Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 125 The Crowded Rabbit Ear Girl.avi

Chapter 125 Crowded Rabbit Ear Girl.avi (please subscribe!!!)
Setting the stage?

Do you still want a town goblin?

Lu Shan was dumbfounded.

After Duo Qi's explanation, he understood.

It turned out that there was a conflict between two neighboring caves and negotiations were needed.

In order to increase the confidence of the negotiation, the side with less beasts issued such a task.

Isn't this just a routine played in the past life?

The two gangs were negotiating for some matters, and if there were not enough manpower, they would spend money to buy some people to stand behind and be responsible for strengthening the momentum.

Just take the money and leave after it's over.

When he was poor in his previous life, Lu Shan also made this money.

Just go there, don't have to do anything, just watch the gestures of the big brother in the front row and shout slogans.

There is basically no possibility of a fight.

the next day.


When the time came, Lu Shan followed the rabbit-eared mother and the groundhog's father, and the three animals went out of the mountain together.

After leaving the herbivorous mountain, the three beasts galloped quickly in the mountain path.

However, in order to take care of the red teeth of Wu Bingjing, that is, the groundhog's father.

Both Lu Shan and Rabbit Ear Niang slowed down their movement speed a lot.

But even so, when they arrived at the place where the stage was set up, Groundhog Redtooth was already out of breath.

"Hey, buddy, let me tell you, can you do it?" Lu Shan said in a teasing tone to the red-toothed man who was holding on to the tree for breath.

"No, no problem!"

Although Chitooth's breath was messy, his attitude was very firm.

Okay, tough enough.

At this time.

Duoqi, who was holding a longbow, also stepped back, and said to Lu Shan and Chi Chi:

"There are still two hills away from the destination, but time has not allowed."

Saying that, it turned its gaze to Chitooth.

"Uncle Chitooth, I'm sorry."

After saying that, the rabbit-eared lady bent down directly, stretched out her hand, and hugged the red tooth in her hand, then turned her head to the big cock behind her and said:
"Come on, let's hurry up."

After speaking, with a sound of "咻", the figure disappeared.

Looking at the back that was fading away, Lu Shan was stunned for a moment, then opened his voice and howled:
"Ouch! Ouch! My leg is broken too! Broken! Ouch!"

As a result, the rabbit-eared lady running ahead did not respond.

This made Lu Shan anxious.

For the first time, I despised myself for being too high.

If it was me who was helping the tree to breathe just now.

Does that mean that the one who is in the arms of the rabbit-eared mother is herself?

Bunny ears girl!

I want to hug too!
Crying and chirping, Lu Shan also left the place with a "swoosh".

After a while.

When the Three Beasts of the Herbivore Mountain came to the reserved place, there were already many monsters here.

From big to small, from birds to insects, there are basically all varieties.

Even Lu Shan saw a fat, tender, fat duck, crowded among a group of beasts in a ghostly manner.

But these monsters are really dedicated.

Basically every monster has a thing hanging on its hand or body.

There are also machetes, long swords, and axes that look more lethal.

Then match those monsters with five big and three thick, murderous looks.

Let's not talk about cultivation, just show off.

Employers get their money's worth!
Look at yourself.

At any rate, the rabbit-eared lady was carrying a longbow, so she could be considered a bit of a showman.

But what about the groundhog?

He is less than half a meter tall, with a plump body, without even a monster body. Looking at a few big dies, is he planning to scare the opponent to death with his teeth?

Really unprofessional.

Just when Lu Shan was nagging in a low voice.

a grape...

Oh no.

two grapes...


A harpy suddenly appeared in midair, flapping its wings, soaring over the heads of all the monsters.

While flying, he said:

"All monsters!"

"All monsters!"

"Follow me! Follow me!"


Under its yelling, the monsters here followed the guidance of the banshee and walked forward.

Lu Shan and the others naturally walked forward slowly with the large army.

Just after they had crossed a canyon and emerged from it.

There is a wide grassland in front of you.

After all their No. 50 monsters stepped into the grassland, Lu Shan finally saw their employer right in front of the team.

The cave master of the Yellow Earth Cave, a beast-like white-fronted worm with a high-level cultivation in the Vein Establishment Realm.

Its name is 'tiger'.

On the other side of the stream, there is another wave of monsters in this negotiation.

The leader is the Cave Master of Dazuo Cave, a monster with a lizard head and a human body whose cultivation base is also at the high-level of the Pulse Establishment Realm.

The name is 'poison armor'.

Seeing that the elder brothers of both sides came to both sides of the stream, they began to talk to each other.

Because the distance is too far, the surrounding environment may be noisy, and Lu Shan can't hear what the two big brothers are talking about in the negotiation.

And because of his height, Lu Shan couldn't see the movement in front of him.

The only thing he could see were the legs of various animals.

Thick, dark, strong, thin...

Hairy and hairless.

After scanning around, only the little lady's legs are the most beautiful.

Long, white and straight.

It's a pity that the mind is not broad enough.



Yet at this time.

The surrounding monsters suddenly roared one by one, and at the same time raised their weapons and roared loudly.

for work.

Lu Shan also raised his head.

"Oh oh oh!!!"

The crowing of the rooster easily merged with the roars of other beasts.

The momentum suddenly became much larger.

Hearing his yelling like a tide, Lu Shan nodded in satisfaction.

The money is well deserved!

But don't know how.

As the yelling on his side became louder, the monsters seemed to become more and more excited.

At this time, I don't know who shouted.

"The tiger is the king, kill the 'Poison Armor' and dominate the two mountains!!"

Driven by emotions, other monsters also echoed.

"Kill the 'Poison Armor'! Dominate the two mountains!!"

"Kill the 'Poison Armor'! Dominate the two mountains!!"

For a moment, the aura of the 'tiger' was like a rainbow, suppressing the entire aura on the other side!

Driven by such emotions, many monsters involuntarily raised their weapons and pushed forward.

The development of this scene far exceeded Lu Shan's expectations.

A bad feeling rose from his heart.


He hurried back to find the rabbit-eared lady.

As a result, when he saw the rabbit-eared girl, it had already been squeezed aside by several monsters.

From the messy footsteps of the rabbit-eared lady, it can be seen how resistant it is at this moment.

Crowded Rabbit Ear Girl.avi?

The lead role is just me! !
Get out of the way for me! !
The angry Lu Shan jumped up and jumped on top of the monsters.

Then stepping on the heads of all the monsters, he came to the shoulder of the rabbit-eared lady in three or two steps.

"Little lady! Tell me! Is there any disadvantage!"

See the sudden landing of the big cock.

Duo Qi was taken aback.

"A loss? What a loss?"

But at this time.

At the negotiation position not far away, a roar suddenly broke out:

"Little ones!"

"Kill me!!"

 This chapter is a bit short... I was busy doing nucleic acid in the morning, and I didn't have time, so I was a little rushed.

  In the afternoon, I will sort out the plot and try to write more!

(End of this chapter)

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