Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 183 for short, Pheasant.

Chapter 183 for short, Pheasant. (Please subscribe!!!)

"Chicken King?"

"When did Crazy Life Mountain have an extra Chicken King?"

Looking at the giant rooster with a size of more than 30 meters, Qian Buduo muttered to himself dully.

Then he raised his hand and couldn't help but slap his belly.


The sound is crisp.

It hurts too...

When there is not much money to make sure it is not a dream, the whole person is not good.

To know.

Why is it so hard to fight monsters in Yuan Dan Realm?

It is nothing more than a blood spirit body that can transform itself.

And the size of the blood spirit body represents the amount of blood spirit energy in the monster's body.


The amount of blood spirit energy is also one of the values ​​​​indicating the combat power of this monster.

Generally, the height of the blood spirit body at the elementary level of the Yuan Dan realm is only six to seven or eight meters...

The middle level can reach the early ten meters.

The high level is powerful, and can reach nearly 20 meters.

And this chicken...

More than 30 meters...

Omg! !
Could it be that God sent me to punish me for eating too many chicken butts recently? !
The almost whisper-like groan of the little money reached the ears of the robed monk.

Let the monk in the robe feel a little contempt for the monk from the Yuanbao sect again.

He doesn't have so many messy thoughts.

He is a monk stationed in the city, and he has some natural hostility towards all monsters who enter the city.

Even if this monster with an unreasonable size appears in front of him, as long as the inspiration is correct.

It's just a monster at the elementary level of the Yuan Dan Realm.

So what? !

"Qian Danjun! I have a method, and I need to sing it for a moment."

"I don't know if Lord Dan can hold me back."

hold on...?
Hold this big guy?
Money is not much and shook his head again and again.

Just now, in order to resist the attack of the 'Three-tailed Rat King', he used his most precious golden brick magic weapon.

The result was a dent.

Now if you want to hold this giant chicken...

Then my own golden brick magic weapon can't...

What are you kidding? !

If you don't have much money, you have to say something when you look back.

But this time.

The figure of the long-robed cultivator has already risen several tens of feet, and he has begun to condense the handprints of spells.


There is not much money and has already cursed.

But there was no way, he could only take out all his belongings.

Magical artifacts, spells, pills, spirit stones...

After all the body was added, he stretched out his hand and waved to the giant rooster on the ground.

"Come here!!"


Lu Shan was amused by the cowardly appearance of the fat Taoist.


He thought of a fat man who stopped him before, and he seemed to be so weird.

Can't help but ask aloud:
"That fat man, do you know a fat man named Cao Bao?"

Qian was stunned for a while.

straw bag?

Who called this two idiots the same name.

He was about to reply, but the word 'fatty' behind it made a fat figure appear in his mind.

Thinking that this figure might be old with this monster.

Not much money immediately replied in surprise:

"I know! Of course I know!"

"That's my senior brother!"

"Cao Treasure Pill of Yuan Treasure Sect!"

"Why? You also know the king?"

"I know! Of course I know!" Lu Shan raised his head and glanced at the monk in robes with seals in the air.

The expression on his face suddenly changed, he snorted coldly, and said:
"He extorted hundreds of top-grade zero stones from me."

"You have such a good relationship, why don't you pay it back for him?"

As soon as the words came out.

The fat Taoist's face turned green, and he explained again and again:

"My lord! No! My lord!"

"Brother Cao Bao and I just met by chance, and we haven't reached the point where we have to die!"

"That's it!" Lu Shan nodded and said:
"Since we met by chance, that's fine, but..."

When the topic changed, Qian Buduo asked nervously:

"What else does your Majesty order?"

"You come down and talk to me, I don't like to look up at people."


As long as you don't give money, everything is easy to do.

The money is not much, and he has completely forgotten his mission, and directly dropped the height from the sky.

As soon as he stood firm, the giant cock not far away suddenly moved.

With a terrifying speed, it rises from the ground and moves through the air.

With a sound of "咻", the figure has already flown to a place tens of feet away.

At this time, I didn't remember anything until I didn't have much money.

He raised his head suddenly and stood up.

But his speed was actually not much faster than that giant rooster.

When he flew into the air, the giant rooster had already circled in the air.

Several huge crescent-shaped light blades with a diameter of nearly ten meters condensed on the toes of this giant rooster.

Flying out in a blink of an eye, like


The light blade, no, the light slash tore through the air, shooting straight at the robed monk in the air.

There was a "bass"!
From a distance, I saw the monk in robes when he didn't have much money.

Even though it held up several body protection charms, it was cut in half neatly.

Only a white aura remained, fleeing into the distance.

The body is dead, and the spirit flees.

This is already half life gone.

Even if you find a new body, it will not be easy to restore your cultivation, let alone advance one step further.

In this situation.

The money is not much and he gritted his teeth, and the gold brick supported his hand.

As long as the giant rooster in front of him attacks again, he can only rely on this magic weapon to resist.


Lu Shan has no intention of further attacking the spirit.

Not that he was kind.

But as long as Lu Shan saves up to attack that spirit, the fat man will definitely attack himself.

Let alone whether to fight or not.

The main reason is that he doesn't want to have too deep antagonism with Yuan Baozong's people.

They didn't beat themselves to death.

And he is a chicken who has seen the general situation of Meishanzong.

Knowing that the three major sects like Meishan Sect have a particularly profound background, even if he has been promoted to the Yuandan realm.

If you are in a hurry, you can slap yourself to death if you come out of a baby transformation state or a spiritual aperture state.

In fact, these are secondary.

The most important thing is that he just felt a familiar aura looming at an approximate location on the ground below.

And the appearance of that breath.

It represents the maturity of the second 'extension fruit'.

So he simply turned his head, facing the fat Taoist, and said:
"Fatty, I know that people from the Yuanbao Sect are willing to intervene this time to collect money."

"I don't ask how much I charge."

"Now as long as you are willing to let your members of the Yuanbao Sect withdraw from the battlefield, then I can double the price."

As soon as the words came out.

The fat Taoist's eyes widened, and he was about to speak, but he seemed to remember something.

His complexion became a little embarrassed, he hesitated and said:

"Article [-] of Yuan Baozong's trading manual."

"The transaction cannot be violated, and those who violate it will be killed without mercy."

That's it.

Lu Shan pondered for a moment, then said again:

"The content of your transaction should be that Budu City asks you to wait to attack all the monsters in the city, right?"

almost mean.

Not much money did not refute.

But then, the giant rooster spoke again:

"Then if I let the monsters leave Budu City, will there be no transaction conflict?"


After half an hour.

Lu Shan watched the fat Taoist take away the seriously injured 'Three-tailed Rat King' who was dying.

The figure paused.

Afterwards, he moved towards the faint breath.

At the same time, in order not to startle the snake.

Lu Shan also took back his "small belly and chicken intestines" and transformed back into a big rooster less than [-] centimeters in size.

After a while.

He came to a deserted cemetery.

Stand upright and look straight ahead.

Here, there is a Maid Builder monster being besieged by several Maid Builder soldiers and a group of soldiers.

On the ground were corpses one after another.

There are both humans and monsters.

And these corpses all have one thing in common, that is, their bodies are shriveled, as if their blood has been drained dry.


Lu Shan ignored the fighting in front of him, looked past these people, and stared closely at a large tomb behind him.

There was only one large tomb that was almost as big as a residential house.

Marble tombstones, bricks and stones accumulated into grave bags, and the broken tableware in front of the grave.

It can be seen that the owner of this tomb should be a rich family.


Since that breath came out of this grave bag.

I'm sorry then.

At this time.

A soldier saw this big rooster that suddenly appeared.

Killing red eyes, he drew his bow and shot at the big cock on the spot.

"call out!!"

The arrow left the string and galloped towards the big rooster.

Seeing that the arrow was about to hit the big cock, but the next moment, the big cock just patted its wings lightly.

The arrow turned around strangely, and flew towards the soldier.


With an arrow piercing through the heart, the soldier fell down without any resistance.

As soon as he fell, the other soldiers on the side also found the big cock.

Immediately, several people were separated and chased after the big rooster.

Although Lu Shan is not interested in getting involved with the general, it does not mean that he is the kind of good-tempered chicken.

face attack.

He didn't even turn his head, and a round cake light blade came out of his claws.


Several sharp voices came out.

The soldiers were decapitated one by one, without exception.

This sudden change immediately attracted the attention of both sides in the fight.

Seeing this, a sergeant with a broadsword turned his head, facing the sergeant behind him, and ordered:
"Take someone, make that chicken!"

"Don't let it get involved."


The sergeant immediately surrounded the big rooster with dozens of soldiers.

See here.

The already scarred rhino demon immediately shouted:

"Brothers on the mountain! Be careful!"

"These soldiers are not ordinary people!"

"they will……"

The words were only halfway through.

Another round moonlight blade cut out.

Almost all the soldiers were chopped into several pieces, including the middle rank sergeant who took the lead.

It was also broken into several pieces.

At this time.

Everyone understands.

Here comes a big monster.

A big monster has been killed by these sergeants for so long, if there is another one...

no way.

The lead sergeant just shouted.


Seeing these sergeants fleeing in a hurry, Lu Shan didn't bother to chase anything.

After all, he no longer needs to rely on upgrading the experience value of the atmosphere.

this will.

The rhino demon leaned forward.

Just wanted to thank you.

Suddenly, it seemed to have discovered something, and asked aloud with uncertainty:
"Are you a chicken bully?"

"The one who betrayed the ethnic group...?"

Lu Shan was not happy to take care of it.

He just glanced at it, then passed by and walked towards the big grave.

Seeing that the big rooster ignored it, the rhino demon was a little anxious to follow.

But just two steps away, the big rooster in front of him stopped again, turned around, and flew back.


The rhino demon was at a loss.

I froze for a moment.

It didn't react until the figure of the big cock was about to disappear.

Chased and ran towards the position of the big cock.

But not even a few steps.

Suddenly, the big cock stomped hard on the big grave in front of him.


The grave bag, together with the grave head, completely shattered in an instant.


A strange smell wafted from the grave.

When the rhinoceros demon smelled this smell, the saliva from the corner of the mouth flowed down inexplicably.

"Who... who is dead, so fragrant?" It couldn't help asking the big rooster in front.

But the big rooster did not reply to its words, but stood by the grave, facing the crack of the grave, and said coldly:

"My lord, if the fruit is not ripe, you won't come out, right?"

"Then I'll invite you out."


Lu Shan raised his foot again, gathering strength.

This foot down.

There was a big hole in the ground, which spread for a long time.

"Ka Ka Ka".

Even some funerary objects in the cemetery were shaken out.

Just when the rhino demon was wondering what it was doing.

A figure suddenly jumped out of the grave, and rushed to the tombstone next to the grave.

Looking at this extremely familiar figure.

The rhino demon opened its mouth wide, pointed with its hoof, and said:

"Big... big... Kuang Destroy the King?"


Hearing the sound, Kuang Mie just glanced at the rhinoceros demon and ignored it.

Then all eyes were on the big cock in front of him.

"Has Yuan Dan?"

"No wonder you dare to trouble me..."

Facing Kuang Mie's ridicule, Lu Shan also let out a frivolous sound, and replied with a smile:

"That's right, I don't dare to speak loudly in front of you until Yuandan."

Feel the hostility in the mouth of the big cock.

Kuang Mie straightened Zhengshen, narrowed his eyes and said:

"If your strength is low, you should be bullied."

"I think you should understand the truth."

For these words, Lu Shan undeniably loosened his wings.

At this time, Kuang Mie continued to speak:

"Go back to the mountain and be the deputy mountain master for you."

"I can also give you the mountain treasury and the power to rule the whole mountain."

"The condition is that it will not hinder you, and even help you stabilize the 'Yanshengguo'?" Lu Shan raised his wings mockingly, patted them, and said:

"Good plan..."

"Not to mention whether there is such a thing as a mountain treasure house."

"Let's go back and rule the whole mountain."

"After today's war is over, how many monsters do you think are left on the mountain?"

It's all said and done.

Kuang Mie seemed to understand something, his face darkened, and his eyes were fixed on Lu Shan.

"In this case, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Ruthless?" Lu Shan seemed to hear some peerless joke, and the whole chicken's feathers trembled with laughter.

"Cuckoo cuckoo..."

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he pointed at Kuang Mie with the tip of his wings, and sent him a sincere blessing.

"You even killed your father."

"Even the relatives in the mountains can offer sacrifices."

"I'm pretending to be a jb benevolent thing here!?"

"I really want to talk!"

"Then talk to the dead 'Pig Bull King'!"

Having said that, Lu Shan's body suddenly began to expand rapidly.

A moment of time.

From a big cock less than twenty centimeters tall.

Become a giant rooster nearly 30 meters tall and as big as a hill.

Abbreviation, pheasant.

(End of this chapter)

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