Chapter 152 Facing the Enemy's Fake Pill Realm (Please Subscribe!!!)

[System prompt]: The goal of the pulse building state (intermediate level) has been achieved, and the next task will automatically start, the goal is the pulse building state (advanced) (239998:19:39)

Along with that surge of surging blood, energy surged in the body.

Without looking at the attribute panel, Lu Shan can clearly feel that he is much stronger.

Feeling the power far surpassing the past, Lu Shan was overjoyed immediately, turned his head and prepared to continue killing monsters.

But at this time.

A sergeant in silver armor appeared above Lu Shan's head.

Lu Shan raised his head.

Looking up from the bottom, only the crotch can be seen.

Is it the moral courtesy a person should have to look at a monster with his crotch?

So Lu Shan was not polite to him.

Lie on the ground, spread the crotch, and respond with the same crotch.

In terms of momentum, Lu Shan was even more powerful.

Because he didn't wear pants.

At this time, the man in the sky spoke.

With a very serious tone, he said coldly:

"The sprite!"

"I am the commander of Xishui City, Zhao Yue!"

"I have ordered you to come here to get you!"


After speaking, he raised his hand and waved his sword.

A sword light cut straight towards Lu Shan like thunder.

Such a fast sword light struck.

Lu Shan almost didn't have time to avoid it.

Fortunately he was sitting on the ground.

The body rolled to the side a few times.



The sword light slashed the ground, creating a crack several meters long.

Good guy.

The light of the sword is like a brake, gathering energy to hang in the air!
A cultivator in the fake alchemy realm? !
Feeling this aura that is far superior to others, it is an extraordinary evil spirit.

Lu Shan got upright, stood up from the ground, raised his head, and said very bluntly:
"The one who hit the young one is now the old one?"

"Come on, come on, and force yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Shan raised his feet with a "three folded legs" as a gift in return.

as predicted.

With the speed of the light blade in the bloody state, the opponent easily dodged by shifting.


In the next second, the other party swung a long sword glowing orange and slashed at Lu Shan.



I like.

As soon as Lu Shan's posture changed, the red mist quickly rose all over his body.

When the silver armored warrior swung his long sword and slashed to the edge of the red mist, a hand stretched out from the red mist, beckoning to the corpse beside him.

next moment.

The long knife next to the corpse quickly flew to the hand.


The long knife moved upward along the outside of the red mist, and collided with the long sword that was slashing downwards!

It's just two breaths of effort.

The long knife shattered into slag.

But with the time supported by this long knife, Lu Shan successfully released the demon body.

Then, with the help of the flexibility of the demon body, he took a step to the side, avoiding the slash of the long sword.


The chop of the long sword seemed to be dodged, but the kick that followed immediately sent him flying.

"Boom! Boom!"

With two crisp sounds, Lu Shan's body crashed through two big trees, and finally stabilized his body under the back of a huge boulder.


Lu Shan cursed angrily, then got up from the crack in the stone.

At this time.

The silver-armored warrior had already come in front of him, raised his hand, and made a gesture in his direction.


A murderous aura emanated from the opponent's posture.


Lu Shan instinctively opened the 'Corns: Yuetong'.

Race: Terran

Body height: 1.98 meters

Weight: 89 kg
Status: in storage

Weaknesses: Interrupts spellcasting.

Trend prediction:

A second later, he was accumulating the spell.

Two seconds later, the method was stored.

Three seconds later, release the sword technique.

Just two seconds?
Can you fight back?


And the sword move released with such a powerful evil spirit, can it be less powerful?

also can not.

and so.

When Lu Shan got up, he opened the "sac on the cavity" to the maximum, and flew to the distance without looking back.


After two seconds.

A sword light that was not inferior to the giant sword that lifted the sky appeared from the hands of the silver armored sergeant, and slashed towards the position where Lu Shan was just now.


Just when Lu Shan was still rejoicing, the giant sword suddenly shattered into countless smaller swords, flying towards his current position.

Oh shit!
Still take this trick? !
Lu Shan was shocked, looking at the small swords flying towards him, knowing that he had no way to retreat, he simply turned the sword with his claws.

Faced with those little flying swords.

Hit the road, block!
In the middle, push horizontally!
Get off the road, get together!
Three roads, three different coping methods.

Lu Shan raised his vigilance and inspiration to the maximum, relying on the hardness of the 'Silver Claw', barely blocked most of the little flying sword's attacks.

As for the small part that is not blocked.

Relying on the "sac on the cavity" and the strong resilience of the demon body, it is not too hard to be penetrated.

a while.

Waiting for the last little flying sword to be fought, Lu Shan's body was already a little tired.

Looking at the big rooster in front of him, relying on his own reaction ability and physical fitness, he forcibly swallowed his spiritual technique 'Crash Broken Sword'.

to be frank.

Zhao Yue was very surprised.

With his fake alchemy level cultivation base, and releasing this sword technique, it can be said that no monks at the initial level of Yuan Dan level can survive without being injured.

Think of this.

Zhao Yue once again deepened his idea of ​​killing the chicken-headed demon.

Frowning, he picked up and started accumulating energy again.

After taking a breath, Lu Shan accidentally discovered that the other party was accumulating energy again, and suddenly became angry and cursed:
"You old man!"

"It's okay to suppress it with the realm, but why use a big move!?"

"You are the one who has the big move!?"

Angry Lu Shan cut out 'corns: Ritong' directly.

next second.

A large amount of blood rushed to Lu Shan's left eye.

In just a short while, his stamina dropped by nearly [-] crazily.


A system prompt jumped out.

[System Prompt]: It is detected that there is a spiritual method 'Falling Broken Sword' in the field of vision, is it expanded into 'Sun Pupil'?
'Yes! '

Following Lu Shan's response, a new reminder appeared after a while.

[System prompt]: The rubbing of the spiritual technique 'Fallen Broken Sword' (1/1) has been successfully printed.

When Lu Shan heard this prompt.

next second.

He didn't even think about it, and directly chose to release this newly developed spiritual method.

At this time.

A strange force began to drive his body.

Stretching his legs, stepping on a horse, and folding his hands, he posed in a power-storing pose similar to the opponent's.

The only difference is that the opponent has a sword in his hand.

But Lu Shan had nothing in his hand.

No, there was a chicken feather, which came to his hands at some point.

It was held in his hand like a sword.


Following a surge of blood aura gathered from the body and the void towards the chicken feather.

Lu Shan could feel that the chicken feather in his hand was almost filled with blood aura.

Seeing that the energy storage is about to be completed.

In the sky, the silver armored sergeant was one step ahead of him and released his skills.

I saw a huge spiritual sword formed by gathering spiritual energy, appearing in the hands of the silver armored sergeant.

Then he waved and slashed towards Lu Shan.

Just when the huge sword was slashing at the top of Lu Shan's head.

He moved.

Pulled out a blood-colored chicken feather from his waist.

Lift it up gently.

Chicken feathers swell in the wind!

In less than a breath, it swelled to an exaggerated size.

From the volume point of view.

Not at all inferior to that huge sword light.


In the eyes of all monsters.

The chicken feather and Jianguang lightly touched together...

(End of this chapter)

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