Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 131 Peaceful Chicken

Chapter 131 Peace Love Chicken (Please Subscribe!!!)

On the way back.

Look at the cock that is completely covered in meat and barely visible.

Thinking of the scene just now, Duo Qi couldn't help asking.

"Lu Shan, why did you refuse Huangdidong's invitation?"

Hearing the question from Rabbit-Er Niang, Lu Shan raised the meat a little higher, and turned his head in doubt.

"Why did I agree to go to the Yellow Earth Cave?"

"Because it's amazing over there!"

"Are you going to go if you are so powerful?"

"Shouldn't it?!"

"Should it?"

"Lu Shan!!!"

Seeing that Duoqi was angry, she hummed softly.

Lu Shan laughed a few times, and explained slowly:

"In fact, it's not just Dihuang Cave, I don't want to go to any other large or small demon caves."

"the reason is simple."

"What they value in me is my combat power. They expect me to enrich the combat power in the cave, and when necessary, I will meet with those in other caves."

"But my chicken is a peace lover."

"I like to subdue demons with reason."

"I'm not very good at fighting or something."

When Duo Qi listened to the train-running words, she could hear a black thread at one end.

Although these words sounded reasonable at first glance, they came out of the chicken's mouth.

Nothing felt right.

Duoqi thought for a while, and asked again:

"I can understand that you don't want to go to other demon caves, but why don't you even want the extra rewards of meat and fruit?"

"Didn't you kill the 'Niu Tu'?"

"I killed it..." Lu Shan changed his wings, put the meat on his back, and piled up a meat tower tens of centimeters high, and then continued:

"But I'm not asking if you have this rule..."

"If you say no, then I won't."

"Things that don't conform to the rules, aren't you using your tongue..."

"Besides, without us taking a step back, Huangdidong might not be willing to say anything about taking over Dajiaodong's grievances..."

These piles of reasoning made Duoqi's rabbit eyebrows curl up into a ball.

It really doesn't understand.

How can a chicken's mind hold so many great principles.


If you don't understand, you don't understand.

With these twenty catties of fruit and four big pieces of meat, the house monsters on the mountain will be able to eat them for a long time when they go back.

It's just a pity, Uncle Chitooth...

Not even the corpse was found.

that's it.

One rabbit and one chicken crossed several mountains and crossed two small rivers.

Finally, before sunset, we returned to the Grass Mountain.

Just entered the mountain.

It was still the rabbit-eared boy who found them and shouted when he turned around.

Then a few kid monsters and those adult monsters came out together.

Obviously, they are all waiting for them.

When those big and small demons found the fruit on Duoqi's body and the meat on the rooster's back.

Excitement, happiness, happiness, all hung on the face.

Only another groundhog was still watching Lu Shan and the others behind him.

In order to see a familiar figure.


After looking at it for a long time, it didn't see the figure it wanted to see.


His complexion is a little ugly.

Duoqi took out more than half of the fruits on her body to Yang Om, and then took out a piece of meat from Lu Shan's back.

He came to his red-toothed wife, Orange Tail alone, and put the fruit and meat in front of the latter.

"Auntie Orange Tail, I'm sorry, I couldn't protect Uncle Red Tooth..."

Orange Tail froze when he heard this.

And the other monsters, after hearing this, also suppressed their joy and suppressed their emotions.

After all, they have lived in the same demon cave for so long, and they are familiar with each other.

Now die suddenly.

Due to emotion and reason, everyone lost the mood to celebrate food.

One after another, you and I are comforting Cheng Wei.

The other monsters have no objection to Duoqi allocating a large part of the food to the Orange Wei family.

After all, as long as they live in the Herbivore Mountain for a day, they are all companions.

After a while.

Under the enlightenment of all the demons, Orange Tail temporarily recovers from the grief of losing a spouse.

Plus the hilarity of the kids.

For a while, the atmosphere eased a lot.

At this time, Duo Qi also began to introduce the details of the mission.

From the beginning of reaching the destination, to the end of the fight with real guns.

Everyone, including the children, listened very engrossed.

When other people heard that the rooster, that is, Lu Shan, a rooster slaughtered dozens of monsters with general aura.

The gazes of all the monsters subconsciously turned to the dazed rooster in the corner.

And when Duo Qi said that Lu Shan had torn apart a Vein Builder Realm monster in front of hundreds of monsters.

There was a sudden silence in the whole cave.

in the next days.

Almost every day, people from other demon caves came to Lu Shan and invited him to live in other demon caves.

These monster caves are as big as ape demon caves, and as small as monster caves where only one or two monsters live.

No matter what the conditions, without exception, were rejected.

Some of the conditions are so generous that Duo Qi is a little unbelievable.

Gradually, the monsters in the entire Wild Life Mountain Range also knew that this new pulse-builder monster had no intention of leaving the original cave.

So, slowly, the number of door-to-door invitations decreased.

However, what followed was that there were more and more Herbivorous Mountains requesting to join.

After all, it is only a monster of the Pulse Builder Realm.

No matter how bad or weak the herbivorous mountain was in the past.

Now that there is a resident of the Pulse Builder Realm, the meaning it represents is completely different.

At least in terms of basic security, there is also a certain guarantee.

Based on this consideration, many weak monsters will find ways to join some safe monster caves.

For example, the former owner of the cave where Lu Shan lived.

Most likely, it was because the sheep-headed old man felt that he was old and insecure, so he left quietly.

And if it wasn't for Lu Shan, the widowed Orange Tail would probably leave her child behind and choose to leave directly.

After all, not all monsters are willing to live through the precarious life.


None of this has anything to do with Lu Shan.

Anyway, it's the sheep-headed old man who is in charge.

In terms of accepting monsters, it accepts it when it thinks it is suitable, and just rejects it if it is not suitable.

This morning.

Lu Shan came out of the cave refreshed.

Then climb up the mountain skillfully.

Facing the direction of the sunrise, he opened his throat.

"Oh oh oh!!!"

A cock crow instantly tore apart the tranquility of the surrounding forest.

All of a sudden, a large number of birds rose from the nearby mountains and forests, and flew into the sky with a "crash clatter".

After shouting, Lu Shan cleared his throat, ate some fruit, and turned around to collect the seeds.

Sneaked out before those little kids got up.

After a while.

Lu Shan returned to his field.

As soon as I entered, I saw that the seedlings in the field had broken through the ground.

Emerald green, looks very good growth.

Seeing this, Lu Shan continued to exercise his skills and began to give birth.

Under the operation of his "Seven Step Spikes", those seedlings are slowly growing larger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wait until the sun is three poles.

Those seedlings on the ground have grown into young plants.


Lu Shan sprinkled water and left here contentedly.

After a while.

When he returned to the hole to eat something.

As soon as he reached the entrance of the cave, he raised his head and saw a harpies flapping its wings and passing over his head.

The pair of huge fruits made Lu Shan's eyes straight.

At this time, Duo Qi's voice suddenly appeared beside him.

"came back?"

"Just right, just now Xiaoqiushan sent an invitation card, inviting you to participate in the Ascension Ceremony of their Great Cave Master tomorrow night... Hmm? What are you looking at?"

"It's nothing." Lu Shan wiped off the saliva from his mouth calmly, and then asked aloud:

"What is the alchemy ceremony?"

"It's the ceremony to break through from the Meridian Realm to the Yuandan Realm..."

(End of this chapter)

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