Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 204 The little chicken succeeds!

Chapter 204 The little chicken succeeds! (Please subscribe!!!)

Following Mu Wanliu's soft chants.

next second.

A flash of colorful light appeared on her body.


a few breaths.

The colored light rapidly expanded to a height of nearly [-] meters.

And wait for the colored light to dissipate.

A gigantic figure of a girl with four arms appeared in everyone's sight.

To know.

The tallest surrounding buildings are only 40 meters.

The giant ghost that pierced the zenith was only about 50 meters high when it lay down.

And the appearance of Mu Wanliu's incarnation "Fatianxiangdi".

Suddenly, it attracted the attention of everyone within a radius of several hundred meters.

This is the royal city.

Knowledgeable people are not in the minority.

Coupled with the evacuation of officers and soldiers who came after one after another.

Many people started chasing each other and fleeing towards the periphery.

a time.

Things started to get chaotic within a radius of several kilometers.

But it doesn't matter to Lu Shan.

At this moment, he is standing under Mu Wanliu's 'Fa Tian Xiang Di', raising his chicken head, trying to see something.


Although this girl wears very little.

But the places that should be blocked are also blocked.

Lu Shan couldn't even see a blade of grass.

This can't help but make him very disappointed.

But at this time.

Several thick vines suddenly appeared at Lu Shan's feet, tying his body up.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Lu Shan called a few times, but when he looked back, even the eldest princess and others were tied up.

He also closed his mouth.

next moment.

A strong thrust threw them all out.

"call out!!"


So Lu Shan and others flew very far.

While flying into the air.

Feeling something, Lu Shan turned around.

At a glance, Mu Wanliu's 'Fa Tian Xiang Di' launched an attack on that ghost.

Those four arms, pushing the palms of four colors, kept shooting at the ghost.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The huge force of one palm after another slapped the ghost back again and again.

But the ghost didn't seem to admit it.

With the moment of pulling back.

Raising his eight ghost hands, he greeted Mu Wanliu's four giant hands.

"Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Four times in a row.

Catch one with both hands.

Temporarily controlled Mu Wanliu's slashing four arms.

Followed by.

The ghost flicked out its long tongue.


The scarlet tongue attacked Mu Wanliu at an extremely fast speed.

Just when Lu Shan thought that Mu Wanliu would be licked by this tongue.

Mu Wanliu's body exploded with momentum.

Immediately, her four hands suddenly flashed four different colors.

Light green, dark green, golden yellow, snow white.

Under the flickering of four colors, the ghost's eight arms suddenly showed an irresistible posture.

All of a sudden they were suppressed.


The ghost body fell down.

Set off bursts of smoke and dust.


Before landing, Lu Shan saw one of Mu Wanliu's snow-white arms for the last time, grabbing the ghost's long tongue.


When Lu Shan landed, the vines on his body fell off, and he flew up again.

The ghost's tongue had disappeared.

ah eh?

Such cheating?

What did you do?
Lu Shan wondered whether he should fly back to help in the battle.

A monstrous evil spirit suddenly passed from the direction behind him.

Lu Shan looked back.

not far away.

A general with a dark complexion, a strong body, wearing armor, and riding a long-haired lion on his crotch.

Volley flew towards where he was standing.

Feel the evil spirit coming from the opponent's body, as well as the sky-high murderous spirit.

Lu Shan's pupils shrank.

In an instant, he was ready to fight to the death.

But right now.

The other party seemed to have discovered something.

The flying height that temporarily sank fell in front of the eldest princess.

Get off your mount, bow respectfully, and salute.

Even the big lion beside him was saluting.

Because Lushan is a bit far away.

I couldn't hear what the man was saying, but I just looked at his attitude.

There is a high probability that the eldest princess should be respected very much.


Should be allies.

Lu Shan flew over.

I planned to take a good look at what the big lion was.

As a result, as soon as he passed, the big man pulled out the long sword from his waist.

With a "chuckle", raising his hand to Lu Shan was a flash of sword light.

The sword energy is fierce and the speed is extremely fast.

Lu Shan didn't react for a moment.

When he realized something, the sword light was less than five meters away from him.

'Scorching blood'!
'Supracavitary bursa'!
The quick reaction and the largest amount of air jet from the tail made his body twisted and turned sideways.


The sword light stuck to his belly like this, brought out a few chicken feathers, and cut it.

"call out!!"

Jian Guang cut into an empty tea house behind.

"Bang" sound.

The teahouse completely collapsed.

Come and don't go indecent.

It is not Lu Shan's personality to be passively beaten.

Even if the other party is a great master of baby transformation, so what! ?
Wiping the belly with a small piece of chicken feather missing.

Lu Shan turned his head.

"Sweep brush brush brush!!"

A dozen scarlet light blades were released in a row.

Among them, crescent-shaped light blades and disc light blades are alternately mixed together.

Fast, slow, sharp, hard.

Lu Shan didn't believe that the opponent could adapt to the attacks of various characteristics.


Lu Shan seems to have overestimated his attack power.

When the dozens of scarlet light blades he released came to the soldier.

The opponent just slowly raised the sword in his hand.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

The sword light gathered by several shadows slashed.

Whether it was the disc light blade or the crescent moon shape light blade, they were all blown into pieces in the air.

There are only a few passing by one or two.

It stuck on the body of the big lion, and cut the lion's body with two long and narrow bloody mouths.

a time.

The big lion in pain let out an angry roar.

"Roar! Roar!"

Seeing that a battle is about to break out.

Zhao Xi at the side suddenly shouted:

This sound.

Let the soldier's hand that was raising the sword suddenly stop in mid-air.

Then I saw Zhao Xi standing in front of Lu Shan, with his back to Lu Shan, facing the soldier, and said:

"General Li! This is my spiritual pet! What are you going to do?!"

Full of maintenance words.

Let Lu Shan's chicken feet, which had already gathered strength, slowly put them down.

Dissipate energy, cancel 'burning blood'.

Then he twisted his buttocks and swayed to the princess's side step by step.

Raising its wings, facing the man and beast in front of it, it raised its extremely friendly middle wings.

Looks like a little chicken.

The lion over there roared like this, if it wasn't for the soldiers at the side giving it instructions not to move.

I'm afraid it has already rushed out.

"His Royal Highness!"

The general surnamed Li frowned and asked aloud:
"This is the monster king!"

"Are you sure it's your spiritual pet?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Xi's complexion became very ugly, and Shen Yan said coldly:
"The commander of Jinyi Army, Li Qi."

"Are you questioning Bengong?"

"Don't dare!" Li Qi bowed his hands respectfully to the eldest princess, and then asked aloud:
"I wonder if His Highness can inform his subordinates."



Zhao Xi looked back at the huge female figure in the distance, and then explained what happened in the Nutian Palace today in a clear tone.

When I heard that the gate of hell was open over there.

Commander Li Qi frowned into the word 'Chuan'.

Finally, Zhao Xi called the roll call.

The huge female form that phantoms out of the "Dharma Heaven and Earth" is the one who protects her.

But it didn't tell the origin of the giant female figure.

As a person who has been in the officialdom for many years.

Even if it's just a military officer, Li Qi can tell that the eldest princess wants to protect the identity of the huge female figure.

In this regard.

Li Qi could only do a courtesy, turned around, stepped on his mount 'Living Lion', soared into the air, and galloped towards the battle position.

Watching this armored warrior leave.

Lu Shan raised his head, looked over the mountains and mountains, and looked at the face of the eldest princess.

He didn't quite understand why the eldest princess would defend herself so much.


I don't know if I sensed Lu Shan's gaze.

The eldest princess looked back, smiled at Lu Shan, and said:
"rest assured."

"I have no prejudice against monsters."

"Even if you are the Lord of the Mountain."

"As long as you are my person and sincerely help me, I will protect you to the utmost."

Lu Shan heard something else from these words.


He glanced at the weak female strong man beside him.

Nothing was said.

At this time.

With a bright light in the sky.

A wave-like earthquake came from afar.

Lu Shan knows.

The battle over there has reached a fever pitch.

But just when he was about to go to grab the monster.

The terrifying sound and light effect suddenly stopped.

Like it never happened.

At the same time, the extremely dark ghostly aura disappeared.

What do you mean?
Extinct so easily?
Can't! !

Lu Shan didn't even think about it, and said, "I'll go back as soon as I go."

Then run away.

At an extremely fast speed, he rushed to the center of the battle.

After a while.

When Lu Shan returned to the position of the Nutian Temple that had been reduced to ruins.

The figure of the huge female figure has disappeared.

Only Li Qi and his lion mount remained.

At this time, Li Qi was constantly casting spells towards the ghost gate.

Judging from the spell-casting handprint.

There is a high probability that it is a sealing technique.

At this time.

The lion lying on the gravel in a daze sensed something.

Looking back, I saw the little rooster watching from the ruins.


It sounded a muffled warning.

Li Qi heard the sound of his mount, and turned his head to see the little rooster.

Squinting his eyes, he said in a deep voice:

"If you don't protect the eldest princess, what are you doing here?"

"Can't you take a look? Why are you nervous?"

After finishing speaking, Lu Shan turned his head and glanced around, and asked:

"What about people?"

Richie knew what the cock was asking.

He thought it was an inquiry sent by the eldest princess.

So he replied in a deep voice without hesitation:

"The ghost was destroyed."

"But everyone ran away..."

all run away?
Lu Shan immediately understood what the man meant.

think carefully.

Can also understand.

Originally, the goal of the ghost protector guy seemed to be to catch people.

Fighting doesn't appear to be his primary strategy.

As for Mu Wanliu.

Probably not wanting to reveal anything.

Think of this.

Lu Shan looked back at the ghost gate that was still in the whirlpool, and said:
"work hard."

Then turned and withdrew.

When he returns to the eldest princess.

There are already dozens of heavily armed soldiers here, protecting the eldest princess in the middle.

Lu Shan didn't care about the soldiers here.

In a flash, he turned into a light and flew straight to the middle.

This sudden burst of blood suddenly made the soldiers here tense up.

They set up battle formations one after another, as if preparing to meet the enemy.

But their reaction speed was not as fast as Lu Shan's galloping.

a moment.

Lu Shan flew in front of the eldest princess.

As soon as he landed, he saw Gu Ling and others sitting cross-legged in meditation.

See the little cock's back.

Zhao Xi greeted him and asked bluntly:


"They all ran away, that armored warrior is still kissing me with the ghost gate."

Lu Shan replied in his own language.

Listen to the little cock's answer.

The eldest princess was silent for a moment, then sighed softly, and said:
"Gate of hell..."

"It's also a tricky thing."

"I hope it can be handled well."


The eldest princess took the female guards, hugged the rooster, and walked towards her palace under the protection of soldiers.

Just got into the carriage.

A violent surge of spiritual energy appeared in the distance.

Then to this breath.

Zhao Xi immediately turned around and looked in that direction.


A ray of light rose into the sky, towards the sky, Poyun flew away.

"That is……"

Zhao Xi stared at himself and asked.


A quiet female voice came from the carriage.

"That's the 'flying light method'."

"Gather the spiritual energy of the whole body and attach it to the soul, so as to break through the crisis and escape with the soul."

"Only the baby-changing monks who are in great trouble will release this move."

Hear this explanation.

Zhao Xi turned around and couldn't help but asked inside the carriage:

"Is that the ghost protector?"

Inside the carriage, Mu Wanqing objected softly:


"The ghost body guardian of Youfang Pavilion has escaped into the ghost gate and escaped."

Hear this.

Zhao Xi tentatively asked:

"Dear Wanliu Yuanjun, I don't know if this escaped ghost protector will..."

"rest assured."

Mu Wanliu saw Zhao Xi's worry, and said soothingly:
"No baby can escape the eyes of the 'Earth Soul Formation' in Zhao Palace."

As she said that, Mu Wanliu turned her gaze to a certain rooster in the car.

"Besides, you still have it."

Lu Shan felt strange.

Turning around, he met two pairs of eyes with unknown meaning.


the other side.

In the belly of the hills outside the city.

A muscular six-eyed man with a somewhat embarrassed figure came out of a mini ghost gate.

After coming out.

The six-eyed man heard a hoarse voice coming from the shadows in the corner.

"Six-eyed ghost, how many people have caught?"

The six-eyed man looked up at the source of the sound, and snorted angrily.

Then open your mouth.

In an instant, six mucus-covered bodies rolled out of his mouth.

"Just these six?" The person in the shadow made an unbelievable voice.

"not enough?"

The six-eyed ghost made a vicious voice, and replied:

"I snatched this from Mu Wanliu!"

"Mu Wanliu? Yuanjun Wanliu of the Meishan Sect?"

"Why is she here?"

"You ask me, who do I ask?!" The six-eyed ghost said angrily:

"If it wasn't for her sudden appearance!"

"I can even catch your sister Zhao Xi!"

 I always feel unsatisfied with writing...

(End of this chapter)

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