Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 175 Give me the name of chicken tyrant

Chapter 175 Report my name as chicken tyrant (please subscribe!!!)
Hearing this prompt, Lu Shan subconsciously clasped his wings in his mouth.

I want to try to see if I can vomit.

But it turned out that 'Yanshengguo' was too silky...

It has completely slipped into my stomach.

As a result, Lu Shankong vomited several times, but nothing came out.

Followed by.

Lu Shan found a biting chill in his stomach.

And as time went by, the coolness gradually spread around his body.


Just at this time.

The system prompt in my mind appeared again.

[System prompt]: Dead energy has invaded, and since the host has not responded, the system will automatically extract constitution to resist...

With the appearance of this prompt.

next second.

An indescribable burning sensation appeared from all over his body, and began to surround the chicken breast.

At this time, in Lu Shan's sight.

The physical fitness value on the attribute panel began to decrease continuously.

At first, it dropped little by little.

Slowly, it started to become a two-point two-point drop.

To know.

Lu Shan's current maximum physical fitness is only about 1700, even if he turns on the "burning blood" state, it is only about 3400.

The battle also released two 'Pushan' just now.

Although after such a short reply, his physique has returned to about a thousand.

But this data can't last long at all.

How to do? !

Lu Shan felt a little anxious looking at the constantly decreasing physical values.

this will.

He suddenly thought that his physical fitness value should be related to the blood energy of his body.

I also talked about this aspect with Cuihu before.

From her mouth, I learned that other monsters can usually rely on some pills or herbs to restore their blood.

Think of this.

Lu Shan quickly put his wings into his panties, fished out a root of isatidis, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Take a few bites and eat the next one.

Later, Lu Shan discovered that the rate of falling of his physical fitness value was indeed a beat slower.

But only one shot.

Afterwards, the physical value still restored the falling speed just now.

It fell down at two o'clock.

Seeing that the herbal medicine worked.

In the following time, Lu Shan began to eat herbs crazily.

After eating Banlangen, eat Shangen.

After Yamane finished eating, he ate perilla.

After eating the perilla, I serve angelica again...

But when Lu Shan finished eating the herbs in his panties in one go, the physical value in his body was still dropping sharply.

It even falls a little faster.

From the [-]:[-] drop just now, it has developed to the current [-]:[-] drop.

This made Lu Shan a little dumbfounded.

In desperation, he directly opened a bottle of 'Li Qi Pill' and stuffed it into his mouth like eating beans.

'Li Qi Pill', one pill can replenish about [-] constitutions.

There are only a dozen pills in a bottle.

Two bottles of this elixir were also found in the snake demon man's treasury.

There are other elixirs, but they are all elixirs that stop bleeding and remove blood stasis, replenish essence and strengthen the body, and have nothing to do with blood qi.

a while.

Lu Shan finished the two bottles of 'Li Qi Pill'.

There is nothing to replenish the physique.

At this time, he thought of the ring given by that dead face.

Go in and perceive with mental power.

Lingshi, Lingcao, jade mirror and so on.

After a quick scan, it was found that there was no elixir for replenishing blood qi in it.

Only then did Lu Shan realize it.

This dead face is a human monk, and a human monk usually only needs to replenish his energy.

Replenishing blood energy is what monsters need.

I knew I couldn't find anything useful in this guy's ring.

But Lu Shan was still not reconciled, and his spiritual power was searching everywhere in the space of the ring.

Hope to find something helpful.


Lu Shan saw a lot of bloody things placed in the corner of the utensils in the ring space.

There are wooden boxes containing stones, cloth strips stained with blood, and even a sword with soaring blood rising to the sky.

Adhering to the principle of not letting go of one.

Lu Shan took all these out of the ring space.

all of a sudden.

The huge chicken coop is full of things.

Those poultry were squeezed into a corner with a confused look on their faces.


Lu Shan thought for a while, kicked the chicken coop out of a gap, and drove the chickens into the yard.

Wait for the space to clear up.

Lu Shan suddenly found out.

The bone-chilling chill had spread from his chicken breast to the chicken breast.

The whole chest is cold and cold.

Seeing that the coolness was about to spread to the chicken's neck.

In this case, Lu Shan didn't have the time to distinguish how to use these things.

Pick it up and say hello to yourself.

The long sword grabbed the wings first, only to find that the long sword was absorbing blood from him in turn.


This is a terrible thing.

Lu Shan quickly took back the ring.

Then he picked up a bunch of bloody cloth strips.

When I took it closer, I realized that not only was there blood on the cloth, but it also had an indescribable seafood smell.

Then combine the length and width of the strip.

Lu Shan immediately thought of something.

This turtle grandson is so perverted? !

Lu Shan held back his nausea, and threw these pieces of cloth out of the chicken coop.

Afterwards, he picked up the palm-sized wooden box.

Open it and see a blood-red stone inside.

Lu Shan stretched out his wings, took the stone out of the wooden box, and pinched it on his wings.

As soon as he touched it, the warm touch made Lu Shan hesitate.

Don't be such a perverted thing.

But then.

The traces of blood emanating from the stone shocked him.

Hurry up and put this stone on your chicken breast.

As soon as it was pasted, there was a burst of heat from the stone, flowing along the chicken breast and flowing into Lu Shan's body.

But the speed is too slow.

The growth rate of one's own physique is only a little bit of increase.

But now the speed of physical fitness loss is three to three points.

He still has a physique of about [-]. According to this speed, he may be exhausted in less than an hour.

No no no.

Lu Shan considered for a moment.

gritted his teeth.

He simply stuffed the dime-sized stone into his mouth.

Then swallow hard.

As soon as I got down, a reminder jumped out.

[System Prompt]: Found the 'Blood Gathering Spirit Stone', do you want to absorb the blood aura in it?

Lu Shan didn't wait for the system prompt to end, so he agreed directly.

Followed by.

A burst of hot blood suddenly emerged from his chicken breast.

That feeling.

It's like pouring a pot of boiling water directly over the chicken skin!
If it was normal, Lu Shan might be able to yell directly.

But now, after being eroded by those cold air, he only felt that the boiling water was not strong enough.

that's it.

In Lu Shan's chicken breast, the cold air and the heat flow merged together.

Treat his body as a battlefield.

No one will let anyone.

For a while, the heat flow rolled, and the cold air stimulated for a while.

This made Lu Shan miserable.

Burning, freezing cold, two completely different pains appeared in his body.

Fortunately, it's only in the chicken breast.

If this battlefield spreads to the whole body.

Lu Shan couldn't imagine how much pain he would feel.

The only good news at present is that the physique is no longer reduced.

On the contrary, there is a certain degree of growth.

It's just that the speed is a bit slow.

Jump a little bit for a while, jump a little bit for a while.

Just when Lu Shan was still in pain in the chicken coop.

The chickens running around in the yard were spotted by the boy who got up to pee in the middle of the night.

The anxious boy quickly ran out of the house, and those feather dusters yelled at the poultry.

"Go back to the nest!"

"Go back to the nest!"

But oddly enough.

The chickens who were very obedient in the past are actually different today.

No matter how much the boy yelled at them, the chickens just wouldn't go back to the coop.

Not even willing to come close.

At this time, the sound of his yelling woke up the little woman who was sleeping in the room.

Come out and have a look.

The chickens ran around and their feathers flew everywhere.

The whole yard is in a mess.

"Xiaoji! Xiaoji!" The little woman nervously came to the side of the boy.

Observe the boy from head to toe, and after confirming the injury, feel relieved and ask:

"What's going on? Xiaoji."

"What are you doing chasing chickens without sleeping in the middle of the night?"

Xiaoji wiped off the chicken feathers on his head, and said:
"The chickens came out and I tried to get them back, but they just wouldn't go back."

rush back?
not going back?
The little woman turned her head and scanned the entire yard, and finally put her gaze back on the chicken coop with a hole in it.

From her perspective, she could vaguely see a figure writhing in the chicken coop.


The little woman quickly pulled her son behind her, then picked up a shovel from the side of the yard and held it in her hand.

"Aniang..." Xiaoji asked out of the back without knowing why.

"Don't make a sound."

The little woman held the shovel tightly, signaled Xiaoji to stand still, and then walked towards the chicken coop step by step.

But when she got close to the chicken coop.

Looking inside through the gap in the cage, what I saw was a rooster curled up in the cage.

This discovery obviously made the little woman stunned.

Then he frowned and took a closer look at the chicken coop.

As a result, there was nothing in the cage except this big rooster.

Seeing this, the little woman breathed a sigh of relief, and just wanted to turn around and say something.


A scream came from afar.

Immediately afterwards, several shadows flashed across the sky.

Seeing this situation, the little woman's complexion changed drastically.

He ran back quickly, pulled the boy and ran into the house.

"Mother! The chicken is still outside!" the boy anxiously pointed at the poultry behind him.

"do not care!"

A word from the little woman made her run into the house.

But for some reason, he suddenly stopped in front of the house.

"Mother, what's the matter?" the boy asked suspiciously.

The little woman didn't speak, she paused for a moment looking at the candlelit room.

Immediately, holding his son's hand, he turned his head and ran towards the demolished house next to the chicken coop.



Open the door, close the door, in one go.

After the gate of the demolished house was closed, the courtyard returned to silence.

At most, those few poultry chickens are walking around in 'cuckoo'.

After a while.

There was a sudden commotion outside.

There are heavy impacts and shouts, but more of them are the roars of various beasts.

hear these voices.

The chickens in the yard were all terrified.

'Cuckoo cluck' running around in the yard.


A naked figure appeared on the courtyard wall.

When this figure saw the chickens running around in the yard.

The eyes suddenly glowed green.

Laughing wildly, he jumped from the courtyard wall into the courtyard.

"Wow quack quack!!!"

"Chicken!! My favorite live chicken!!!"

"Quack quack!!"

"Don't run! Don't run!!"

Then there was a barking 'cuckoo' sound.

And when the two people in the demolished room heard the voice.

I was frightened for an instant.

The mother and the son covered their mouths respectively, desperately trying not to let themselves make a sound.

a while.

As the laughter and thumping increased, so did the chicken crowing in the yard.

After waiting for the rooster to crow, the sound appeared again.


"Is this gone?"

The voice was full of dissatisfaction.


The voice seemed to have discovered something, and let out a deep laugh.

"Quack quack..."

"It turns out that there are..."

He could hear the laughter approaching towards him.

The little woman's eyes were full of fear, and she hugged her son tightly.

And compared to the despair of the little woman.

Her son, Xiaoji, has a little more courage than a newborn calf.

Xiaoji didn't want to die.

But I don't want my mother to die even more.

Father is not at home now, he is the only man in the family.

Dad used to say it.

A manly man, standing upright, guarding his homeland.

Xiaoji doesn't know what it means to stand upright, but he can roughly understand the meaning of guarding the homeland.

Well, it is to guard the yard of your own house.

Now here comes the bad guy.

Xiaoji felt that he had to do something.

So he broke away from A Niang's arms all of a sudden, and picked up the shovel that was taller than others from the ground.

Just run outside.

Facing the sudden rise of her son in her arms, the little woman froze for a moment, her thoughts slowing down a bit.

The result is this slow effort.

Her son had already arrived at the door, and opened the door with a 'click'.

"Xiaoji!! No!! Xiaoji!!"

In her anxiety, the little woman also forgot her fear, got up and ran outside.

Two or three steps.

He ran out of the room and hugged Xiao Ji who was standing dumbfounded by the door.

Then he pulled him behind, grabbed the shovel, and turned his head nervously and warily to look at the yard.


The scene in front of him stunned the little woman.

I saw a monster with a wolf's head kneeling in front of the chicken coop.

And on the chicken cage, there stood a big rooster less than one foot tall, and it was putting its paws on the head of the wolf-headed monster.

"I heard that you like chicken very much?" The big rooster asked jokingly.


Not waiting for the wolf head monster to reply.

Just listen.

"Crack" sound.

The wolf head demon's head was pulled off by the big rooster.

Scarlet blood spurted several meters high in an instant.

Even the dazed mother and son were splashed a lot.

The little woman subconsciously touched the blood on her chest...

The sticky feel and the bloody scene in front of her made the little woman roll her eyes and fainted.

Seeing his aunt fell down, Xiaoji woke up immediately, turned around, and lay on the little woman with tears in his eyes.

"Auntie! Auntie!"

"Wake up, Mommy!"




A voice interrupted the boy's words.

"Okay! Stop shouting! Are you arguing!"

"Your mother just fainted, not dead."

"It's mourning!"

Xiaoji turned her head, followed the voice, and turned her gaze to the big rooster that jumped from the coop.

"'t come here!"

"I... I know martial arts!"

As he spoke, he picked up the shovel from the side and placed it in front of him, with tears in his eyes, watching the big cock warily.

Look at this child with fierce milk and fierce milk.

Lu Shan suddenly thought of Tian Wa'er.

I don't know how this girl is doing on the mountain.

Thinking of this, he immediately lost the idea of ​​teasing this little kid.

"Take your mother back to the house, don't come out, it's dangerous outside."


Lu Shan jumped onto the chicken coop again.

But just as he was about to leave, the little boy yelled at him:
"Big cock! Where can I find you in the future?"

"Looking for me?" Lu Shan turned the chicken head unexpectedly, and asked:
"What do you want me to do?"

"Looking for you to learn martial arts!" The boy pointed at the chicken carcasses all over the yard, and said angrily:

"I want to learn martial arts to protect my mother, protect my homeland, protect...protect...protect my chickens!"

Hearing this, Lu Shan almost didn't laugh out loud.

Shaking his head, the figure disappeared directly in place.

But immediately after, a chicken feather floated in front of the boy.

At the same time, there was another voice.

"You're a human, I'm a demon, there's no way for a transvestite."

"But if you want to learn martial arts, you can use this chicken feather to report the name of my chicken tyrant, go to Tian's house in Qianli City, and find Tian's house to walk the Tianzhong flag..."

(End of this chapter)

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