Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 137 The Crazy King is Coming!

Chapter 137 The Crazy King is Coming! (Please subscribe!!!)

Never seen such a huge mouth.

No matter the last life or the life just after Bailu.

Lu Shan never thought that there would be such a big mouth that swallowed the Taoist method "Pushan" he released whole!
How does Nima play?
Lu Shan was suspended in the air with a face of astonishment, his eyes fixed on the ground.

Waiting for the bursts of smoke to dissipate.

The snake man still stood beside the big stove without moving his feet. The huge mouth that devoured the world just now had completely disappeared.


Not sure if it's because of the visuals.

The snake man's face suddenly paled a few shades.

It was like suddenly touching a layer of flour.

"very good…"

"I really underestimated you..."

"Cough cough cough..."

As he said that, the snake man suddenly coughed up a mouthful of old phlegm with blood in the mud, and spat it next to the stove.

Good guy!
It turned out that I had indigestion!
I just said, such a big rock, no matter how powerful you are at the Yuandan realm, it is impossible for you to pass it unscathed.

See here.

Lu Shan glanced at the half of the attribute value left, thought for a moment, and chose another way of attack.

But at this time.

The snake man on the ground suddenly started chanting a spell.

A series of incantations came in a low voice and quickly.

This made Lu Shan, who was hanging in the air, unable to hear its spell clearly.

At this time.

Lu Shan suddenly remembered his latest ability.

'Corns: Moon pupil! '


A large amount of blood flowed into the corn on the right.

As more and more blood flowed in, an invisible ripple suddenly shot out from Lu Shan's right eye.

Sweeping towards the ground at an extremely fast speed.

Race: down

Body length: 2.79 meters

Weight: 2 tons

Status: Wrath is casting...

Weakness: Hands


The fool also knows that its weakness at this time lies in its hands.

After Lu Shan thought that his right eye could not scan any useful information, he simply opened his left eye to see if he could copy it.

'Corns: Hitomi Hitomi'!
The next second after a successful release.

A large amount of blood rushed to Lu Shan's left eye.

In just a moment of effort, the stamina value that was still in the early [-]s was reduced by nearly [-].

To know.

Only after releasing the Taoism 'Pushan' once did he lose 500 stamina.

As for the left eye, it took nearly four hundred to open it once.

This is so...

Just as Lu Shan was still complaining.

A system notification reached his ears.

[System prompt]: There are two spells detected in the field of vision, one is the spiritual method 'Contrarian Curse';

[System Prompt]: Which one to choose to expand into 'Ri Tong'?
Is this still a choice?
Lu Shan chose the first one without thinking.

The result was a forbidding warning head on.

[System prompt]: Insufficient realm, learning failure.


This is so special.

Lu Shan had no choice but to choose to expand that fried alchemy into his left eye.

[System Prompt]: Rubbing technique of 'Hundred Beasts Gathering Spirit Pill' has been successfully rubbed (1/1).

Good guy.

400 stamina in exchange for a one-time skill.

Is this thing a loss or a loss or a loss?

Then, just for a while.

on the ground.

The snake man's spell finished.

next moment.

A powerful suction suddenly came from the ground, as if the gravity had suddenly soared countless times!
This made Lu Shan unable to react for a while.

In an instant, it was pulled towards the ground by this strong gravity!

During this period, Lu Shan tried his best to get rid of this gravity, even if he tried his best to spray blood, he couldn't get rid of it.

It even fell to the ground much faster.

Seeing the ground keep getting bigger in front of him!
Lu Shan, who had no other choice, could only hold his head, gather strength, and prepare for the impact.


Appeared with a loud dull sound.

Lu Shan suddenly felt severe pain all over his body, dizzy, and at the same time, an indescribable surge emerged from his throat.


A large pool of blood spit out.

But because the strong suction was still there, Lu Shan couldn't even get up after vomiting blood.

Still lying in that deep pit, enduring the suppression of strong gravity.

At this time.

The snake man's laughter came over.

"Hiss hiss..."

"Lie down, the moment I refine the blood pill is the moment I use you as a sacrifice!"

I want to eat Lao Tzu again! ?
Don't give your mother a chance! !

Otherwise, labor and capital will definitely eat you raw! !
Eat it raw! ! !
Lu Shan struggled angrily in the pit, screaming angrily.

But Yuan Dan Realm is Yuan Dan Realm after all, the suppression of the realm and the shackles of spiritual law made it impossible for him to resist.

Even if Lu Shan has activated the 'burning blood' state at this time, his attributes have doubled.

There is no resistance.

Just at this time.

The ground suddenly shook.

Lu Shan who was pressed to the ground was stunned, just when he wondered if his feeling was wrong.

The ground shook again.

And this time the vibration was several times stronger than the previous one.

The shock even slightly shook Lu Shan's figure a lot.

what happened? !
what's going on! ?

Lu Shan was still in shock and doubt.

The roar of the snake man had already reached his ears.

"Crazy life!!!"

"You must not die!!"


What the hell!

The mad king is here? !
Lu Shan couldn't restrain his curiosity, and turned the chicken head with all his strength.

Facing the sky, looking at the sky.

this will.

What came into view was a gigantic chimpanzee with an unidentifiable face sandwiched in its crotch.

Calculated proportionally, this guy is probably more than a dozen or nearly 20 meters tall.

This is the first time Lu Shan has seen such a huge monster body.

I saw the chimpanzee was outside the pale white mask, hammering the pale white mask with one punch after another.

The cover was hammered and shaken.

And the earthquake that Lu Shan felt was caused by this fist.

The power is so strong!
Seeing that the mask was about to shatter, Lu Shan murmured subconsciously.

At this time.

A figure suddenly crossed Lu Shan's vision.

He took a closer look and saw that it was the snake man.

It dragged a long snake tail and greeted the giant ape in the sky.


during the flight.

The snake man began to grow in size gradually.

In the end, in Lu Shan's sight, it also swelled to a length of nearly ten meters.

It turned into a giant snake with a snow-white body and a triangular head.


With the chimpanzee's fiercest punch, the pale white mask shattered.

The big snake also reached the same height as the chimpanzee.

"Crazy life! You finally can't wait!" The big snake uttered words, suspended in the air.


The chimpanzee stopped punching and stood suspended, staring coldly at the big snake.

"Yes, I can't wait."

"Come on then."


After a series of conversations that made Lu Shan completely confused, the battle between the two behemoths started like this.



Lu Shan, who was lying in the pit, was a little surprised to see the blood vibrating in the sky and the overflowing energy.

How fierce!
He subconsciously sighed.

Then when he was about to change his posture to watch the battle.

Discovered by accident.

I don't know if it was because of the interference of the energy wave of the tricked battle, the gravity on my body suddenly became much weaker.

Discovered once.

Lu Shan hurriedly sat up vigorously, struggling with the pain on his body, and crawled out of the deep pit step by step.

Excavation pit.


At the same time look around.

Those skinny monsters were still sleeping.

I'm really not afraid of sleeping to death.

And the extremely precious oven of the snake man is located not far in front, guarded by Wu Yao.

at this time.

Lu Shan raised his head, glanced at the two behemoths that were fighting passionately, then looked back at the oven not far away.


Crooked mouth.

With a grunt.

Labor and management are about to start charging interest!
(End of this chapter)

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