Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 168 Possessed by Digging Chicken!

Chapter 168 Possessed by Digging Chicken! (Please subscribe!!!)
Three old turtle grandchildren.

It was another battle, another blood sacrifice, another formation, and another planting of grass.

In the end, isn't it all the 'extending fruit' whose effect is unknown?

As long as I can find a way on this fruit.

And why worry about not being able to force out those three old turtle grandchildren?
While thinking, Lu Shan slapped the old hen close to him, and slapped the evil old hen aside.

Then he calmed down and began to think about how he could start with the fruit.

Think about it.

It was getting dark.

At this time.

The door behind the yard suddenly opened, and then the boy walked out with a dustpan in his arms.

I saw him walking slowly to the chicken coop and lifted the cover of the chicken coop.

Then pour out all the rotten leaves, small bugs, wheat bran and the like in the dustpan.

a time.

The whole chicken coop was in a mess.

All kinds of hens, roosters, and chicks are fighting for the fallen food.

There was only one chicken, Lu Shan, who was still sitting on the coop, motionless.

This situation was noticed by the boy, who kindly took a few grains of hard rice bran from the dustpan and sprinkled them in front of Lu Shan.

"Chicken, eat quickly!"

"Eat to grow up!"

"Only when you grow up can you sell at a good price."

Ha ha…

Lu Shan is still indifferent.


He looked at the few grains of rice bran in front of him, and suddenly thought that his [Seven Step Spike] was about to advance to the next level.

Anyway, I couldn't think of a good way for a while.

Why don't you get some Lingmi first.

Without further ado.

Before other chickens came to grab the food, they swallowed all the rice bran in their mouths.

Seeing that the last little rooster had eaten the rice bran, Xiaoji, who was outside the chicken coop, put the lid on the chicken coop down contentedly.

Then he turned around and went to the pigsty on the other side of the yard.

Watching the boy leave, Lu Shan returned to the chicken coop.

Spit out the rice bran, hold it with your paws, and perform the exercises.

A moment of effort.

A few grains of spiritual rice exuding spiritual energy appeared under Lu Shan's chicken feet.

finished eating.

Looking at the "Seven Step Sui" that is about to be upgraded in the property panel.

Lu Shan turned the head of the chicken, and turned his gaze to the hut behind the yard.

into the night.

Haoyue is in the sky.

It is estimated that it is time to fall asleep.

Lu Shan quietly crawled out of the chicken coop, then jumped lightly, and came to the window of the house.

Look down.

The little woman was holding the boy, and the two were sound asleep.

Taking into account the reasons for movement and blood aura.

Lu Shan didn't use any skills, so he used his chicken claws to buckle against the wall, and then climbed into the house step by step.

Although the house is a bit dilapidated, it is still clean.

Lu Shan glanced around, and after confirming that the rice vat was not in the room, he carefully clasped the wall and walked out of the sleeping room.

Came to a living room with only a few wooden tables and chairs and a few scattered small furniture.

After observing for a while, I still didn't see anything like a rice vat.

So Lu Shan continued to move forward.

Finally, in the corner of the kitchen, I saw a small jar.

Go over and lift the wooden cover.

After one or two breaths, Lu Shan put the wooden cover back on.

Then, he sighed softly.


It's almost bottoming out.

If he swallowed the rice, it would be no problem to advance, but tomorrow the mother and son might drink the northwest wind.

Lu Shan really can't do this kind of behavior of eating out of the household.

In any case, I borrowed someone else's chicken coop to avoid a danger.

So he went back the same way.

After going out the window, along the wall, I found a rich family nearby.

The robbery went to the rich chicken.

After ten minutes.

Lu Shan sat in the rice vat, quietly listening to a reminder sound in his mind.

[System prompt]: Successfully devoured (1600) grains of spiritual rice, and has reached the promotion conditions of "Seven Step Sui".

"Seven Step Sui" (fifth floor): During the exercise period, the promotion countdown speed will be increased by 50%;

[Growth Promoting] Accelerates the growth of living plants, increases the growth rate by 50%, and has a small probability to double the growth speed of living plants;
[Spiritual Transformation] Leveraging power on rice, there is a chance that it can be directly transformed into spiritual rice, the probability is 50%.

After a brief glance, Lu Shan could see the changes between the fifth floor "Seven Step Spike" and the previous one.

There is an additional state of probability multiplication and acceleration.


With his own characteristics of this non-chieftain.

As long as this kind of probabilistic issue is involved, in Lu Shan's view, it is almost zero.

So he directly skipped this change and focused on his spiritual power.


The spiritual power value changes according to the level of one's own mind.

From the previous 99.9, it has soared directly to the current 199.8, which is equivalent to completing the initial stage of Qi.

The data suddenly doubled.

Calculated with this value.

Every time I am promoted in the future, my spiritual power will be close to the highest value of the attribute.

Good thing!
Now I am troubled by the problem of the next two layers of exercises.

I still have to go back to Qianli City sometime to get the next two levels of exercises.

After a while.

Lu Shan carried a rice bag and carefully turned it out of the rich man's yard.

I'm afraid that if I spill a grain of rice, someone will find something.

At this moment.

Lu Shan misses his pocket panties very much.

It's a pity that Lu Binghua has already taken him away.


Even the original underwear has to be snatched.

What a pervert!
Lu Shan cursed all the way.

Then he took the rice bag back to the mother and son's small yard and hid it in the corner of the yard.


He slipped out of the yard again.

Follow the memory and run in the direction of the cemetery.

along the way.

Lu Shan raised his vigilance to the highest level.

Avoided several inspection teams.

Finally, I finally saw the curvature of the dirt hill in the cemetery.


Lu Shan seemed to have noticed something.

He stopped, climbed to a roof, and moved forward slowly.

Wait until it is less than a hundred feet away from the earth mountain.

The result is visible.

At least hundreds of soldiers surrounded the entire cemetery.

The blaze of torches illuminated the cemetery.

this scenario.

Don't talk about sneaking in.

Even if there are ghosts, they can't be caught.

That does not work.

If you don't sneak in, how can you turn those seeds out?

Hard break?

That's the same as courting death.

But don't force it, the road to the grave is blocked.

How did it go?

Come on.

Flying in the sky, if someone finds out, all arrows will be fired.

Not only did he scare the snake away, even the three old turtle grandsons were able to find his trace.

But if it's hard to go the right way, you can't fly to the sky either.

How about...

I thought about it.

Lu Shan turned his head and withdrew, finding a small, deserted yard.

Then he got into a dilapidated house and dug a hole in the corner with chicken feet without any trouble.

Get in.

Find the right direction and distinguish the position.

After making sure there is no problem.

Taking a deep breath, he arched his chicken feet, placed them on the wall of the cave, and began to twitch wildly back and forth.

'Digging chicken' possessed! ! !

He moved the chicken feet like a little motor. !
Crazy drilling.

After a short while, a pitch-black hole was drilled, which could accommodate his body.

But there is still some distance from here to the cemetery in a straight line.

And there may be some basements, house foundations, cellars and other things in the middle that hinder it.

So digging holes close to the surface is not realistic.

no way.

Lu Shan could only dig the hole vertically to a depth of nearly four or five meters.

Then at this depth, quickly dig in the direction of the cemetery.

But this digging thing is underground after all.

Both eyes are black, so you can only dig by feeling.

After a while, Lu Shan felt that he had dug something hard.

With the help of the light of aura, take a look.

It was a big stone like marble, lying in front of him.

For ordinary big rocks, Lu Shan didn't care much, just poked hard.


A large amount of groundwater spurted out of the hole and rushed to Lu Shan's face.

Depend on!
This can dig well water! ?

"I... gurgling gurgling..."

After drinking a lot of water, Lu Shan raised his hand and pulled out several pieces of gravel and earth from the side.

It took a lot of effort to seal the gap.

After the water was completely leak-free, Lu Shan could only change the direction and continue drilling.

This time it went well.

After digging hundreds of meters in a row, there were no problems.

There were even a few centipedes along the way, serving as snacks for Lu Shan.

Just in Lushan, I dug wildly for a while.


He seemed to smell something that irritated his nose.

Vigilance told him that accidents never lead to good things.

So he immediately stopped his claws and turned to dig upwards.

After a few breaths, Lu Shan dug to the surface.

hold on for a while.

Stretch out the chicken head quietly.

About a few meters in front of him.

A dilapidated shed appeared in his sight, surrounded by walls.

Smelling the pungent smell, Lu Shan couldn't help but tingle his chicken feet.

If this is to dig a section further ahead.

I was washed all over by those inexplicable liquids...


I am afraid that I will have the heart of wanting to die.

Suddenly this time.

A soldier clutching his stomach hurriedly rushed into the rotten shed.

Afterwards, when a series of "gurgle, gurgle, gurgle" sounds appeared, a stench comparable to the destructive power of the baby-changing environment rushed towards Lu Shan.

You're afraid of eating shit!

La so stinks!

Lu Shan hurriedly buried his head, ready to turn around.

But after he saw an airtight soldier's helmet not far away.

Another thought came to his mind.

After a while.

A heavily armed soldier came out of the dilapidated shed.

Then, take the torch and walk out of the yard.

Outside at this time, a heavily armed soldier holding a torch happened to meet.


Lu Shan hurriedly straightened his posture, recalling his military posture in his previous life, and walked past him silently.

Waiting for the opponent to turn around from the path behind him.

Lu Shan let out a little sigh of relief, and continued to walk forward.

After passing shoulder to shoulder with dozens of soldiers, they finally came to the foot of the cemetery.

Looking at the cemetery that was close at hand, Lu Shan hummed silently.

But just about to enter the mountain.

A serious voice sounded from behind him.

"Soldier! Which column are you in!"

Lu Shan was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly replied:

"Report! Zhang Ju, a member of No. 20 Fourth Squad of the Militia Column in the west of the city!"

After shouting, he turned around.


Four or five sergeants holding torches looked straight at him.

No way? !

Found out? !
Lao Tzu finally got the information through torture, so it was exposed so easily?

Just when Lu Shan was considering whether to kill him.

The leading sergeant suddenly asked:

"Ah, uh..."

"Critical moment! Don't look around!"

After finishing speaking, the sergeant continued to walk forward with those soldiers.

Like patrolling.

Seeing that the other party didn't find anything, Lu Shan silently straightened his raised fingers.

After these people leave.

He turned around and looked at it again to make sure no one came.

Turn around and cut back into the chicken shape.

Keep digging.

After digging a hole, Lu Shan hid the armor in and blocked the exit with stones.


Keep digging forward.

At this time.

Since he has already come to the graveyard, Lu Shan does not need to dig down.

Just rely on the approximate location and dig to the location in memory.

But Lu Shan seems to have forgotten the special environment here.

So much so that after a few minutes, he dug through a coffin and had an intimate contact with the cutie inside.

Looking at the unknown bone in his hand, Lu Shan shoved it back for the little cutie with some embarrassment.

Then he said embarrassingly:

"Sorry, accident..."

" keep on sleeping, bye..."

After finishing speaking, he bypassed the coffin and continued to dig forward.

This time.

Every time Lu Shan dug a certain distance, he drilled out to check the position.

After so many times in a row.

He finally came to the devastated and devastated place.

However, Lu Shan did not crawl his body out of the soil.

Dive into the ground again.

Start looking for those few 'extension fruit' seeds.

Oddly enough.

Those few seeds that can give birth to such precious fruits, at this moment, there is no overflow of aura.

It's just like ordinary plant seeds.

Lu Shan, who had drilled a circle underground like this, felt a little bit pained.

If not found.

Then my plan to lure the snake out of the hole would be ruined.

No no no.

They are all rushing to the entrance of the cave, how can they just stop like this?
Think for a while.

Lu Shan thought of something unexpectedly.

The chicken head emerged quietly from the soil, and then hid in the weeds, squinting its eyes.

'Corns: Moon pupil'

next moment.

A series of 'corns' driven by aura appeared.

The left and right things within a radius of several meters are scanned into the eyes.

wet soil...

Broken tombstones...

Rotting corpses...

broken bones...

Sheep intestines filled with unknown liquid...


What the hell?
Scanned around and found nothing unusual.

Lu Shan drilled back into the soil, and then continued to stick his head out more than ten meters away, repeating the action just now.

Back and forth so many times.

Seeing that Lu Shan's aura was about to return to zero.

Just as he was considering whether to secretly use the blood aura, a reminder suddenly entered his eyes.

Name: Elongated Fruit Seeds…

Status: Budding...

Location: [-] meters southeast, [-] meters underground...

Good guy.

Finally found.

Lu Shan quickly buried his head in the past.

In a short time, they dug in front of the three 'extended fruit' seeds.

Looking at the three seeds with faint black smoke, Lu Shan thought for a while, and tried to transfer the remaining spiritual energy into one of the seeds.


That seed actually absorbed all the spirit energy that [Seven Step Sui] had sent out.


There's no after that…


Lu Shan guessed the result.

Immediately increased the output of spiritual energy.

It's a pity that when he is empty mana, this seed will not change in any way.

As a last resort, Lu Shan cut out the blood aura.

Using [Qibu Sui] movement method, the blood aura was sent to that seed.

next moment.

The seeds of 'Yanshengguo' had new changes immediately!
(End of this chapter)

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