn't move his body, but the voice of warning rang in Tian Xiaorou's ear.

"Tian Xiaorou, wait and hide yourself as much as possible."

"I may not be able to take care of you when we fight later."

"Be careful yourself."

After finishing speaking, she turned into a light and flew upwards.



"You must be careful!"

Under the valley, Tian Xiaorou shouted loudly.

However, what was left to her was only a light and shadow that gradually went away.

Watching Qingliu's disappearing figure.

Tian Xiaorou squatted on the ground a little lonely.

At this moment.

The powerlessness of low cultivation came to my heart again.

How much she hopes that her current cultivation base will skyrocket, and she can fly up to fight with her senior sister.

Instead of letting the senior sister stand in front alone, I hide cowardly below like a mouse.

Think about it.

Tian Xiaorou couldn't help but shed tears.

But at this moment, she felt someone pulling her.

Look back.

It was the chicks who were tugging at her skirt.

"Chicken, do you also think my cultivation base is too low?"

Low you ghost!

Run now, you idiot! !
What is a person doing in this resentment and self-pity!
At this moment, Lu Shan has already felt the arrival of those two evil spirits.

In desperation, he had to increase his strength.

All of a sudden, Tian Xiaorou's body was pulled back.

At this time.

In the sky.

Qingliu stepped on the ancient spirit sword and held a wooden sword, standing in the air, quietly suspended in the air.

After a few breaths.

The two escaping lights came to her in an instant, facing her across the air.

It was two men in black robes wrapped all over their bodies.

Seeing this, Qingliu asked in a deep voice:
"Who are you?"

"Why are you chasing us!"

Hear this.

The two men in black robes lifted their hoods, revealing the inhuman heads inside.

A human body with a bear head and a human body with a cat face.

Two demons stood in the same sky, staring at Qingliu with cold eyes.

At this time.

One of them, with a bear head, suddenly yelled in a very low voice:

"Three days ago, Wufo Temple, what did you do?"

As soon as these words came out, Qing Liu immediately realized something.

He squinted his eyes, stared at the two monsters for a long time, and said bluntly:
"Yes, I did it."

As soon as the words fell, the bear-headed man immediately bared his sharp teeth, and said viciously in a resentful voice:
"Di San, 'Crust Clan', is my five Kirishima brothers."

"How dare you kill it!"

"Today, I, Xiling Valley, Mizusawa Kirishima, the Geneng Clan, and Dust."

"I will kill you!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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