Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 146 Something is wrong!

Chapter 146 Something is wrong! (Please subscribe!!!)
Budu City, Yi'a City, Qianli City, and Xishui City.

The four major city-states have united Wuxiangmen, Siheshan, Qingyezong and other middle sects, and are preparing to wipe out the largest monster organization located in the area of ​​​​the four cities together.

The big and small monsters near the crazy mountain range.

The time was set at noon two days later.

When Lu Shan heard the news from the mouths of the first and last wolves, he was full of disbelief.

But when the head-tail wolf pulled out a piece of paper with various symbols written on it from under the cortex of its abdomen, and handed it over.

Lu Shan looked down.

Well, still don't believe it.

This is the foundation of illiteracy.


If you don't understand it, you don't understand it. This kind of war between monsters is not a trivial matter.

Moreover, reporting emergencies is also one of the missions of the little demon patrolling the mountain.

So after he told the wolves to do what they should do, they turned around and flew in the direction of the main mountain range.

After several hours in a row.

When Lu Shan returned to the main mountain of the Kuangsheng Mountain Range.

The sun in the sky has already set on the horizon.

And the monsters in the Crazy Mountains all have a habit.

Even after sunset, they will basically return to their own demon cave.

Do the things you love to do, and do some entertainment you love to do.

So when Lu Shan returned to the Kuangsheng Mountain Range to serve as the cave, the monsters inside had almost left.

There is only a fat mouse squatting behind the innermost stone platform responsible for the up and down communication.


Lu Shan walked over, jumped onto the stage, and slapped the paper brought by the head and tail wolf on the stage.

"Old Jie Rui, something serious happened!"


"Who is it!"

The fat rat squeezed its head out of the fat around its neck, and looked at the rooster blankly.

"'s you! Little cock..."

Little you an awl.

Lu Shan pointed at the paper with his wings and said:

"Hurry up and report this to the king!"


The old Shuo Shu followed the rooster's wings and set his eyes on the paper on the table.

Black and white red stamp.

After reading it, the fat rat's eyes widened.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

He yelled a lot.

Just when Lu Shan was wondering what it was doing.

Suddenly, a pair of purple grapes came out from the side door, oh no.

Into a harpy.

I saw it jumping and coming to the front of the stage.

"Is there anything to report?"

The Fat Rat heard this and pointed to the paper on the table.

"Hurry up and give this to the king!"


The harpies looked down at the paper, then grabbed the paper with her claws.

Then, turn around and step outward.

It wasn't until the figure of the harpy disappeared that Lu Shan came to his senses belatedly.

"Is that all right?"

"Well, Your Majesty has his own arrangements!"

Fat Rat's voice was full of determination.

Seeing so.

Lu Shan didn't say much, turned around and left the place.

But on the way back.

Lu Shan recalled the whole incident.

From killing people, to saving demons, to reporting things.

Something always feels wrong.

But what's wrong...

Lu Shan didn't think about it either.

In this way, after it was completely dark, he returned to the grass-eating mountain.

Looking down at the herbivorous mountain with several more caves, he immediately realized that the extra ones should be the new monsters who entered the mountain.

Thinking about a few days ago, there were only six or seven big and small monsters in the huge herbivorous mountain.

Lu Shan couldn't help but sigh.

into the night.

Lu Shan thought of the issues he had considered before, and couldn't fall asleep no matter how he thought about it.

Squat in the nest and toss and turn.

This made Cui Hu who was lying in the gap above the hole couldn't help asking:
"My lord, what's the matter?"

Hear catgirl's voice.

Lu Shan thought for a while, and still spoke out his doubts.

After finishing speaking, the catwoman also fell into silence.

Obviously, it's thinking.

After a while.

Catwoman suddenly asked:

"My lord, is it convenient for you to tell me the contents of that piece of paper?"


I just don't want you to know that I'm illiterate.

Seeing that Lu Shan refused very simply, the cat girl thought for a while, and then added:
"My lord, there is no other meaning, I just think there is something wrong with this paper."

Got to the point.

Lu Shan was also getting up, waiting for Catwoman's follow-up.

At this time.

Catwoman paused, and said in a suspicious tone:

"According to my experience of traveling for many years."

"Those with red stamps are usually official documents from the city mansion."

"But the official documents will all involve confidential matters, so it is basically impossible for them to be passed on outside."

"And according to the situation described by the Lord, those two demon hunters are not quite like the monks supported by the city."



At this moment.

Tens of miles away from the east side of the Kuangsheng Mountain Range, there is a huge canyon.

In the valley, there are crowds of people.


A sword light tore through the darkness in the valley.

And under this sword light, a general in golden armor slowly stood in the air.

Suspended in mid-air.

"Pao Ze!"

"Dear friends!"

"The monster race is in trouble in the world, and it is tricking the city-states!"

"I am Tianze, the general of Xishui City!"

"Ordered by the emperor!"

"Follow the order in times of crisis, fight for the sake of the common people, and save the people of Liming from the fire and water!"

"Therefore, there is only one purpose for calling everyone here today!"

"Kill Kuangshengshan! Kill all monster races!"

"Clouds rising from the sky!"


Following General Jinjia's order, countless auras suddenly appeared from the valley.

Followed by.

The aura gathered and formed a huge disc, which lifted up all the soldiers and monks.

at the same time.

In the other three directions of Crazy Mountain.

A very similar scene also appeared.

Countless soldiers or monks, or flying boats, or magic weapons, or spells.

Each gathered the power of the city-states and lifted thousands of people into the air.

With the order of the four city-state generals.

'Operation Madness' has begun!

the other side.

Lu Shan and Cui Huan looked at each other in the demon cave.

Because from their deduction just now, they got a very shocking news.

That is, the Terran coalition forces may not launch an attack according to the time on paper.

But exactly when to attack.

Neither of them could figure it out.

So now another problem arises.

If they couldn't guess the exact time, they would have no way to report this matter to their superiors.

Just when Lu Shan was worrying about what to do next.

An inexplicable palpitation suddenly appeared.

Lu Shan stood up suddenly, frowning slightly, as if sensing something.

This made Cui Hu on the side a little confused.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

"It's not right, it's not right..."

Lu Shan covered his chest with his wings.

With chest tightness and flustered, he thought for a while, and simply walked out of the demon cave.

Cui Gourd saw this.

Although it didn't want to show its face, its curiosity made it unable to keep up with Lu Shan.


Out of the demon cave.

visible to the eye.

A bright light suddenly appeared in the sky.

See here.

Without saying a word, Lu Shan raised his head, exhausted all his strength, and took a deep breath.

open mouth.

"Oh oh oh!!!"

 In the past two days, there have been fewer and fewer subscriptions, and the background data I have seen has become more and more sad.

  There is not much motivation for coding.

  So annoying.

  Write so much today, and try to stimulate it with a new battle tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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