Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 213 Procrastinate, Kill!

Chapter 213 Procrastinate, Kill! (Please subscribe!!!)
No.60 Two kings, and inside the palace.

Since yesterday and the queen mother were brought back from the stinky ditch outside the city.

He has been shutting himself in the house for more than ten hours.

No food was eaten, and the windows were not opened.

As if being greatly stimulated.

No matter who goes in, they all look wary, sitting with their legs crossed in the deepest part of the room, hiding their entire body in the darkness.

However, it is also understandable.

After all, a high-ranking queen mother was taken away by someone.

When it was returned, it was still thrown in the smelly ditch.

Most people probably wouldn't accept this gap.

Not to mention a relative of a king.

At this time.

No.60 The two kings, Wang Zhaoji and Wang Shangjun finished their discussions and returned home.

When he heard that his mother hadn't eaten for more than ten hours, and hadn't gone out once.

A little worried about Zhao Ji, who was comforted by his mother.

Still decided to go back to the backyard.

After all, it was his mother.

In the Kingdom of Taizhao, filial piety is also a standard of conduct.


Under the guidance of the servants.

Zhao Ji came to the gate of his mother's courtyard.

Then, ignoring the salutes from the guards, he strode into the courtyard.

In the courtyard at this time.

A maid was knocking on the door.

"Mrs. Wang Taimu, open the door."

"You haven't eaten all day and night, open the door and ask Xiaoqiao to bring you food."

"The Queen Mother!"

"The Queen Mother..."

While shouting, the servant girl heard footsteps and looked back.

I saw a tall, tall and handsome man standing behind her.

Seeing this, Xiaoqiao immediately lowered her body and saluted.

"His Royal Highness is well."

Zhao Ji nodded, looked at the shy maid, and asked:
"What's the situation now?"

As soon as I heard that Wang asked about this matter.

The maid Xiaoqiao immediately chattered a lot like pouring bitter water.

The basic meaning is that the mother-in-law is anxious that she will not eat or come out.

Occasionally people are not allowed to open the curtains, and even the oil lamps are not allowed to light.

The more he listened, Zhao Ji's frown deepened.

But I thought of my mother's hard work to give birth, plus the education of filial piety since childhood.

He involuntarily took a deep breath, stretched out his hand, and said softly:

"give it to me."

Xiaoqiao was taken aback for a moment, then understood something, blushed, and handed the vegetables and rice in her hand to Zhao Ji.


Zhao Ji, who took over, said, 'Stay at the door'.

Then he pushed the door open and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, Zhao Ji smelled an indescribable pungent smell.

Some complained about why the servants didn't clean the room.

When he was thinking about what kind of punishment he would give the cleaning servants when he went out.

A weak voice came from the depths of the house.

"go out…"

"go out…"

"go out…"

The sound was hollow, like coming from a pothole.

Hearing this voice, Zhao Ji was silent for a moment, and said:

"Mother, it's me, your son."

As soon as this word comes out.

The sound in the house died away.

Seeing this, Zhao Ji didn't care about anything, but put the vegetable bowl in his hand on the table beside him.

Lighted an oil lamp casually.

He scanned the entire room, then set his sights on the bed in the room, and said:

"My lord, you haven't eaten for fourteen hours."

"Here is some spiritual food porridge, eat some quickly."


The shadow on the bed didn't respond to anything, it just coughed something in a low voice.


"Cough cough cough..."

After coughing several times, suddenly.

The cough became a little strange, and he said as if he was sighing:

"Son... ah..."

"My... son..."

"come here…"

Although I was a little puzzled why my mother called me to go over.

Zhao Ji didn't think much about it, so he walked forward.

But as he walked, he heard a weird laugh, very light, very light.

Came from the position of the bed inside the house.

This made Zhao Ji's figure suddenly stop.

Then involuntarily transport the aura to the whole body.

But after listening for a while, the laughter suddenly disappeared.

Just when I was wondering if it was my auditory hallucination, my mother's calling came again.

"Son... ah..."

"Quick... come here... ah..."

Zhao Ji frowned, but after all, he couldn't bear his mother's call and continued to walk forward.

But when he came to his mother's bed, sat down, and was about to say something.

That strange 'hee hee hee' appeared again.

This time.

Zhao Ji could clearly perceive that the voice came from the bed, that is, his mother.

This discovery surprised him.

Standing up suddenly, using spiritual energy, looking coldly at the person lying on the bed, said:

"Who are you!?"

At this time.

The person on the bed turned around slowly, revealing an old and aged face.

"Son... ah..."

Hearing this voice, combined with the appearance of the person in front of him.

Although Zhao Ji was already confused to the extreme, he couldn't help but said:


Just when his voice just yelled out.

The old man on the bed suddenly opened his eyes.


It is like a black hole and an abyss.

It caught Zhao Ji's eyes all in.

next second.

He lost his sanity.

After a while.

Xiao Qiao, who was guarding the door, was fiddling with the amulet hanging around her neck when she suddenly heard a voice calling for her from inside the house.

Puzzled, she quickly agreed and ran into the house with small steps.

As soon as she entered, Xiaoqiao saw two figures, one tall and one short, standing in the deepest part of the house.

Under the light of the oil lamp, she could clearly see that the eyes of the two were tightly closed.

"And His Royal Highness?"

"The Queen Mother?"

Xiao Qiao called out twice.


Ji Wang opened his eyes.

Then, the Queen Mother beside her suddenly fell down.

Like no bones.

This scene.

Looking small and exquisite, the whole person is numb.

Goosebumps stood up.

"And, and, and His Royal Highness, are you calling Xiaoqiao for something..."

Zhao Ji nodded, and then said in a strange voice:

"I'm hungry…"

Hearing this, Xiao Qiao glanced at the table beside her.

The food on it was not touched at all.

Just as she was about to say something, she was shocked to find that His Royal Highness Ji Wang had already started walking towards her.

One step, two steps, three steps...

See the smallness of this situation.

The body couldn't help but backed away.


I don't know where the courage came from to support it.

Xiaoqiao turned her head and ran away.

Seeing that he was about to run to the door.

Suddenly, two bursts of piercing cold came from behind, so startled that Xiaoqiao subconsciously looked back.

As a result, he suddenly saw that His Royal Highness Wang had come behind him at some point.

He was raising his hand and pounced on himself.

At this moment.

Xiaoqiao's pupils shrank.

Shocked and full of despair.

But seeing His Royal Highness was about to throw himself down.


The amulet in Xiao Qiao's neck suddenly flashed a dazzling golden light.


With a flash of golden light.

Xiaoqiao felt that her whole body was pushed away by a huge force.

When she took a breath and opened her eyes.

The body has fallen in the courtyard.

And the color on the amulet on her chest also became transparent.

Don't know what's going on though.

But Xiao Qiao, who was already frightened, still crawled up from the ground.

He rushed out of the courtyard without looking back.

Before running out.

Xiao Qiao looked back at the rooms in the courtyard.

The door is half open at the moment.

A tall figure behind the door was standing in the shadows, motionless.

At this time, the entrance of the Hall of Merit.

Li Qi, Zhao Xi and the others had already walked out of the hall and were heading towards the parking lot outside.


A talisman message flew in front of Li Qi.

He stretched out his hand, accepted the summons, made an apologetic gesture to the eldest princess, and clicked on the summons.


Li Qi's eyes wrinkled slightly, he took a light breath, and said:

"As expected, Your Highness expected."

"There is a problem with the six relatives of Wang Jie who were released."

As soon as the words came out.

The eyes of several people around were all on Li Qi.

"No. 40 Nine Kings, Xiang Wang Zhao Xiang, was possessed by evil spirits and slaughtered all 460 people in the whole house. Now they have disappeared."


Qingliu and Tian Xiaorou gasped almost at the same time.

The former was surprised and said:

"What kind of evil spirit is so bloodthirsty?"

However, Li Qi didn't answer Qingliu's question. He just looked at the spell in his hand and continued to say:

"Eight Kings, Xing Wang Zhao Xing and Nine Kings, Kang Wang Zhao Kang also disappeared with their relatives who were sent back, but the strange thing is that there were no other casualties in their families."

Hearing this, the others fell silent.

this will.

Zhao Xi seemed to think of something, frowned and asked:

"How about three more?"

Li Qi paused, raised his head and replied:

"Your Majesty."

"The remaining No.60 two kings, Ji Wang Zhao Ji, No.60 Seven Kings, Li Wang Zhao Li, and No.70 Seven Kings, Ding Wang Zhao Ding."

"My people are on their way, and will deliver information as soon as there is information."

Hearing this, Zhao Xi was silent for a moment, then asked again:
"Which one is the closest?"

"No.60 Two Kings, Zhao Ji's and the Palace..."


A quarter of an hour later.

When Zhao Xi and others came to Ji Wangfu.

The gate of the palace has been blocked by the soldiers of Jinyi Army.

At the door at this time, several people were arguing with the soldiers of the Jinyi Army for some unknown reason.

It was only when the eldest princess and the others walked over with Li Qi that they heard it clearly.

"The miscellaneous family is a messenger of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and I am here to deliver a message by the order of the king!"

"You rude ruffian, what right do you have to stop Zajia from leaving?!"

"Get the hell out of here!"

"If you delay replying, you just wait for the family to be ransacked and exterminated!"


No matter how much he reprimanded, the two rows of soldiers at the gate remained unmoved.

Still carrying the weapon, he unswervingly aimed the blade at the inside of the palace.

At this time.

Only the soldiers who took the lead found Li Qi's figure.

Immediately salute.

"Grand Commander!"

Li Qi nodded, took two steps forward, and said in a deep voice:
"How is the situation now?"

"Report to the commander-in-chief. They have not yet entered the mansion, but they have been successfully surrounded, and the siege circle has also been laid."

"I believe that not even a fly can fly out of the Prince's Mansion!"

"Good!" Li Qi praised, then turned his head and put his eyes on the entrance of the palace.

this will.

The messenger internal affairs officer also saw Li Qi's arrival.

Immediately shouted:
"Commander Li! It's just in time for you to come!"

"Get the miscellaneous family out!"

"The miscellaneous families are going back to the palace to report their orders!"

Hear this.

Li Qi bowed his hands to the internal affairs officer and said:
"terribly sorry."

"Evil spirits appeared in the palace."

"Before we find out the source, I would like to ask the little officials to rest in the palace for a while."

"His Majesty the Eldest Princess will help you with the order of the king."

Say this.

Only then did the internal affairs officer notice that the woman standing not far behind Li Qi was His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess.

Even Her Royal Highness the Princess is here...

The little internal affairs officer suddenly lost his aura just now, and stood aside, with a resentful expression on his face.


Li Qi cast a disdainful glance at the internal affairs officer, and then turned his gaze back to Zhao Xi.

"Your Highness, shall we go in and have a look?"

Zhao Xi nodded.

He just took two steps with his legs lifted, and turned around to say something to the girls behind him.

But after seeing the little cock in Tian Xiaorou's arms, she thought for a while and said:
"Go in later, none of you are allowed to leave my sight without my permission."

Although Tian Xiaorou didn't know why His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess said that.

But she still nodded with Qingliu.

The former nodded because he was obedient, while the latter nodded purely out of curiosity.

Because of evil spirits, she had only seen them in Zongmen's books.

Stealthy, bloodthirsty, eerie...

There are many attributes, and the difficulty of solving is not low.

Generally speaking, at the very least, a shot above the Pulse Establishment Realm is required to be effective.

Ke Qingliu is the housekeeper of the sect.

It is rare to get out of the sect once.

People who don't even see a few monsters, let alone Xie Chong.

So this time, she was extra curious.

Different from Tian Hanhan's ignorance, Qingliu's curiosity.

When Lu Shan came to the gate of the palace, he couldn't help but want to shout out loudly.

I don't know why.

Maybe it's the chicken character of 'Jiwangfu' that makes him a little sensitive.


Under the leadership of Li Qi and several soldiers.

Everyone stepped into the gate of Jiwangfu.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a dozen people dressed as servants squatting near the door.

One by one, they seem to be afraid of something in the palace.

But because the gate couldn't go out, this group of people squatted at the gate.

See these people.

Li Qi stopped in his tracks.

Stared at these people for a long time.

a while.

He seemed to sense something, and instructed the soldiers on the side.

"Bring me that maid..."


Everyone looked in the direction indicated by Li Qi.

I saw a timid little girl squatting in that corner.

And Ji's age.

Crowded with a few aunts.

The soldiers who were instructed immediately walked over and pinched the girl.

No matter how hard the girl struggled, she was dragged in front of Li Qi.

Looking at the girl who was about to cry in fright.

Li Qi was completely unmoved.

He even leaned his face towards the girl and sniffed vigorously with his nose.

Just when Lu Shan labeled this guy as a pervert.

Li Qi suddenly asked:

"You smell evil."

"Drag it, kill it."

(End of this chapter)

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