Chapter 219 The Great Qingliu is the Truth (Subscribe!!!)

"Huh? Is there a girl looking for me?"

When Lu Shan was told that someone was looking for him.

He is pecking rice in the rice jar.

Bite by mouthful of round rice.

Indulge in silky smoothness with every bite.

But when he raised his head, he saw Tian Xiaorou's angry appearance.


Lu Shan asked a lot.

In the end, what greeted him were two big braids flying up and a round back of his head.


Tian Hanhan is... angry?

Lu Shan crawled out of the rice jar without knowing why.

By the way, I poured a lot of rice in the crotch.

Then run out quickly.


"Who is looking for me?"

Lu Shan, who caught up with Tian Xiaorou, opened his mouth and asked.

But this fool actually just snorted coldly.

With a blank glance, he continued to move forward.

This surprised Lu Shan a little.

While buttoning the rice in his crotch, he asked:

"Who the hell is that!?"

"Speak! Speak!"

I don't know if I was annoyed by Lu Shan.

When he came to the gate of a courtyard, Tian Hanhan snorted forcefully and said:
"Want to know who it is?"

"Go in and see for yourself and you'll know!"

Go in?

Lu Shan subconsciously poked the chicken head inside.

It turned out that in the middle of the courtyard, in a pavilion located in the pond, there were two girls sitting facing each other.

The one with Lu Shan's back.

He recognized it as Qingliu at a glance.

As for sitting across from Qingliu.

When Lu Shan turned the video, he saw a very familiar face.

What the hell!

It's not that...

That one…

Wang... Wang... Wang, what is it?

Lu Shan remembered this girl's face, but couldn't remember her name for a moment.

In a daze.

The other party also saw himself.

Immediately showing a happy expression, he stood up, jumped and waved to himself.

That ups and downs...

Not small!
Although it is not as good as Qingliu, it is several sizes larger than Tian Hanhan.


When will Tian Hanhan grow up...


Lu Shan stepped directly into the courtyard.

Leap lightly towards the pavilion and flap your wings.


After a while, they came to the pavilion.

fell on the table.

"Little girl, why are you looking for Uncle Chicken?" Lu Shan asked directly, very bluntly.

"People miss you."

As Wang Qingrong spoke, she opened her arms and embraced Lu Shan.

Facing this door-to-door benefit.

How could Lu Shan refuse.

All of a sudden, he buried his head in it.

Take a good sniff.

that smell...

At this moment.

Almost all of Lu Shan's body and mind belonged to the woman in front of him.

But right now.

A hand suddenly grabbed his neck.

Pull him out.

Lu Shan looked back.

It is a clear stream with a cloudy face.

He was staring at Wang Qingrong closely.

"Danjun Qingrong, please pay attention to the influence."

"Don't use your Tianyu Sect's dirty tricks to seduce my chicken cubs!"

"It's a pure chicken! Can't be defiled by you!"

Goofing off?

Lu Shan ignored Qing Liu's last sentence.

He keenly grasped the central point of the previous sentence, and suddenly realized something.

The body couldn't help but take two steps back.

Back to Qingliu's side.

He stared warily at the woman in front of him.

I feel a little guilty.

Good guy.

Sprinkle poison on the headlights!

Long experience.

Wang Qingrong, who was exposed, didn't care, ignored Qingliu's warning, and continued to focus on the rooster.

Youyou said:
"Uncle Chicken..."

"This concubine knows a kind of dual cultivation technique."

"It can triple the speed of usual practice."

"As long as you want to..."

"It doesn't want to!" Tian Xiaorou, who followed later, came in and heard the woman named Wang Qingrong say such unbearable words, she was so angry that she refused loudly on the spot.

Then it lay in front of Lu Shan, like an old hen guarding its chicks.

This made Lu Shan very helpless.

How he wanted to say 'I do' three words.

But for Wang Qingrong of this size.

Daqingliu is the truth!

Lu Shan could only temporarily choose not to speak.

Watch the two girls keep their cocks behind their backs.

A look of guarding her tightly.

Wang Qingrong was not angry.

On the contrary, I was a little happy.

Because these two little girls still don't know the true strength of this chicken.

Although I don't understand why this chicken wants to hide his identity.

I don't understand why the eldest princess and Wanliu Yuanjun took care of themselves not to leak their words.

But with this information poor.

Wang Qingrong feels that she can do many things.

So she is not in a hurry now.

After all, there is no rush to subdue such a powerful monster.


Speaking of Wanliu Yuanjun.

If I hadn't read the description of her in the Zongmen's secret book, and met Qingliu, that stupid girl with big breasts and no brains.

She probably couldn't guess that the woman who likes to wear a bamboo hat is actually the Lord of the Mountain in Meiling, Meishan Zong.

Wanliu Yuanjun known as "Four Seasons".


Guess the prize.

Now Wang Qingrong is left in the mansion like this.

If this is for others, you may complain or get angry.

But for Wang Qingrong.


I can't ask for it!


This hostile first meeting ended in a hurry.

Under the protection of Qingliu and Tian Xiaorou, the later Wang Qingrong couldn't even say a complete sentence to the rooster.

Seeing these two girls guard the cock and leave.

Wang Qingrong snorted twice, and left here straight away.

Longer in the future!

just wait!
my dick!

Outside the palace at this time.

For the Tianyu Sect, one of the three major sects in the Western Regions, they went to congratulate the news of a new king.

The kung fu of a few cups of tea spread throughout the entire royal city.

And what surprised everyone was.

The people from Tianyu Sect never came out after entering.

What do you mean?
Make it clear that the chariots and horses support the new No.60 second king?
If this is really the case.

With the support of Tianyuzong, Zhao Jiajia has become a strong contender for the top kings?

This time.

Some high-ranking kings couldn't sit still.

For example, No.18 Wang, Zhou Wang Zhao Zhou.

When receiving this news, Zhao Zhou was leading troops to encircle and suppress an underground demon cave.

Seeing that his subordinates are quietly ambush.

The flying of a magic talisman shocked him to the point where he was in a state of shock.

As a result, the plan to ambush the monster immediately failed.

last resort.

The subordinates could only switch from ambush to storm.

But right now.

The sound of a prisoner's drum for retreating soldiers surprised all the soldiers for a long time.

Although I don't understand why those who played well retreated.

To be able to fight in the army is to emphasize the prohibition of orders.

So ever.

The soldiers had no choice but to retreat.


It's all started, how can it be so easy to retreat.

Under the attack of rat monsters with extremely fast speed.

The soldiers who left behind dozens of corpses retreated.

Looking at Zhao Zhou, whose number was much smaller, he held back the pain in his heart, turned around, and immediately set off in the direction of Wangcheng.

After all, compared to the lives of his subordinates.

Whether he can stabilize at the top rank of kings is what Zhao Zhou cares most about at the moment.

at the same time.

No.17 Wang Zhaozhi who is inspecting corrupt officials in the Acropolis.

The No.16 Wang Zhao Nu of Beimen Mountain Retreat.

No.15 Wang Zhao Liao serving porridge outside the slums of Dongshi Market.

The No.14 Wang Zhaotu who trained in the West field.

And the No.13 Wang Zhaoxiu who went to the theater in Cuiyuelou.

The first time these high-ranking kings received the news, each of them made a relative reaction.

Those who come back come back, and those who settle down settle down.

In short.

Except for the top ten top kings.

The next eight kings with similar strength responded to this matter in their own way.

And as the king of the Taizhao Kingdom, Zhao Chun.

When they first received this news, their first reaction was that the sect had thoughts about their own kingdom.

But think about it later.

There are many ways to attack Taizhao Kingdom.

The way of raising a surrogate is one of the worst.

Take the brains of three major people.

It is impossible to choose such a most foolish method.


Judging from the current strength of the Taizhao Kingdom.

The three majors unless a lot of manpower, material and financial resources are freed up.

Otherwise, it is impossible to win the Kingdom of Taizhao in a short time.


Xiling not far away.

There is also a buffalo majesty, watching the three sects quietly.

to the hatred between them.

Will you give up this chance to start?
The answer is obviously no.

Therefore, there must be something in the middle that Zhao Chun doesn't know.

thought for a long time.

Zhao Chun, who was sitting on the throne, tapped the table lightly a few times.

Suddenly said:
"Come on!"

The voice just fell.

An internal affairs officer trotted all the way to Zhao Chun, and knelt down on the ground with a 'slap'.

"The slave is here."

"Call me the three envoys stationed in the city."

"Eh? All of them?"

The internal affairs officer asked in a daze.

It turned out that King Taizhao just looked at him quietly.

Subconsciously shuddered, kowtowed, and said:
"As ordered."

Then he folded his hands and backed away, exiting the Hall of Pure Heart.

After half an hour.

With a shout.

The envoys stationed in the city of the three sects stepped into the gate of Wang Ting's Pure Heart Hall, which symbolizes the center of power in Taizhao Kingdom.

Entry, into the hall.

As the new envoy of the Meishan sect stationed in Taizhao Wangcheng.

Zhao Qingqing first bowed her hands to King Tai Zhao who was sitting on the throne, and said:

"Meishan Sect's ambassador to the city, Zhao Qingqing."

Immediately afterwards, there was a middle-aged bald man with a rich figure on the side.

He also cupped his hands and said:

"The Yuan Baozong stationed in the city sent a lot of gold."

the last one.

The woman who has the figure of a young girl, but her face and demeanor have nothing to do with children, cupped her hands and said:
"Yan Lanfei, the envoy of Tianyuzong stationed in the city."

Although it is known that the envoys stationed in the city of the three sects have a status much higher than that of the courtiers.

But looking at the attitude of these three people who only called names but did not meet him.

to be frank.

Zhao Chun still felt uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart.

But he is not a fool.

Before you have enough strength, you should feel uncomfortable, it is the kindness of others.

So Zhao Chun will not reveal any negative emotions, and even face it with a smile.

"The three envoys stationed in the city, please sit down."

He pointed to the three grand master chairs brought up by the servants.

After everyone sat down, Zhao Chun first asked Zhao Qingqing of Meishanzong:
"Emissary Zhao, do you know where the fairy mountain is?"

Zhao Qingqing heard the sound and responded with a smile:

"Meiling, Master of Rituals."

Hearing this, Zhao Chun nodded, and asked again:
"The envoy Zhao's surname is Zhao, I don't know..."

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Qingqing immediately understood what was going on, and she didn't hold back, and simply admitted:

"That's right, my concubine's grandfather was also a middle-ranking king, but his family was in decline, and he became a teacher at Meishanzong."

"Since this is the case, I wonder if Ambassador Zhao has any plans to return to the clan?"

Zhao Chun's words are very straightforward and direct.

This made the other two envoys in the city couldn't help but look at each other.


As expected.

Zhao Qingqing smiled and said nothing, and declined Zhao Chun's invitation with a smile.


Zhao Chun didn't say much, and turned to another topic.

"Three envoys stationed in the city, do you have any thoughts on this change of king's rank?"

"It's very lively." Jin Duoqian from Yuan Baozong heheed twice.

But Yan Lanfei of Tian Yuzong had a face of indifference, with a high-hanging posture of nothing to do with himself.


The attitude of Zhao Qingqing of Meishan Sect was much more blurred.

Still laughing without saying a word.

Three old foxes!
Zhao Chun, who was a bit reserved, almost couldn't hold back his curse.

Since such a trial has no results.

Zhao Chun simply asked straight to the point:

"Emissary Yan, has the Tianyu Sect participated in this change of kingship?"

"No." Yan Lanfei denied directly.

Then, without waiting for Zhao Chun to make a sound, she spoke again:

"I know what the king means."

"It's a personal grievance for Wang Qingrong of the younger generation."

"It has nothing to do with the sect."

With this.

Zhao Chun was half relieved.

Not to mention other things of the three major sects, just in terms of reputation, it is basically a smear and a nail.

The kind that says nothing.

Since I got a good answer from Tianyuzong.

Zhao Chun then turned his attention to the beautiful woman beside him.

As for Yuan Baozong.

The characteristics of the sect determine that they are only interested in benefits.

As long as there are enough interests, the head of Yuan Baozong can come out to do things for you.

and so.

All he wanted now was Zhao Qingqing's answer.

And feel Zhao Chun's questioning gaze.

Zhao Qingqing still had that smiling expression, and said with a shallow smile:

"The Meishan sect does not participate in the competition for the rank of kings who are more expensive than kings."

"If there is participation, it is also a personal grievance."

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty."

Personal matters.

What personal grievances does Mu Wanliu have with Taizhao?
Forcing her, a great monk who has transformed into a baby, to come and directly participate in the change of kings?

For a while, Zhao Chun was a little confused.


Now that he has obtained the guarantee from Mei Shanzong.

At the very least, Zhao Chun doesn't have to worry too much about Zhao's national destiny.

As for the rank change of the kings.

Don't look at the fierceness of the people below.

In Zhao Chun's eyes, it was really no different from a game.


After a few simple conversations.

Zhao Chun saw off the Palace of Pure Heart where the envoys of the three major sects had left.

But just as he was thinking about what to do next.


A fuss sound came in from outside.

Zhao Chun looked up.

He is the internal affairs officer of the harem.

I saw him walking in small steps, shouting while running.

"It's not good! Your Highness! It's not good!"

When he ran in front of Zhao Chun, he knelt down with a 'plop'.

"Your Highness!"

"Oh no!"

"Fourth princess! Fourth princess, she..."

"She... died..."

(End of this chapter)

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