Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 207 Sit up by yourself!

Chapter 207 Sit up by yourself! (Please subscribe!!!)
Lu Shan has always been curious.

What the hell did Wang Shang and the eldest princess do in bed?

So much so that the eldest princess's cultivation regressed so badly.

If it weren't for so many precious pills and the breath of the strong woman.

The eldest princess may still be lying on the bed now.

and so.

Lu Shan slipped into the house as soon as he knew that King Tai Zhao was coming up, and hid under the bed.

Wait slowly.


At this time.

The voice of King Taizhao came from the bed.

"I heard that you are going to help the little princess of No.40 Nine Kings to participate in the change of kings?"

The eldest princess didn't reply, and it could be seen that she was not in the mood to chat right now.


The voice of Taizhao Wangshang continued.

"I don't care how you participate."

"You just have to remember."

"This Taizhao Kingdom belongs to me, Zhao Chun."


I can't see that this product is quite domineering.

Lu Shan under the bed was full of contempt.

But at this time, Zhao Chun's next sentence aroused Lu Shan's interest.

"Sit up by yourself."

What the hell!

Good guy.

Playing dragons and phoenixes?

Diao Chan worships the moon?

Lu Shan thought of several poses in a row, but none seemed to satisfy his imagination.

Just when he was considering whether to poke the whole chicken head out.

A strange aura suddenly appeared above Lu Shan's head.

gloomy, bloodthirsty…

It seems that there is still a lot of irritability.

It feels weird anyway.

It is completely unlike any aura that Lu Shan has come into contact with, and it has nothing to do with blood aura.

and so.

What the hell is it?

Lu Shan considered for a moment.

When he felt that there was no movement on the bed above his head as he had imagined.

He still slowly stretched out the chicken head from the carving behind the bed.



Wait for the chicken head to lean against the wall and stick out all the way.

Lu Shan slowly turned the chicken head sideways.


What caught the eye was a back covered with purple blood vessels.

Just by looking at it, you can tell that it belongs to the Tai Zhao Wang Zhao Chun.

And at this time the eldest princess Zhao Xi.

It turned out to be in a cross-legged handstand posture, with Zhao Chun's head on his head.

He assumed a posture of going up and down.


Lu Shan watched for a while.

just found out.

There is a light blue aura, flowing from the dantian of the eldest princess Zhao Xi, slowly along the spine, through the head, to Zhao Chun's body.

It was so...

Lu Shan stared at it for a long time.

It was found that with the continuous infusion of Zhao Xi's spiritual energy, the color of the purple blood vessels on Zhao Chun's body was gradually fading.

From the beginning, it was purple and black, but now it has gradually become the color of blood.

And this Zhao Chun's cultivation base is also slowly climbing.

Judging by the little quality that emanates.

Probably also looks like a baby.

I just don't know if it's intermediate or advanced.

Anyway, it's not something that Lu Shan can provoke at the moment.

And what is different from Zhao Chunxiu's cultivation and cultivation is the above Zhao Xi.

The cultivation base has directly dropped from the middle level of the Yuandan Realm at the beginning, to the elementary level of the Yuandan Realm, and then to the current high level of the Maidan Realm.

Lu Shan at this time.

From Zhao Xi's painful expression hanging upside down, it can be seen that she is in a very uncomfortable state.

After all, it is all the spiritual energy that I have cultivated slowly.

Just give it to someone else.

Do you want to do something?
Lu Shan hesitated at this moment.

Let's not talk about whether this ceremony can be interrupted.

Even if it can be interrupted.

Interrupting the two of them's energy transfer this time, with Zhao Chun's baby-changing cultivation base, I'm afraid he will immediately find himself mad.

Whether or not you can beat it is one thing.

If this woman Zhao Xi doesn't appreciate it, then it will be embarrassing.

Forget it.

Live and die.

Let's ask Zhao Xi what he thinks next time.

At this time.

Zhao Xi's cultivation has already fallen to the middle level of the Pulse Establishment Realm.

Yao remembered that it was at this time that he stopped last time.

Consider the issue of safety.

Lu Shan slowly retracted the chicken head back.

But oddly enough.

This time, Zhao Xi's cultivation was still declining.

The amount of spiritual energy weakened bit by bit.

Just when Lu Shan was in a daze.

Zhao Xi's cultivation has directly fallen to the initial stage of the Pulse Establishment Realm.

What the hell!

Is this special code intended to be sucked dry at once! ?
Lu Shan couldn't sit still.

He raised his head and was ready to do something.

But this time.

The strange aura on top of Mount Lu suddenly disappeared.

Lu Shan paused, but he still didn't make a move after all.


He saw a pair of long-haired black-haired calves lying in front of his eyes.

This made Lu Shan feel an indescribably weird feeling, especially combined with his appearance under the bed.

After a while.

After getting dressed, Zhao Chun suddenly said:
"Today is just a little punishment."

"If you continue to act recklessly like this in the future, then don't blame me for sucking you dry."


Turning his head, he strode out of the house.


With the doors opening and closing.

The house was completely quiet again.

At this time.

Lu Shan came out from under the bed.

Jump on the wooden bench, look parallel to the bed, and look towards the bed.

At this moment, Zhao Xi was curled up into a bow, lying on his side on the bed.

From Lu Shan's point of view.

It happened to be able to see Zhao Xi's face that was as pale as paper, with no blood at all.

See here.

Lu Shan frowned and said softly:
"do you know?"

"With your current appearance, you will be placed in the female heaven palace some time ago."

"That bastard will definitely think of you as his kind."

At this moment, Zhao Xi didn't respond at all.

He just kept shaking his brows, and his body began to tremble a little.

This is…

Lu Shan suddenly had some bad feelings.

Because he had heard Qingliu say it before.

When a monk is chilled, shivering, and unable to control his body.

It means that the monk's time limit is approaching.

And Zhao Xi in front of him is obviously not at the end of his lifespan.

But these bad situations have already appeared, just in case...

Lu Shan couldn't think about it anymore.


What about the strong woman! ?
The last time, it was the strong female warrior who breathed out her breath and prepared medicine, which pulled Zhao Xi back from the most dangerous moment.

But why didn't this strong woman come today! ?

Lu Shan intends to go back to find someone, but he is a little worried about Zhao Xi in front of him.

After all, this woman looks really dangerous now.

It looks like it could die suddenly at any time.

Oh shit.

do not care.

Since the strong woman didn't come, let's try it myself.

Immediately, Lu Shan jumped up from the stool, onto the bed, and came behind Zhao Xi.

Stretch out your wings and put them on Zhao Xi's back.

Just a ride.

That silky touch almost made him feel in a trance.

Relying on strong willpower, Lu Shan regained his mind, and then used his spiritual energy to cross Zhao Xi's body.


Then Lu Shan discovered a painful problem.

His aura is too low.

Only then will the atmosphere be in the middle level.

No matter in terms of size or quality, there is no way to compare with the aura in Zhao Xi's body.

Give her a break...

As soon as the aura passed, there was no trace.

This can't be done!
Looking at Zhao Xi who was trembling more and more frequently.

Lu Shan frowned tightly.

Since the aura is not enough, the blood aura cannot pass.

The only thing that can be used is medicine.

So ever.

From his crotch, Lu Shan took out a bottle of 'Pure Blood Pill' that he had just blackmailed, uh, traded.

Take one out of it and crush it.

Then he pried his mouth open and stuffed it in.

Zhao Xi's body trembled a little weaker as the pill entered his mouth.

But then the next second.

The trembling frequency returned.

Even a little more intense than before.


Lu Shan took back the 'Pure Blood Pill', took out some herbs, crushed them, and fed them to Zhao Xi.

But the effect was still too weak, and it didn't help Zhao Xi's body trembling.

Seeing that Lu Shan has already used everything he can use.

There is still no improvement in Zhao Xi's current physical condition.

This made Lu Shan a little anxious.

Do you really want to see this girl die in front of you?
Such a good figure...


and many more.

Lu Shan's mind suddenly flashed.

next moment.

He cut a long and narrow wound on his chicken leg with his claws.

after that.

Wisps of scarlet chicken blood overflowed from the wound.


Lu Shan dripped a few drops of chicken blood into Zhao Xi's mouth.


Zhao Xi's complexion was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even the trembling frequency on his body was much weaker.

Seeing works.

Lu Shan dripped several drops of chicken blood into Zhao Xi's mouth.

This hurts his heart.

You should know that he is a chicken, and his body is only this big.

If too much chicken blood flows out at once, it will definitely affect his body.

You have to think of a way to recover without hurting your body.


Lu Shan involuntarily put his eyes on Zhao Xi's slightly opened mouth.

There was a moment of silence...

Hmph, it's cheap for you.

A quarter of an hour later.

Xiaoruo walked at the fastest speed in the direction of Yueche Palace.

Walk from Chunxin Hall to Henuan Hall, and walk from Buma Promenade to Yantu Road.

Xiaowei really doesn't understand.

Why did the majestic King Taizhao make things difficult for her, a servant of the eldest princess.

After moving a landscape stone from the Hall of Pure Heart to Yueche Palace, she was not allowed to ride in a carriage.

Just move it.

After all, the king's order is above all else.

The only thing that worries Xiaowei is the state of Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess.

So she returned to Yueche Palace from Pure Heart Palace in less than a quarter of an hour at a speed close to that of a carriage.

Just entered the palace gate.

Xiaoruo didn't even have time to put down the huge rock on his back, so he hurried back to the house.


open the door.

She saw Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess sitting at the table drinking a cup of tea with all her clothes intact.

Look at the ruddy complexion of the eldest princess.

Xiaowei looked dazed.

Full of question marks.

"Your Highness, you..."

"It's amazing..."

Zhao Xi seemed to be in a good mood, and smiled slightly at his valet:
"I woke up and found that the aura in my body had recovered to the highest point."

"There is even a faint feeling that a breakthrough is about to take place."

Speaking of which.

Zhao Xi changed the subject, pointed to the dazed cock beside him, and said:
"I didn't know until later."

"It's it. It used the most precious thing on Jiba Mountain to restore my body."

Hear this.

Xiaowei straightened his face, turned his gaze, and cast a grateful gaze at the rooster.

Do not know why.

Today's cock made her feel a little haggard.

The reaction was still a little slow.

But in that expression, it gave her the illusion of a monk.

This made Xiaowei very puzzled for a while.


the next day.

Han Yuan Building.

The daylight near noon was a little strong.

But this does not seem to stop some people's enthusiasm for opportunism.

When Zhao Jiajia sent away another Fuqiang with a smile.

Turning around, putting away her smile, she returned to Room No. [-] in Tianzi.

close the door.

Turned to the inner room.

Inner room at this time.

Mu Wanliu was sitting cross-legged on the wooden floor by the window, meditating and practicing the same cyclone.

Looking at Mu Wanliu's eyes closed for luck.

Zhao Jiajia knew that this was the master doing his daily practice homework.

Immediately choose not to disturb.

Sitting quietly by himself, he picked up a book and began to study.

a while.

When the sun has shifted sideways by at least three minutes.

Mu Wanliu's voice reached Zhao Jiajia's ears.

"Jia Jia, you are here."

Hear the sound.

Zhao Jiajia closed the book, raised her head, and looked at Mu Wanliu, full of doubts.

"Master, since you are participating in the change of the rank of kings."

"Then why reject all these merchants?"

"Shouldn't financial power also be a kind of strength?"

Faced with so many questions.

Mu Wanliu smiled peacefully, and replied aloud:

"These merchants are doing opportunistic things."

"I chose to vote for you today, it must be because of the incident between you and No.40 Nine Kings two days ago."

"Since you can win the No.40 Nine Kings, it means that your strength is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface."

"So they're betting."

"Bet you have big enough cards."

"After all, giving charcoal in the snow is always better than icing on the cake."

"But we don't need such gamblers in our camp."

"The unknown is too great."

listen to this.

Only then did Zhao Jiajia nodded knowingly.


She remembered something again and asked aloud:

"Master, what kind of help do we need?"

Hearing this, Mu Wanliu's expression remained unchanged, she was still cold and calm, pointing at the book on the table, she said softly:
"A person who can bring you 'name'."


At this time, in the belly of the hill outside the mountain.

The six-eyed ghost is sitting in the middle of a magic circle.

And around him, in the vacancies of those magic circles, sat six naked women.

The age is as young as cardamom, and as big as half a hundred.

They all maintain the same movement and maintain the same expression.

As the six-eyed ghost practiced in the magic circle longer, a pitch-black net gradually appeared on the ground of the magic circle.

From the lower body of each woman, it slowly spread to the body, and finally climbed directly to the face.

Wait until these nets completely cover the bodies of the six women.


A flash of light flashed.

All the mesh is gone.

Do it all.

The six-eyed ghost withdrew the curse, and then panted heavily.

"Next time I won't take this job."

"Heartbreaking and debilitating."

"If it weren't for..."

Just as he was talking, the six-eyed ghost suddenly stopped speaking, stared back at the dark place, and said coldly:
"come out!"

next second.

A slender figure came out of the darkness.

When the six-eyed ghost saw the figure clearly, he couldn't help frowning and said:
"Peach noodles?"

"why you?!"

"Aren't you active in the Southern Region?"

"What are you doing in Taizhao Kingdom of the Western Regions?"

The slender figure called Taomian paused for a moment before uttering two words.


"Kill who?"

"Meishan sect, Mu Wanliu."

 Damn it has been harmonized again, it has been changed for a long time!

(End of this chapter)

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